
Chapter 668 The Bridge Across Time

Chapter 668 The Bridge Across Time

Dongfang Yunqi said it lightly, but everyone present was not a young master, and no one knew how difficult this matter was.

Not only the birth moon and the technology that has been frozen for 4 years, but also the fact that Dongfang Yunqi wants to stay alone in Hanyue and wake them up after 4 years.

In order not to affect the established historical development of Nanzhou, she could not leave the Moon and Star. She could only stay in the Moon Palace alone and suffer from 4 years of loneliness.

Of course, Zhang Xuanchu and Ying Ruhong thought of another point and felt even more hesitant.

If they are no longer sleeping on the moon and stars, but actively join the world, can they leave some more foundation for their "future selves" to facilitate their own enlightenment in the future?

Dongfang Yunqi's suggestion was inevitably somewhat contradictory to the two of them, or to everyone in Chiyuan.

Of course, they also knew that Dongfang Yunqi was the victim of the whole thing.When people showed their kindness, they had no shame in asking Dongfang Yunqi to give them other preferential treatment.For example, if Yuexing is sleeping normally, he will go to the lower world if he has a chance, and then he will cause trouble and then escape back to Yuexing.

Dongfang Yunqi glanced at the two of them and continued with her second plan.

"If you find the first option unacceptable. We can capture a strange beast with the ability to travel through time and space. And use it as a medium to open the time and space channel and return it to 4 years later."


"Is there such a strange beast in this world?"

"Of course, I am not only convinced that there is such a strange beast, but I also know that it is coming to this era."

After Dongfang Yunqi made some rough decisions, she came up with the third plan.

"We can create a big explosion ourselves. The explosion in Dongyangyuan can send us to the past. If we work backwards, we can naturally send us back 4 years later."

"How...how can we ensure that we can be accurate to 4 years in the future?"

"Yes. What if we are scattered again? And the impact of the explosion is difficult to withstand."

"That's why there is this moon ship - of course, the moon ship may not be stable. It would be more appropriate if there was a strange beast with the ability to travel through time and space as the tracker of the moon ship."

Alien beast?

This naturally returns to Dongfang Yunqi's second plan.

"Fairy, what exactly is this strange beast you call?"

woof woof woof woof woof

The sound echoed in the void, and Dongfang Yunqi seemed to sense it, looking at the "Mouth of the Demon God".


"Dog?" Hong Changyi couldn't help blurting out.

"Yes, it's a tengu that eats the sun and the moon."

Hong Changyi fell into deep thought and thought quickly.

Others, especially Jiang Xiaoli and Yuwen Chunqiu, looked a little strange when they heard "Tiangu".

Whether Dong Moyang or Taoist Long, Dongfang Yunqi's fate of becoming a saint has been discussed with his junior brothers.

When they heard about Tengu, they naturally thought of this.

It's the Tengu chasing after him.

Or was their time travel the work of Tengu?
Before they could think or speak, Hong Changyi said first: "Let's take the second plan! Let's catch the Tengu!"

Ying Ruhong said worriedly: "Tengu is a different species from heaven and earth, conceived in the darkness and formed by darkness. The strength of the adult tengu is no less than that of the divine beast. Fellow Taoist, please do not act recklessly."

"So what about Tengu? Because they are dogs, they are easy to deal with."

After Hong Changyi finished speaking, he took out something.At the same time, he looked at Jiang Xiaoli with sharp eyes.


While Dongfang Yunqi was busy, Fu Henghua also hurriedly led people to the Chiyue Mountains.

"4 years ago?"

Bu Xuan and Shan Lingqing looked confused.

Song Yuan looked Fu Henghua up and down, seeming to wonder if he had secretly killed Zhang Xuanchu and others.

Can you come up with such outrageous reasons?

"I don't want to speculate like this, but the information from Eastern Taoist Friends is like this. She also clearly wrote down the list of dozens of them."

He handed the stone plate to everyone in Chiyuan, and after passing it around to the Tribulation Immortals, they silently communicated with each other.

After a while, Shan Lingqing led Fu Henghua to "Xiaoshu Peak".

Henghua's purpose was not only to convey a message, but also to use the power of the Chiyuan Taoist sect to determine the universe and organize the records of the stars and the moon for 4 years.

Among the several mainstream theories of astrology, there is one type of view.

The stars we see today are actually the light projected here thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago.

According to the theory of this school of thought, past history can be understood by interpreting starlight and moonlight.

For the next ten days or so, Fu Henghua led Cang Lanzi, Meng Chen, Shan Lingqing and other Tribulation Immortals to study the "Xingyue Genealogy" and calculate and deduce the secret of the ancient moon.

According to Fu Henghua's speculation, Dongfang Yunqi and others will make a fuss in "Ancestral Continent Waning Moon".Maybe the Nanzhou Moon Goddess is her?


"There are no living beings above the moon and stars."

"Is it possible that we have ignored it? They are not at the surface, but at the core?"

"The moon and stars have no living beings. But someone did try to create the moon."

"Perhaps they traveled before the moon and stars were born, so the moon spectrum we calculated doesn't match up?"

"No, the waning moon of Zuzhou turned into a new moon, and the ground roots became the ground roots of Nanzhou. Theoretically, they are still those things, but they have changed their appearance. If Dongfang and others were really there 4 years ago, whether it was Zuzhou or Nanzhou, No matter what, there should be clues left behind."

But there is nothing on the moon.

Several people came out of the library and discussed as they walked. "You mean, they weren't 4 years ago?"

"It's possible that they themselves misunderstood."

Thinking again that they found the stone plate in Diandai Mountain, Henghua looked down at the abyss.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and came up with a bold guess.

"Everyone, I'm going to take a look at 4 years ago - oh, not really going there, but standing on the other side and looking at it."

Listening to his words, Meng Chen and Cang Lanzi frowned more and more.

Although the two of them knew that Fu Henghua was proficient in hundreds of schools of thought, they could come up with a sentence about 4 years ago out of thin air.

What does this kid think the magic is?
Can we go back 4 years with just a few tricks?
"If you two seniors are willing, would you like to go together?"

"You want to lead us to 4 years ago?"

"You can't go to the real 4 years ago, but you can still take a look from the air. Brother Shan Dao, please tell Zhangshan that I want to go to Upside Down Mountain."

"Go again?"

Shan Lingqing looked miserable.

Since the Dongyangyuan Rebellion, how many visitors has the forbidden place of Diaoshan Mountain received?

He sighed melancholy: "My friend, I plan to stay at the foot of the mountain this time..."

"No, this trip may disturb the founder of your sect. Therefore, it would be best if you all can go with us."

After hearing that the Patriarch was disturbed, Chiyuan was not willing to be accommodating easily.

However, there are Chiyuan disciples who may be with Dongfang Yunqi. For the sake of the unity of the sect, they have to accept Henghua's affection.

In the end, Shan Lingqing and Master Jiuyu accompanied the three of them to the Upside Down Mountain.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Master Jiuyu asked, "What are you going to do now?"

"Does Master know the origin of this mountain?"

"This is a legacy of ancient civilization and the place where immortals live."

"Yes, the place where immortals live has its own magic."

Fu Henghua carefully observed the upside-down fairy mountain and silently shot a magical spell downwards.

Tiangang Taoism - moving stars and changing battles.


Starlight condensed around him, like hazy drops of water, quickly spreading in all directions.

Then streams of water appeared, intertwining into bridges at the feet of Henghua.

After reading this beginning, Cang Lanzi suddenly realized: "Physical properties are displaced and different phases are replaced."

Spells can exert and amplify the corresponding abilities through the fundamental physical properties of a thing.

The figurines are used as substitutes for life and experiments.

Mirrors, as objects of reflection, can amplify illusions and create projections.

So, what are the physical properties displayed by Upside Down Mountain at this moment?
Fu Henghua walked down step by step, and his voice became more and more ethereal.

"From the death time of the senior Shan Lingzi, to the death time of the first ancestor Chiyuan, and finally to the death time of the seniors in the ancient battlefield. It just so happens that the further you go to the top of the mountain, the older the time becomes. This road is the journey of searching for the ancient times. road."

Paying homage to our ancestors, from near to far, from present to ancient times, seems to be a journey back in time.

Everyone suddenly understood and quickly followed Fu Henghua's footsteps.


The Bridge of Ancients is illusory and uncertain, but it seems to really exist.

"Henghua, this technique of yours..."

The young man walked at the forefront and wrote lightly: "It's just a deep application of physical properties."

I don't understand this?I'm wondering if there's a metaphor for this "Bridge to the Ancients".

In ancient times, it was a reference to a certain group of people in Donglai.

Henghua remained silent and led the way.

He created this technique by himself due to inspiration, but he believed that his uncles had similar techniques.In other words, Dad will leave them similar teachings.

The essence of this Taoism is to look back to the past.Magical powers such as returning to heaven and returning to the sun, moving stars and changing battles, etc. are all involved in this.It is even more simple, and a more advanced foundation-building monk can do it by looking back at the past images of several hours through the sand.

Carrying several people across time, they arrived at the end of the bridge.

There, it was time to get close to the ancient battlefield.

But they did not really enter, but stood on time and looked at the other side.

The silent time turned into billowing waves, and came to life completely at the moment they laid eyes on it, interpreting the past history of Nanzhou or Tongtian Continent.

However, even if they traveled across time and looked at the turbulent waves of time 4 years ago, their group could not find the whereabouts of Dongfang Yunqi.

A drop of spray, a piece of history.

But no matter how they searched, they could not find the whereabouts of Dongfang and others.

Amidst everyone's increasingly solemn and serious expressions... Fu Henghua suddenly smiled.

He deliberately clapped his hands and spoke loudly: "This is good news. It means that they have not really returned to 4 years ago. Unexpectedly, the East would also do such foolish things. Mistaking... as the past."

Hiding the word, he looked thoughtfully at the past.

Perhaps he understands why the Huntian civilization was destroyed.This also explains what the original function of the Dongnae Hurricane Belt is.

(End of this chapter)

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