
Chapter 663: Time is ruthless and 2 lives separate

Xuan Heguo's military camp was in order.

The magic-control formations are interlocked, and the "spiritual lanterns" in each tent also echo each other, forming a spiritual formation with countless radiances.

Gongye Mingchan received the three people at the main camp and inquired about their origins.

When he learned that they were missing in Dongyangyuan and living in exile, Gongye Mingchan showed something strange.

The last few exchanges she had with Fu Xuanhe happened to mention the missing people in Dongyang Yuan.

Gongye Mingchan looked at Dongfang Yunqi and thought: Judging from this person's cultivation and appearance, he should be Dongfang Yunqi, the young master of Xianzao Palace.

With his mind spinning, Gongye Mingchan nodded and said, "I can understand your feelings of wanting to return to your homeland, and I am willing to help you. But at this moment, the ancestral continent is still in catastrophe, with strong demonic energy and many monsters. You may want more Stay for a while.”

Dongfang Yunqi smiled and said: "We are already prepared for this matter. Your Highness, Princess, can we form an alliance? After we return to the ship, we need to rely on you to take care of us. At the same time, we will also provide help. If we are needed to defeat the demon, There is no shirking the responsibility.”

The tribulation will not only devour the creatures of the ancestral continent.Outsiders like them are also attacked by monsters.

Joining forces with the immortals to achieve a certain level of mutual assistance will make it easier for them to collect resources and return them to Nanyan Fuzhou.

The two girls hit it off instantly.

Later, Gongye Mingchan handed a roll of maps to the three of them.

"These are some of our strongholds on Zuzhou. If Miss Dongfang wants to exchange supplies, she can do so at these strongholds."

The dark age has passed, and the Zuzhou cultivation world has been destroyed.Only the blessed places established by sporadic orthodoxy are still surviving.

Xuan Heguo and other survivors who fled from Zuzhou sent troops to support them after receiving requests for help from these blessed lands.

There are two purposes.

The first is to check the "Demon Abyss Seal" in Zuzhou to ensure that the demon gods will not come again.

The second is to gather as many remaining human races as possible in the ancestral continent, protect them and take them away as much as possible.

The sudden appearance of Dongfang Yunqi and others was a big surprise to Gongye Mingchan.

It is not only a bridge to reconnect with Fu Xuanhe, but also a helper on Zuzhou.

According to Fu Xuanhe, Dongfang Yunqi's strength is not much inferior to him.


After Dongfang Yunqi and the others left, Gongye Mingchan retreated.Close your eyes and feel the strange dream.

But still to no avail.

"Still can't sense him."

Gongye Mingchan had worry on his face.

Most of his parents are no longer here, so if he...

Sighing melancholy, she silently looked at the hazy, moonless sky.

Since the death of his father and mother, Gongye Mingchan has never been able to enter the "dream" again.

According to the information obtained from my aunt, the innate abilities inherited by the Gongye family are the magical skills that were engraved in the blood of the ancestors using secret techniques before the Dark Ages.

The essence of its ability is insight.

It is similar to Fu Xuanhe's "double pupils" effect.

In other words, it is based on the ability of "double pupils" that comes from the distant ancestors of the human race.

Double pupils are the embodiment of the human race's insight into the surroundings in a wild environment.Like spiritual vision and wisdom, it is a blood talent inherited from the earliest times of the human race.

Before the Dark Ages, the ability inherited by the Gongye family was a preparatory link for a certain big plan - it required improving insight to the level of "observing the world".

But before that big plan was actually implemented, the Demon God's Troubles broke out.

"The reason why Fu Xuanhe and I can resonate with each other is because both of our talents are related to 'insight'. Therefore, our two spirits echo each other and open up a spiritual realm that belongs to both of us. But right now..."

Gongye Mingchan's own natural ability is still there.

Under the emotional blow of her parents' death, her natural abilities became more active.

Although it cannot reach the "observation world" expected by our ancestors.But the range she can perceive is a thousand miles.

Within a thousand miles, if she wanted to perceive, she could see it in her dreams.

It was with the help of her abilities that the Xuanhe Kingdom's female army was able to successfully return to their ancestral continent.

Gongye Mingchan became more and more confused.

This is also the reason why she hopes Dongfang Yunqi and others can return smoothly.

She wanted to know Fu Xuanhe's current situation.

If it's not his own problem, then the problem can only lie with Fu Xuanhe.

And the worst guess...

Fu Xuanhe is no longer here.


Dongfang Yunqi and the others returned the moon ship.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan Xun smiled and said: "Fortunately you are back, otherwise we would all be thinking about how to break into the military camp and get you back."

Qi Longjiao joked: "You? Just you? Sister Dongfang can't do anything, who can you save with your little strength?"

"At least, I run fast."

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while and walked to the command room together.

Zhang Xuanchu spread out the map and compared the group's footprints on Zuzhou.

"We should have come this way. From south to north... As expected, this map has many omissions and is not a complete map of Zuzhou at all."

Dan Fu said: "It's expected. They also have to guard against whether we are monsters. If they give us the map of Zuzhou and mark the human strongholds one by one... wouldn't we wait for the monsters to massacre us?"

The map Gongye Mingchan gave them only had the middle part.

The maps to the left and right are completely missing.They could neither find the East Sea nor determine the West Sea.However, depending on the north-south direction, you can leave the mainland and go to the sea.

As for the human race strongholds, some may have been deliberately hidden.

But this is all reasonable.

Dongfang Yunqi looked at the map and drew the next route:
"Next, we will help the Zuzhou people eliminate demons while escorting the mortals to various blessed land strongholds."

Zhang Xuanchu frowned and said, "That may delay our progress."

"But by doing this, we can gain the friendship of the people of Zuzhou," Dan Fu said. "Although the moon ship is beginning to take shape, it is too far from the design on the drawing. We need to exchange resources with the monks of Zuzhou to return smoothly. "

The moon ship can now fly and has air combat capabilities. It also contains a miniature blessed land.

But this is far from enough.

The moon ship conceived by Dongfang Yunqi is, in Fu Henghua’s words, an artificial satellite.

The method of return that Dongfang Yunqi is thinking about is also the "moon boat".

"Fu Daoyou is right. We need to win the friendship of the local people. Because we need more intelligence, we have to find the place where the sun and the moon rise and set."

"The place where the sun and moon rise and set?"

"That's right." Dongfang Yunqi stared at the North Sea on the map and said solemnly: "I need to send the 'Moon Ship' into the Nine Heavens. Only by breaking away from the cover of the 'Cloud Demon Sky' and sensing the real moonlight can I send it Everyone take it back."

Several people in Donglai looked at each other and thought of a rumor.

It is said that a few years ago, someone used the ascension channel of the "Six Yin Abyss" to fly to the moon from the Western Sea.

Looking at it now, it is self-evident who this person is.

Could it be that the Oriental girl plans to reenact her past experience and ascend in a moon ship?


Xingluo Demon Emperor only stayed in Xuanyuan City for seven days.

When the time comes, leave immediately.

Fu Henghua reluctantly asked to stay: "Senior, why don't you stay a little longer? We can discuss the issue of the empress's re-cultivation. Actually, I think the empress's achievements in re-cultivating the Heavenly Book and Taoism may be even greater than what she is now. Take advantage of the opportunity This time to recuperate, why not break and then stand up?"

"No need, goodbye."

The Demon Emperor watched Fu Henghua tug on his sleeves, and carefully used a burst of demonic energy to swing him away.

A few days ago, I still asked some questions.

But in the next three days, Fu Henghua started to deduce and calculate the cultivation techniques of the seven demon kings and the three demon emperors.

He watched helplessly as Fu Henghua figured out his spiritual practice from 3000 years ago.Then he asked himself for advice in a courteous manner.

Xingluo Demon Emperor really wanted to fall out.

Heaven connects the heart of wisdom.

The embodiment of human creativity, the innate ability inherited from ancient times to this day.

It really lives up to its reputation!

In order to prevent his true identity from being completely seen through.

After Fu Henghua deduced the Nascent Soul secret method of Demon Emperor Xingluo, he decisively betrayed the two Demon Emperors Chi Ling and Pu He and guided Fu Henghua to calculate their skills.

Originally, Fu Henghua's ability could not measure the current achievements of the two Demon Emperors.At most, he could only speculate on the application of Taoism by the two Demon Emperors at the Tribulation Immortal level based on some clues.

However, the Xingluo Demon Emperor "drew the trouble to the east", and Fu Henghua had a completely new understanding of the cultivation of the two Demon Emperors.

And the seven demon kings were exposed by Fu Henghua, Cang Lanzi, Meng Chen and others.

At least, the demonic skills and Taoist methods demonstrated by the seven demon kings in front of outsiders have been thoroughly considered by them, leaving them with little to learn about restraint techniques.

Regarding the decryption of the divine concubine's skills, Fu Henghua kindly proposed the idea of ​​"compiling a heavenly book".

I hope to lure the concubine to return to the path of immortality, or else she can be a fellow practitioner of immortality and demons.

But the Demon Emperor decisively rejected Fu Henghua's kindness.At the end of the seven days, he left in a hurry.If he stays here any longer, relying on his own study of the Star Taoism, this kid might even want to drag him back into the Taoist tradition!
On the sixth day, Fu Henghua worked out a star method.

You can both cultivate in the same lineage as the Star Demon and refine the Star Light and Star Demon into one body.You can also purify the star laws separately and practice the celestial phenomena.

Its Tao Fruit is the same as the ultimate Tao Fruit of the previous master.

The Demon Emperor was a little moved when he saw it.

Isn't this the secret technique created by the third senior brother back then?
Practice the incarnation of forty-eight thousand evil stars, and merge your own immortals and demons?
If I...

The Demon Emperor suppressed his heartbeat and hurried back to retreat to consolidate his state of mind.


Looking at the back of the Demon Emperor leaving in embarrassment, Fu Henghua looked disappointed.

He really planned to bring Demon Emperor Xingluo back to the right path.

What kind of merit does it bring to save a demon emperor?

How much help does it bring to your own holy path?

"That's all. It's still a long time, let's take it easy."

Turning around, Fu Henghua saw everyone's strange expressions.

"Why do the two seniors look at me like this?"

"It's nothing."

Cang Lanzi and Meng Chen lowered their gazes.

During the seven-day discussion, they were sure of one thing: Fu Henghua would definitely become a demon!
Becoming possessed can be said to be a step that Fu Henghua is about to try.

It is his means to understand the great road of creation.

"Not just discussing with Xingluo Demon Emperor, Yu Xiaolei's current situation is probably also an experiment of this kid, right?" Cang Lanzi thought to himself.

There is no immortal essence left in Yu Xiaolei's body. The immortals and demons have become one, only the innate sword energy.

It is more suitable for the way of swordsmanship, and its combat power has been increased again.He can defeat Fu Xuanxing and even be on par with Zhong Lihan.

Although no one knew what exactly happened to Yu Xiaolei.

But I can guess the general process.

He must have experienced a "demon transformation", where the immortal sword energy and demonic energy blended in his body, and finally completed the sublimation.

Fu Henghua obviously planned to do the same.

As the saying goes, only when two minds are united can one attain the Tao.

"Now that Dongfang Yunqi is missing, the whip is no longer in her hand. If this lawless bastard is possessed by a demon, can he really control the Taoist heart and suppress the demonic nature into the Tao fruit?"

Cang Lanzi and Meng Chen thought of this.

The full harvest of the past few days no longer feels good.

When Fu Henghua became possessed and lost control, they were the first to suffer the consequences.

Is it possible that he was swallowed by Fu Henghua on the spot and achieved his Heavenly Demon Dao Fruit?

Although Henghua didn't know what the two seniors were thinking, he could guess how much.

He shook his head and laughed, ignoring the two people's entanglement, but said peace to Fu Xuan.

"Brother, when will we go to Diyuan again to take a look? I found a ruins related to the Taixuan Taoism in the 'Inverted Mountain'. How about we join forces with Brother Dong to take us there to have a look?"

"Let's go and forget it. By the way, if you don't plan to use that puppet, just give it to Mo Yang."

Fu Henghua nodded with a smile, and a golden light flew out from the back of his head, heading straight for Dong Moyang.

Dong Moyang watched the golden light flying and was immediately shocked.

"Boy, why don't you keep this thing to suppress the evil calamity?"

"How can a mere puppet suppress my fate?"

The Dharma Puppet made by Zhenjun Liangyi himself has the power to rob immortals.

Although his magical powers are vast, to Fu Henghua, they are just something external to him.

"Brother Dong can protect him in the abyss after he has been sacrificed. You go first, and I will go after the research has revealed something."

After saying that, Fu Henghua waved his hand and led Xiaoyu back to the library to sort out what he had gained in the past seven days.

The Demon Emperor talked about Taoism and solved doubts for seven days, which inspired Fu Henghua as much as Liangyi Zhenjun performed "The Tao and Fruit of Creation of Yin and Yang".

Fu Henghua has a feeling that after this retreat, he may be able to gain a big harvest - especially the Star Taoism, which may be promoted to the level of Tribulation Immortal.


After Dongmo Yanghua worshiped the "Liangyi Golden Armor Divine General" for three days, he went to Diyuan Diandai Mountain with Zhong Lihan, Fu Xuanhe, and Fu Yaozhen.

Fu Yaozhen's spiritual vision to predict bad luck is the instinctive expression of the ancestors of the human race to "seek good fortune and avoid evil".

As for Zhong Lihan, he was sitting in the city lord's mansion and gave himself half a month's vacation.No matter what, he refused to continue working for Fu Henghua in the City Lord's Mansion.

The four of them entered the Upside Down Mountain together, followed the route of Fu Henghua's calligraphy and painting, and came to the gate left by Zhenjun Liangyi.

Looking at the door, Dong Moyang summoned the "Golden Armored Divine General".

The golden god appeared behind him. As he gathered strength, the god slowly slashed the dragon sword at the door.


The door slowly opened, and dust from 4 years ago flew up.

The four of them held their breath and quietly looked at what was inside the door.

"A mountain road?"

The four of them were confused.

The portal is not a secret room or a fairy palace.It's a rugged mountain road.

Walking along the mountain road to the back is no different from other places in Upside Down Mountain.

"Brother, go left!"

Fu Yaozhen seemed to sense something and guided everyone towards a dead end.

At the end of the road, they saw a broken stone slab.

The patterns on the surface of the stone slab have been erased by time, but the faint remaining true essence attribute surprised them.

"The power of Taiyin, oriental girl?"

This high-quality stone slab is the handiwork of Dongfang Yunqi.

Dong Moyang stepped forward first, before he could get closer.

The stone slab began to crack rapidly.

Soon, a palm-sized stone plate was revealed inside.

There are snowflake-like patterns all around, and there is a moon wheel mark at the top.

"This is also what the Eastern girl left behind. Why is she here? She also fell into the abyss?"


According to the plan made by Dongfang Yunqi, everyone headed north, and finally the moon ship sailed to the "North Sea".

The cold sea area is swaying with little residual light.

"Finally I can see the moonlight."

Everyone cheered and showed joy.

Only Dongfang Yunqi looked frightened and stared at the sky.

A pale crescent moon hangs high in the sky.

To others, the moon phase tonight is a crescent moon.

But in Dongfang Yunqi's eyes, the moon over Zuzhou was clearly nothing but remains.

The crescent moon is because only a small part of this "lunar star" remains.

But this was not what frightened Dongfang Yunqi the most.

Through the power of the moon, she senses the changing tides.

Further north in the North Sea, a "monster" surrounded by storms was felt.

A continent.

Looking up at the sky, eliminating the interference from the Soul Sea Star Sky, she calculated the star trajectory of the Zhen Yuan Star Sky.According to the calculation based on the trajectory, it will be superimposed year by year...

Dongfang Yunqi visually observed the celestial phenomena. No one dared to disturb him and just stood by silently.

Until an hour later, Dongfang Yunqi vomited blood and looked at the waning moon in the sky with a pale face.

4 million years!
She superimposed 4 years of time, deduced the star map 4 years later, and finally saw the familiar trajectory of the sky.

"So this is ah."

Wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, she stared blankly at the sky.

Zuzhou is the ancestral land of Xuanhe State, so it is called Zuzhou.

As for whether Zuzhou has other names, Xuanhe people don't know.

But at this moment, Dongfang Yunqi knew.

Zuzhou, also known as Tongtianzhou.

Xuanhe Kingdom was built by the Tongtian human race who fled after the destruction of the third cultivation civilization!
In other words, they are currently in an era 4 years ago!

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