
Chapter 671 Attack from the future

"You think too highly of me."

Fu Xuanhe was speechless after hearing Henghua's plan.

"Although my double pupils are the same as those of you and Yao Zhen, my talent has advanced for the first time. But how difficult it is to see how difficult the world is, is it something I can do with my level?"

To see into the world, one needs at least the eyes of a true immortal.

No, even higher than the Heavenly Eye.

You need to have the level of "half-step enlightenment", right?
If not, why don't those true kings and true immortals do it themselves?

"It doesn't need to be that difficult. The True Lords should be able to observe time, so it's not difficult to cut off time."

Beings like Liangyi Zhenjun can definitely do it.

"The reason why we need 'double pupil', a special talent to see the world. It may be to make it more convenient and faster. I speculate that a calamity immortal who has advanced his talent for the second time should be close to it."

That is, the insightful eye at the true immortal level.

"Then I don't have it...but I can think of a way."

Also coming to Fu Xuanhe with Huang Polingshen were Dong Moyang, Fang Dongyuan, Yu Xiaolei, and Fu Xuanxing.Seeing Fu Xuanhe agreeing, several people were quite surprised.

Fu Xuanhe can indeed exert the power of the Immortal Tribulation by relying on the "Dongtian Talisman".But an organ like "double pupil" is made of flesh and blood, how much effect can "dongtian blessing" have?
Fu Xuanhe took out a flower hairpin and laughed softly.

"Forget it, let's go look for Tianxin Palace."

His "Double Eyes" didn't have this ability, but if he added the power left by Gongye Mingchan, he would be able to achieve this goal.

With the combined efforts of the couple, they may be [-]% sure.

Huang Po Ling Shen led a few people to Diandai Mountain. At this moment, Henghua himself, Wen Rong, Shan Lingqing and others began to search Tianxin Palace, but found nothing.

Even if Fu Henghua has the advantage of "intelligent heart" and the Tribulation Immortals present have the method of deduction, they still cannot find the "Tianxin Palace" hidden by the Huntian Civilization.

For this reason, Fu Henghua invited Yin Yanqing, Ouyang Ziming and Mr. Yue Jing.

Of course, what Fu Henghua wanted to invite the most was Mr. Yue Jing's "bodyguard".

It's a pity that the man refused to show up.

Mr. Yue Jing used deduction techniques and cooperated with the Tribulation Immortals to survey the passage.

After several attempts, we still could not find the location of "Tianxin Palace".

Mr. Yue Jing and Yin Yanqing were not discouraged.

The Zhuguren lineage has seen this kind of thing a lot.

"Huntian civilization is well hidden, which is indeed the consistent style of that civilization. This is a restriction evolved from 'Hunyuan Yiqi'. Unless we see through its true nature, we can only try it bit by bit. According to what we did in Donglai Looking at the examples, it can be as short as three days and as long as ten years."

The strict laws of the Huntian Civilization are second only to the Jade Immortal Civilization.

When encountering this civilization, the ancient people could only use stupid methods.

Fu Henghua: "My forbidden breaking technique doesn't work either?"

"Those of the Thieving Sky Alliance? The source of those things is the forbidden law of the Huntian civilization. Facing that civilization's highest forbidden law, the 'Huntian Gang Forbidden', your little approach will not work."

After a pause, Yue Jing thought: "If your sworn brother masters the Hunyuan method, or someone inside Chiyuan can solve the "Hunyuan Golden Seal", it might be possible."

Wen Rong, Shan Lingqing and others shook their heads silently.

Although Chiyuan started off by relying on half of the Hunyuan Book, he has already taken a different path.

Finally, everyone came to the "Bone Square" where Fu Xuanhe and others were trapped.

Looking at the pile of bones that had been restored to its original state, Yin Yanqing had a complicated expression.

The only change is that the female corpse in the light shield completely disappears.

Yin Yanqing asked in a low voice: "Uncle, what information did you not disclose before leaving?"

Mr. Moon Mirror shook his head.

The big brother in the family was focused on practicing swordsmanship and could find people to fight swords with, but he had no interest in searching for ancient relics.

His understanding of Tianxin Palace and Huntian Civilization was not as good as that of the ancients.


When Huang Polingshen led Fu Xuanhe and his party to come, things finally turned for the better.


Fu Xuanhe's pupils shone with golden light, and their eyes overlapped, showing the appearance of Tai Chi and Bagua.

The hairpin in her hand shone brightly, and a hazy female figure appeared beside her.The mysterious and mysterious aura was injected into Fu Xuanhe's body, which enhanced the power of "Double Eyes".

He did not find Tianxin Palace, but found an object sealed in Tianxin Palace.

A strange long strip of light.

He saw the sealed time and space, and saw the period of time intercepted by Huntian Civilization.

Black cone bodies penetrated through each other, completely sealing the "light mass".

If you look carefully, you will see that they are actually eleven "Jue Tian Gun Towers".

With the discovery of the "germ of the world", Tianxin Palace had to emerge from hidden time and space.

This time they were prepared and everyone quickly entered Tianxin Palace.

After seeing the Juetian Gun Towers surrounding the "World Germ", Yin Yanqing asserted: "These gun towers were not built by Chiting Civilization. According to records, they definitely did not leave so many gun towers."

Everyone quickly scanned the "light ball" and noticed that there was a mark of being pulled out on it.

Obviously, the gun tower there is the one that was unsealed in Dongyangyuan.

"The world sealed with twelve Juetian Spear Towers. It is indeed the highest masterpiece of the third civilization."

"Everyone, be careful." Fu Henghua shouted in a low voice as he walked forward.

boom -

Following Fu Henghua's reminder, darkness completely enveloped Tianxin Palace.

Time flies, and the divine water of Zhouguang pours in from all directions, turning the entire palace into a sea of ​​time.


The Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals worked together, and a fairy mountain rumbled and arched, stabilizing time.

At the same time, Fu Henghua took a step forward and headed straight for the "Grudge of the World".

Cold and forbidding...

The bone-chilling murderous intent burst out at the moment Fu Henghua took action.

Fu Henghua grinned and turned to unfold the "Cloud Axis".

The mighty galaxies condense into a rainbow bridge, towering over the sea of ​​time.He looked coldly at the dark Shihai.

"I've come here on my own initiative, and you still refuse to show up?"

A group of shadows slowly condensed.

The body of the Demon Emperor, symbolizing the future, appears.

"From the moment I planned those few people to make the Juetian Gun Tower appear in Dongyangyuan, the scene I have been looking forward to is now."

Push Dongfang Yunqi and others to parallel time and space, and introduce Fu Xuanhe, Dong Moyang and others into the abyss of the earth.

The ultimate goal is for Fu Henghua to find "Upside Down Mountain", then embark on the path of retrograde time, and finally arrive here.

It is difficult for the Zhuyin Heavenly Demon to come to the main world.But when Fu Henghua took the initiative to come to Tianxin Palace, a "lawless place", the situation was different.

"Three disasters and thunder——"

Behind Fu Henghua, the fairy mountain suddenly burst into thunder.

Meng Chen took action with all his strength, and black divine lightning filled with the aura of heavenly punishment was shot at the "shadow".

The black air circulated, the lightning disappeared into the sea of ​​time, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Cang Lanzi's body shape changed and turned into a breeze blowing over the sea of ​​time.

"The form of wind is invisible, turning the four seasons. He is truly a calamity immortal who is proficient in change."

The Demon Emperor held his hands and laughed: "In my time, it took me a lot of effort to kill you. I used 38 changes of life and death in succession, and finally forced you to turn into a kind of flying firefly, and crushed you to death in the palm of my hand."

Cang Lanzi said nothing and was on high alert.

When the breeze blew to the place where the shadow and Fu Henghua were confronting each other, a sword light cut through the sea of ​​time.

This sword contains Cang Lanzi's full strength. Even if it is not as good as the three great sword masters, it is enough to severely injure the Tribulation Immortal in the same realm.But this sword seemed to be cutting into the air, and there was no feeling of hitting at all.Cang Lanzi quickly retreated after missing a single blow.

Golden light came one after another, and a dragon knife slowly condensed, aiming at Zhuyin Tianmo and striking it down.


Dong Moyang drove the "Liang Yi Golden Armored Divine General" to strike out with all his strength.

"It seems you are really well prepared."

Zhuyin Tianmo didn't panic and caught the attack of "Liang Yi Divine General" with a backhand palm.

From an impossible future, he turned into a real demon and came to Tianxin Palace.

His power cannot be maintained at the "Demon Emperor" level.

It can only be said that he possesses the realm and understanding of the Demon Emperor.The magic power he can mobilize is not even as good as that of a golden elixir monk.

The devil is finally suppressed by the law of heaven.

boom -

Suddenly, rumbling thunder appeared behind Fu Henghua.

Zhuyin Tianmo, who had just received the Dragon Sword, was later trapped by Yu Xiaolei's Innate Thunder Sword.

Fu Henghua looked at the shadow hidden in Shihai and suddenly smiled:

"I understand. Even if you come to a chaotic and hidden special area like Tianxin Palace, you still can't come to the reality where I am. All you can do is knock me down from time. Only I fell into this Only when you sit in the sea can you take away my identity."

The sea of ​​time is disordered time, where the future and the present are intertwined.

This is not only the magical power manifested by "Zhuyin Tianmo", but also the characteristics of Tianxin Palace.

"Tianxin Palace is hidden in the cracks of time and space. It is a space similar to 'Tianya Haijiao'."

It cannot be observed from the main world at all, because this space does not exist at all.Just a bunch of random amounts of time.

Only the eye of insight can determine time and open a passage in the chaotic time.

What Zhuyin Demon has to do is to knock Fu Henghua into the sea of ​​time when he comes here, and completely become part of the "chaos".

In this way, Zhuyin Tianmo can borrow the identity of "Fu Henghua" to return to the main world.

"But I have a question..."

Fu Xuanxing's thunder and fire sword light plus Fang Dongyuan's innate energy, as well as the attacks of Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals, came immediately.Forcing Zhuyin Tianmo not to get close to Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua looked at the shadows emerging from the future.

"You had the help of Demon Lord Zhu Yin Tian to influence the past and make things difficult for me."

"So why don't I get help from other enlightened people about my other future possibilities?"

Apart from other things, I went to see the True Lord Liangyi.

Taixuan Dao Shengguan has passed through the past and the future, and will naturally notice the trouble in himself.

He casually gave some hints and implicated himself in the future of inheriting the "Tai Xuan Dao Tradition".

Can't we interfere?

"you guess?"

A few chuckles came from the shadow, and it calmly dealt with the bombardment of a group of fairy mountains, and once again launched an attack on the space and time where Fu Henghua was.

"Now, you don't have the protection of your mother, or the protection of my sister. With these rubbish, you can never escape my Wuzhishan."

Yes, the shadow opens its hand.

The black mist condensed into a gloomy and profound five-finger mountain and hit the "Star Bridge" where Fu Henghua was.

Without thinking, Fu Henghua hit the Five Elements Mountain with his backhand.

Meanwhile, he stares at his future self.

When I saw his appearance, I suddenly remembered an incident from my childhood.

"I remember when I was a child, I once dreamed that someone was standing in front of my bed - so that's it, was it you?"

Zhu Yin Tianmo's face was cold and gloomy.

After the two Wuzhi Mountains collided, Fu Henghua shook a few times, but he did not fall off the bridge after all.

"It was you who tried to seize my body from the beginning, but you didn't succeed in the end - was it my mother? My mother scared you away?"

"To shut up."

Mentioning this matter, Zhu Yin Tianmo became angry.

Naturally, the earlier the seizure is over, the better.

The time he chose was when Fu Henghua was five years old.

But on the night of the seizure, Mrs. He noticed something was wrong and rescued Fu Henghua in time.And beat the "Future Demon Emperor" who was originally weak and unable to resist back to the sea of ​​​​time.

Originally, the "Future Demon Emperor" could also look for other opportunities.

After all, the adolescent period of a spiritual person lasts for several decades.Mrs. He can't keep an eye on her son every day, right?
But who knows, after hearing her son's description, Mrs. He believed that her son's nightmares were caused by evil spirits such as wild ghosts and incubus.He went to the snow-capped mountains to practice hard, and turned the power of his own ascetic practice into blessings, which he left on his son.

This power of maternal love protected Fu Henghua from being taken away by the power of Zhuyin during his childhood and adolescence.

When Fu Henghua grew older, Fu Yaozhen took over his aunt's job under the arrangement of the true immortals, and continued to ensure that Fu Henghua kept a distance from the "Demon Emperor's Road".

The actions of the two women, no, counting the three women after Jin Xia, cut off the "Road to the Demon Emperor" and had to seek refuge with the Demon Lord Zhu Yin Tian in exchange for this opportunity.

"Relying on the protection of a woman and others, are you worthy of being my past? If you have the ability, fight me openly!"

Fu Henghua naturally did not take this provocation seriously.

He was calm and calm, standing on the bridge watching a group of people protecting him.

And he devoted all his efforts to deducing the intelligence of the "Sea of ​​Time" and the "Germ of the World".

Before anyone else came, Fu Henghua had to remind him that someone might block the way.

Although Chiyuan's party was surprised by Zhuyin Tianmo's identity and his relationship with Fu Henghua, they still went out with all their strength to protect Fu Henghua from studying the "World Germ" with peace of mind.

This is especially true for the Donglai side, especially the two Tribulation Immortals who went all out to surround and kill the "Zhuyin Demon".

After all, whether Fu Henghua becomes a demon or not is related to their life and death.

But even though a group of people were attacking them with all their strength, Zhuyin Tianmo still relied on his little demon power to take his time and fight them for thousands of rounds, evenly matched.

"If you don't want to get involved with others, then you might as well weigh in with me."

A ray of jade light cut through the sea of ​​​​time, and a jade-like white palm fluttered towards the "Zhu Yin Tianmo".

Broken jade palm.

The introductory moves of Yusheng Pavilion.

Zhuyin Tianmo's expression changed, and he immediately looked at the several spiritual lights that were about to move in Shi Hai.

In addition to the immortal energy that symbolizes the Jade Saint Pavilion, there is also a wisp of purple energy, a Tai Chi diagram and a golden light.

The purple energy and golden light did not bother Zhuyin Tianmo.

But that Tai Chi diagram...

He seemed to see a person sitting on Cui Guang Pavilion, looking at him with a smile.

It was he who took action to evolve the Innate Path, forcing the future possibilities of several other Immortal Paths to come true and manifest themselves at this moment.

Fu Henghua is committed to the path of creation, but will the future of destruction be limited to the path of magic?
In the immortal world, there are also many future destructions.

But at this moment, driven by the "Master Taixuan Yin Yang Yuandao", these immortal shadows appeared one after another to stop Zhu Yin Tianmo.

The Taoist saint was indeed unwilling to be lonely.

A burst of annoyance suddenly sprang up in the devil's heart.

Zhuyin Tianmo's heart was awe-inspiring, and he decisively used the Tianmo Sword to cut off his distracting thoughts.

He looked around carefully and said indifferently: "Since the emperor is here, why doesn't he show up?"

Shi Hai didn't respond, but whether it was the Heavenly Demon, the Yin Yang Cult Leader, or even Fu Henghua himself felt a hint of something ominous.

An evil shadow lingering in the depths of the sea of ​​​​time is watching them all.

What happened when Heng Hua was five years old was the young boy in the extra story.

It hasn’t been finished yet, and there will be a plot of Fengmen Island in the follow-up, plus Xue Kai’s appearance - Mr. Xue Kai is very important to be able to appear in the extra chapter.

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