
Chapter 667 Mid-Autumn Festival, August 8

A few days later, the City Lord's Mansion.

Henghua summoned everyone in Donglai, including the Fu family and the two Tribulation Immortals.

Henghua took out the stone plate.

"This is what is left from the East. I found their location."

The crowd was instantly overjoyed.

Taoist Long: "Where is my junior sister?"

"They are currently 4 years ago."


The whole audience was stunned.

Fu Xuanhe sat there and meditated, as he had done these past few days.

Hearing Henghua's words, he rarely raised his head and glanced at him.

Henghua pointed to the slate on the table: "This is something Dongfang sent back from 4 years ago. It can be regarded as an experiment. I need to find a way to open time and space again and communicate with her."

"Wait a minute..." Fu Xuanxing raised his hand tremblingly, "Brother Six, you don't mean to open the space-time channel and bring them back, do you?"

"Of course, that's what it means."

Yu Danqing: "Impossible. The past is history and cannot be changed. How could they appear in the past, and how could they interfere in history and send us things back?"

Not to mention Fu Henghua's delusion of saving people, they didn't even believe their speculation 4 years ago.

"What if they themselves are part of history?" Zhong Lihan thought thoughtfully, "4 years ago, it was after the destruction of the Huntian civilization, right? In that era, did they establish the Nanzhou civilization?"

"Brother, do you really believe this? 4 years ago, was the explosion powerful enough to push people that far?"

All the problems came back again.

The explosion in Dongyangyuan was not enough to activate such powerful energy.

Even if Henghua knew about "Zhuyin Tianmo", he couldn't help but feel upset.

"I believe it." Fu Xuanhe suddenly said

"I believe that we can communicate with people from 4 years ago. Even people from 4 years ago can see the present and have normal conversations with us."

Everyone looked at Fu Xuanhe and saw him getting up and leaving, heading directly outside.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, these days..."

Fu Xiangfeng: "Brother is in a bad mood these days. I'll go check on him later. Henghua, do you and eldest brother think the 4-year story is credible?"

Henghua shook his head, whatever he said now was just speculation.

Only by truly contacting the other party can we understand Dongfang Yunqi's situation.


Fu Xuanhe came out of the city lord's mansion and sighed with sadness when he saw the bright moon in the sky.

4 years ago, I wonder if the moon she saw was this one?
Taking one step forward, he came to the star observation platform high in Xuanyuan City and stared at the full moon.

"Brother, tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also the Moon Goddess's birthday festival in Nanzhou. Third brother and I plan to take our family to enjoy the moon and have tea. Will you come?"

Hearing the voice behind him, Fu Xuanhe didn't even look back: "No wine?"

"I prohibit alcohol, don't you know that?"

"No need, go ahead and make a scene. My current mood will only ruin your fun."

Fu Henghua stood behind and looked at Dong Moyang beside him.Dong Moyang winked and signaled him to leave temporarily.

Shrugging, the young man turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

Dong Moyang came forward holding the wine jar.

"You've been in a bad mood these past few days. Can you tell me what's going on? What's our relationship? If it's not convenient to tell your family, just have a good chat with your friends."

"There's nothing to talk about."

Even so, Fu Xuanhe still took the wine jar from his arms and drank heavily, with the wine dripping down his clothes.

"Do you think the technique of resurrecting the dead can be used on people from 4 years ago?"

"4 years?"

Dong Moyang was shocked.

Fu Henghua, who was listening secretly, was also secretly surprised.

There are still many obstacles in his practice of this method.

Now, although he can resurrect monks, he can only resurrect those who have just died, and their body and soul are intact, and their life span is still alive.

It is obviously impossible for people to live 4 years ago.

"4 years ago..."

Dong Moyang was thoughtful.

"That female corpse? I think there's something wrong with the way you look at her. You...you don't have nightmares anymore, do you?"

Is there any strange curse on that corpse?

Fu Xuanhe shook his head and laughed, telling about the opportunity in his dream.

Depression lingers in my chest for many days.Fu Xuanhe also planned to find someone to talk to.

Compared to family members, Dong Moyang is obviously a more suitable friend.

Just after hearing the beginning, Henghua frowned secretly.He had a good relationship with Fu Xuanhe since he was a child, so he had naturally heard the saying about "meeting a fairy in a dream".

But he never expected that his eldest brother would continue to communicate with the "dream man" in Nanzhou.

So, my sister-in-law, whom I have never met before, was from 4 years ago?
Dong Moyang's expression became increasingly weird after hearing what Fu Xuanhe said.

"Are you wondering if this is my random imagination, or if someone has cast an illusion on me?"

Dong Moyang smiled awkwardly.

"Since she was hiding in the light shield and had a way to escape, why did she die there?"

In one sentence, Dong Moyang was speechless.

After finding someone to talk to, Fu Xuanhe undoubtedly felt much better.

Drink all the wine in the wine jar and return the wine jar to Dong Moyang.

"Okay, if you don't believe it, just think I'm talking nonsense."

"Believe it, can't I believe it?"

Dong Moyang put away the wine jar and quickly followed.

"Why don't you go to the family dinner and show your face? Otherwise, your younger brothers and sisters won't be able to worry about it. Don't worry, I'll accompany you. Is Xuan Xing here too?"

Fu Xuanhe paused and frowned, but let Dong Moyang put his arms around his shoulders and pull him to attend the family banquet.

After the two left, Fu Henghua appeared at the star observatory.

Holding the Chan jade mirror in your hands, you look at the bright moon in the sky.

"The mirror's spell should be upgraded. As long as it's a bright moon, even if it spans 4 years, I don't believe that my method can't contact anyone."

The mirror light flashed, and through the power of the moonlight, Fu Henghua continued to perceive everything on the moon.


Even if we look up at the same bright moon, people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

In the Xingluo Demon Palace, the Demon Emperor and his wife looked at the moon and drank tea.

The full moon is like a bright disk, illuminating the universe.

Suddenly, the Demon Emperor let out a sigh and silently put down the tea cup.

"Your Majesty?" The concubine, who was eating Yue Ruifu cake, handed a piece of cake to the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor shook his head slightly: "It's okay, I just think of my old friend - maybe it's because of that boy. I don't know why these days, I often recall the comfortable life in the mountains with my brothers."

The concubine remained silent and stuffed the cake into her mouth.She was unable to speak about this matter and felt guilty.

If it weren't for himself, he should have been a celestial being with high moral standards.

"The moon wheel always hangs high in the sky, regardless of whether it is cloudy or sunny, always overlooking all living beings. The third senior brother once said that he wanted to use the principles of Taiyin to open another celestial book. Of course, because of the Yue Langtian, he finally gave up. "

Mochizuki whispered, and the Demon Emperor's thoughts drifted thousands of miles, recalling the experiences of his brothers and sisters during the festival in the mountains.

He picked up the tea cup and gently tossed it into the air.The water light disperses into little golden lights, like thousands of golden osmanthus flowers falling in the rain.

Another tap on the tea cup, the moonlight flowed into the cup, and a palm-sized goddess danced gracefully.

"Third Senior Brother likes these the most. He often says that the magic of immortality is not about showing off cruelty, reversing nature, and being ever-changing. This is the freedom of immortality."

The concubine leaned gently on his shoulder and looked at the full moon in the sky: "Your Majesty returned from Xuanyuan City in a depressed mood. Could it be that he has thoughts of returning to the immortal way?"

The Demon Emperor shook his head and said nothing.

"If Your Majesty has this thought, I will follow you. After all, now, it is not the same year, nor is it our homeland."

The devil's path has been sinking for many years. Although he has attained the title of Demon Emperor, he has not made any progress for a long time.

Obviously, the road to magic has come to an end.

If there is a way forward to return to the immortal path, she should give her full support.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's wait until this calamity is over before we talk about anything else."

The Demon Emperor shook his head again and said with a bitter smile: "Is it possible that just a few words from a child can cause chaos for you and me and damage the strength of the Demon Palace? Let's see -"


In Wanjian Mountain, the Sword Demon Lord was holding hot tea and looking at the girl practicing swordplay under the moonlight, as if he was seeing himself in the past.

"On Lunar Day, every family celebrates reunion. You can take a rest."

Yin Yulong did not stop and continued to practice the swordsmanship he had learned from the Sword Demon lineage.

"I don't have much time. If I want to cut off the demonic bond, I must have the strength to overwhelm my mother and those uncles. But you, you sat quietly on the high platform after you came back. How much of your cultivation has been restored?"

Suddenly, a flash of silver appeared.

Yue Jinghan stepped down from the high platform, and a sharp innate sword energy burst out, penetrating the sky and moving the bright moon.

"I have been in seclusion for a while, and now I have recast the sword body. Although I cannot fight against the great demon kings, it is enough to protect myself from this evil calamity."

Seeing the sword energy in his hand that was not mixed with any demonic energy, Yue Jinghan sighed in his heart and admired that "little gentleman" even more.

With his help, he and the reckless man could hope to see the ultimate in swordsmanship in this life.

This favor... is huge.

The moonlight scattered, and I unconsciously stirred up my heart, thinking of another person who had benefited.

Now, with his swordsmanship, he should soon reach the realm of sword master, right?

Seeing Yue Jinghan deep in thought, Yin Yulong couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "What is the Demon King thinking about?"

"Nothing, I just thought about the origin of the Moon God's Birthday Festival. According to legend, the ancient continent was destroyed and the moon was gone. A strange person appeared from the sky and refined the moon and stars in the sky. The birth of the moon was on August [-]th. Therefore, this is a festival that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years in our southern continent."

Moreover, in the evolution of folk customs over tens of thousands of years, the Lunar Festival has also been related to love.The crazy man and the resentful woman expressed their love with the moon and gave each other mooncakes.

Thinking of this, the mooncake in front of me suddenly lost its fragrance.



Yu Xiaolei rubbed his nose and sat with Fu Xuanxing and others, watching the singing and dancing in the sea of ​​chrysanthemums.

Fu Henghua, Fu Xiangfeng and others were playing time and enjoying the music.

The Fu family banquet, as several Fu family members continued to invite friends to the banquet, eventually turned into a homesick banquet for Donglai people.Everyone from Donglai was present, and Yu Xiaolei was no exception.

Yu Xiaolei obviously had no interest in the Fu family's usual show of playing piano and poetry.

He was more concerned about the sword dance Fu Xiangfeng said.

It is said that members of the Panlong Island clan of the Fu family will take the stage one by one to dance their swords under the moonlight.

"When does the sword dance start? By the way, does the sword dance also need a partner?"

"Haha..." Fu Xuanxing gnawed on the mooncake and said quickly, "Are you itchy again? Don't worry about it at a time like 'Sword Dance Under the Moon'? If you offend Brother Xuanhe, it won't be a beating." "

Yu Xiaolei looked at Fu Xuanhe on the main seat.

Fu Yaozhen and Fu Xiangfeng, one on the left and the other on the right, were quietly comforting their brother.

Looking at the man's face, Yu Xiaolei silently restrained his arrogance.

He couldn't beat him, but in order not to get beaten, he still stayed out of trouble.

"If you can't get over it, I'll fight you later. Brother Six and the others... don't mess with them at the banquet."

After eating a few pieces of mooncakes, Fu Xuanxing patted his belly, looked up at the moon and thought in distress: Today is the night of the full moon. I wonder if Xiao Li could have eaten mooncakes 4 years ago?


"I have a big mooncake, no matter who says it, I won't accept it..."

The boy hummed a song and squatted beside the oven to monitor the doneness of the mooncakes.

Although the Moon of Nanzhou has not been born yet.But Donglai also has a corresponding Mid-Autumn Festival, which is closely related to the lunar calendar.

"This kid is heartless. He can still bake mooncakes in his spare time at this time."

Hong Changyi and others felt helpless when they saw Jiang Xiaoli's actions.

Now that they have rescued Gongye Mingchan and his party, they have fallen out with the remnants of Nanzhou.

Now in the land of Nanzhou, they are in danger.

I'm afraid they'll be knocking on your door soon.

"So what? You can't be so frightened that you can't live well just because of the crisis in the near future, right?" Qi Longjiao obviously had a different view.

And, she was concerned about another thing.

"Zhang Daoyou, do you really plan to join us to help people like Gongye Mingchan? You know, the time here is..."

Due to the urgency of the matter, Qi Longjiao and others have also learned about what happened "4 years ago".

After being shocked, the Moon Boat Party joined forces with the female army of Xuanhe Kingdom to build a blessed place for self-protection.

"I do not know either."

Zhang Xuanchu smiled bitterly.

He couldn't bear to let Gongye Mingchan and his group die innocently, but he was just the conscience of Chiyuan's disciples who had taught him moral lessons since childhood.

But in retrospect, he couldn't help but regret it.

Will doing this change the future?
Or even influence yourself and others to return to the future?
Dongfang Yunqi and Gongye Mingchan discussed for a long time, then suddenly stood up and came over.

"I have several plans about going back to the future."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Are there many plans to go back?
"In the first one, we hide in the moon and freeze time. We will wake up again after 4 years."

Everyone looked towards the dark night sky.

This day is August fifteenth.

The birth moon of Nanzhou in the future.

But right now, it's just the crumbling Zuzhou Cangyue that's struggling to hold on.

"Fairy, do you plan to reshape the moon and stars?"

"With my body, I will light up the waning moon. Then I will protect you and others in the moon and stars. When Brother Dao and others land on the moon to wake them up 4 years later, we can return."

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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