
Chapter 673 Demonic Tribulation Replacement 2 Blooms

Chapter 673: Demonic Tribulation Replaces Two Flowers (three in one, nearly [-] words)
"Wang Wang..."

The white-headed black dog sat obsequiously in the cage, letting Hong Changyi stroke its chin.

Jiang Xiaoli and Fu Danyu were secretly shocked when they saw this.

"Although the secret treasures and magic weapons left by Sixth Brother are very useful, it is a bit..."

Where is the pride of the beast?

Three months have passed since the Tengu was surrendered.

Dongfang Yunqi led everyone to arrange the return plan.

The current plan is divided into three steps: landing on the moon - burning the glow - chasing the light.

First land on the waning moon, and then use the energy generated when shaping the lunar star as power, and use the tengu as a mount to pull the moon ship straight into the future.

If the plan fails, Dongfang Yunqi will join forces with Gongye Mingchan to freeze everyone in the Taiyin Star, waiting for their awakening after 4 years.

Hong Changyi's mission in the past three months has been to train dogs.

He stood up, turned around and said with a smile: "Henghua said, this technique is legal and has absolutely nothing to do with evil heretics."

Jiang Xiaoli pouted.

My grandfather was a Taoist spell master, so I still don’t know the secret behind their profession?
Stones from other hills, can learn.Which Taoist spell master has not dabbled in heretics.

Is it legal?Has nothing to do with heretics?It means that if the core mantra is translated into the immortal version, it will not be locked by the gold list, right?

He could see that Fu Henghua's dog training methods seemed to have traces of demons confusing all living beings.

Therefore, the dog was trained by Hong Changyi for three months, just like a slave of the demon - even though it was a monster raised by the demon.

Dan Fu said: "Is the Tengu our hope for the future, or should we treat it with caution? Fellow Taoists, are you sure it will not come back to bite us?"

Hong Changyi lowered his head and looked at the Tengu, which tilted its head and showed a confused expression: "Woof?"

"Isn't it possible? My technique is superimposed 36 times. Even if this Tengu is extremely powerful, he probably won't be able to break free - in short, rest assured!"

Not far away, Qi Longjiao used the spirit wind to send a message: "You three are getting ready to fly to the moon. Come and gather here quickly!"

The three of them hurriedly boarded the boat with the tengu.

Saying goodbye to Gongye Mingchan and his party, the moon ship slowly took off.

Looking at the female soldiers below, Zhang Xuanchu let out a sad sigh.

"Why, are you worried that history has changed?"

"I don't know whether saving them is right or wrong."

Gongye Mingchan and others planned to return to Xuanhe country.

In case of lack of these sacrifices, the construction of Nanzhou failed.

So, will they be affected in the future?
To take it a step further, if the future is affected.There are no Zhang Xuanchu and others, or he did not worship Chiyuan.Then the Dongyangyuan Incident will happen again, will he go back to the past?
If you don't come back, you will naturally not be able to save Xuan Heguo and the others. Then won't the future not exist or change?

When it comes to time, there will always be logical circles.

Zhang Xuanchu also couldn't explain whether saving these poor women by himself would cause a reversal of time and space.


Dongfang Yunqi stood on the mast, silently watching the moon ship take off.

Compared with the "moon landing" in Dongnai, landing on the "waning moon" in Zuzhou was undoubtedly more difficult.

Without the formations and channels left over from the Taiyin Palace, Dongfang Yunqi could only rely on herself to anchor the position and pull the moon ship closer to the "waning moon".

Fortunately, Gongye Mingchan came to help.As a rare real person in the world, she used sealing techniques to make a lot of arrangements for the moon ship, sealing all the spiritual veins and spiritual jade collected in three months into an accompanying space, which served as the energy source for the moon ship to sail towards the "waning moon".

"Everything inside the ship is normal and the speed is currently stable."

Yu Linshan received news from the command room.

"Go to Honglu again and take a look. Go there in person and don't cause any problems."


The power furnace of the moon ship was originally borrowed from the Fu family's four-dragon ship, and its operation efficiency is extremely high.But Fu Henghua later inspected the ruins of the East China Sea and designed a "Honglu Dharma" specifically for Fu Xuanxing - the Yin Yang Xuanlu Si Mingzhu.

Yin and Yang are charcoal, and all things are copper.

This Hong Furnace is the ultimate expression of Fu Henghua's understanding of Yin and Yang and the Great Way of Creation. It is also a replica of the Bagua Furnace method.Yu Linshan spent three months re-building the "Yin Yang Mysterious Furnace" on the moon ship.Its efficiency is higher than that of the Dragon Boat Furnace.

Walking into the power room, I saw Zhang Xuanchu and Duan Xun operating it in person.

Ten thousand pieces of spiritual jade were put into a box and put into the furnace without interruption.

The fire was bright and made a muffled sound.

From time to time, they also put a sealed spiritual vein into it.

Looking at these spiritual veins, Zhang Xuanchu couldn't help but feel a little sad.

These are all resources of Nanzhou in the future.

Without these resources, will there be any problems in the establishment of Nanzhou?

"How is the situation?" Yu Linshan came over and asked, and he helped the two of them change their shifts.

The two rested for a while, and Duan Xun regained his breath and said: "Everything is normal. What's the speed outside? Can it get rid of the pull of the earth's gravity?"

"This is naturally not difficult." Yu Linshan was full of confidence.

He studied "Dharma Puppet" with Fu Henghua and Yu Danqing, and became extremely proficient in the magic of immortality.Although it is not yet at the level of a grandmaster, it is still a top master level.He believes that as long as he carefully comprehends and integrates it after returning, he will definitely be able to become a master.That was a level that Fu Henghua had never reached.

After staying in the power room for a while, waiting for Qi Longjiao and Sun Xuan to come over to change shifts, Yu Linshan left and started patrolling inside the moon ship.


The moon boat turned into light and moved forward. When it was about to approach the waning moon field, a thin layer of frost appeared on the hull.

Feeling the temperature change, Jiang Xiaoli immediately distributed the soup that had been cooked in advance.

After drinking the spirit soup, masses of red glow enveloped everyone, dispelling the coldness.

"My Nuanyang soup can last for three hours. After you land on the moon, be sure to observe the red clouds around you. As long as the red clouds are thin and difficult to form a group, return to the moon ship immediately."

The crowd responded.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the moon ship was pulled by the huge celestial body in front of it, swaying like a "waning moon".

"so big."

"It's broken!"

Looking at the Gu Yuexing, which was only a crescent-like wreckage, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

The moon is supposed to be a huge sphere, but the current waning moon seems to have had a big explosion. Most of the moon was destroyed in the explosion, and the remaining parts were broken into several large pieces of land thousands of miles in diameter and countless scattered earth and stone fragments. , pulled by the star core force field, it was barely able to stay in the air.

Dan Fu said: "It should have been a battlefield during the War of Demon Gods. Then..."

Whether it was done by the demon gods or the true kings took the initiative to explode it, its influence has penetrated deep into the core of the star.

Dongfang Yunqi can sense that this waning moon has lost its origin, and the lunar star core has long been silent.

The result was worse than I expected.In this case, if I want to escape, I will be in trouble.

"Fairy, can this situation be repaired?" Ying Ruhong came over worriedly.

Based on the extent of the damage, can their plan still be implemented?

Dongfang Yunqi pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "I am proficient in the Taiyin method, and the birth moon is my own method."

He raised his hand and pointed, and a light yellow lotus appeared in front of him.

As the lotus blossoms, the dead moon and star debris all around emit little rays of light, flying towards the moon lotus one by one.

The lotus flower changed from the size of a palm to the size of a millstone in an instant.

Everyone could feel that the lunar power condensed by the Moon Lotus was getting stronger and stronger, comparable to the full blow of the Golden Pill cultivator.

Unconsciously, everyone showed joy.

Dongfang Yunqi stared at the Moon Lotus intently, calculating the damage to the Moon Star based on the speed and brightness of the power of moonlight pouring into the Moon Lotus.

"Take out everything, I will try my best to shape the star core."

It's troublesome, it seems that we have to develop a backup plan.

Dongfang Yunqi thought to herself, and saw everyone releasing the three-story round tables that had been made.

The white jade round platform was carved with innate red inscriptions by Dongfang Yunqi herself, and then processed and carved by everyone.

The round platform has a total of twelve sides, and everyone throws them out of the moon ship.They are like satellites suspended in the void, guarding the moon ship.


A white light lit up behind Dongfang Yunqi's head, and girls flying towards the Taiyin Round Platform holding various magical weapons.

Twelve incarnations settled on the round platform, each evolving into a moon lotus.

One, two...

When thousands of moon lotuses bloom in the void, they attract more moonlight to this area.

When the lotus withers, a piece of silvery land forms.As the lotus flowers gradually withered, the silver-white land gradually spliced ​​around the moon ship, forming a new "moon star land".

While the platform was taking shape, everyone got off the moon ship one after another and began to help move and push the remains of the moon star from all around.

Led by Yu Linshan, the wreckage was sent into the "Yin Yang Furnace" to be refined into vitality to nourish the "Moon Star Land".

Led by Zhang Xuanchu, he pushed the wreckage to the nearby "Moon Lotus", allowing the Moon Lotus to accelerate its absorption and transform it into land.

According to the original plan, when the "Moon Star Land" they built reached a certain scale, they could pull the waning moon for the final fusion.

Fusion also means a new explosion.

Taking advantage of the impact of the explosion, the Tengu was used as an anchor to open the way to 4 years in the future.


Viewed from the ground, the sky shines with dazzling white light, gradually forming a hazy outline of the moon and stars.

Gongye Mingchan and the female soldiers of Xuan Heguo looked at the bright "moon" in the sky, and their thoughts flew to the sky.

"Princess, do you think they will succeed?"

"Yes. Shaping the moon is not difficult for Dongfang Yunqi. What is really difficult is..."

Gongye Mingchan hesitated slightly and shook his head silently.

"Sneak attack by outsiders?"

The waitress speculated: "Those three real people? Will they start from the moon?"

In the past three months, the revivalists came to trouble several times, but the three leaders of the Immortal Tribulation never showed up.

The reason why Dongfang Yunqi and others were eager to leave was because they were worried that they would play a big game and directly sacrifice all the remaining living beings in "Ancestral Continent" to the demon gods.

"It's not them, it's Dongfang Yunqi herself...hey——"

As the moon and stars shape it, February explodes and collides to give birth to the new moon.As the master controller, how can Dongfang Yunqi escape from the big explosion?
Gongye Mingchan discussed with Dongfang Yunqi many times.

In the end, only one conclusion was reached: Dongfang Yunqi wanted to survive.You can only enter the "star core" by yourself, use the "star core" to avoid the explosion, and then leave.

The degree of damage to the lunar star core is related to whether it can withstand the big explosion.

The worst result is that she and the star core are destroyed by the force of the explosion, and then a new star core is born.

The better result is that the physical body is destroyed, and the soul has to attach to the star core and become part of the lunar star.In that case, using her as an anchor, a complete moon can be reborn.And because of this, she will be bound to the moon and stars, becoming an existence that cannot be moved or leave the moon palace.

According to the two women’s many discussions and deliberation, this is extremely possible.

As for using the star core to avoid disaster, the possibility of "escape" after the explosion is the lowest.


Dongfang Yunqi and others were busy for seven days.

With the help of the spiritual meals and elixirs made by Jiang Xiaoli and Yu Linshan, everyone finally refined a small part of the remains into the "Moon Platform".

The size of the platform at this moment has also caught up with the nearby giant debris.

The silver disc with a diameter of two thousand miles is covered with mysterious and mysterious patterns.That was the formation carved by Dongfang Yunqi. The platform itself was a lunar birth formation.

"It's time to start the final step. You all go back to the ship."

Dongfang Yunqi took the initiative to get off the boat and walked to the center of the twelve round platforms.

The magic power of the lunar moon holds the "moon boat" high, while the twelve round towers emit silver beams of light.The pattern of the silver land is activated by the magic of the moon, radiating in all directions from the central area.

Under the dazzling light, everyone hurriedly returned to the moon ship.

During the shaking, they watched the moon ship gradually rise.

"Wang Wang - Wang Wang -"

Looking at the last few giant moon and star debris slowly approaching the "Moon Platform", the Tengu seemed to sense something, his body was trembling, and his mood became more and more excited.

Qi Longjiao frowned and said, "Chang Yi, keep an eye on the Tengu."

"I know." Hong Changyi hurried over and not only used a dog beating stick to carefully admonish him, but also took out the "meat sausage" carefully prepared by Jiang Xiaoli to appease his emotions.

"Is it the instinct of the Tengu?" Danyu murmured, "The reshaping of the moon and stars, for it, is an impulse from the bloodline. It is not easy to suppress."

"Then we have to keep an eye on it," Sun Xuan said with a cold gaze, "Without it retracing its path, how can we go back?"

Going to the passage 4 years in the future, no matter how talented Dongfang Yunqi is, she cannot complete the deduction in a short time.

It just so happens that the Tengu chased him from 4 years later.Relying on the spiritual sense of the Tengu, one can successfully return to the past by simply walking the road again and following the river of time.

The Tengu is not only their "bow beacon" but also the mount that pulls the "moon boat".

If the Tengu loses control, they will be stuck in the turbulent flow of time, unable to get up or down.It's very possible that he died inside.

Hong Changyi understood the seriousness of the matter and took action with all his strength.

While holding the tengu in his arms, he quickly flipped through the "24 Methods of Dog Training".This is a spiritual dog training secret book from Langhuan Museum, written by Chen Guangrui.

The last few times Tengu got angry, he easily managed it by relying on the teachings in the book.

But this time—

No matter how he comforted him, he couldn't really calm the tengu.

However, these three months of training were not in vain. Under Hong Changyi's hard work, a divine pattern appeared on the Tengu's forehead and he actively shot a black light towards the "Mouth of the Demon God".

This is the path to 4 years in the future.

Everyone's eyes lit up, Jiang Xiaoli quickly came to the bow and shouted: "Sister, it's successful, we open the channel, come up quickly -"


The pressure caused by the slow movement of several giant continents made Dongfang Yunqi almost breathless.

Such a difficult scene reminded her of her childhood, when her internal organs were frozen by the cold air and she could hardly breathe, facing death.

"The birth of the moon can only be attempted by the soul. Otherwise, it is best to find someone to help. It is too difficult for one person to perform the birth of the moon. The fate of Tao turning into the moon..."

The twelve incarnations worked hard to maintain the round platform formation and smooth out the changes in the force field caused by the movement of the giant continents.

But Dongfang Yunqi knew that this was just a drop in the bucket.

When several giant continents truly connect with the "Moon Platform" and the moon and stars are re-refined, they will never be able to control their own power.

The only thing he can do is to hide in the star core to protect himself.

Faced with the call from the moon ship, she naturally could not respond.

She worked hard to find the star core that came with the giant continent.

Finally, on the lower left side of one of the giant continents, a giant gray crystal with a diameter of ten miles was seen.

The crystal was constantly swaying as the giant continental plates moved.

Dongfang Yunqi watched helplessly as the giant continent slowly cracked open, and countless earth and rocks fell apart, falling towards the "moon platform".The star core rushes towards itself at high speed.

If it were smashed down at the current speed, I would be smashed into a pulp on the spot!

Dongfang Yunqi didn't dare to neglect, and used all her strength to open a barrier in the air.

But with the power of Taiyin, the star core easily penetrated the barrier and fell at an extremely fast speed.

"The moon shines on the people."

With no other choice, Dongfang Yunqi could only sacrifice her innate Tao fetus.

It was a bright moon.

The "moon" she nurtured within her body.

Compare Taixuan's "Golden Pill", the "holy fetus" of creation.

As soon as this moon appeared, it hit the gray and ruined star core.


Layers of nebula dust are scattered as the "moon" collides with the "star core".

The dead star core gradually glowed with hazy white light.

The star core is awakening, and under Dongfang Yunqi's full activation, it is glowing with new power.

But Dongfang Yunqi looked ugly.

Her power is being continuously absorbed by the "Star Core".

Her natal "bright moon" was merging with the core of the star, and a strong resonance swept through the surroundings, pulling all the debris into the moon platform.

The dazzling light illuminates the void.

Everyone on the ship was blinded by the light, and the moon ship was constantly swinging in the chaotic and rioting force field below.Like a helpless boat in the violent waves.

"Quick, activate the formation on the bottom of the ship, let's hurry along the passage!"

"No, Sister Dongfang hasn't come up yet."

"If we don't leave, we will be pulled down by the moon ship -" Before the man could finish his words, he was knocked unconscious by senior brother Ying Ruhong.

Ying Ruhong looked at Zhang Xuanchu, who tried hard to get closer to the bow of the ship in the moonlight storm, trying to find Dongfang Yunqi's figure.But the merger of several giant continents, the fusion of the moonlight platform... the nebula and moonlight completely covered it, and he could not find the whereabouts of Dongfang Yunqi at all.

abandon her?
If you go back like this, don't worry about the trouble caused by these people on the boat.How can the people over there in Donglai be willing to give up?

Moreover, there is no oriental fairy sitting in charge.Whether the moon ship can successfully return to the future remains to be seen.

But the moon ship swings in the force field reshaped by the moon and stars, which is really dangerous.

The nebula and moonlight contained an extremely terrifying aura, constantly blowing around the moon ship.If it weren't for the powerful defensive formations deployed by Dongfang Yunqi and Gongye Mingchan, everyone would have been crushed into powder.

Just when everyone was hesitant, a spiritual light quickly fell into the moon ship.

Dongfang Yunqi looked embarrassed and hazy. She hurriedly said "go quickly" and hurriedly returned to the dormitory.

After receiving his instructions, everyone immediately pulled out the anchor.

The formation emerged from the base, the "immobilization method" was lifted, and the Yin Yang Furnace frantically extracted the power of the surrounding explosions and injected it into the black path opened by the Tengu.

Every inch of black was replaced by five-color glow.

"set sail--"

With Hong Changyi's loud shout, the moon boat quickly went along the five-color light path.


The moon and stars are reshaped at the speed of light.

Dongfang Yunqi stood in the center of the star core, watching the giant continents and the "moon platform" being distorted and deformed by the force field.

Gradually, it twists from a platform to a sphere with the star core as the center.

As for the formation of the sphere, she was sealed layer by layer and had to rely on the star core to survive.

The girl showed a wry smile.

In order not to delay the group's return, she had to send a phantom.But that phantom could only last for a while, so I had to go back to the dormitory to hide.

"I can't go back. I can only follow the backup plan and sleep for 4 years."

Sleeping in the star core, waiting for resurrection after 4 years.

I just don’t know if I can wake up from this 4-year sleep as I wish.

While waiting for the moon star to be shaped, Dongfang Yunqi took out the jade mirror. Taking advantage of the violent turbulence of the moon star explosion and the energy dissipated, she planned to contact Fu Henghua again.


Chan Yujing still has no results.

"It sounds nice, as long as there is a moon, we can contact you. But now..."

Dongfang Yunqi shook her head helplessly and could only try to leave a timely document.

Hide the information in the mirror and wait 4 years later, when the moonlight frequency is at the same time, and then pass the message to Fu Henghua.

As for whether the other party can receive it and whether it can come to save him, it all depends on fate.

While writing the letter, the mirror suddenly lit up with silver light.

A line of text appeared quickly.

"Once again, as long as it is a moon. Even if time is cut off and the past and the future are cut off, my Chanyu Mirror can still communicate!"

Gorgeous and familiar fonts, dragons and phoenixes.

"The reason why Chan Yujing cannot contact us is simply because they are not the same moon."


Dongfang Yunqi was shocked.

Brother Fudao is here?

Or is it that he used secret techniques to improve the Chanyu Mirror?

"It's too troublesome to enter this space and time, and I wasted a lot of effort. Look down, you should be able to see me from above the moon."


Dongfang Yunqi looked down.

Standing in the star core, her mana was completely swallowed up by the star core, and she seemed to be the moon itself.

The cold moonlight shines on the earth, just like her eyes staring at the world.

After several glances, when the moonlight shone on the Demon God's mouth, she showed a look of surprise.

Fu Henghua was crawling out of the devil's mouth and waving to the moon.

"Under the same moon, communication is much easier. Let me just say it simply - first of all, you were not 4 years ago."

How could you come 4 years ago?
Dongfang Yunqi had just finished writing this line, but before she could send it to him, she saw Fu Henghua's words flashing quickly.

"The intelligence received by each other is different. There will also be errors in judging reality. You are not really 4 years ago, but in a parallel space."

Fu Henghua briefly explained his theory,

After Dongfang Yunqi fell silent, she asked again.

"Has your theory been confirmed?"

As soon as she finished writing, she regretted it.

If there was no confirmation, how could Fu Henghua come here to look for someone?
Fu Henghua obviously didn't intend to say much in this regard.He knew Dongfang Yunqi could figure it out.So tell the next action directly.

"I'll replace you, and you come down and go back with them. Do something for me - you'll understand when you see it."


"Are you going to help me refine the moon?"

"Moon? It's a thing that doesn't need to be refined. It doesn't matter if you just blow it up."

Fu Henghua stood at the Demon God's Mouth and watched the "Moon Boat" descending along the "Tengu Passage".He jumped directly into the moon ship.

All the spells left by Dongfang Yunqi and Gongye Mingchan broke out.

But Fu Henghua was like an invisible wind, penetrating easily.

"Sixth brother?"

"Heng Hua?"

"Fellow Daoist Fu?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw Fu Henghua.

The morale of Donglai is high.

Stable, complete!

Fu Henghua is here to pick us up!

Although the casual cultivators in Nanzhou didn't know Fu Henghua well enough, Ying Ruhong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This should be because the master's side is taking action and asking Mr. Fu to come and save people, right?After 4 years, is there mature technology?

Zhang Xuanchu looked at the person who once used his name.

Fu Henghua greeted with a smile: "Everyone, it is not completely safe at this moment, so you should leave first. I will explain to you in detail when I get back."

The breeze moved, and the tengu in Hong Changyi's arms disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of green light traveled retrograde through the "Tengu Passage" and headed straight for the Moon and Star.

The closer he got to the moon and star, the Tengu in Fu Henghua's arms became more and more irritable, and his shape gradually grew larger, as if he was about to return to his true form.

"Okay, okay, change back quickly - I'm counting on you to destroy Yuexing!"

Fu Henghua traced the runes with his fingers, and the runes sank into the Tengu's body.


With the roar of the tengu, all Hong Changyi's spells were broken.

Soaring into the sky, Tengu regained his true form.

He has a black body and a white head, and the pitch-black realm spreads behind him.

The moonlight in the sky is constantly being swallowed by the "black hole".

The lunar eclipse has begun.

"I thought the Tengu was all black this time, but I didn't expect the head to be white?"

Fu Henghua stood not far away, with his arms crossed as he watched the Tengu wreak havoc.

Under Operation Tengu, the reshaping of the Moon and Stars came to an abrupt end.

The moonlight became silent again, and Dongfang Yunqi took the opportunity to take back her original mana.


Realizing that Yuexing's magic power was restrained, Fu Henghua quickly slashed out the Tianxie Sword.

The cold light of a sword cut through the sky.

The moon, which was not yet fully formed, was completely split in half by his sword.


Xuan Heguo is a group of people.

Gongye Mingchan looked at the sky, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

The appearance of the lunar eclipse already worried her.

Now the moon is split open with a sword!


Did those three real people from Nanzhou take action?


In the moon boat, everyone looked at the moon.

"No way? Henghua's swordsmanship has actually..."

"It's over. Looking back, Yu Xiaolei and the others will know that they will pester him to compete with each other every day."

"Is this swordsmanship comparable to that of a sword master?"

"How about you let the sword masters try it and see if they can cut through the moon with one sword?"

"First of all, our moon in Donglai has not caused disaster or trouble. It's so good, why should I chop the moon? Secondly, I'm not familiar with the sword masters. If I speak with my status, people will ignore me."

A few people still had time to joke around on the moon boat.Until the side responded coldly: "Our Nanzhou moon didn't cause any trouble. Fu Henghua smashed our Nanzhou moon, isn't he afraid of changing history?"

Why did Dongfang Yunqi leave after the birth of the moon, instead of directly detonating the moon or obtaining energy from other places?
They are worried that their actions will greatly change history.

But Fu Henghua had no scruples about this.

It's just a simulated world. If it's destroyed, it'll be destroyed. What's there to feel bad about?
He watched indifferently as the moon and stars separated, and the stars' cores were exposed.

"go with!"

When the moon and stars were about to completely split and drift again, he drew a long rune on his right hand.

It's like a golden light band quickly wrapping around the two lunar bodies on the left and right, freezing the destruction and birth of the moon and stars here.

"Dongfang, hurry up and chase them. My fate depends on you."

"Wang Wang-"

As soon as a beam of moonlight emerged from the star core, the Tengu rushed straight away.The ferocious face aimed at Dongfang Yunqi who appeared and bit down hard.

The girl looked calm and glanced at the Tengu.

He was bound by the Taiyin Avenue and almost turned into the moon.

Fortunately, the Tengu caused a "lunar eclipse" on this day, which helped him escape the disaster.

As for what's next...

She turned her head and turned into silver light, chasing the moon ship along the "Tengu Route".

The tengu missed the bite and planned to bite him again.

Unexpectedly, silver star belts appeared behind him.

If you take a closer look, you will see that it is a scroll that winds thousands of miles.

The other end is in the hands of Fu Henghua, who is standing in the sky.

He said nonchalantly: "The Heavenly Dog Eclipses the God. It just so happens that I have dealt with the method of Eclipse God. Let me tell you how much better you are than that frogman."

The scroll kept lingering in the air, blocking all the Tengu's paths.

Then bright light shone, the nebula exploded, and countless Star Lord heavenly soldiers appeared in the billowing smoke.

Under Fu Henghua, a Jade Emperor throne also appeared.

The true essence of creation is rolling, and towering palaces rise in the nebula and moon ruins.

The Nine Heavenly Palaces of Creation.

Fu Henghua went straight into the ninth palace and raised the throne.

Countless heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, star kings and gods appeared, surrounded and strangled the evil beasts of heavenly dogs.


Dongfang Yunqi chases the moon boat.

Luckily she had her improvised phantom on board.

Use the substitution technique when approaching to quickly return to the moon ship.

Walking out of the dormitory, I saw the silver moon boat falling into the abyss, traveling along the invisible abyss layer by layer, and finally came to an upside-down fairy mountain.

Dongfang Yunqi looked at "Tiandu" with something strange.

"Let him say it right - why didn't I notice it when I came down before?"

Why did the Tengu descend from the "Mouth of the Demon God"?
Because "Heavenly Capital" is the key to connecting the two worlds.

In other words, the "Heavenly Capital" she saw was just a reflection of the mirror image!

The moment the moon ship entered the "Heavenly Capital", Dongfang Yunqi saw a giant fairy mirror in a trance.

Divide yin and yang, play the virtual and the real.

This is the treasure of the True Monarch of Liangyi.

This precious mirror is placed in Tiandu, forming a doorway into the "parallel world".At the same time, it also creates a wonderful phenomenon.

Part of the mirrored sky overlaps with the real sky, forming a "mirror image of time", creating a passage that can never be walked out of.

Because the "mirror of time" was too dangerous, Liangyi Zhenjun sealed this part of the world in the "door" and guarded it with divine generals.As long as you don't enter the door foolishly, you won't fall into a strange state where the two overlap.

But this phenomenon was eventually exploited by the revivalists and became a trap to kill the reinforcements from the three continents.

"The light and shadow of the two heavens are dependent on each other, and they are one. The Tengu broke in from the real Heaven. Then he sneaked into the abyss from the reflected Heaven, and finally came to the surface - yes, the Tengu is a demon of the Eclipse series. , how can you truly control time? Retrograde for 4 years? It is not a demon of the Zhuyin lineage."

The reason why Tengu breaks in is more to borrow "light and shadow" to understand the nature of "Heavenly Capital" and hunt down the "Shadow World".

After Dongfang Yunqi figured it out, she covered her face in shame.

There was such a huge "clue" in front of him, but he never thought of it, and foolishly thought that he had really arrived "4 years ago".

Thinking of what Fu Henghua said just now, the girl was troubled.

He also foolishly left "clues" for them to find ways to find him.

This time the embarrassment came out.

But soon, she had no time to think about this.

When the moon ship sails into the real realm of heaven, it flies out "from the germ of the world".She immediately saw several figures standing in Chaoshu Shihai.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at the glow of fighting skills in the sea of ​​time and sighed: "There are so many sixth brothers, are these all his incarnations?"

Jade Saint Henghua, Purple Emperor Henghua, Yin Yang Cult Leader, and Evil Emperor turned their heads at the same time and glanced at Jiang Xiaoli with a half-smile.

Jiang Xiaoli quickly shrank his head.

Dongfang Yunqi's eyes focused on the twisted demonic nature in the time sea, and she immediately waved the Demon-Destroying Golden Whip.

The Da Chi True Immortal was enlightened and introduced into this era by the Yin Yang Cult Leader, and was fighting against the "Zhu Yin Heavenly Demon".

One is obtained from the Great Red Heavenly Book, and the other is obtained from the Demonic Heavenly Book.

One evolves into the Pure Realm, and the other cultivates into the Six Desire Realm. The two sides face each other tit for tat, causing the clouds to sway and the avenue to vibrate.

Suddenly, a piece of Taiyin fairy light fell in the distance, and then the Demon-Destroying Golden Whip fell.

Da Chi Henghua grinned, stroking his palms and shouted: "Demon Emperor, there's a new person. Jie Mo Duizi, please have a taste of this whip!"

At the moment when the Demon Emperor turned around, the Taiqing Realm collapsed, causing the Six Desire Realms to collapse together.

Jade Saint Henghua secretly dropped a jade bracelet and shattered the twelve emperor and demon flags beside the Demon Emperor.

Purple Emperor Henghua flicked his fingers, and the purple energy shattered the protective magic light above the Demon Emperor's head.

With the three of them joining forces, the Demon Emperor opened his empty door wide and was directly hit by Dongfang Yunqi's whip.

At the same moment, the simulated world, the Moon and Star Skyspace.

The five fingers formed a huge palm and smashed the Tengu's head into pieces.

A dull sound echoed in the air, and thunder shook Taixu.

"You three haven't shown up yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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