
Chapter 7 Is the Golden Scale a Thing in the Pool?

Chapter 7 The golden scale is not a thing in the pool, once the situation changes, the dragon
Hualongchi, a secret realm derived from the spirit veins of Panlong.Located in the Dragon Ball, under Longshou Peak.

The reason why Baiyutang wants to obtain Panlong Island is that Hualongchi has a large part of the factor.

The sky was reddish, and the sun was just emerging. Heng Hua came to the big lake under Longshou Peak, took out his identity token and pointed at the lake.

The blue waves are rippling, and the lake is divided into two parts, revealing 99 layers of white jade steps.

Paying homage to the direction of Longshou Peak, Heng Hua quickly walked into the passage and came to the secret place hidden under the water.

Hualong Pond is not big, it is just a jade pond with a square of five feet.There are golden waves in the pool, and the stretched green lotus leaves follow the waves of duckweed.The dome reflects the surface of the water, and the brilliance is gorgeous.

Coming to the entrance, Heng Hua felt bursts of abundant aura.One day of practice here is worth ten days in the outside world. Only those who have made great achievements in the Fu family can go to Hualongchi to practice.

In addition, Hualongchi has two opportunities of "changing tendons and cutting marrow" and "fishing over the dragon's gate".

The spiritual liquid in the Yuchi is all the essence of the spiritual veins. Just soaking it once can wash away the acquired dirt, make the foundation easier, and improve the qualifications of practice.

Of course, this method of improving physical fitness can only be used once in a lifetime.

The members of the Baihuangtang family will be sent by Fu Danwei to Hualongchi for bathing and baptism shortly after their birth.Therefore, as long as there are no accidents, the people of Baihuangtang can climb to the foundation building stage in this life.

"Transforming dragons, transforming dragon pools. However, golden scales are not pool objects, so how can a real dragon be raised in such a small place?"

Heng Hua walked forward while talking to himself.

"Hmph—you dislike the narrowness of the old man's Hualong Pond, then find some giant chalcedony for the old man. The old man will directly build the Dragon Palace here."

Behind him came Vodanwei's voice.

Heng Hua quickly turned around and smiled.

But he saw the old man standing behind him with his hands behind his back, staring at him brightly.

Hualongchi is carved from a whole piece of giant jade, which is an adventure of Fu Danwei when he was young.He used this jade to carve the Hualong Pond, connect it to the "Pauil Dragon" spiritual vein, and introduce the essence of jade liquid in the spiritual vein into the jade pool.

It can be said that this Hualong Pond occupies more than half of the aura of Panlong Island.

"Grandson said casually, why are you so angry?"

Heng Hua made jokes, which made Fu Danwei smile.The emotions suppressed by "inner demons" have eased a little these days.

"You kid, come here again for the opportunity to transform into a dragon?"

Hualongchi is an important place of the Fu family, guarded by Fu Danwei himself.But Fu Danwei had no time to spare at the moment, so he descended with an illusion of divine consciousness.

The old man stepped forward, and wanted to reach out to pat Heng Hua's head, but when he thought of something, the old man felt scruples and silently withdrew his hand.

Hold back, hold back, this is my grandson, raised by the old man himself.


Heng Hua was apprehensive, and said cautiously: "Grandson is going to perform 'Fish Leaping over the Dragon's Gate'."

Don't find out, don't find out.The old man will definitely be furious when he finds out that I have recuperated.

The grandfather and grandson had their own concerns, and Fu Danwei did not pay close attention to Heng Hua's practice.It's just that I heard that he was going to use Longmen, Fu Danwei was happy, and I could feel a little joy in my spiritual consciousness.

"Success, let's go."

In Hualong Pond, a lotus leaf floated to the shore.

Heng Hua felt anxious, stretched out his left foot to step on it, and then quickly retracted it.

Sure enough, the moment he stepped on the lotus leaf, it suddenly sank.


Behind him, came Vodanwei's disappointed sigh.

"Hmph!" Heng Hua folded his hands on his chest, "Old man, I'm no longer a three-year-old child. Let's forget about this little trick."

Fu Henghua helped the Fu family deduce the exercises and accumulated a lot of achievements.Hualongchi, he often comes.As a place guarded by his grandfather, Henghua's treatment is different from others.

Yao thought it was the first time he came to Hualongchi since he could remember.Because of his innocence, the moment he jumped onto the lotus leaf, Fu Danwei quickly sank down the lotus leaf, causing himself to fall into the water.

It's called educating grandchildren: don't trust others.

Later when Fu Henghua came to Hualongchi, Fu Danwei would always find an opportunity to throw him into Hualongchi to soak in water.

The pool is full of spiritual liquid, which is not harmful to Henghua.But Heng Hua didn't like it very much when he got wet all over.

However, Heng Hua repeatedly protested, but was slapped back by Fu Danwei.

He is the owner of Panlong Island, the second only to the Great Elder of the Fu family.He wants to teach his grandson, who else can say "no"?

"Old man, it's alright. Let me put on the lotus leaf today, and I plan to challenge the opportunity to transform into a dragon again."

"It's done."

Fu Danwei's tone was slightly picky, and the lotus leaf rose again.

"You kid, get into meditation quickly."

Heng Hua threw a fan over first, and only when he saw that the fan didn't sink did he go up.When he acted, he was very apprehensive, for fear that the old man would find out that he had practiced again.

He wasn't worried that the old man had ill intentions for him.Instead, he was worried that the old man would be furious when he learned that he had not reported in advance, and after he had finished his kung fu and rehabilitated, he was worried about himself.

Fu Danwei was behind, silently suppressing the evil thoughts in his heart.I was afraid that I would not be able to control myself and kill my grandson.

Heng Hua stepped onto the lotus leaf, Fu Danwei raised the dragon gate, adjusted the difficulty to the highest, and quickly retracted this divine sense.

The leaves at the edge of the lotus leaf gradually rise, like a sunken seat that swirls in the water.Billowing aura comes from all directions and penetrates the body through the skin.

The true energy of good fortune is running crazily, and the small Zhoutians are running automatically.

However, the benefits of this kind of mosquito legs are not enough for "Fish Leaping over the Dragon's Gate".

The opportunity to transform into a dragon, the monk's consciousness is reflected in the water as a spiritual fish.Frolicking in the water in the state of a fish, practicing a method of transforming a dragon.

At the same time, Hualongchi evolves various dragon fish and dragon beasts to block them.As long as you break through many obstacles and enter the last dragon gate with the posture of a dragon, you can get a real dragon's aura in the Dragon Transformation Pond.

This true dragon's aura is the essence of Panlong's spirit veins, and a burst of real dragon's aura can increase one's skill for a hundred years.For Heng Hua, Longmen is the only way for him to recover his cultivation as soon as possible.

But the opportunity to transform into a dragon is limited, and the dragon gate is only opened for three days.If you can't cross the dragon gate within three days, you can't get the real dragon's energy.

In addition, the dragons and dragon beasts blocking the way are very fierce. Many people can't even hold on to the dragon gate, and they are blocked by the dragon beasts halfway, and they return in disastrous defeat.

"The Dragon Gate will open for three days."

Listening to the words echoing in his ears, Heng Hua's consciousness sank into the Hualong Pond, and under the lotus leaf, he transformed into a thumb-sized fish fry.

It constantly exhaled air bubbles, absorbing the dragon energy in the water.

boom -

In the field of vision of the little fish fry, a resplendent sacred portal appeared.There is a dragon pillar on each side of the dragon gate, which sends out a dragon chant to the whole pool.

The golden runes circulated in the dragon gate, manifesting a secret method of transforming the dragon "Taixuan Jinlong Jue".This is a remnant of a Xuan-level exercise, Fu Danwei got it by chance when he was young.

As time goes by, the brilliance at the bottom of the Beaulieu Pillar will gradually dim.When three days passed, the two big pillars completely lost their luster, and the dragon gate was closed.

Heng Hua is a frequent visitor to the trial of Dragon Transformation Chance.After the trial began, the little fish flicked its tail resolutely and rushed out of the lotus leaf, crashing into another little fish not far away.

At the same time, the "Taixuan Jinlong Jue" that comes with Hualongchi circulates in the little fish fry.When the two small fish collided, Heng Hua quickly ate the fish and refined the dragon energy in it.

The little fry grew stronger, and Heng Hua rushed to the next target again.

He thought to himself: "On the first day of Dragon Gate, all dragon species grew at the initial stage. I must first transform into dragon fish to fight against the group of lobsters and dragon turtles."

All aquatic creatures can transform into dragons, not limited to fish and snakes.

Crustaceous shrimps and crabs, molluscs mussels, amphibians frogs, reptiles turtles and snakes, planktonic jellyfish, and even lotus leaves and algae in the water can turn into green dragons from plants.

Once, Henghua was only half a step away from Longmen.Already transformed into a flood dragon, he was just short of leaping from the dragon gate.But there was a water plant floating beside the dragon gate, and he didn't pay attention to it.

When he ran to the dragon gate, the aquatic plant instantly turned into a blue dragon, killing the dragon he transformed into on the spot.

After that time, Heng Hua scolded the "green maidservant" for three days and three nights.The energy-raising skills of the Langhuan Pavilion completely collapsed, and Xiaoyu and Hengshou were not allowed to dangle in front of him in blue clothes for three days.

The young fish quickly shuttled through the water, but when they saw the young turtle swimming in the distance, they turned their heads and left decisively.

"With my current posture, I can't beat the turtle."

There are seven types of dragon transformation routes in the water, and the tester can only choose fish, and the other six types are all enemies.Among these enemies, turtles and snakes are still special. When they appeared in Hualong Pond, they were juveniles whose shells had been broken, and their strength was much stronger than fish, shrimp, aquatic plants.

Heng Hua wandered in the water, eating some unborn fish eggs and toad eggs from time to time.

Suddenly, he stopped suddenly, bypassed a water snake that was devouring shrimps not far away, turned his head and ran in another direction.

"Steady, steady. You must not be careless at the beginning."

Henghua developed carefully, and in the environment surrounded by turtles and snakes, he finally transformed into a juvenile fish.

The evolution route of ichthyosaurs, in addition to Henghua's usual koi, there are also fish species such as salmon, perch, eel, and loach, which also have the ability to transform into dragons.It's just that they have different innate abilities in the spirit fish stage.

Carp is the most suitable for transforming into a dragon, and its branch koi seeks good fortune and avoids evil.An eel can drive thunder and lightning, a loach can hide in mud...

As always, Heng Hua's consciousness turned into a koi.The red tail wanders in the water like a cloud of fire, and when it encounters young water snakes and turtles, it will eat them immediately.When encountering an invincible adult shrimp crab monster, turn around and run away.

Three hours later, the big red koi was one meter long.With a thunderclap, his body gradually elongated, and a golden dragon scale grew out of his forehead.

Arowana is still a kind of fish, and further up is ichthyosaur, a dragon evolved from fish.

When Heng Hua turned into a dragon fish, the turtles in the Hualong Pool evolved into dragon tortoises one after another, and even a dragon tortoise appeared in its prototype form.And those mussels lying on the bottom of the water also began to emit dragon breath, turning into Jiaotu.

There are also water snakes that have begun to change into dragon snakes, and wooden dragon prototypes appear among the water plants...

"not good--"

The koi instinctively warned, Heng Hua decisively turned around and dodged.Unexpectedly, a dragon eel entwined with a purple electric glow rushed towards Henghua's dragon fish immediately, killing Henghua's dragon fish.

Heng Hua's eyes went dark, and when he regained consciousness, he turned into a small fry and appeared at the bottom of the lotus leaf again.

"Calm down, calm down, it's old."

Heng Hua carried out psychological construction on himself and calmly started again.

After entering the dragon fish stage, his most hated enemy is the electric eel.

Jiaotu, Baxia, etc. move slowly, just avoid them.

Only the dragon eel is the fastest and covered in purple lightning, it will be paralyzed with just one touch.

The small fry continue to start from scratch, while other aquariums in Hualongchi have grown.The juveniles that Heng Hua is looking for are very rare, and he needs to be careful to avoid the fights between Jiaotu, Baxia and other dragon beasts.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I take the opportunity to catch the leak and run to eat the young of those dragon beasts after they die, I can grow again."

After another five hours, Heng Hua finally grew into a dragon fish surrounded by a group of dragon beasts.Later, by chance, Henghua attacked a wounded dragon loach and successfully evolved into an ichthyosaur.

Ichthyosaurs, with a dragon as the body, are covered with fish scales, with raised foreheads and horns.

If the ichthyosaur goes one step further, the fins will turn into four legs, and it will become a dragon.

But by this time, several flood dragons had already appeared in Hualong Pond.

Those dragon heads look like snakes, and they are all transformed by water snakes.

"Snake-like dragons do have talent."

Looking at those ten-meter-long flood dragons wandering in the water, the ichthyosaurs transformed by Heng Hua carefully hid themselves.But the ichthyosaur is also two meters in size, so even if you want to cover it up, you can't hide it.

Not long after, they were beaten back to their original form by the dragons, and the young fry started to work hard again.


Seeing his grandson working hard in Hualongchi, Fu Danwei felt a little better, and a smile appeared on his old face.

But soon, You Ying began to seduce his demons again.

The smile faded, and Fu Danwei cast a spell again to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Take away grandchildren?

Is my grandson, who has been brought up with great difficulty, about to be destroyed by me?

While his mind was turning, another idea suddenly flashed to Fu Danwei.

"Seizing homes won't work, so what about sorcery?"

He once saw a kind of sorcery in the Langhuan Pavilion.

Through the method of blood sacrifice at the evil altar, live pills are refined from living people, which can prolong life.

Evil thoughts surged, and Fu Danwei's spiritual consciousness came to Langhuan Hall.


After Fu Xiangfeng finished practicing, he came to Yuxiangxuan to pay his respects to his mother.

Except for Zhang Qiulan, all the girls from the Fu family are here.

The girls are sitting around Zhang Qiulan, picking out the gold thread.

Fu Xiangfeng asked curiously, "Mother, what are you and your sisters doing?"

"A new batch of gold thread has arrived, Yunjin. I plan to get some new clothes for my family."

Zhang Qiulan looked indifferent, pointed to the gold thread and said to the girls: "You pick first, and then let your brothers choose after picking. Go down first."

Fu Liuhui wanted to say something else, but seeing the eyes of the second aunt, she left with Si Tong, Xian Tong, and Yun Tong.

Fu Xiangfeng seemed to have realized something: "Eighth Younger Sister is still planning to take revenge?"

Fu Liuhui is the daughter of Fu Xiangfeng's fourth aunt. Because her parents died, she was raised by the Fu family, and she was named after the Fu family.

"She wants to leave the island, but I won't let her go. Let her take a few younger sisters to make treasure clothes first, so as to suppress her temper."

"But in a few days, aren't these little aunts going to Yin's house?"

"At that time, send more people to watch. You can't really let her go, and run to revenge alone."

Thinking of the trivial matters on Panlong Island, Zhang Qiulan felt restless.

A few years ago, Fu Henghua could help him a little.But in recent years, he hid in the library and ignored the general affairs, taking care of the big family by himself.

"By the way, mother. I heard that Uncle Nineteen has come to Panlong Island?"

"It's coming. But yesterday it seemed that his cultivation had broken through, and his yard was sealed off by himself, and he went to retreat."

Because of Fu Heyi's reason for coming, Zhang Qiulan didn't have a good impression of him, and her expression was very cold: "Since he has retreated, don't go that way, so as not to annoy your grandfather."

Going to see Uncle Nineteen, why would you annoy Grandpa?

Fu Xiangfeng looked puzzled, but Zhang Qiulan was not willing to explain.

"Okay, go see your grandfather. In recent days, spend more time with his old man."

Fu Liuhui sent the three younger sisters back to their room and went to Langhuan Pavilion alone.

Seeing the divine consciousness watching the fluttering flowers outside, she stepped forward in surprise.

"Grandfather, why are you here?"

Later, she saw that the Langhuan Pavilion was closed.

"Is Brother Six practicing? Why is the museum closed today?"

"He is retreating in Hualongchi."

Fu Danwei's spiritual consciousness was scattered and unstable, and he was constantly struggling with good and evil in his heart.

"Grandpa came here to borrow books?"

"No need."

Seeing those eyes similar to those of Fu Henghua, Fu Danwei seemed to be awakened by someone, and suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart again.

There are many sorceries secretly taught in the Langhuan Hall.Fu Henghua wanted to practice when he was young, but was beaten by Fu Danwei with a jade ruler until he couldn't get out of bed for three days and three nights.

Fu Danwei secretly said: Back then, the old man prevented his grandson from practicing sorcery.Now, in order to survive, he has to come here and use magic to survive.If you really do this, what face will you have to meet these children and grandchildren in the future?
Without continuing to wander in front of the library, Fu Danwei's consciousness returned to his body.

Seeing his grandfather leaving, Fu Liuhui looked up at the upstairs of the library, stood quietly for a while, then turned and left.

  "Xianglong" says: There is a dragon gate in the world, and all things jumping over it can transform into dragons.However, the dragon is a wild dragon, not a real dragon.Often bullied by real dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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