
Chapter 666: You were not born when I was born

"Look, Your Highness, this is the suspended staircase leading to the 'Tiandu'."

There was a spiritual lamp hanging in front of the man in gray, and he walked slowly beside Gongye Mingchan, walking side by side on a long spiral staircase.

The stairs continue downward from the seal to the bottomless "black abyss".Just standing on the stairs, I could feel the vicious and terrifying atmosphere below.

click - click -

As everyone moved forward cautiously, a ray of moonlight quietly followed.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when everyone came to a golden portal, the people in gray who stayed here came up to greet them.

These survivors wear "gray clothes" as their logo and call themselves "revivors", determined to revive the continent and revive civilization.

"Your Highness, this is the gateway to Tiandu. As long as we enter the core of Tiandu, we can reverse time and reshape the ancestral continent."

Gongye Mingchan was silent, and a female general next to him looked around and asked curiously: "Why is it that we, Xuan Heguo, are the only ones at the moment? Where are the other people?"

"Friends from the Demon Country and the Xun Country are still in the camp. Not long ago, they helped us find two hidden blessed places and rescued [-] survivors. They should still be dealing with the aftermath."

"That's right. Your Highness, we can go ahead." One of the leaders of the men in gray said, "By the way, we can take a rest first. After the next few people arrive, we will go to the 'Tianxin Palace' together."

The moonlight trembled slightly, and the barking of dogs came closer and closer, as if they were coming from the capital.

"That's fine. The sky is filled with fairy energy, which is just right for us to have a rest."

The reason why these ancestral continent survivors can survive for so long.In addition to adapting to the demonic energy, a bigger factor is the blessing of "Heavenly Capital".

Relying on the several halls in Tiandu and the spirit of the fairy spirits, the survivors still retain three tribulation immortal level masters and eighteen grand masters.

Gongye Mingchan and his party slowly walked into the mountain gate at the foot of Tiandu Peak.

Looking at the three words "Nantianmen" on the plaque, the girls felt solemn.

According to legend, heaven is home to immortals.Whenever a monk forges the golden elixir and survives the thunder tribulation, he will be summoned by the true kings to go to heaven to cultivate in secret, isolated from the world of mortals.

When walking through the "Nantian Gate", Gongye Mingchan felt a pure fairy energy blowing towards his face.Every pore on her body is frantically absorbing the spirit of the immortal spirit, allowing her earthly immortal body infected by the evil spirit to be quickly purified.

The people in gray clothes on the left and right felt this, and immediately smiled and said: "Your Highness has cultivated into a real person, but is blocked by the demonic energy, and it is difficult to achieve an immortal body. Now that you have the energy of Tiandu Yuxian, you can wash away the dirt and achieve immortality."

"Immortal body?" She shook her head slightly, "It's just half-immortal."

The real immortal bodies are those Nine Heavenly Lords who have experienced three disasters.

Perhaps in ancient civilization, her cultivation could be called "immortal".But after communicating with Fu Xuanhe, I realized that a person like her who possesses both immortal energy and elixir energy is only the fourth turn in the golden elixir path.After nine turns, he becomes the true king.The only exception may be Fu Xuanhe's younger brother.The holy fetus attains enlightenment and is a terrestrial immortal. That is the real immortal body, and it is the same species as the true kings.

Behind the Nantian Gate, the man in gray did not lead them around the mountain.Instead, he went to the secret passage of a palace and entered the interior of Tiandu.

The moonlight followed quietly until everyone came to a rest hall.

There are eight passages around the vast square, engraved with innate Bagua patterns.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment. You can drink a cup of spiritual tea first. The three elders will arrive shortly."

The people in gray clothes began to make arrangements and presented tea, melons and fruits to the female soldiers of Xuanhe Kingdom.

The female soldiers did not take it directly, but looked at Gongye Mingchan.

Gongye Mingchan stared at the cup of tea in front of him.

"It seems that your three elders are not in Tiandu."

The man in gray looked startled, then smiled and said: "Has Your Highness sensed the changes in the energy in this area? The three elders are deeper, and they have been surveying the changes in the 'Tianxin Palace'. After a while, they will personally Come and entertain.”

"Entertainment? I can't beat the three Tribulation Immortals together."

Before the man in gray could react, she made a quick stroke with her left hand.

The immortal energy condensed and the sword swept forward ten feet.

Several men in gray who were surrounding him failed to react in time and were killed on the spot.

"Your Highness, you are—"

Before the men in gray around them could react, the female soldiers of the Xuanhe Kingdom raised their weapons and fought back.

"Your Highness, what's going on?"

While attacking, they surrounded Gongye Mingchan.

"These people plan to ambush us, let's strike first -"

Gongye Mingchan's eyes were cold, and streaks of red thunder flashed around him, and then they were densely shot at the men in gray who were running away.


The moonlight flashed and Dongfang Yunqi appeared.

Looking at the dead men in gray around him, his face looked a bit sad and distressed.

"Thank you, Miss Dongfang, for the message."

"Fellow immortal cultivators should keep watch and protect them."

Dongfang Yunqi waved her hand, and the moonlight turned into a silver tide, rolling towards the escapees among them.

Soon, a large ice sculpture appeared at the entrance of the square.

"Princess, we can't stay here for long, we'd better leave for now."

"it is good."

Looking at this square, Gongye Mingchan had some ominous premonitions in his heart and did not want to stay here for a long time.


Dong Moyang squatted on the steps and looked at the numerous bones in the square.

The eight-passage road is getting smaller and smaller.Even if they stay here, Fu Yaozhen's red line balls are constantly being recovered.

It only takes a hundred steps to go out through one door and back through another.

Dong Moyang took out a small ball and threw it down gently.

The ball landed very slowly, as if time was slowing down.

"The bones in this square can last for 4 years because of the power of 'stopping time'."

For 4 years, time has stopped in the square.

But when Yin Yanqing and his two men arrived at the square, time began to flow again.

But after the initial disturbance, they were also accepted by "Plaza Time and Space".

The turbulent splash of water fell silent again, returning to a calm and still time without waves.

The "square" itself is an "independent world" depicting the "magic power of time and space".

In other words, it is a cage for trapping animals.

Whenever a living being enters, this square is used to capture, kill, and eventually become a sacrifice.

After Ouyang Ziming identified the direction, he pointed to a spot on the dome and said, "Let's work together to attack the sky above and try to use our strongest strength to penetrate a passage - I hope the power of the Chiyuan Patriarchs can help us."

Dong Moyang: "Are you planning to enter the legacy of Senior Shan Lingzi?"

"only if."

That's fine.Dong Moyang sighed lightly and stood up from the steps.

"We'll go all out. Even if we can't open the channel, the fluctuations caused by our combined efforts can make the still time turbulent again and continue to delay it for some time."

"No need, I know how to get out."

Fu Xuanhe, who had been standing in front of the female corpse and staring at Gongye Mingchan's corpse, suddenly spoke.


"Huh? You know?"

Several people looked at him at the same time.

Fu Xuanhe was seen with a dull face, reaching out to touch the "light shield" in front of the female corpse.

Ripples rippled, and the mask revealed a passage as tall as one person, which happened to be Fu Xuanhe's height.

Walking into the light shield and feeling another "world power" that was completely different from the outside world, he showed a clear look.

"There is a Tao realm inside the mask. She used all her magic power and lifespan to forcibly open up and strengthen the 'world'."

Although time in this "world" has also stopped, frozen at the moment of her death.

But Yuan Neng is very different from the "time freeze" of the square.

And this is the key to breaking the situation.

Detonate the time in this mask, causing the static time of the two worlds to collide.Thereby opening up a channel in the big explosion and finding a glimmer of hope for everyone.

And the key to controlling the "Mask World"...

Fu Xuanhe's eyes fell on her temples.

Step forward and gently pick off the flower hairpin.

At this moment, only a few people outside noticed the flowers in the hair of the female corpse.

It was an ordinary roadside wild flower.

Thumb-sized white flowers with a little yellow pistil in the center.

Fu Xuanhe held the flower hairpin and murmured to himself.

"Is it just for this moment that you kept this hand?"


A glimmer of light flashed in the stamens, and a wisp of fairy energy was activated.

"Get ready, I'm going to activate!"

After Fu Xuanhe shouted loudly, he tried his best to lift Gongye Mingchan's seal.

Pure white light flows freely from the hairpin.

Before his death, Gongye Mingchan used the most perfect sealing technique in his life to seal all his power in this flower hairpin, with the purpose of leaving a glimmer of life.

Not to myself, but...

The white light broke through the light barrier and collided with the power of time and space in the square.

click - click -

Visible to the naked eye, cracks appeared out of thin air in the air and on the ground.

The time and space in the square was forcibly shattered, and the time and space storm became stronger and stronger.

It was at that moment, in the chaos of time, that Fuxuan and Jinghong glanced at a scene that had happened 4 years ago. …

"Your Highness, run!"

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Countless female soldiers fell down, and then the light mask was set up.

Gongye Mingchan looked outside anxiously while healing his wounds.

But the sacrificial ceremony ended quickly.

Before she could unlock the seal of the light mask, she was imprisoned in the square by a group of men in gray.

"The Absolute Space Yin Sealing Technique."

Looking at the gradually quiet time in the square, her expression became more and more serious.

Suddenly, she smiled.

"It is rumored that this is the highest level of sealing. It seals time and space in one palm. In this case, I will use my time to study it slowly. When I finish studying this spell... then none of you bastards can escape... …”


Time swayed, and the scene in front of Fu Xuanhe quickly faded.

Instead, it was the moment before Gongye Mingchan died.


A trace of mysterious energy emerged from the light mask, which was almost consistent with the "Absolute Space Yin Sealing Method" from the outside world.

But Gongye Mingchan did not show joy, but stared at his hands and murmured to himself.

"So that's it. Is this what our family's ability is?

"Insight into... time and space... So is all of this just for this step?"

The essence of Reimu's power is to access the past and future.

This is part of the "Great Plan" of the Huntian Civilization. The ancestor of the Gongye family was an immortal who participated in the "Research on Time and Space" back then.

"My aunt lived a lonely life. Everyone said that she was devoted to 'Master Long Yin'. In fact, she is Master Long Yin's companion."

She had never met her great-aunt, but only heard Gongye Qinglan mention it.She went through life alone.Just holding a piece of longevity tablet, walking through a lonely life.

She devoted her life to collecting a person's information and relics.

Master Long Yin.

At the beginning of the establishment of Xuanhe Kingdom, he was one of the pioneers who helped the survivors to eliminate monsters and open up the Divine Continent.But not long after the establishment of Xuanhe Kingdom, he hurriedly sealed the escaped monsters around Xuanhe Kingdom, and then crossed the sea and returned to his ancestral continent.

If it is similar to your own experience.She should have also made a lifelong commitment to that real person in her dream, and then...

Gongye Mingchan raised his head, his bright eyes shining with golden light, spanning infinite time and space.

Fu Xuanhe was shocked.

He felt eyes meeting each other.

At that moment, he saw Gongye Mingchan 4 years ago.At the same time, she also saw herself 4 years later.

In a daze, the conversation from not long ago sounded in Fu Xuanhe's ears.

"I seem to understand...this woman didn't escape in the end...because she couldn't find a way out of this mountain. She had to stay here with these corpses?"

"But... she... began to look for a way out. How could she be buried in the bones... From this we can see... she has been hiding in the light shield until her death."

My heart keeps sinking.

Fu Xuanhe finally understood why Gongye Mingchan died.

She clearly understands the sealing method and can escape through the confrontation between two "Jue Kong Yin Sealing Methods".

But it was precisely because of her epiphany that while her Taoism improved, she understood the secrets of heaven and had a glimpse of the future, so she could not leave.


"A gap of 4 years?"

While we get a glimpse of the future, it is also the beginning of endless coldness.

The joy of reunion was washed away by the teasing of fate.

The gap of 4 years is enough to make anyone look up and sigh.

My aunt was only a few hundred years old!
But - the king I gave birth to is dead, and the sorrow I feel before you are alive is the same.

"I'm afraid there's only one thing that can be done."

He took off the flower hairpin and silently poured his accumulated mana into it.

4 years later, his body is still inside the mask of light.

And he also appeared in this square.

and so……

"I hope you can meet your sweetheart again in the future."

After a long sigh, her black hair turned into frosty hair, and she closed her eyes.


Fu Xuanhe held the hairpin tightly, but the head of the hairpin, which was not sharp, had penetrated deeply into the flesh.

This flower hairpin carries the power of the world and also entrusts the vitality inherited from 4 years ago.

"Fellow Daoist—"

Yin Yanqing roared, and when he saw Fu Xuan and Jingjing silently looking at the female corpse dissipating in the wind, he quickly stepped forward to pull him out.

Seeing him looking straight at the fading and broken corpse, Yin Yanqing said with relief: "This female corpse stopped time and kept her body incorruptible. But as time flows again, she will naturally not be able to survive forever. Although she is a benefactor like us, at this moment There is absolutely no way to protect her body. This flower hairpin token is enough to build a tomb for her."

The power of the world stirred, and a golden staircase slowly extended.

At the end of the stairs, everyone saw a looming palace.

Tianxin Palace.

But everyone present did not know the origin of this palace. They only saw that the stairs of this palace had the characteristics of suppressing time and space.

As the stairs extended, the storms of space and time gave way.

"Come on up!"

Everyone quickly flew to the stairs and escaped from the "Bagua Square" relying on the "Tianxin Immortal Staircase".

But before they could reach the "Tianxin Palace", the stairs suddenly disappeared and everyone fell back to a corridor.

The dark corridor was dank and strange, but Fu Yaozhen found a trace of marks left around him.

"This is where we found the remnants of the Oriental Girl. We came out—"

She repeatedly sensed and observed the fragments of the future in the near future, and finally chose a suitable future and led everyone back to the "Liang Yi Gate".

Finally, it was successfully returned to Xuanyuan City.


Tiandu, in a dark corridor.

Gongye Mingchan carefully looked at the stone plates and stone tablets prepared by Dongfang Yunqi.

"You learned the sealing technique from me just to arrange this?"

"Yes, I need to arrange something to confuse the 'Tengu'. Of course, it would be better if I could leave some information."

"Information?" Gongye Mingchan looked puzzled.

Dongfang Yunqi looked at her without saying anything.

It would be too unrealistic to tell an ancient person who lived 4 years ago about "time travel".

And in her opinion, this matter was too ridiculous.

If she hadn't experienced it herself, she wouldn't have believed it.

But now that things have happened, she wants to do an experiment.

At least, we should help our "future" companions feel at ease and give up their useless search.



When Fu Henghua got the things left by Dongfang Yunqi, he looked thoughtful.

"The aura of this thing is indeed left by her, but the history of this thing is... weird, a little weird..."

It was as if the stone plate had experienced endless years.

"Did she find an ancient artifact and leave traces?"

After touching the stone plate and realizing that there was a seal that he couldn't understand, Fu Henghua showed a strange color.

"When did her sealing technique become so good? Well...it seems to be a combination of two sealing techniques? Taiyin and..."

He glanced at his taciturn elder brother, who was silently running the Shenluo Tianshu.

Jade Turtle Shell and Huang Po Spirit God performed calculations at the same time, and soon unlocked the seal and obtained Dongfang Yunqi's secret message.

"We were 4 years ago, before Nanzhou was built."

Later, the names of dozens of people including Dongfang Yunqi, Jiang Xiaoli, and Zhang Xuanchu were attached.

Fu Henghua looked blank and stared at the stone plate quietly.

Travel through time?

This kind of thing...

The confusion was quickly replaced by coldness, and Fu Henghua thought of the cause of the Dongyangyuan incident.

Juetian Gun Tower!

Future Demon Emperor!

Since he wants to return to the present, it is indeed possible for people in the present to go to a more ancient time.


Isn’t this energy a bit insufficient?

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