
Chapter 669: Wei Qi cures the tengu

The mouth of the devil.

Gongye Mingchan led Xuan and the whole country to work together to impose a seal.

Layers of red seal formations piled up one after another, forming a thick platform in the "Abyss".

Suddenly, a black light suddenly appeared and rushed into the cloud sky accompanied by the howling dog barking.

"It's here!"

The five-color divine light burst out violently, and during the roar, five divine dragons and five divine birds worked together to hold up the five-fingered peak.


Before the Tengu could take off, it was blocked by the Five Elements Sacred Mountain and had to fall to the seal.

"Woof woof——woo——"

Black light fell on the sealing platform, and a front foot emerged from the darkness.


Just slapped his front foot towards the sealing formation, and the red light immediately disappeared.

Gongye Mingchan frowned slightly, and then said to his left and right: "Ignore it, our seal is still there, continue to strengthen the seal."

Is it just absorbing the light?

It is indeed the method of Tengu!

The spirit of darkness, the spirit of obscurity.

In the air, Yuwen Chunqiu and Hong Changyi appeared at the same time, and together they raised the "Five Elements Sacred Mountain" and smashed it down on the Tengu again.

A dog's head quickly emerged from the black light. When the Five Elements Holy Mountain was pressed down, the dark condensed dog's head suddenly grew in size, and its huge mouth swallowed the fallen Five Elements Holy Mountain.

crackle - crackle -

Waves of thunder erupted from the thousand-foot-long dog head, and the pure purple lightning quickly tore apart the darkness, and countless blasted rocks fell toward the black light below.


Yu Linshan and Duan Xun smiled.

They buried a large number of thunderbolt beads and Lihuo beads in the Five Elements Sacred Mountain, which can not only generate light, but also use the power of thunder and fire to cause explosions from within.

The black dog head shattered, and a black energy quickly returned to the black light below.

Hearing Wu Guangzhong's muffled roar, Yu Linshan's smiles quickly faded.

"This guy's black dog head is the power of Dharma, a type of light-eating magic."

A ray of moonlight lit up in the sky, and Dongfang Yunqi sat on the moon boat, looking quietly below.

finally come!

When Tengu came to this world, she truly felt her doom.

There will definitely be a fight between him and this tengu.

Sensing the appearance of the real master, the black light slowly converged, revealing the true appearance of the tengu.

One foot long, black body and white face.There is a red bead on the forehead, shining brightly.

The Tengu stared at Dongfang Yunqi, saliva slowly dripping from his mouth.

Eat her—eat herself to go one step further.


The figure flashed, and before anyone could react, it quickly pounced on Dongfang Yunqi.

"Go down—"

Gongye Mingchan made a backhand move, and twelve red chains appeared from the sealing formation, quickly entangled with the Tengu.

Hong Changyi and Yuwen Chunqiu decisively summoned the Dharma Puppet.

The big peacock and the five-headed dragon ring worked together to raise the Five Elements Sacred Mountain and smash it down on the Tengu again.


The Tengu was restrained by the "Nine Flame Seal Chain", and his body continued to struggle in mid-air.Seeing that the Five Elements Mountain was about to fall, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a ball of black balls.

The black ball of light quickly touched the Five Elements Mountain and swallowed it up quickly.

"Simulate the death of stars and the power of black holes."

Dongfang Yunqi only glanced at it and quickly said to everyone.

"The third plan."

As she spoke, she shook the silver bell in her hand.

Crisp sound waves echoed in the air, and everyone could vaguely see the shadow of a bright moon, slowly covering a thousand miles in radius.

Under the moonlight, everyone was covered with a layer of spiritual clothing, and the mana they had just consumed was rapidly recovering.

Sun Xuan, Fu Danyu and others took out the fire pillars they had prepared earlier and used the power of the Bagua Furnace to directly trap the Tengu into the sealing platform.

While refining it with real fire, Fu Danyu said: "Why do I feel that this Tengu's magic power is weaker than imagined?"

"Indeed, it was weakened a lot when we fought against it that day," the moon ship floated down, Dongfang Yunqi looked at the Tengu and said, "When it came to the past, it seemed to have consumed a lot of its origin. No, it didn't just come to the past, it came from outside the territory. When it comes, its own strength is also weakened."

At present, the power of this Tengu is only the fifth level of the Golden Core.Compared with that day, Dongfang Yunqi's magical power has become much stronger.Coupled with the sealing formation of Gongye Mingchan, a sealing master.

The combat power the Tengu exerts now will only be comparable to that of a newly promoted Tribulation Immortal.


Thousands of miles away, Zhang Xuanchu, Ying Ruhong and others saw a bright moon covering the "Mouth of the Demon God", and they all cheered up.

"They have already started over there. How many more pursuers are there?"

Capturing the Tengu is a big operation, but the revivers are hostile to all creatures on the land of the ancestral continent and regard everyone as a sacrifice.To prevent the revivalists from causing trouble, the task of Zhang Xuanchu and other Chiyuan disciples was to lure the people from Zuzhou away.Buy time for Dongfang Yunqi and others.

"Some of them are going to the Abyss. But the remaining half are still chasing us."

They rode the silver fairy boat and speeded through the sky.Black lights followed closely behind him, but they could not catch up with this "Taiyin Immortal Ship".

Zhang Xuanchu looked back with his spiritual consciousness and realized that the twelve monks were planning to attack together, so he quickly accelerated again.

Ying Ruhong: "Senior brother..."

"Huh?" Zhang Xuanchu buried his head in controlling the direction, "Is something wrong?"

"What do you think about going back?"

"It would be best if we could go back. But if we can't, we can try our best to get the chance. Of course, the Oriental girl's attitude is very important."

If Donglai people really choose to sleep for 4 years, he will not go.

Therefore, he needs to negotiate terms with Dongfang Yunqi.He froze his body on the moon and star, and then his soul came to Nanzhou to practice.After each death, please ask Dongfang Yunqi to lead him back to Yuexing.

However, this move will have certain exposure risks and cause trouble for Dongfang Yunqi and Donglai.

"I have reached an agreement with her. I will fully assist her in suppressing the Tengu in exchange for her support for us - of course, returning them all 4 years later is the best choice."

Ying Ruhong remained silent and silently passed on the news that some of the revivers were going to the Demon God's Mouth to Gongye Mingchan and others.


The mouth of the devil.

The female soldiers received the news that the revivalists were coming and immediately deployed defenses.

"Sisters, cheer up! These bastards want to trick us, so let them never come back!"

"Yes, kill them!"

"You dare to plot against us, you are a bunch of ungrateful dogs, you have rebelled against them!"

The female soldiers went all out, and a giant wall built with "sealing techniques" rose up around the mountain, completely sealing a thousand-mile radius.

Tengu and everyone from Donglai are all inside the sealing wall.

Everyone in Donglai breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the sky being covered by the sealing wall, and then lit up with gorgeous red clouds, echoing the shadow of the bright moon.

"Everyone, go all out!"

Lure away Chiyuan's group and no longer have to worry about hiding.

A puppet of Dharma appeared, and everyone's Qi continued to rise, almost reaching the level of a master.

"The wind moves through the nine heavens, and the thunder shakes the three realms."

Qi Longjiao and Yu Linshan took action at the same time. One hung the wind belt in the sky, and the other sprinkled thunder beads all over the sky.

The wind and thunder moved together, causing the Tengu to be covered in wounds.

Then the Golden Crow appeared in the sky, holding down the Tengu with its three sharp claws.Danyu used the "spell of moving stars" to attract the extremely thin starlight and shine with the sun god's fire.

"Jade Palace and Golden Tower."

The palace expanded in the air and once again formed a formation above the sealing platform.

The sun and stars work together and echo the moonlight in the sky.

Taking this opportunity, Dongfang Yunqi struck down a "Moon Lotus". "burst!"

The star palace was destroyed, the sun burned the sky, and together with the impact of the moon lotus explosion, the tengu was thrown back to the sealing platform.

Bound by layers of seals and chains, Tengu's actions become increasingly difficult.

"be honest!"

Hong Changyi took out the iron ring and put it on the head of the tengu.

Dog training circle, secretly taught by Fu Henghua.

When the iron ring was put into the neck, a numbing electric shock quickly spread throughout the body.


The tengu roared angrily, and rays of magic light erupted from his body.

When he could touch the iron ring, he was eliminated by a strange force.

"Stop struggling, this is specially designed to restrain dogs——"

Before Hong Changyi could finish speaking, the Tengu's forehead suddenly split open, and a black shadow quickly jumped into the sky.

The violence condensed in the shadow quickly opened its sharp claws and clawed hard at Dongfang Yunqi.

After Ruppo left the body, the Tengu's physical body was quickly bound by the power of the dog training ring, and dense black spells covered the Tengu's body.

It's just that the Tengu's physical body at this moment doesn't have much essence, and it seems to be just a broken and shriveled skin.

"No, Tengu is made of ghost spirits. Violence is the root, and for it this flesh and blood body——"

It's just a temporary body entering the world.

Hong Changyi reacted and immediately yelled at the sky.

"Oriental girl, be careful——"

The violent soul is the origin of Tengu, which is caused by the power of darkness and lightlessness.

As it flies into the sky, a layer of lightless realm automatically unfolds.

Lunar eclipse, the moon in the sky is undergoing a "lunar eclipse" at a speed visible to the naked eye.At that moment, the shadow of the bright moon covering thousands of miles dimmed by itself. Dongfang Yunqi's magic power was suppressed by the strange force and could hardly function.

Just as the "dog training ring" restrains the Tengu, the Tengu's power of eclipsing the light and swallowing the moon also restrains Dongfang Yunqi.

Darkness replaced the moonlight and red glow, and everyone's vision was also swallowed up by darkness, and they could only rely on their spiritual sense to sense their surroundings.


Dongfang Yunqi threw the bell into the sky.

As the bell shattered, moon shadows floated in the air.

There are twelve in total, like twelve bright moons surrounding Dongfang Yunqi.

In the darkness, light rises again.

Two completely different realms collide.

The moonlight is retreating steadily.

"Your power does restrain me. But Brother Dao and I have been studying for many years, and I have already managed to overcome such a huge weakness."

The flaw in the Taiyin method lies in the "lunar eclipse".

"In order to fight against the lunar eclipse, I specially practiced a Taoist method - returning to heaven and returning to the moon."

This is the same Tao method of "returning to heaven and returning to the sun", but with "moon" as the Tao phase.


Drops of water flow out from the twelve moon shadows.

The water droplets dispersed automatically in the air, turning into thousands of flashy bubbles, quickly turning back time.

Everyone below could clearly feel that there was a "distortion" in the airspace above.Compared with the lower space where they are located, the flow of time is not only slowing down, but also being pushed backwards.

The "moon phase shadow" engulfed by the lunar eclipse is rapidly rotating.

The moon phase covering thousands of miles echoes the twelve bright moons.

"Everywhere the moonlight shines is my domain."

The moon boat flew thousands of miles under the moon phase.

The seemingly small body is like the core of this moon phase, and it also triggers the changes of the twelve moon shadows next to it.


In the twelve moon shadows, girls appeared one after another.They raised mirrors, swords and other magic weapons, and simultaneously attacked the "dark evil spirit" in the air.

Twelve rays of pure white moonlight clashed with the dark magic light.

Dongfang Yunqi moved her hand and tapped the silver scepter downwards.

Light golden formation patterns are densely connected in the air.

The shadow of December, the moon phase of a thousand miles, the moon boat, and Dongfang Yunqi herself.

Everything becomes part of the formation.

"Go down."

The silver scepter pointed at Rupo, and in a dazzling ray of light, Tengu Rupo was knocked back directly downwards and returned to the withered skin.

Hong Changyi saw the opportunity, picked up the dog-beating stick and hit him violently. .


A strange feeling of comfort came from the place of impact, and the Tengu shivered.The originally ferocious roar lost its tone, and instead seemed to be coquettish.

"The pot is boiling, the pot is boiling, my spell is ready——"

At this time, Jiang Xiaoli rushed over quickly, holding a pot high.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way. Brother Chang Yi, you won't blame me until you get burned——"

When Hong Changyi quickly retreated, Jiang Xiaoli quickly pulled down a cauldron with blazing flames.

"Lingshan Taoism, fragrant meat and immortal pouring!"

Waves of strange meaty aroma wafted out of the pot, and a strange firepower wrapped around the tengu.

It widened its eyes and hurriedly opened its mouth to spit out magic light.

But under that firepower and the strange restraint of the cauldron, the magic light he sprayed automatically dissipated, and he watched helplessly as he was being held by the "iron cauldron".

"Is it also a magic weapon for dogs? No, this Taoist method..."

Everyone gathered around. Hong Changyi looked at the dog-beating stick in his hand and asked, "You also taught this from Henghua?"

In Lingshan Taoism, there are many special effects spells for chickens, ducks, fish and sheep.For dogs, it is naturally not difficult.

"No, I made it myself."

Jiang Xiaoli raised his chin and said proudly: "This is the eight-course meal No. 20 of my 'Fantastic Meal for All Beasts'. It can be cooked with all kinds of dog spirits and monsters in the world. The food will be delicious and intoxicating, and you will not forget it for three days."

His family's academic background is originally from the lineage of "Taoist Curse Masters". With Fu Henghua's careful teaching of spiritual diet and deduction methods, he has become a family of his own.

Struggles continued to come from the pot, and the strange aroma became stronger and stronger.

When everyone smelled this aroma, not only were they greedy, but their spirits were also a little confused and on the verge of collapse.

"Move into the cage quickly."

Yu Linshan and Duan Xun came over carrying a dog cage.

The cage is covered with talismans, which come from the same source as the "dog training ring" and "dog beating stick", both of which were passed down by Fu Henghua.According to Hong Changyi's request, the work was completed overnight in Linshan.

Everyone was in a hurry, moving the "tengu" from the cooking pot into the "dog cage".

The tengu kept destroying the cage, but its magic power dissipated when it got close to the cage.

Jiang Xiaoli put away the pot. It looked like there were a few pieces of dog meat left in it, and his eyes silently fell on the tengu's thighs.

There, it seemed like it was missing a few pieces of meat.

"Just right, no need to use other dog meat."

Jiang Xiaoli shook the "hundred meal pot" gently, and the pieces of dog meat disappeared.

Dongfang Yunqi seemed to realize something, and said with a smile: "Are you making a banquet with a hundred meals to make elixirs?"

The Wonderful Food of Hundreds of Beasts is not only a hundred kinds of spiritual diet recipes, Taoist methods, but also a way of practice.

Take the essence of all beasts to cook a banquet and combine the essence of hundreds of dishes into one.

It is similar to collecting hundreds of herbs to refine the "Herb King Pill".

The King of Herbal Medicine is the best auxiliary elixir for alchemists to use when breaking through the golden elixir.

In the same way, the "Feast of Wonderful Food for Hundreds of Beasts" will also be an assistant for Jiang Xiaoli when he is forming elixirs.

"I have this idea. Brother Henghua also appreciates this and said that I can become a lineage ancestor in the future."

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