
Chapter 664 Repeated Betrayal

Chapter 664 Repeated Betrayal
"Oriental girl, are you kidding me?"

Fu Danyu, Hong Changyi, Zhang Xuanchu, Ying Ruhong and Dongfang Yunqi were sitting in the room.

Shocked by Dongfang Yunqi's guess, the four of them looked ugly.

Hong Changyi tried his best to put on a smile: "This joke is not funny at all... Traveling through 4 years? How much spiritual power does this require? Just rely on that one explosion?"

He tried hard to observe Dongfang Yunqi's expression, as if he wanted to find a flaw and confirm that this was just a lie.

But no matter how he observed, he could only see "seriousness" in Dongfang Yunqi's eyes.

"I calculated based on the star map above the North Sea and deduced it backwards 4 years to get the star map we are familiar with. In addition, the north of the North Sea is blocked by a force. You should know what that is."

hurricane belt.

Hong Changyi thought silently in his heart.

If what Dongfang Yunqi said is true, the north of the North Sea is the Donglai Divine Continent 4 years ago.

Zhang Xuanchu took out the map and compared it again with the terrain of Nanzhou 4 years later.

If it doesn't match, everything won't match.

They were dazed and confused at first, not knowing where they were.It is because "Zuzhou" is a continent.

And 4 years later, there are three completely different landmasses.

Even if they are located on the same plate and seabed, are the differences in the appearance of the mountains and rivers too big?
"I remember...according to Gongye Mingchan's description. The demon god of Zuzhou was sealed in a crater surrounded by mountains? In our time, it was a deep pit and rift valley in the plain. It was only suppressed by the 'Chiyue Fairy Mountain'. "

"Forty thousand years is enough to change everything beyond recognition."

Dongfang Yunqi looked at the waning moon outside the window and said sadly.

"In the near future, this 'waning moon' symbolizing Tongtian Continent will come to an end. Instead, there will be a new moon and the Soul Sea Star Sky."

Only in this way can the construction of Nanzhou be explained.

Faced with Dongfang Yunqi's firm statement, the four of them looked at each other and did not choose to refute it directly.

After the four people left, they decisively went to find Jiang Xiaoli.

"Xiao Li, drive the boat north."

"No, return to land. I want to see the Demon God's seal."

"Going north, let's confirm the wind belt first."

Faced with completely different arrangements between the two parties, Jiang Xiaoli sailed directly to the north of the North Sea without thinking about it.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Zhang Xuanchu's face, but he did not break out.

After all, Dongfang Yunqi was standing behind.He couldn't get angry at Jiang Xiaoli randomly.

But just as the "Moon Boat" sailed into the depths of the North Sea, a strong wind suddenly broke out.

The hurricane is like a giant, attacking everyone who comes close indiscriminately.

"Does this mean you don't want us to go to Donglai?"

Hong Changyi looked at the storm full of destruction and destruction with a heavy heart.

The moon ship swayed in the hurricane, until a little moonlight lit up from the mast.

The glimmer of light gradually spread, and finally turned into a bright moon to suppress the wind and waves, supporting the moon ship to continue to advance in the hurricane.

Soon, when it reached the end of the North Sea, the moon ship could no longer move forward.

There seems to be an invisible wall ahead, blocking all living things.

Hong Chang-eul could see the hurricane ahead.

More powerful than the storm in the North Sea, it covers the sky and the sea, protecting the shadows in the wind domain.

It was a vast continent, surrounded by immortality, peaceful and peaceful.

It is completely different from the "ancestral continent" filled with demonic atmosphere.

"Is that Dongnae 4 years ago?"

Hong Changyi's mood was extremely complicated.

The "bright moon" above the moon ship shot out several divine lights one after another towards the hurricane belt, but they were like mud cows entering the sea.

"Oriental girl?"

"It's useless, my power can't push the moon ship into the wind belt."

Dongfang Yunqi's voice came slowly, summoning the four of them to go back to discuss again.

Hong Changyi did not believe in evil and used Five Elements Escape Light to fly towards the hurricane belt.

boom -

The strong wind exploded, and a repulsive force blew him away, and he fell back into the moon ship.

He stood steadily on the bow of the ship as the soft moonlight passed by.

"Old Hong?"

Duan Xun and Qi Longjiao came over, their faces full of confusion.

"What are you doing? Why did Jiang Xiaoli suddenly speed up? Also, where is this?"

Dongfang Yunqi only told four people about the speculation from 4 years ago.The rest of the people are temporarily blocking the news.

Hong Changyi understood the seriousness of the matter and would not speak carelessly.

Randomly making excuses, Fu Danyu and the other three made a fool of themselves, and then the four of them went to Dongfang Yunqi's room again.

"Now, are you convinced?"

"I want to go back and take a look at the Demon God's seal." Ying Ruhong still refused to give up.

"Perhaps all this is just a coincidence? There are naturally formed wind belts, maybe other divine continents also have them?"

In this regard, Dongfang Yunqi did not stop her, but only reminded her softly:

"Everyone, I hope you will think carefully about this matter. What should we do next? I will give you the answer in three days."


The four of them left again, and Ying Ruhong impatiently took Hong Changyi to find Jiang Xiaoli.

Zhang Xuanchu suddenly thought of something and went straight to the several "coffins" stored at the bottom of the moon ship.

The ones sealed here are his fellow disciples who attacked Sun Xuan.

When he arrived at the ice cellar, he searched among the ice coffins in the corner, and finally his eyes fell on an ice coffin that exuded demonic energy.

"Is the spirit god still there? Let me ask you something! Do you know where this is?"

The ice cellar was cold and silent, with several pale corpses lying in the ice coffins without any response.

"Don't be silent, I know your soul is locked in the body, you can hear me!"

While he was talking, he saw the "Tianyin Corpse Soul Talisman" on the surface of the ice coffin.This is a variant application of Donglai's "Corpse Soul Yin Talisman" and Taiyin Immortal Technique.It was Dongfang Yunqi who was inspired by Fu Henghua and improved the evil "living dead method" specifically to detain these Chiyuan rebels.

After a while, the ice coffin emitting demonic energy responded.

"It seems that senior brother already understands where this place is? So, facing this situation, will senior brother choose to become possessed by a demon to escape the next catastrophe?"

Zhang Xuanchu's eyes were cold: "You really know what is going to happen next!"

"The original sin of Nanzhou...isn't that why we are here? Although I am not as good as my senior brother, I still have some inheritance from my ancestors. I still know a little bit about what happened in the past."


Fu Xuan and the four people sat together and studied the stone plate left by Dongfang Yunqi.

"Can you understand what she wants to say?"

The three of them shook their heads silently.

"Go and ask Henghua?"

"Wait to go back."

Fu Xuanhe put away the stone plate, and the four of them walked forward on the rugged path again.

"Fellow Taoist, what do your ancestors think? Why do you have to build the portal so far away? Moreover, the portal has to arrange such a large mountain road?"

According to calculations, they walked at least ten miles.This mountain road still has no end.

"How do I know? How about you go to the ancient battlefield and ask him?"

Zhong Lihan shook his head silently.

He and Liangyi Zhenjun are neither relatives nor friends, so they may not be willing to see him?

Suddenly, his consciousness stirred and he immediately looked at Fu Xuanhe.

Fu Xuanhe and Dong Moyang also sensed it. One took out the talisman, and the other was surrounded by yin and yang energy and threw it directly forward.

"Who is there."

This side and the other side said the same thing.

After the offensive here started, a cold voice also came from the darkness.

"Panlong Bureau."

The golden light flashed and the dragon roar resounded.

Fu Yaozhen's heart moved and he shouted loudly: "Is that Mr. Yin in front of you?" "Miss Fu?"

Yin Yanqing was a little surprised when he heard Fu Yaozhen's voice.

The stars shone on the mountain road, and Yin Yanqing and Ouyang Ziming walked over quickly.

Seeing these two people, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the four people, Yin Yanqing was very surprised: "Why are you here?"

Fu Xuanhe and others were also surprised and said, "Didn't you go to Guixiao to visit Mrs. Yun?"

"It was after Mrs. Yun told some of the past that we decided to come to Diyuan to look for something." As soon as Ouyang Ziming finished speaking, he received a look from Yin Yanqing and stopped talking.

Fu Yaozhen's eyes flashed.

See the bones in the foggy future.

"Mr. Yin, you visited a bone field not long ago? Can you take us there to have a look?"

Yin Yanqing looked at Fu Yaozhen and said with a wry smile: "Things like spiritual vision are really annoying. Anyway, they are all from Donglai, so it's good to go and take a look. At least, be more careful."

The two men turned around and led the way, leading everyone through quiet passages and finally arriving at a wide square.

Large areas of bones are exposed here.

This situation reminds people of Shan Lingzi's experience in a trance.

"These...these bones are also from the Sixth Sect of Nanyan?" Dong Moyang walked over first, but when he saw it, he immediately knew something was wrong.

These bones did not change after death, but were like this during life.

The white bones are attached to wisps of strange evil energy. They were cursed alive and tortured to death.

The figure of the bones is twisted, still retaining the appearance of struggling before death.

"There is a formation that freezes time here." Fu Xuanhe looked at the four walls of the square.

It is these formations that stop the time of the bones at the moment of death.

Fu Yaozhen stood at the entrance of the passage on one side of the square, looking at a bloody handprint at the door.

"This should be a mechanism like the Dragon Breaking Stone. Close the portal and freeze the time in the square, allowing these dead to stay at the moment of death. And their souls-"

Fu Yaozhen looked up into the sky.

There is a strange blood gossip above the square.

On each side of the Bagua, there is a vicious demon statue.

"Blood sacrifice."

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

Fu Xuanhe seemed to have discovered something and went straight to the pile of bones in the center of the square.

Those white bones crawled here layer by layer regardless of their own safety, as if they were trying to protect something.

Carefully moving the bones away, he saw an icy blue light shield underneath.

There is a female corpse inside the mask.

Unlike other bones, she still has flesh and blood.

Her head is covered with frosty white, but her face is like that of a girl.

Fu Xuanhe stood quietly under the mask of light, watching the girl's peaceful death, and remained silent for a long time.

Dong Moyang came over and looked at the female corpse.

"This should be the leader of this group of people, right? They were desperate to protect her before they died?"

Yes, after a simple identification, he found that all the bones that died in this square were women.

Judging from the armor scattered around, they should be a team of female soldiers.

Zhong Lihan also came over to observe the female body in the light shield.

"It's strange that she can retain her own flesh and blood without being corroded by the curse?"

Fu Xuanhe tried his best to keep his tone calm, and said slowly: "This is a technique that can stop time. Before she died, she used a principle similar to the 'Square Spell' to apply a spell on herself and change her appearance. Is it fixed at the moment before death?”

"As for the gray hair, it should be a sacrifice to Tianshou. After you can't get out of trouble, you choose to keep your appearance?"

Clenching his fists, he stared at the hairpin in the girl's hair.

The tiny white petals are still blooming on the temples after many years.

Compared with the white color of frost hair, it is a different kind of plain color.


"This is Nanyan Fuzhou's original sin, betrayal, killing, sacrifice..."

Fu Xuanhe turned around and looked at Yin Yanqing.

"You mean, these Xuan... these women were all killed by Nanzhou people?"

"At that time, there should be no such thing as Nanzhou."

Ouyang Ziming said softly: "Judging from the time, these bones are of people from 4 years ago."

4 years ago?

Fu Xuanhe shook his body and tried to maintain his composure.

"When the Huntian civilization collapsed?"

"After the destruction," Yin Yanqing explained, "After the catastrophe of the demon god, the immortal masters could not save the fallen land. They could only join forces to cut off the three divine states and send the surviving mortals away. Then..."

"Then they came back."

It can be seen from the death of Zhenjun Liangyi and others on the ancient battlefield.The true kings who created the Three Continents did not abandon the innocent sentient beings in the fallen areas.They risked their lives and returned, continuing to fight the demons for their lives, seeking a glimmer of hope for the fallen land.

"Yes. They came back and died in Nanzhou. Or rather - the fifth level of the abyss."

Hearing the sarcasm in Yin Yanqing's tone, Dong Moyang reacted: "You said that the death of the Patriarch and the others did not end with the demon gods?"

"According to our research, this 'Upside Down Mountain' is the embodiment of the highest skills of the Huntian civilization. The core heritage of its civilization is sealed here. Therefore, the true kings chose this place as the decisive battle site. Only in this way can all the demon gods be seduced. come over."

Why did the demon gods raid Tongtianzhou?
Isn’t what you are looking for the technology that Huntian Civilization is about to develop?

"The plan of those seniors should be to use the 'Upside Down Mountain' as a guide to lock the demon in the 'Upside Down Mountain'. Then use the Upside Down Mountain as a plug to completely block the entrance to the Abyss. But -"

"They themselves ended up here."

Looking at Fu Xuanhe, Yin Yanqing nodded: "That's right. The original plan was for them to lock Upturned Mountain, and then work together from the First Abyss to the Fourth Abyss to create earth and rocks and fill the rift valley into flat land. But they never did. Thinking of it, those who were responsible for guarding the door for them, or wavering flags, instead took action to seal them here together. Without the power of the true immortals, although the 'stopper' blocked the abyss, it could not complete the 'burial' outside. "

Those who can do this are naturally the remaining immortals in the occupied areas at that time.

It may be out of grudge or greed.

In short, they murdered several true immortals, leaving them unable to survive.

"According to Madam Yun: Those people who murdered the True Fairy Queen thought that the dark age would be over. Unexpectedly, the sun and moon of Tongtian Continent could no longer be maintained, and the Soul Sea Star Sky was collapsing."

The ancient Tongtian Continent has lost its vitality. Not only is the human race unable to reproduce, but the reproduction of animals and plants has also been affected, and it is constantly mutating under the erosion of demonic energy.

"For this reason, they came up with another way. Since the trouble we have here is caused by the True Lords stealing the origin and reshaping the other three continents. Then as long as we take back the origin of the other three continents, we can reshape our world. "

"So, in the name of the True Lords, they sent out calls for help to the three continents. Their purpose was to sacrifice the people who came back for rescue, and to revive the continents with their origins. This is the origin of Nanyan Fuzhou and the life of Nanzhou. To possess original sin.”

Zhong Lihan looked at the bones in front of him, understood the cause and effect, and sighed: "This is also the reason why Nanzhou must be ruled by the devil, right? Using the technique of blood sacrifice to reshape the continent, it is somehow contaminated by the devil. This land naturally favors the devil, and there will naturally be a great devil's tribulation ceremony held every 500 years."

The devil once supported the immortal monks to sacrifice to the devil?

That's right.

This sacrificial ceremony was discovered by the ancestors of the Nanzhou people and was the first to perform it.

Make deals with the underground demon gods, use the power of the demon gods to reshape China, and make sacrifices to the underground demon gods at regular intervals.

The first sacrifice was made by the warriors from the Three Continents, led by Xuan Heguo, who ventured back to rescue Nanzhou.

But starting from the second time, they were mortals raised by Nanzhou.

"Wait a minute, Nanyan Six Sects have existed since that era?"

"Perhaps... the six sects that existed in that era were not the six sects. But the six sects are definitely the spiritual continuation of that group of people... Since we have the merit of creating the continent, the mortals born in this continent should naturally be grateful and contribute to us. What does it mean if a few people die every 500 years?"

After Yin Yanqing said something in a controlled tone, he added: "This is what Mrs. Yun said herself. I just imitated it."

This is the original sin Nanzhou bears.

A continent built on killing and betrayal naturally has to bear the recurring curse.

And all this made Dong Moyang feel familiar.

The betrayal of the Nanzhou people?

A very familiar plot?

The first ancestor of Chiyuan was attacked by the demon emperors at the gate of the ancient battlefield, and the second ancestor of Chiyuan was plotted against by the six sects of Nanyan...

"So, it's not that Chiyuan and Nanzhou have a grudge. It's that Nanzhou has a grudge against everyone who came to rescue them."

The result of his kind-hearted rescue was that he was dragged down into the mire by the Nanzhou people and bitten.

Beginning 4 years ago, this betrayal continues today.

(End of this chapter)

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