
Chapter 674: Evil people need to be tortured by Henghua

Chapter 674: The Evil One Wants to Henghua Mo (Four-in-one, [-]-word chapter)
Accompanying Fu Henghua's thunder, three spiritual lights were forced to appear from the airspace.

The endless creation energy flows in the airspace, like the master of this space.Henghua's words were like a heavenly constitution, and the vitality from all directions came crushing towards him, making it impossible for the three of them to dodge.

The three people's faces were as dark as water, and they looked warily at Fu Henghua, who was standing in the sky.

The headless tengu was bound by a golden chain and slowly flew towards Fu Henghua.

"How do you call the three?"

The thunder roared with an irresistible menace.

"Yan Chen, Liu Moyin, Dong Yuanhe."

The three of them replied coldly, looking frequently at the "Tengu Passage".

Fu Henghua's cloud axis expanded and entangled, not only sealing the explosion process of the "Moon Star", but also sealing the Moon Ship's departure path.

Therefore, although these three people knew that Fu Henghua had other intentions, they had to respond verbally.

Delay time and find a way to enter the passage.

The three of them looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding between their eyes.

"You three, do you know the details of this world?"


"You haven't shown up in the past few months. Are you studying how to leave here?"

Seeing this man speak straightforwardly, the expression of the three masters changed drastically.

That's right.They were surprised shortly after Zhang Xuanchu and others came in.

But the "truth" was truly confirmed only after the assassination attempt against Gong Ye Mingchan and others failed.

Compared with Gongye Mingchan and his like, they have practiced in Zuzhou all their lives and have a clear understanding of what Tiandu is studying.

After hearing what the group of people were discussing about "4 years ago", the three of them suddenly realized.

The place where they are is the "parallel world" that has not yet been fully formed. The real world has passed 4 years.

Faced with this situation, they would naturally not foolishly continue to sacrifice the devil and establish Nanzhou.

What’s the use of being a piece of background in history?

What they have to do is secretly follow Dongfang Yunqi and others to the future and truly live out their lives!
"It seems that I guessed it right - you don't have to look at me like this, it's really just a guess. If you don't guess right, there is no loss to me, right?"

Fu Henghua waved, and the struggling headless dog was once again wrapped in several layers of chains.

The Tengu skin is just an external object, and its true origin lies in its violent spirit.Even though the dog's head was smashed by Fu Henghua's palm, it was still not dead, and was ready to move violently, looking for an opportunity to attack.

"Be honest."

Henghua sat on the back of the tengu and activated several "dog training spells" that had been hidden on the tengu beforehand.

Golden runes continuously emerged from the Tengu's body, suppressing the violent thoughts.


The tengu struggled a few times, but failed to break free.

Henghua floated backwards, crossed his left and right legs, and sat firmly on the Tengu's back.

Seeing Henghua's left leg crossed and his right leg curled up as he sat on the back of a dog, looking relaxed and comfortable, Sanzhen's alarm bells rang frequently.

Why is this guy covered in flaws?

Is it a trap?Are you planning to seduce us into making the first move?
"My good sister is simple-minded, ignorant of human affairs, and cannot understand the methods of the three of you. But I am different... I only want to ask the three of you, do you want to go to our world?"

Although Fu Henghua had just arrived, he could scan the world at will.Seeing that the three Tribulation Immortals of the Revival family could not hide, they made a rough guess about the situation.

"What do you want to do?"

Fu Henghua held the big red pearl to increase his magic power, and he also used immortal weapons and treasures in his hands.

Yan Chen and the others watched secretly with their spiritual consciousness, and concluded that this person must be a real person who had survived the three disasters, and they did not dare to neglect him.

"There are a few questions, as long as the three of you answer them truthfully. What's wrong with me taking you to the main world 4 years in the future? It should be noted that we are in troubled times there, and the fighting power of the three real people is also an indispensable force. The power of underestimation.”

Yan Chen: "What do you want to ask?"


Exactly what I want!

While he was entangled, he hinted the other two to study spells and try to break Fu Henghua's method of sealing the "Tengu Passage".

"I came here in a hurry and only took a few casual glances. I saw the revivalists hunting and killing reinforcements. What do these three people mean?
“Where is the Demon God Altar you built?

"Can you take me to see the altar?"

The three questions are linked together and are potentially misleading.

But at this moment, the three real people were busy leaving and naturally they were too lazy to lie.And lying at this moment may not work.

"We revivalists are indeed killing people from the Three Continents. But they have original sin here, and we are just following the orders of our predecessors to retaliate. As for the altar, we can take you there, but we have to wait a while."

Henghua listened to the three people's words and nodded slowly.

"I understand. The three of you spoke honestly. I can't answer them with empty words."

He said loudly: "If the sacrifice in Nanzhou has nothing to do with the three of them. The three fellow Taoists are just watching from the sidelines. I have my own magic to turn the three points into jade and bring them back to 4 years later. Stay for a few months and cast the spell Solve yourself for the purpose of beating.”

Watching the death of the Sanzhou reinforcements, even if you are not guilty, watching yourself is helping the evildoers.

But after all, the matter has nothing to do with oneself, and it is not easy to really deal with it. It can only be beaten once or twice.

"But the three people are related to this matter and are the ones behind the murder with their minions. So we can only find another way to take them 4 years later."

Yan Chen's face darkened, his murderous intent revealed, and two red swords flew behind him.

"Two fellow Taoists - kill -"

Before Yan Chen could give the order, the other two men had already launched an offensive.

A treasure wheel engraved with thirty-six thousand innate red inscriptions and an earth-opening orb entwined with Hunyuan Yiqi attacked from both sides.

Heng Hua chuckled lightly: "I am talking to you here, the three of you will not naively think that I don't have any secret methods. You are studying my sealing technique, and I am also secretly expanding my domain - creation!"

The blue clouds are mighty, and the vitality of creation is flowing in continuously.

Before the two red swords could get close, they were pushed back by the huge waves of the sea of ​​clouds.

The treasure wheels and divine beads next to them also failed to perform any feats, and were blocked and sealed by the combined efforts of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

"The Jade Emperor's decree-give you the hands in your eyes, the hands in your heart, and the hands in your ribs. You can kneel down and thank me!"

What is this guy talking about?
The three of them froze for a while.

Suddenly Yan Chen's eyes hurt.


He covered his eyes, but it felt like there were millions of ants ready to move under his eyelids.


Two granules protruded from the bottom of the orbit, wrapped the eyeballs, and then poked out from the eyelids.

"Fellow Taoist?" Liu Moyin looked at Yan Chen in horror.

Two tiny palms grew out of his eye sockets, with five fingers clasping the two eyeballs, and blood vessels connecting the palms and eyeballs.

This... what kind of monster is this!

But Liu Moyin couldn't protect himself, and couldn't even say a word of questioning.

His heart was also about to move, an arm stirred in his chest, and then poked out from the heart.

Gudong - Gudong -

The living heart was pinched by the third hand, slowly stretched out from the robe, and began to move around.

Liu Moyin was sweating all over as she stared at the third hand she stretched out.

"What kind of sorcery are you doing?" Dong Yuanhe said in a horrified tone, looking at the arms growing out of his sides.Compared to his two companions, he felt more unlucky.He had a total of five new pairs of arms, densely swaying around his body.

"Thank you later."


Before the three of them could react, the true energy of creation around them was crushing them, and they fell to their knees in front of Fu Henghua.

"good fortune!"

Fu Henghua smiled with joy, stroking his hands.


Give birth to wind and thunder, summon water and fire?
Fu Henghua was tired of that ordinary way of fighting.

The king of creation should put creation first!

Seeing Fu Tongjun's Gu God method with her own eyes helped her to deduce a way of cultivating the Gu God.

Heaven and earth are dishes, and all living beings are gu.

Fu Henghua naturally knows this truth.

"Heaven and earth are dishes, and the human body is similar to heaven and earth. Then the human body is a big dish, and every cell and organ in the human body is a kind of worm."

Mutation, disease.

Henghua had used similar methods before, injecting the true energy of creation into other people's bodies through proliferation and lesions, thereby destroying the physical body to achieve the goal of victory.

Now that he is observing the essence of Gu Dao and learning the Jade Emperor's Order, Fu Henghua's methods become more natural and calm.

As the Jade Emperor, I will reward you with the energy of creation.

Let the cells and organs in your body proliferate themselves.

This is the grace of the Jade Emperor, a miracle of creation.

Fu Henghua has even figured out that it is like using "cancer transformation" to grant immortality.

As long as he is willing, he can create a twisted and long-lived "creature monster" like the future Evil Emperor Henghua.

"Monster, what kind of sorcery are you doing? Why don't you quickly change your grandfather back?"

In Yan Chen's panic, he heard a familiar voice.

It was his own voice, his own tone.

and many more……

The source of this sound is...

In his left eye socket, the new-born hand twisted back and forth, waving and shaking as if it was roaring angrily.

"This hand actually has its own consciousness?"

Yan Chen felt cold in his heart.

This is even more terrifying than "unfamiliar hands".This man can create souls?
Are you afraid that this method will catch up with the true kings?
"Fellow Taoist, these two hands of yours——"

Liu Moyin and Liu Moyin stared at the two palms.

The palm is connected to the eyeball, but there are two gaps on the back of the palm. The bone slowly squirms inside, and two rows of white teeth grow.

There is a mouth on the back of the palm.

Looking at the young man sitting on Tengu's back and admiring the "work" with a smile, a chill ran up his spine and into his mind.

This boy is evil and not like a good person!
"Bah - I am Yan Chen!"

The hand on the right eye socket struck hard towards the left eye socket.

"Ouch -" Yan Chen felt pain in his left eye, and then his left eye and hand began to fight back to the right: "Fart, I am Yan Chen."

His hands and eyes were fighting, and Yan Chen grimaced in pain.

"That's enough, I am Yan Chen!"


"A mere mount is worthy of being so arrogant in front of me!"

clap clap!clap clap!
Both eyes and hands stretched out and severely slapped Yan Chen's left and right cheeks.

In the shocked eyes of Liu Moyin and Liu Moyin, his face completely swelled twice in size.

It's not just extracted, it's a brand new mutation.

His cheeks began to grow new eyes and a mouth.

Liu Moyin subconsciously looked at the third hand on her heart.

"The other me, be careful. I feel that this young man's methods are very evil, and he is definitely not an immortal like me."

"..." Liu Moyin fell into silence when he saw eyes and mouth growing out of his heart.

"What you are saying is that I am not a real immortal. Then you guys who deceived the reinforcements of the three continents and made blood sacrifices to the demon god have the right to be called 'immortals'? Rubbish like you, old antiques like you, are useless if you expose them to the sun." Let those of us who come after us feel ashamed.”

Fu Henghua's voice became colder and colder: "Take out your hearts, livers... and dry them all, then you can see how much kindness and Taoism you have in your body."

With a wave of his hand, the vitality of creation burst out again.

Liu Moyin felt the baptism like a violent storm, and then all the internal organs in his body began to move.

One arm after another reached out from his chest and grabbed out his liver and kidneys one by one.

What's even more terrifying is that eyes and mouths appear on the surface of these organs and they begin to quarrel with each other.

"That's enough for you, why don't you hurry back."

"Why did you order me?"

"Just because I am my true self."

"Nonsense, I am the real person."

"Shut up, everyone, I am the heart, I am the biggest, listen to me."

"I am the foundation of life, and my kidneys are the biggest."

Watching the hands fighting in front of her, Liu Moyin felt similar pain to Yan Chen.

It hurts--

Won’t they feel pain in arms with mutated organs?

Am I the only one who feels pain?


In the simulated world, when the three real people were tortured, Zhuyin Tianmo was also attacked by Dongfang Yunqi.

It hurts!

It’s so familiar!
Zhuyin Tianmo gritted his teeth and held on. When the golden light exploded in his body, he forcibly twisted the demon's body in an attempt to divert the damage.

At this time, the golden whip stood in the air and began to change again.

A projection of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone surrounds the golden whip, each talisman is projected, and all the brands on the whip are activated.

"Reversing yin and yang."

"Move stars and change battles."

"Back to the sky and back to the sun."

"Master the Five Thunders"


A series of Tiangang supernatural powers erupted, and merged into one under the control of the golden whip, forming a stronger magical power.

Seeing the energy of creation slowly gathering, Zhuyin Tianmo secretly cursed.

In his own timeline, he had experienced this attack.

Not to mention his current demon-like body, even in his prime, he had to take a closer look.

This is the joint effort of more than [-] Tribulation Immortals from Donglai.

Drawing on Fu Henghua's "Unification of Earthly Evil Magical Powers and Magical Powers", the "Mediating Creation" was created by the joint efforts of the Donglai Tribulation Immortals.

This demon-suppressing power is enough to restrain all demons below the Demon Emperor.

There are even some Tribulation Immortals who maintain a tacit understanding and leave their ultimate killing moves in their whips.

With just that moment of induction, Zhuyin Tianmo noticed the old thief Linghu's Jade Saint Immortal Light and the two Sword Saint's natal sword energy.

Damn it, when I survive, I will clean up you one by one and plant "weapon hands" on them all!

The golden whip carried the power of creation, and the body of the Zhuyin Heavenly Demon collapsed, leaving only a ball of demonic nature twisting and struggling in the sea of ​​time.

Several Henghua phantoms smiled.

Under their gaze, this group of demons took the initiative to escape into the "parallel world".

"Immortals and demons are yin and yang, and they are dependent on each other. This is what the Demon Emperor's thoughts ultimately mean."

After the leader of Yin Yang sighed with emotion, he saw the surrounding Henghua people showing strange expressions and their eyes wandering.

Everyone is Henghua, who doesn’t know who?
After the failure of Zhu Yin Tianmo's plan, they quickly understood its true intention.

After all, he is also "Fu Henghua". How could the Demon Emperor be on a dead end road without retreating in the future?

He had already thought of a way out before the plan started.

"He does know how to be lazy."

Jade Saint Henghua muttered, and then turned to the others: "He has gone, let's go too. By the way, we will conduct the Four Saints' Heart Test."

The leader of Yin Yang rolled up his sleeves and robes, and the three projections of Da Chi, Yu Sheng, and Zi Huang flew directly into the other side of time and space to manifest Fu Henghua's inner calamity.

"Are you really not going?"

Facing the leader's question, Evil Emperor Henghua sneered.

I casually took a look at the "Simulated World".

"Let you do whatever you want, the road of good and evil is one. If you make a mistake, it's me. Why are you so anxious?"

"So he ran to take the initiative to merge, and he also planned to wait and go the wrong way."

The leader shook his head: "Evil heretics are used to these lazy methods."

"It sounds like you are so diligent. Relying on the support of the Taoist Saint, you can only get half a seat in Taixuan Tian. How can you compare to the freedom of being alone in the Taoist world?" The Evil Emperor waved his palm, and the sea of ​​​​time was shattered. Jiang Xiaoli and others were swept out of the sea of ​​​​time and returned to the real capital.And when he calmly returned to the future, his mind returned to the evil emperor's true form in front of the avenue gate.

The leader of Yin and Yang nodded slightly to Dongfang Yunqi and sighed: "The same thing is consistent from beginning to end. Although it lacks all kinds of scenery, the victory is that the Taoist heart is pure. The future of fellow Taoists is precious and encouraging..."

Under Dongfang Yunqi's gaze, the Yin Yang Cult Leader also disappeared.

The moonlight flows, and a piece of pure land rises under her feet.

After carefully thinking about the ambiguous attitude between Zhuyin Tianmo and Zhong Henghua, Dongfang Yunqi suddenly realized.

"Is it because we have united our minds to actively devote ourselves to the final battle in the future?"


In front of the avenue.

The leader and the evil emperor watched silently.

I saw a shadow slowly condensing and rising under the shadow of the Dao of Creation...

When the person is taller, the shadow changes into Fu Henghua's appearance.

He looked courteous and polite: "Tianmo Henghua has met you two."

Evil Emperor Henghua looked disdainfully: "Xiao Dao'er."

The leader smiled and said: "The person who stepped on the evil emperor of the previous generation and came to power, you have no right to criticize him, right?"

"I'm sorry, people who rely on the support of Taoist saints are not qualified to criticize me." The demon Henghua was very proud. When the two Henghuas looked over, he quickly hid behind the Taoist shadow of creation.

"Look, they bullied me!"


Creation Dao Shadow drank tea slowly, completely ignoring the nonsense of "Wukong Spirit God".

That's right, the way of the demon is the spiritual god Wukong.

Two hearts are one, and immortals and demons are entangled.

Since he completed the Heavenly Book of Demonic Ways and understood the principle of "Demon of Heavenly Demons", Fu Henghua has made more calculations about the Demonic Way.

Zhuyin Tianmo comes from a future possibility that has failed and has been sealed for a long time.

But he is not stupid and understands that his winning rate is extremely low. Not only can he not win the real Fu Henghua, he can't even reach the last level of the "Tao Sect".

So, he left a way out.

I can't take the last step myself, but I can let others take me!

If I can't get along with me, can't I still go to Wukong Spirit God?
Therefore, he took the initiative to give his last legacy to Fu Henghua.


parallel world.

Fu Henghua slowly prepared the three real people.

Outside, in full view of the public, he dared not show off many of his tricks.

But there was no one around, so he naturally wanted to play with all the secrets of creation that he had studied recently.

At this time, a group of demonic nature rushed out and flew directly into the cloud axis.

Fu Henghua was suddenly startled and quickly took back the cloud axis.

After taking a closer look, there was actually a pure "origin of the devil" inside the cloud axis.

Without any backhand or calculation, it is a pure demonic spirit.After all, they are all the same person. Heng Hua suddenly realized: "This is the plan for me to lead the practice. In the last step of enlightenment, will there be another battle between immortals and demons, a battle between two minds?"

Although the contact time was short, Fu Henghua understood.

The future Evil Emperor, Henghua, will become the "Immortal Evil God Body" by devouring the previous generation of Evil Emperors.

The future Taixuan Henghua obtained the Taoist teachings and took the final step.

The conduct and realm of these two are higher than that of the Demon Emperor.

In this case, the Demon Emperor knew that he could not catch up with them, so of course he had to have another option.

"Forget it, just make a garbage dump and put the debris for me."


In front of the avenue gate, Wukong Spirit God said proudly: "What do you know? I am different from you now.

"The last step of the Yuan Gong of the Creation Society is to use the 'Tribulation of Ten Thousand Paths to Obstruct' to act as a chaotic evil demon. This calamity only arises from within, and is blocked by the myriad ways of its own evolution in the infinite future. After you have stopped it, you will be swallowed up by this guy. , the great road of creation is all-encompassing, and the way of nature is perfect - this is a normal situation.

"But when I transform into 'Wukong' in my demon body, the situation is different.

"All the ways are unified, and only one thought can lead to sainthood. The spirit and spirit must also merge with the main body at this step. The 'Heart Monkey Spirit God' is also a Yin demon that blocks the way. Moreover, it is the last Yin that blocks the way. The devil is the leader of all the demons in the world. Look, don't look at what he calls the 'evil emperor' or 'the leader' now. In the end, aren't they all a group of losers? The one who really touches the Tao and Fruit is still the 'creator of creation' I'."

The shadow of creation is the challenger, and the projection of ten thousand paths is the challenger.

"In this case, since we are fighting as a villain in the end, why don't I stand on the same side with him from the beginning?"

As a challenger.

With the fall and devouring of the projection of a statue, not only the creation deity will be achieved, but also the spiritual god Wukong will be achieved.

"What he said is right. In the end, I will suppress the 'I of Ten Thousand Daos' one by one and integrate the origin of ten thousand daos into creation. And the distracting thoughts of ten thousand daos will be stored in the 'Heart Ape', while strengthening him, I will train him to be the final The opponent has completed the last 'two-hearted confrontation'."

The leader and the evil emperor remained silent.

It has to be said that although Demon Emperor Henghua is timid, he does have a sharp vision and understands the key to "The Creation Hui Yuan Gong".

This catastrophe of becoming a saint was ultimately guided by him, and he successfully reached the same level as himself and others.

"To put it bluntly, it's just a garbage dump."

"A waste area filled with distracting thoughts, is it also worthy of being called the head of all demons?"

Two identical voices sounded, and Wukong Spirit God immediately became anxious.He was about to retort to the leader and the evil emperor when he suddenly saw the two of them looking strange. It was not he who spoke just now.

"Huh? Is there anyone who can take the initiative to come to this level of stairs?"

Wukong Spirit was startled and quickly swept towards Shi Hai.

In his calculations, there are only two futures, one good and one evil, as the main forces.One on one with the original creation, and with the tacit understanding of each other, it is easy to swallow other reflections.

But look now...

Two rainbow lights flew up from the sea of ​​time, and a majestic figure stood on top of time, brazenly attacking Wukong Spirit God.

One of them entwines the galaxy, and three thousand stars rise and die in the span of a wave of the palm. It is astonishingly the sublimation of the Avenue of Stars.

The other one is even more terrifying. As soon as he appears, he collapses time and space and brings everything into the reincarnation realm behind him.

Reincarnation is derived from creation, and it controls the reincarnation of time, the reincarnation of life and death, the reincarnation of cause and effect...

The magical power of this reincarnation god is not inferior to that of the Yin Yang Cult Master.

"I, please save me——"

Wukong Spirit God quickly returned to the body of "Creation Light and Shadow".

Creation Henghua looked at the "Reincarnation God" quietly.

This future projection is the branch of time that appeared after I cultivated the "Fifth Transformation Holy Fetus".

That was after cultivating the "Creation Hui Yuan Gong" to the fifth turn of the Holy Embryo, and then having a profound enlightenment and extracting the "Great Way of Reincarnation" from the "Celestial Book of Creation".It even incorporates part of the essence of the "Book of Death" to interpret the "Nirvana Path and Fruit".

All things are extinct, and the spirit and spirit cease to exist.

This is the ultimate annihilation that neither the God of Samsara nor the God of Creation can avoid.

But you can take a step back and try to incorporate "death" into your system.

Under the system of creation, death is the state of emptiness in which "the vitality of creation is lost".

Under the reincarnation system, we take a step back from the eternal silence and maintain a wonderful state of nirvana in which "all things are empty, only the spirit exists forever".

Always happy, I am pure, eternally at ease.

With this state as the core, the reincarnation of cause and effect and the reincarnation of life and death arise.

The magical powers of this "man sitting on the lotus platform" made even Zaizhan Henghua turn their attention to him.

The supernatural power stirred up the three realms, imitating the previous life and creating a Great Light Sect, almost opening a new avenue besides the immortals and demons.

But it is obvious that in today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths structure, it is not the turn of a new orthodoxy to rise.

Therefore, this future is only a possibility, and the probability is slim and the time is long... It took a lot of effort to reach the "True Gate of the Great Dao".

“Since God is here too, let’s get started!”

The Taoist Shadow of Creation stood up, and the light and shadow that concealed his true appearance dispersed. Thousands of rays of rays of light burst out in front of the avenue gate, causing the leader and the evil emperor to change their expressions.

The chain formed by the reincarnation of cause and effect immediately broke.

Three thousand galaxies turned into dust in the glow of creation.

The power of the creation deity's magic power and the richness of his luck were truly unexpected by the two of them.

"Yin and Yang, evil ways, stars, reincarnation..."

The Lord of Creation passed the projections of the four statues standing on the last level one by one, and immediately looked towards the sea of ​​​​time.

More Dao shadows rise from the long rivers of time that are broken out of order.

The most powerful venerable person who inherited the Hunyuan Heavenly Book and penetrated several civilizations in Donglai was holding up an orb with all his strength and slowly throwing a new universe towards him.

Mainly cultivating Bagua Tianji, he plays the role of the Saint Emperor of Heluo Avenue in the role of the ancestral saint. He wears a crown, sits on an imperial throne, is surrounded by dragons, horses and turtles, and brings hundreds of millions of heroic spirits to kill from the sea of ​​time.

The world-famous beauty with a body and a snake's tail rises from the waves of time, and a colorful stone sneaks up on her while she smiles.

The face is invisible, the body is invisible, only the energy of creation that has no beginning and no end condenses into a cloud and mist, rising and falling in the sea of ​​time.Three thousand divine beasts and one hundred thousand gods and demons arise and die in the clouds, worshiping the "ancestor of creation" together.

Looking at the beauty and the invisible Yuan Qi of Creation, the "Lord of Creation" also felt a little heavy.

These two fellow cultivators of the Dao of Creation are also masters of the "Creation Hui Yuan Gong". Among the many future directions, they can be called the "Three Deities of Creation" with themselves.But in the eyes of the "Lord Lord", both of them have gone astray.

The Goddess Mending Heaven is the path carved out during the seventh reincarnation of the Holy Embryo.For a moment, his practice went awry, and God manifested a female form.When practicing the method of repairing the sky on a certain continent, he made a mistake, so he simply opened a repairing sky pavilion to teach the way of creation.Unexpectedly, before the female body returned to its original form, it would touch the path of creation.

Faceless Xuanqi is the path separated from the eighth-rebirth holy embryo. Men and women, humans, beasts, gods and demons... In that future, Henghua had an idea and directly abandoned all external skins, grasped the essence of creation, and sublimated it into a unique Xuan Qi.This is the foundation of the great path of creation in the world. He grasps the "results of the path of creation" in a state of harmony and is one of the strongest opponents of the "Lord of Creation".


More future projections come from the sea of ​​time, and some of them are possibilities that the "Lord of Creation" has never seen.

"I saw 33 billion changes in the future, and there are 120 five people who are expected to achieve enlightenment... What I see now is that there are actually [-] shadows of the Tao that are about to hit the final stage."

The Lord of Creation sighed and sighed.

Why is it that just anyone in Donglai who is a divination master and a master of calculation can tell that something is wrong with him?

There is no way, the talent is too high, the future is too evil.

There are millions and tens of millions of other people in the future before there is a possible future of enlightenment.

But what about yourself?

The possibility of enlightenment is too high, ten times or a hundred times that of others...

With this casual calculation, who can’t see that I have made great achievements?

And what's even more outrageous is...

There are many people in Fu Henghua's bright and beautiful future.

But at this step of "all obstacles are coming", the future of evil demons and heretics will be even greater!
The wind howls, ghosts and gods howl.

All kinds of evil and heretical Henghua appeared.

"Okay - you can let me refine it later!" Spirit God Wukong appeared again and shouted excitedly.

The next moment, the colorful stones fell, and the iron fist condensed by the creation Yuan Qi landed at the same time.

The attack by the two Gods of Creation made Wukong Spirit God immediately shrink his head.

"Go deal with the evil demons of the outside world. I will deal with the rest of the true shadows of the Tao."

As creation flows, the Lord receives the attacks from the two fellow creations and backhands the Lord of Samsara.

Countless green branches spread across the sea of ​​​​time, countless immortal jade trees grew crazily, and one after another Dao Fruit Immortal Reality fell to the ground and exploded one after another.

"Haha... This position of the Immortal Family, which has the same longevity as heaven, should be left to me."

The laughter of babies echoed in the sea of ​​​​time. One by one, white and fat babies were hung on the branches, and a stick was inserted from the side to smash the immortal tree of the Lord of Creation.

The ancestor of the earth immortal, he is the same king as the world.

Another statue of Henghua is enough to impact the possibility of enlightenment.

The Wuzhuang Temple realm unfolded, and the elderly Henghua with white beard and white beard appeared, looking at all the Henghuas with side glances.

The old Henghua is quite rare in many future projections, second only to the boy Henghua.

It was a boy holding a light and surrounded by red silk.Countless dragons and snakes shuttled through the flames, and they turned out to be an existence that smelted flames, dragon paths, and hurricanes, and became a saint through the position of the Sea Emperor.

"Okay - come all, come all!"

The Lord of Creation looked at the opponents coming from the sea of ​​​​time, and his pride suddenly rose.

"To conquer all the ways, I am the only one blessed by nature. Today, let's see if I, the challenger, can defeat me, the one of all ways!"


In the parallel world, after Henghua put away his demonic nature.

The leader of Yin Yang also came with the projection of the Three Saints.

Their purpose is to influence Henghua's Taoist heart at this moment and force a flaw in the perfect Taoist heart of creation.

With this flaw buried, the "Lord of Creation" may make mistakes and be defeated by other Tao shadows when he realizes the Tao in the future.

Only in this way can other avenues of enlightenment come to pass.

Just watching Fu Henghua torment three real people.

Dozens of arms swayed randomly on the three already damaged bodies, and the Four Saints were lost in thought.

"I think, in fact, we don't need to intervene at all to create any loopholes. If we are not careful, we fall into the heretics. This matter - it is a 'curse' that will accompany us all our lives."

Well, that's right, it's a curse, definitely not a result of character or behavior.

The leader of Yin Yang looked at the methods used by Fu Henghua, and recalled the long-standing memory in his mind: "The secret method of the devil, the five senses compete for merit."

This method was inspired by Fu Henghua based on a cross talk in his previous life, but it has never been shown to outsiders.

In the impression of the leader of Yin Yang, he made this thing and then put it on the shelf, with no one in the world knowing how to use it.

Why do you think you are starting to play around now?

The eyes of Jade Saint Henghua and Da Chi Henghua were erratic.

The Secret Technique of Heavenly Demon·The Five Senses Compete for Merit.

It’s a word that is so familiar and nostalgic.

This method combines the "spiritual enlightenment technique" of the immortal way, the "five ghost transportation" of the ghost way, and the illusory and mysterious method of the devil to confuse the mind and five senses.

Use illusion to split the consciousness and enlighten it to become self-reliant, and then use the five ghost transport technique to move the seal to the corresponding organ...

Not to mention the bizarre future possibilities, Fu Henghua is currently studying this method with the intention of using it to play with "Youxuan Young Master".It's a pity that Young Master Youxuan rarely takes action. This method has been hidden for many days and it is difficult to achieve success.

Now that no outsiders were around, Fu Henghua immediately came up with this evil thing.

From a principle point of view, except for a little bit of the magic path, it is all based on the immortal way.

But if he performs it in front of people like Meng Chen and Cang Lanzi who are worried about being possessed by demons, wouldn't it make them even more worried?
"Oh, I'm so frustrated. Due to the high and low moral standards of those seniors, I have many methods in the Great Way of Creation that I can't use.

"Hey, it's obviously all serious magic principles. Unfortunately, the results were a bit scary, and they were all scared - hey!"

The Four Saints remained silent.

Well, this familiar style and familiar language.

It's really like me when I was young, and I was never beaten by my master.

Zihuang Henghua sighed faintly: "I came to Zihuang Pavilion early and followed the rules. It's rare to see such a temper."

Follow the rules?

At the age of [-], was it a matter of routine to capture a group of demons and refine them into the "sun"?
The leader of Yin Yang glanced at him.

Jade Saint Henghua also sighed and said: "Yes, after becoming a master, there are many rules and regulations, which makes me lose my innocence."

Oh, is your so-called innocent nature meant to torture people?This is not like feeding poison to water bandits and cutting beans when I was five years old.Have you ever given yourself such a premium?

The leader of the Yin and Yang cult discussed again.

Compared to these futures, my own moral standards seem to be higher.

After all, these Heavenly Demon secret techniques were all given to the Heavenly Demon's incarnation for practice.When he cultivated the Taixuan Golden Pill, he gave up the incarnation of the demon early.A similar black history naturally does not exist.

Da Chi Henghua: "We don't have much time. After breaking away from the sea of ​​​​time, there is only one mana left. Let's quickly set up the illusion and lure it into nature."

Teacher?What division?
Laugh to death.

I'm still a disciple?

The Great Red Heavenly Book, can’t I cultivate it myself?I am Patriarch Chiyuan!

Bah, wrong, Chi Yuan is clearly my disciple and grandson!
As the "ancestor" who founded his own path and taught Nanzhou.Let go of a few demon incarnations, and tinker with some magic to beat your disciples and disciples to make them come closer to you.Isn’t this a simple balancing act?

Henghua didn't know what the Four Saints were doing secretly, so he happily toyed with his secret skills of creation.

"There are three sacrifices at the moment, including one headless dog. Let's see how this works -"

Fu Henghua quickly made secrets of calligraphy and painting.

"Blood Refining Beast Barrel!"

Beast jar, the animal version of gold jar and wooden jar.

This beast talisman written by Fu Henghua is also known as the "Three Devil Dog Talisman".

Through sacrifices, a three-headed dog was artificially synthesized.

The scarlet magic wind circulated in the airspace, and the magic light flew out from the secret book to bind the three weird bodies.

The monster with 36 arms and eyes on its body was the first to fly over, with dozens of mouths swearing and being swallowed by the secret book.

Immediately afterwards, 72 arms were stacked like wings, and the bird-man-like monster was forced to devour it.

Finally, there are twenty hands stretching out from the chest. The heart, kidneys, large intestine, small intestine... various organs are chattering endlessly, arguing and fighting with each other, flying towards the secret book.

The three bodies are gradually melting, and balls of blood are floating towards the headless tengu.

Granulations squirmed in the broken neck area, and then sarcoma...

The three sarcomas changed rapidly and gradually took on the appearance of a skull.

"Oops, not good——"

Just when the three of them were desperate and their flesh and blood were about to become the head of the tengu, Fu Henghua took the initiative to terminate this technique.

He held his forehead in frustration, and then patted his face: "It was so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost fell into the wrong path.

"The blood refining technique of sacrificing human beings is not something that serious immortals should use. This is clearly a method of evil heretics. Could it be that I did it?"

He showed a full apology and apologized to the three dying immortals: "I'm sorry, I just dealt with my future demon, and I may have been tainted with some evil spirits, and I almost fell into heresy. Don't worry, you three, I will never use such evil methods. I won’t use it on you.”

He reached out and struck out a thunderbolt from his palm, shattering the "Blood Refining Beast Urn".

Then, the three of them watched their three bodies twist into three small bells, and the escaped blood and energy gathered again.

jingle - jingle -

Henghua grabbed three small bells in his hand, and then strung them together with golden rune chains floating in the air, turning them into a dog ring.


Yan Chen's eyes widened, and the next step he found was that he only had one soul left, and he was fixed in place.

"Three, please—"

Fu Henghua stretched out his hand and touched the headless tengu's neck.

Three brand new dog heads sprouted out of thin air.

Instead of mixing the flesh and blood of the three Tribulation Immortals with the body of the Tengu to create a blood refinement, Fu Henghua used his own magic power to give birth to three dog heads.

Not to mention the three real men, the tengu's ferocity was hidden in its skin, and they were confused after seeing Henghua's methods.

"This guy...what does this guy want to do?"

"My family has a killing ban. I'm too lazy to kill people like you three. Let's just arrest them for the time being."

After patting each of the three dog heads, the three souls were actively sucked away by the three dog heads.

"This Tengu Violent Po is too troublesome and involves a lot of cause and effect. I can't think of how to deal with it for the time being, so let's use three of them as guards. Seal this Violent Po for me. Of course, this Violent Po is also responsible for guarding the three of you - you The four supervise each other.”

Henghua trapped the bell dog trap that was transformed into the flesh and blood of the three real people on the tengu.

He also very considerately swapped the three dog heads with the corresponding bell bodies below them.

The bell below the dog-headed Yan Chen holds Liu Moyin's body. Below Liu Moyin is Dong Yuanhe, and below Dong Yuanhe is Yan Chen.

The three of them worked in reverse order, not only supervising Tengu Ropo, but also each other.

"Do a good job. I will calculate the merits later. The soul with the highest score will be returned to the star sky, the soul with the second highest score will stay in the Tengu and become a dog soul, and the soul with the lowest score will fly away."

"What do you want from us?"

The dog's head on the left roared angrily, and Yan Chen found that he could actually control it.

No, he has become one with this dog head.

He also has the special ability to spit out ice.

"Three of you, do you really want me to explain it clearly? If I don't deal with you right now, I still don't know how many evil debts you have committed."

Trap and kill the reinforcements from Sanzhou.

Not only Gongye Mingchan and his entourage, but no one came to Donglai back then?
Maybe among those people, there are some seniors who are closely related to today's Donglai.

Henghua was not ashamed of the actions of these revivalists and did not bother to include them in his killing spree.

As he becomes famous, does this trash deserve it?

After you go back and settle the old accounts, squeeze out all their value.Those who should be sent to the stars and those who should be left in despair should be considered slowly.

As for the Light-Eclipsing Tengu...

As a monster raised by the devil, Fu Henghua knew the depth of the situation.

Killing the demon beast, not only enmity, but also may be assassinated by the secret curse of the demon at the moment of killing the tengu.

The spell that the Dragon King cast on himself has not been washed away yet.

Wouldn't it be troublesome to come back with a marking spell that "all the demons in the world will attack together"?
Instead, use the immortal souls of the three real people to block each other and contain each other.

On the one hand, he used his violent soul to torture the soul and destroy the souls of the three real people.On the other hand, it can also control Tengu to give itself a boost.

Some at home raise a hybrid Thunder Beast and Kirin, some play with pandas, and some raise dragons and phoenixes... What does it mean for me to torment a Tengu?
"It's just that it's hard to pass the test in Dongfang. You may have to waste some words."


He obviously tried to restrain Dongfang Yunqi's demon, but he ended up using it as a plaything.

Will she have any objections?
But Fu Henghua is confident that he can convince Dongfang Yunqi.

What's the big deal? If she doesn't agree, she'll be killed again?

But right now—

You can have some fun.This is my masterpiece.

Patting the heads of three dogs one after another, Henghua showed a satisfied smile.

The Secret Art of Creation has gone a step further and can already help Tengu reshape his head.


If you make some progress, you will be able to attain enlightenment.


After a while, Henghua fixed the "moon star debris" in the sky and tidied up the airspace.

Not in a hurry to leave, he sat on the back of the three-headed dog and surveyed this "simulated world".

"It's very realistic, or does it rely on a single technique to completely replicate all the information in the real world?"

The Shenluo Heavenly Book flew out automatically and flashed in front of him, deducing the calculation formula of ancient civilization.

However, it is difficult for Fu Henghua to analyze the technology that ancient civilizations completed over thousands of years in a short time.

I had to find a deserted mountain to find a secluded place to meditate.

At this time, he saw a hidden cave on the top of a mountain.

"The road comes and goes to the Changsheng Mansion, the Origin and Destruction of the Paradise Township. This place..."

After reading the couplets, Fu Henghua looked at the plaque again. There were three words "Family of Immortals" hanging above the cave.

"Interesting, is this the cave left by which True Lord?"

After thinking about it, Fu Henghua rode the three-headed heavenly dog ​​slowly into the Four Saints Trial Ground.

(End of this chapter)

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