
Chapter 670: Flowers bloom and branch into two branches

"They were not 4 years ago, but in a simulated world cultivated by ancient civilization - or in other words, a sealed cave?"

Fu Henghua and his party returned to the Chiyue Mountains and informed Bu Xuan and others of their speculations.

A simulated world?A sealed cave?
All the tribulation immortals looked confused.

Not long ago, people like Dong Lai came over and told me that their disciples went to 4 years ago and needed help.

Now that I have gone out for a trip, I have changed my mind again?
"Or, is parallel world more appropriate? This should be the core technology of the third cultivation civilization."

Fu Henghua stared at the Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals with dazzling eyes.

"Do you have any information about the Huntian Civilization? What are the concepts and paths of this civilization?"

Everyone looked at each other, Wen Rong hesitated and said: "Fellow Taoist, you come and go...Huntian civilization? Ideological path? What are these?"

"If a cultivating civilization wants to advance to eternity, it needs to accomplish a great feat that only a 'Tao Sage' can accomplish in a certain aspect."

Gongsun Qing'a walked in from outside and said with a smile.

"When I was young - when I was young in my previous life..." Seeing the strange looks from everyone, he immediately added half a sentence, and then continued, "Listen to the chat between Master and Immortal Taixuan Sect - Master Tian Jingzi. When they were talking Mentioned of 'the way of civilization'.

"Similar to when we break through the realm, we will always choose to do something in one of the aspects of mana, body, Taoism, etc."

All the Tribulation Immortals nodded silently.

That's understandable.

There are several ways for monks to achieve breakthroughs. Some people first refine the quality of their magic power, and then temper their physical body and soul.Some people first exercise their spiritual consciousness, and then link their physical body and magic power...

Fu Henghua put refining the gods first before entering the path of the Holy Embryo.Now he has the skills and wisdom of the Tribulation Immortal, but he does not have the corresponding "immortal body".

"The same is true for civilization. Only by achieving "impossible great things" and being on par with Taoist saints can this civilization be qualified to become a "Tao-enlightened civilization."

Gongsun Qing'a recalled that year: "The teacher said that Donglai has gone through six civilizations. Except for the first civilization, which was too primitive and has not yet reached the 'enlightenment', the other four ancient civilizations were created with 'Tongtian', 'Time and Space', and God’s ‘Birth Star’ theme.”

Time and space!

Sure enough, the research topic of the third civilization revolves around "time and space".

"I remember that when the senior was talking and laughing with the teacher, he jokingly said that the third civilization was refining medicine. It was refining a 'regret medicine' that can redeem regrets. Its function is to turn back time and resurrect the dead."

"Travel through time?"

Wen Rong thought of Fu Henghua's previous mention of "returning to 4 years ago."

Henghua shook his head and said: "Returning time and resurrecting the dead. It is indeed a great undertaking that can only be carried out by 'certaining sainthood'. But what are the specific steps? Is it possible that the Huntian Civilization really dares to send people back to the past and change the past history beyond recognition?"

Without attaining sainthood, he will attempt to manipulate time and interfere with history.

Even if there are one or two results, the backlash is beyond what a group of true immortals can bear.

"So, their so-called 'regret medicine' should be a stupid method."

Fu Henghua took out an alms bowl: "I think this is the direction that the third civilization is heading."

"The Qiankun Jar?" Meng Chen was a little confused, "It is compatible with the four seas. Is it your new magic weapon? You are not even willing to let go of the four seas."

Fu Henghua smiled at him, and then continued: "If every plant and tree of the 'Tongtian Ancient Continent' is perfectly imprinted, restored to a certain space, and allowed to develop smoothly. This space is different from the real 'Tongtian Ancient Continent' Continent, aren't they two parallel timelines?"

The alms bowl is filled with water, and a lotus flower stands tall and graceful.

Soon the stem branched, and another almost identical red lotus sprouted.

The flowers are in bloom and swaying in the wind.

"One flower, one world, two worlds parallel to each other, contrasting with each other."

Fu Henghua could think of this possibility precisely because he did it himself.

Incorporate the Donglai Mountains and Rivers into a bonsai to control all phenomena of the mountains and rivers.

Just schedule it for a certain time if it works well.Then from this point in time, a "forked path evolution" can be carried out, and a future that is completely different from the main world can be obtained.

As this bonsai world evolves, the energy source continuously draws from the origin of the main world.Finally, when half of the source is absorbed, a parallel world can be formed.

Fu Henghua took action again and cut off one of the red lotus flowers, turning it into a flower and a stem again.

"If this 'parallel world' is allowed to completely absorb the power of the main world and replace the main world, wouldn't it achieve the effect of 'changing history and reversing the past'? I think this is the subject of research on the third civilization."

Fu Henghua has read a lot of books since he was a child and is proficient in all kinds of methods.

But when faced with the achievements established by the third cultivation civilization, one cannot help but be amazed and admired.

Not only their intelligence, but also their organizational skills.

It can make the entire civilization move towards a goal, and even achieve certain results.

It is enough to illustrate the unity of this civilization.

"Impossible! The world is so vast. How can it be possible to perfectly simulate the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths' and create a parallel world? This is not a simple small world in Donglai. You can do whatever you want -" Cang Lanzi's face suddenly changed after he finished speaking. .

"It seems that senior understands that other places cannot, but Donglai Shenzhou can."

The prerequisite for perfectly replicating everything in the main world and performing self-calculation is to minimize external variables.It just so happens that that civilization has a mature technology that can achieve this step.

Donglai is the beneficiary.

"Hurricane Belt!"

Bu Xuan, Master Jiuyu and others also thought of it quickly.

When did the Dongnae Hurricane Belt appear?
It was after the destruction of the Hunyuan civilization and the catastrophe of the demon god that the ancient immortals cut and removed the Donglai Divine Continent, reshaped the Divine Continent on the sea, and laid hurricane belts.

"Indeed, the hurricane belt is a legacy of that civilization."

"If at that time, a hurricane belt was placed around the ancient Tongtian Continent, it would be possible to isolate the inside and outside and construct a small, airtight world. In this case, every plant and tree in Tongtian Continent could be perfectly shrunk into a bonsai to form the prototype of a parallel universe—— seed."

Thinking about it this way, everyone seemed to understand.

Why are the Nine Earth Demon Gods suddenly targeting Tongtian Continent?

Immortals want to attain enlightenment, don’t the demons want to go one step further and become immortal demon kings and demon lords?

Tongtianzhou's "parallel universe technology" happened to be of great help to their enlightenment.

So, the war began.

During the battle, Gu Tongtianzhou naturally had no time to continue researching and perfecting the "parallel world technology".

The relevant technology will naturally be sealed in the "research institute".

As for its location, everyone naturally associates it with the sealed mountain below Chiyuan.

"The intelligence left by the East describes that they were in the time after the Demon God War and before the establishment of Nanzhou. This is interesting."

A sealed space that was supposed to record information about the peak period of "Ancient Tongtian Continent".But why is the variable "Demon God" recorded and evolved to the time after the Demon God War?

Is that "World Seed" contaminated by "demons"?

Or maybe the war happened suddenly and the "World Seed" had no time to cut off contact with the main world and maintain a state of resonance at all times.Was it sealed and separated until after the war?
Of course, it is also possible that that world was originally established after the Demon God Rebellion.

Henghua can think of many speculations.

But no matter which speculation is made, it is enough to show that the "Huntian Civilization" was not able to use the "World Seed" to complete the recovery of civilization.

Otherwise, why would they bother the other three continents?

Just expel the demons and reshape it through the "germ of the world".

"I speculate that the 'time and space' should be in the Upside Down Mountain. The Juetian Spear Tower was a seal imposed by latecomers. Unexpectedly, the Nanzhou monks broke the seal and triggered the Dongyangyuan explosion. Don't forget the nature of that explosion. , it’s two spaces folded and squeezed.” Originally, everyone speculated that a secret cave was born.

Now it seems that this secret cave should be a "simulated world" left by ancient civilization.

Dongfang Yunqi and others are the unluckiest and luckiest people.

They passed through the cracks in time and space and directly entered the "simulated world", taking a fantasy journey that simulated 4 years ago.

Everyone thought silently, and were silent for a while.

Henghua looked around, leaving them time to think, and took the initiative to walk to Gongsun Qing'a.

"Brother, can you tell us in detail about several other civilizational issues?"

Gongsun Qing'a recognized Fu Henghua's talent and learning.

Henghua said that there is a "simulated world", so he thought along this line of thinking.

Comparing the two realms seems to be of great benefit to practicing the Yin and Yang Dao?

Hearing Henghua's question, he raised his head and led Henghua to one side to chat.

"Chi Ting Civilization's plan was to build a magic weapon that can reach the way of heaven - the Tower of Babel. It combined the power of the entire civilization to create a 'treasure of enlightenment'. But in the end, the civilization collapsed after only a few layers were built."

The Tower of Babel is stacked layer by layer until it reaches the origin of heaven and explains the mysteries of the world.

Henghua thought of the few words revealed by Zhu Guren, and seemed to have some understanding.

It seems that the inheritance inherited there is the remains of the Tower of Babel.

The Zhugu lineage does have some background.

"Towers have special significance in the Chiting Civilization. The 'Gun Tower' in Dongyangyuan should be a legacy of the Chiting Civilization. It was used to seal - so it was used by later monks to seal the 'parallel world'. As a result, the plug was pulled out, and they were forced to get involved in the East.”

Fu Henghua was thoughtful.

Weapon refining, Tower of Babel.

Good luck.

"The Jade Immortal Civilization is proficient in spells. Their plan is to enslave the demon gods through words, spells, and even create demon gods through spells. In the end, the civilization was destroyed in a fire. The inheritance of the Jade Immortal Civilization can only be inherited from The Golden Cloud Heavenly Maiden, or perhaps a glimpse of the Donglai Golden List."

Fu Henghua understood: "The enslavement of the Demon God was after the Demon God War. It seems that the ambition of those seniors has not been extinguished."


The Jade Immortal Civilization after the establishment of Donglai Divine Continent was all victims of the Demon God Rebellion.

Their ambition is naturally to take revenge on the demon gods.

But enslaving the devil and creating the devil are also creations.

Fu Henghua thought of his own picture of the gods.

The creation of the Ten Thousand Gods Diagram originally involved a "God-Selfing Curse" inherited from the Jade Immortal Civilization.

Henghua thought to himself: Now it seems that conferring gods and creating gods is quite consistent.

"Longju Civilization Viewed the "Soul Sea and Starry Sky" in an attempt to create a brand new starry sky. However, before the project even started, it was destroyed in a meteorite catastrophe. At the time of the catastrophe, they used the technology they studied to combine the bloodlines of several families. The power is engraved into the "soul sea star sky" and lasts forever through the sun and moon. It can be reborn in the sixth civilization."

At the end of the sentence, Gongsun Qing'a's words were unclear and vague.

"Chiyuan and Longju have a close relationship. I know, don't worry, I won't taboo anything."

Fu Henghua finished speaking with a smile, thinking silently in his heart.

Isn’t the birth star also a kind of creation?

It is also in the way of creation.

Even the subjects of this civilization...

What is the mainstream research on Dongnae cultivation civilization today?
Tiangang supernatural power.

The first magical method is to mediate creation.

"Combining the inheritance of several civilizations, maybe... maybe there will be a qualitative leap in this civilization."

The fruit of creation!

Thinking of this, Fu Henghua became more interested in the "germ of the world" in "Upside Down Mountain".

Not only to save people, but perhaps it is also related to my further understanding and knowledge of the "Dao of Creation".


"Tianxin Palace."

After the Tribulation Immortals thought about it and performed magic deductions, Bu Xuan slowly spoke.

"If your speculation is true, then the 'Parallel Cave Heaven' should be in Tianxin Palace."

Henghua thought of the descriptions of his eldest brother and others, and asked calmly: "Where is Tianxin Palace? Is it a secret place in the Upside Down Mountain?"

"That's the core of Upside Down Mountain. We went down several times but couldn't find it. But if you are a fellow Taoist, you might gain something."

Heng Hua frowned.

When Bu Xuan mentioned "Tianxin Palace", he felt a hint of ominousness.

In the flash of lightning, he seemed to see a shadow rushing towards him.

Zhuyin Tianmo.

After all, Heng Hua is a wise and intelligent person. As soon as Heng Hua thought about it, he completely understood the plan of the "Future Demon Emperor".

He wants to lead himself to "Tianxin Palace", or in other words, he also needs the world in Tianxin Palace.

If it gets "parallel world technology" and manages to implement it in Dongnae.You can get a glimmer of respite, and even become real through the parallel world.

At that time, what I and the Donglai cultivation world had to face was not a false and unrealistic "future possibility".It's another parallel world led by the Demon-Conquering Emperor.

"Without further ado, we'll start taking action right away."

Fu Henghua suggested while separating Huang Po Lingshen and went directly to Fu Xuanhe.

Building a parallel world is not an easy task.

The hurricane belt is just a preliminary step to cut the world and reduce variables.And this step means a top-level Taoist method of wind attribute.

The wind celestial phenomenon created by the hurricane belt is enough to crush several wind-attribute heaven-level Taoist methods that Fu Henghua knows.

Henghua secretly estimated that the grand plan of the Huntian Civilization had at least a dozen superimposed combinations of top-level Taoism.And each top-level Taoist method can be divided into a separate project, which is handled by a dedicated person from Zhenjun.

In addition to the hurricane belt, there is another project that Fu Henghua has already figured out.

Double pupils, or eyes of insight.

To create a parallel world, you first need a person who can observe "time" and perceive the "world".

The choice of Huntian Civilization is to select a family and cultivate a "person" with special abilities.

Although Fu Henghua is proficient in all kinds of magic, his eyes do not have the ability to observe the past and future, and to penetrate into the nature of the world.

Therefore, he needs to find someone to help him.

Coincidentally, the Fu family has the inheritance of the talent of "double pupils".

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