
Chapter 672: The chaos of war among the various realms before entering the holy world

"Go on your own."

A calm voice spread from the shadow of Shihai to Henghua.

Looking at the future of the Evil Emperor, Henghua did not dare to be careless in the slightest.He didn't believe that he was a kind person in the evil way.


He could not sense chaos and madness in the shadows.

The characteristics of evil cultivators seemed not to exist at all.

According to Henghua's perception, the "Future Demon Emperor" is a twisted mass of demonic nature.It is unpredictable and has thousands of faces.

The "Future Evil Emperor" looks like an endless dark sea.As calm as ink, there is endless murderous intent hidden under the sea.But when the weather is calm, there is only the view of the sky and the water, which is peaceful and peaceful.

But comfort itself is the biggest mystery.

His conduct may still be higher than that of the Demon Emperor in the future.

However, he never attained enlightenment, because everyone could still detect a hint of ominousness with their spiritual senses.These wisps of spiritual sensation are proof that the Evil Emperor has not yet sublimated into the supreme Taoist fruit.

"Haha - Brother Huang is too rude. The immortals are here and you still refuse to show up. Even though you have 'that one' guarantee, don't you seem too relaxed?"

The black mist flows, and the flags and flags slowly gather.

"Tianyu, divine thunder subdues demons!"

Before the Emperor Demon Flag could gather, Fu Henghua quickly used the "Jade Emperor's Order" to interrupt.

This is to reveal his identity in front of everyone.

The future Demon Emperor seemed to have come to his senses and looked at the people around him with evil intentions.


The purple air is erratic, and a bright sun shines across the sea.The Immortal of Purple Emperor Pavilion will take action calmly in the future, and three thousand feet of purple energy will cover the battlefield, blocking outsiders from prying eyes.

At the same moment, the master of the Yusheng Pavilion threw a "jade bead" at Zhu Yin Tianmo in the future.

Purple Emperor and Jade Sage, the tit-for-tat Taoist inheritance in the eyes of outsiders, now combined with Henghua's two future possibilities, has given Henghua a lot of enlightenment.

"Sure enough, when both families observe the Tao, they are both blessed by good fortune."

Thinking of the achievements of the four civilizations, Fu Henghua felt excited and became more determined on his own path.

Only "good fortune" is eternal, and only "good fortune" is the ultimate of the sixth civilization.The paths of the two patriarchs, Zihuang and Jade Sage, were similar to mine. They were both studying and practicing the way of creation.

"How can the combined force of creation between you two be as unpredictable as the devil?"

A broken blade appeared in Zhuyin Tianmo's hand. After slashing the void in front of him, he quickly stabbed the shadow below the sea of ​​time.

With just a thought from the demon, the offensive of the two future immortals came to an abrupt end.

The weird distortion of time and space cut off the two's combined attack, and the broken blade stabbed downwards, activating the Evil Emperor's counterattack.


The evil wind blew, and the evil emperor's shadow split into three thousand paths in an instant. While fighting against the Zhuyin Heavenly Demon, he launched an offensive against all the immortal incarnations.

At that moment, it was like thunder piercing the tranquil sea, and the sudden attack was like a devastating hurricane swallowing up everything around it.

Not only is the ominous feeling in the heart, but also the omens of impending disaster fill everyone's mind.

"Is this kid's future so evil?"

Meng Chen cursed: "How on earth did Fudanwei teach you!"

Yin Yanqing leaned next to Mr. Yue Jing: "Uncle?"

"The Evil Emperor is a genius and can be regarded as our senior. He combined the legacies of several civilizations to create the 'Evil Emperor's Dao Fruit' and transformed into the body of the immortal evil god. Henghua will definitely fight him in the future, so that …”

If the Tao nature is used to suppress each other, then the supreme road will be achieved by following the evil emperor's legacy.

And if evil is used to defeat evil, and two generations of evil emperors fight, one of them will surely reach the pinnacle of evil.

The transcendence of "Evil Emperor's Future" lies in this.

He does not need to struggle as hard as the "Devil Emperor in the future". One day in the future, Fu Henghua will embark on a "showdown with the Evil Emperor".

The success or failure of that day will determine whether the Evil Emperor will exist in the future.

"Look at-"

Master Jiuyu looked at his arm in horror.

Green hair began to grow rapidly on his body as the violent evil nature was activated.

Not just him, countless immortal grasses in his mountain of immortal medicine began to wither in large areas.Even the elixir in the depths of the medicine mountain, regarded as the foundation of immortality and flying immortality, is showing signs of sluggishness.

"Is this just a future possibility?"

This is about to truly touch the realm of retrograde time and space, where the past and the future are the same as myself!

Not just him, other people also felt the mutation in themselves when the evil spread.

Growing corpse hair is only the most obvious trait.Canglanzi is proficient in the art of change, and his own flesh and blood also possesses the characteristics of change.Under the pollution of evil energy, scales and bird feathers grew on his body, and his lower body began to transform into a "beast".

With his eyes flashing, Cang Lanzi glanced at the future represented by the Evil Emperor.

The sea of ​​static ink covers Donglai.

Countless shadows wandered in the black evil realm, like fish.

But when they jumped out of the water, Canglanzi almost felt sick and vomited.

The body length ranges from three feet to three hundred feet, and these monsters are covered with colorful corpse hair and have thousands of faces.Either ferocious, charitable, hateful, or crying.

When a "thousand-faced monster" appears on the water, its thousands of faces immediately make thousands of sounds.The harsh sound seemed to reach Canglanzi's ears from the distant future.

The next moment, more and more "thousand-faced monsters" surfaced.


As an evil beast with a body length of thousands of miles surfaced, its faces quickly swallowed up the surrounding "thousand-faced monsters".At the same time, his face showed piety, and he recited a "mantra" that Cang Lanzi could not understand.

But when he carefully observed the future and wanted to listen to the "spell", unknowingly, bulges appeared under the corpse hair on his arms, and his eyes, nose, and mouth appeared one by one in the bulges.

Just by listening to the "evil words" of the future, Cang Lanzi began to transform into a "thousand-faced evil thing".

Fortunately, Cang Lanzi reacted in time and took the initiative to cut off the arm.

The remaining arm fell into the sea of ​​time and flew towards the "Shadow of the Evil Emperor".

With just a flick of his hand, his severed arm instantly transformed into a body thousands of feet tall.

Countless faces grow on the evil spirit's body.When several of the faces matured, they actively separated themselves from the evil spirits, and then regenerated new "evil spirits" and began to grow their own thousand-faced evil bodies.

The Evil Emperor created a race.

No, he twisted the Donglai sentient beings into another kind of "life form".A product of creation manifested by the Evil Emperor's Way.

There is no need for yin and yang to fuse, as long as the evil side splits itself, a race can continue to proliferate.

"Brother Huang's methods are more evil than mine."

Zhuyin Tianmo chuckled and swung his sword to cut off the attacks that came close to him.

He walked briskly and mysteriously, flashing along with the fluctuations of time.

One moment he was opposite Fu Henghua, and the next moment he was behind him.

It can be seen that Fu Henghua's Tianxie Sword and Cloud Axis are ready.He immediately wandered away again and ran to attack Fu Xuanhe.

But seeing Fu Xuanhe and Dong Moyang preparing a counterattack, he moved forward to plot against Master Nine Fishes.

Flashing several times, while everyone was dealing with the Evil Emperor's offensive, he almost pushed Shan Lingqing into the sea of ​​time.

"Hongjun the world."

The mysterious white fairy light spread out layer by layer, and the thousand-faced evil spirits were bound by the yin and yang fairy light and could not continue to proliferate.The Zhuyin Heavenly Demon was also driven away by the fairy light and had to leave from everyone.

Zhuyin Tianmo returned to his original position and looked at the "Master of Taixuan Yin Yang Yuandao".

The future projections that can appear in the sea of ​​chaotic time are all existences that touch the path of enlightenment or are expected to achieve enlightenment.

As for the future after enlightenment, it will not appear here.

Because after enlightenment, one should pay attention to "sealing without shadow".

In theory, all living beings in the three realms and ten directions have at least one "future of enlightenment."

Can't everyone just rely on the future after enlightenment to interfere with the past, right?
Doesn’t that mean that all living beings in the world are those who have attained enlightenment?

For a person like Fu Henghua who has great potential and has the possibility of multiple enlightenments, it is really unknown which path his enlightenment will lead to.

The future Demon Emperor will be able to perceive his own path to the Supreme Demon Lord.

He believes that the Evil Emperor, the Yin Yang Cult Leader, and others in the future will also be able to perceive the fruits of enlightenment.

"When it comes to Taoism, this Yin-Yang leader of the Taixuan Taoist True Tradition may be more intelligent than me and can borrow a little bit of the power of the supreme Yin-Yang Tao Fruit."


The golden light shone, and the "Liang Yi Divine General" driven by Dong Moyang escaped from his control and flew behind the Yin and Yang leader.

The leader was not seen making any further moves.

The god general raised his dragon sword high and slashed hard.The thousand-faced evil spirit and its descendants were all destroyed with this sword.

"You can go on your own." The leader of Yin Yang also spoke.

He stared at the shadows in the depths of the sea of ​​time and said slowly: "We are here to contain you. Go and rescue people quickly."

The two qi of yin and yang fall down and become a divine dragon. Every time the dragon flies up and down, part of the evil energy is forcibly transformed.

Looking at this Yin-Yang True Immortal, Henghua's expression was also complicated.

Balance means balance.

Entering Taixuan Taoism, participating in the method of balancing yin and yang, making Hongjun's great wish to become the leader of the Immortal Taoism.

Although the future is broad and not inferior to the fruits of creation, but...

Henghua always has a subtle feeling of inner determination.The Tao of Taixuan is bright and smooth, but after all, something is missing.

While thinking, he turned into a gust of wind and approached the "World Germ".

Zhuyin Tianmo's eyes flashed, and he turned into a virtual form and floated over again.

But before he could get close, he was forced back by the Evil Emperor with a snap of his fingers.

The leader of Yin Yang waved his hand and said to Shan Lingqing and others.

"You all should leave. The sea of ​​time is chaotic and disorderly, and the past and future are all here. You can't stay long, and you have to wait outside."

The two gods of Liangyi lightly crossed the dragon sword, and the two qi of yin and yang turned into a golden bridge and stood on the sea of ​​time, sending everyone away.

But Fu Xuanhe, holding the hairpin, quietly looked at the germ of the world, as if he was planning to do something.

The leader of Yin Yang sighed softly, Zhu Yin Tianmo sneered twice, and even the shadow at the bottom of Shihai also spoke.

"Everything in this world is difficult to have both ways. If you gain something, you will lose something. Brother, if you return to the capital of heaven, there is still hope of becoming a saint. If you stop now, the path to sainthood will be difficult."

The shadow dissipated, revealing a young man in white with disheveled hair and bare feet.

Evil is not entirely evil.

Although the future evil emperor has a twisted mind and takes pleasure in torturing others.

But facing his former brother, he still gave him some good advice.

Fu Xuanhe's eyes lit up, and then he frowned and thought: "What do you mean by your words, is there still hope?"

The leader, demon, and evil emperor remained silent.

It's just that the three of them happened to look at a corner of Shihai.

Not long after this group of people came in, another person secretly followed them.

The man felt awe-struck when he saw the gazes of the three people.

This kid's future projection is so powerful, how can he discover my existence?
The power that Lord entrusted to me turned out to be...

"Leave honestly. I will pretend that the love trouble between you and your eldest brother does not exist."

The leader of Yin Yang pointed a finger, and the incarnation of the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor was thrown out of the sea of ​​time without any resistance.

Immediately afterwards, the Evil Emperor struck out with a palm, shattering time and space, and threw Fu Xuanhe out of the sea of ​​time.

At that time, only "Fu Henghua and the others" were left in the sea, and Zhuyin Tianmo moved his fists and feet.

"It seems that there is a tacit understanding between the two of you. Okay - let's have a good fight to see who is the most likely to achieve enlightenment."

The Yin Yang leader and the Evil Emperor looked at each other, saw the strangeness in each other's eyes, and then turned their heads in tacit understanding.

Mi seal without shadow, after enlightenment.

The past and future of those who have attained enlightenment are one, and there is no need to interfere with the history before their enlightenment.


Since Fu Henghua's future includes cultivating demons, becoming evil, and entering Taixuan and other Taoist traditions.

So, isn’t there an unenlightened body that firmly establishes the path of creation?
Located in front of the gate of enlightenment, one step forward is the enlightenment, and one step back is the ultimate immortal.

Zhuyin Tianmo jumped like this, why didn't a future person of the Tao of Creation come forward to stop him?

"You two, please be patient and play with him for a while. You must know that everything in the world is created by nature."


In front of the mottled and simple door.

The Yin Yang Cult Leader and the Evil Emperor sit together on the last platform.

Opposite them was a young man with his back leaning against the door.

The door is entangled with countless chains, Taixuan, Creation, Yin and Yang, Bagua, Zhixie, Heavenly Demon, Taixu, Wanhuan...

Countless avenues understood by Fu Henghua are all displayed here, turning into obstacles to the way of enlightenment, tightly entangled in the true door of Daoguo.

There are thousands of different calamities for those who have attained enlightenment, but there is one calamity that they must face—thousands of obstacles.

Proving the truth means that the coffin has been sealed.

Except for the path chosen to achieve enlightenment, all the possibilities of other avenues that have been passed or faced in the previous life will be transformed into a Taoist god to block the way.

Pushing open the door to enlightenment means denying other possibilities.

Therefore, there will be a battle of ten thousand ways to completely decide everything.

Of course, the practice of many enlightened people leads to the end of the road.It is rare to have multiple entanglements, and it is even rarer to have the ability to fight hard in front of the main road.

Taixuan Taoist Saint has never faced interference from other avenues since he was reincarnated and re-cultivated to attain enlightenment.

When he pushed open the door to enlightenment, there were countless waves of condensed possibilities wailing in the sea of ​​time.But with one strike from the divine light of Yin and Yang, everything was washed away, leaving only a single avenue of Yin and Yang.

Step into the door of enlightenment with your head held high, and the fruits of the path will be achieved.

But Fu Henghua is different.

The true fruit of his great road is still within the gate, and there are several other people who are qualified to compete, except for the one who has completed the great road of creation.

The last step of enlightenment is Fu Henghua's own fight.

It depends on whether the Tao Fruit of Creation can subdue the Evil Emperor, the Yin-Yang Master and others, sweep through all the ways, and achieve one's own success.

This means: "Nine-nine times, you return to the true dharma and mysteries, and all the demons mess up the way to realize Yuantian. After practicing one thought for three or three kalpas, you will know that the original way is complete."

It is the completion of the "Chapter of Creation Hui Yuan Gong", and when the scriptures are obtained and returned to the Eastern Land, the calamity of the Yin Demon taking the scriptures is supplemented.

During this calamity, all outsiders were gone, and only Fu Henghua's own fighting skills remained.

Yin demons are all born from the heart, which is Henghua's own calamity.

"The chaos in the time and sea, the candle demon stole the throne. This disaster of reversing time and space should have been the last disaster. But it happened to be a preview at the beginning of the sainthood."

The leader of Yin Yang sighed softly: "Why do you bother with such farce?"

"When I cultivated the Tao of Transformation, the seven difficult tribulations I experienced at the beginning of my journey were comparable to the catastrophes experienced by ordinary people. They were rare dangers and tribulations for sword immortals. But for me, didn't I get through them easily? "

The Evil Emperor said coldly: "That calamity was not easy."

"The heart of the Tao is eternal, and any external difficulties are just floating clouds."

The sound of the Tao circulates, and creation comes and goes.

This light and shadow sat firmly on the high platform, quietly watching the life that I had passed.

All obstacles come, and there are pros and cons.He is a challenger, whether it is the leader of Yin Yang or the immortal evil emperor.These future incarnations who also have a glimpse of the true fruit of the avenue are all those who come to challenge him in response to his call.

If defeated, these "yin demons" seize the true scriptures and achieve the great road.

If you win, you can enter the Taoist gate in a grand manner and cultivate your own true Taoism.

"Since you believe that the heart of the Tao is eternal, why don't you let me test it with the Tao?"

The Yin Yang Cult Leader and the Evil Emperor were already in front of the Enlightenment Gate, but all the inspired Taoist Gods had not yet arrived, and the war had not yet begun.

Therefore, he also plans to use some tricks.

There is no need to truly lead him into the Tao, just a slight wavering.

You can gain a slight advantage in the final battle at this moment.

"Since I have acquiesced in allowing the two of them to come over and entangle with the Candle Demon, I have already been prepared. The leader can bring the Purple Emperor and the Jade Sage with him to see if my Taoist heart of the past body can be shaken."

Then, he looked at the Evil Emperor on the other side.

"Not interested in."

"In that case, let's let the great equatorial friends go with us and collect the number of the Four Saints."

The light and shadow look towards the sea of ​​​​time.

A red light is floating in many futures, fighting for the fate to condense the true body, in order to give it a try in front of the door of enlightenment.This is the future for Fu Henghua to practice the "Great Scarlet Heavenly Book", but compared with other possibilities, this future is too slim and has not been able to transform.

With a finger of light and shadow, the light of creation rolls in the sea of ​​time, helping the Da Chi True Immortal to manifest.

The leader of Yin Yang smiled slightly, swept the Da Chi True Immortal into the sea of ​​time with a flick of his sleeves, and fell to the beginning of becoming a saint in a state of confusion.

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