
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Hualongchi, the third day.

When the dragon gate was closed, Heng Hua had just grown into a ichthyosaur.

Opening your eyes, the lotus leaf under you has lost its aura.The fish and dragon transformed by Henghua's consciousness returned to its body, and a stream of dragon energy circulated in the body, which was absorbed by the true energy of good fortune.

After failing to transform into a dragon, you can bring your transformed dragon beast form back to the main body to increase mana.

Arowana-level spiritual power is equivalent to ten days of normal exercise.

Yulong is equivalent to thirty days, which is equivalent to ten days of practice in Hualongchi.

"It's okay, no loss."

Heng Hua carried out psychological training on himself, and said with relief: "I haven't tried the opportunity to transform into a dragon for a few years, and I'm a bit unfamiliar with it. Let's do it again."

Picking up the token, Henghua exchanged it for another three days, and asked Fu Danwei to open the dragon gate again.

After Fu Danwei pondered, he first opened the dragon gate to the normal mode.On the third day, when Heng Hua was about to evolve from a ichthyosaur to a flood dragon, he decisively turned on the highest difficulty level, and one after another flood dragons quickly appeared, knocking the ichthyosaur back to its original form.

Then, Fu Danwei adjusted the difficulty back to allow Heng Hua to grow smoothly.

"Give him some time, this time he can turn into a flood dragon, but the time is not enough to cross the dragon gate."

Fu Danwei stroked his beard and nodded secretly.

Based on his understanding of his grandson, Heng Hua is arrogant and will definitely choose to continue fighting.In that way, they can continue to use Hualongchi to hone their combat awareness.

That's right, Henghua was deliberately targeted by Fu Danwei in Hualongchi.For this grandson who stays at home reading all day, the old man is heartbroken.

The escalation of the difficulty of Hualongchi was figured out by Fu Danwei in the battle of wits and courage with his grandson.

There is only one common mode for ordinary people to use the chance of transforming dragons, and there are no dragon species of snakes and aquatic plants at all.Trialists only need to defeat three dragon beasts of the same level in each level, and they can automatically advance.It's just that at the level of Longmen, it was blocked frequently.For hundreds of years, few people have completed the Longmen Trial.

Fu Danwei didn't think that Heng Hua could break through the Dragon Gate and seek the spirit of a real dragon.He was just worried that Henghua would frequently use the opportunity of transforming into a dragon to devour a large amount of dragon energy to practice kung fu, which would cause his foundation to become unstable.

Therefore, Fu Danwei deliberately increased the difficulty for him to sharpen his mind.In addition, through the battle with dragon beasts and dragon fish, Heng Hua has unknowingly accumulated a wealth of aquarium combat experience.

After losing for the second time, Heng Hua remained calm.

It's a regular thing, anyway, I have a lot of merit points, so take your time.

This time Henghua got a flood dragon, and his mana increased for a hundred days of hard work, and the fifth step of the spiritual fetus heart method has been completed.

"Zong Lingyun, Danglong Palace. The next step is Jue Sheng and Death, Ming Ling."

The spirit ape was jumping and rolling in the Niwan Palace, so happy.

"Come on stick!"

With a thought in his mind, as the spirit ape waved his hands, a golden dragon aura turned into a stick.

Heng Hua has read a lot of books and knows a lot of cudgel skills in fighting martial arts.He asked Spirit Ape to study the stick technique at Huaguo Mountain to suppress the restlessness in his heart.


For the third time, he became a dragon, defeated a group of opponents and came to Longmen.But because the time limit has expired, he finally returned to the main body in the form of a dragon.

For the fourth time, he was ambushed by the grass-tree Qingjiao in front of the dragon gate.

The fifth time, I met a group of dragon eels when I went out, and they died again and again after breaking through.Time is up, but a small fry.

"It's okay, I only lost once, come again."

The sixth time, the dragon fish ended.

The seventh time, the small fry are over.

Every time he came down, Heng Hua's face became darker and darker.The spirit ape roared furiously in the Niwan Palace, sweeping away with the dragon air stick in his hand, making Huaguoshan heartbroken like a storm.

With the fire burning in his heart, Heng Hua silently recited the "Suppressing Heart Jue".

The spirit ape, the mind ape, is transformed by Henghua's consciousness.He is deft and agile, rebellious and full of Henghua's negative emotions.

In the final analysis, although Heng Hua created the Heavenly Book, but due to lack of realm.The heavenly book created with the current knowledge reserve has a very troublesome root.

The heart ape is irritable, and when the practitioner encounters setbacks, it will trigger all kinds of negative emotions and make the practitioner lose control of his mind.Only after reaching the foundation building stage, using the Five Elements Mountain to suppress Xin Yuan, can he get rid of Xin Yuan's restless thoughts.

Heng Hua is well aware of this shortcoming.

At the stage of "seeking longevity and enlightenment", there should have been a meditation method of "cultivating qi and cultivating the mind".The "Huaguo Mountain" in the interior view of Huangting is manifested as Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and the Slanting Moon Samsung Cave.

Lingtai square inch, find also.

The oblique moon has three stars, and the heart is also.

Only by searching for the proof of the mind can the mind ape be suppressed, let it be subdued by heretics, and return to practice.

But Henghua relied on himself as a foundation-building monk to re-cultivate, and he was in a good mood.I don't want to spend any more time creating a meditation method for nourishing qi and cultivating the mind.

In the next fourth step, a spiritual cultivation method that strengthens the spirit and strengthens the consciousness should have been added.Otherwise, when ordinary people practice, they will die because of their heart apes jumping out, their spirits are weak, and they go crazy.

However, Heng Hua has a foundation-building level of consciousness, so he doesn't care at all.

Therefore, the first layer of the heavenly book, which has huge flaws and flaws, is the specific crash version that is most suitable for Heng Hua, and only Heng Hua can practice.

"Calm down, calm down, don't die. I'm constantly consuming merit points, and I can only take back the little fry. It's better to retreat here honestly—"

However, when Hualong Pond was closed, those swaying dragon maidservants and dragon eel maidservants made him feel very angry!

"Come again! If I can get the real dragon's energy, I can resume the foundation building stage as soon as possible."

Heng Hua was so angry that his face turned red, and he took out his token and crossed off two great merits.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't get the real dragon's spirit!"

Heng Hua is aware of the disadvantages of Heart Ape.Therefore, he was unwilling to stay too long in the Qi refining period, and he could resume the foundation building period as soon as possible in order to suppress his anger.

And this kind of eagerness made the heart ape riot even more, suppressing reason and destroying the heart.

Although Fu Danwei didn't understand Heng Hua's current situation.It can be seen that he has been toiling in the Hualong Pond, silently introducing various fighting skills of the aquarium to the hostile aquarium, and slowly feeding Henghua.

"In the future, if a large group of water monsters join forces to entangle them. He must know how to break through."

Secretly manipulate Hualongchi and send piles of dragon eels over.

"If you encounter an enemy you cannot fight against, you must know how to escape."

During the dragon fish period, Fu Danwei deliberately sent a dragon over.


The grandparent and grandson battled wits and tortured each other.It wasn't until Heng Hua spent [-] days in the Dragon Transformation Pond and tried ten dragon transformation trials.

Although he couldn't get the real dragon's energy, it also allowed him to step into the sixth step of the spiritual embryo heart method, which was absolutely life and death, and the spirit of the underworld.

After going through the nether world, the spirit ape has already realized its reality and stays outside the body for more time.

"No, it can't go on."

Seeing that there were not many merit points left on his token, Heng Hua tried to suppress his impatience with his remaining rationality, got up and went ashore, and left in a hurry.


"Intermission, go back to eat!"

During the foundation building period, the grain can be fasted for dozens of days, nourished simply by the aura of heaven and earth.Although Heng Hua rehabilitated his Sangong, his physique remained unchanged.Retreat for one month without any bigu pills.

But after a long time, it was uncomfortable after all.Therefore, he ran back to rest, intending to make up for his energy.

Fu Danwei was a little surprised. Just as he was about to tease his grandson, the candles in the hall were dimmed, and the shadow appeared again.

"You only need to lose one grandson, and you can live another 500 years. Are you not tempted by such a good deal?"

Fu Danwei's complexion changed, he closed his eyes, and silently suppressed the "inner demon".


Returning to the Langhuan Pavilion, Henghua had eaten the Linggu meal to replenish his energy, and asked Xiaoyu to make himself a pot of cold tea.

These days passed, Xiao Yu had already patched up the gold thread on the second lady's side.As for the matter of Fu Heyi, no one on the island will pursue it for the time being.

Xiao Yu reported the situation of these days, and at the end, she mentioned something: "These days, Miss Ba has been here a few times, because you are not here, so she didn't enter the library."

"Liuhui girl?"

Fu Liuhui is ranked eighth. Her mother and Fu Henghua's father are twin siblings. She and Fu Henghua have the best relationship among all brothers and sisters.

"Didn't you come to borrow the sword manual?"

Heng Hua didn't pay much attention.

Xiaoyu left later, and he was alone in the library to raise his energy and read books to adjust his mentality.

After calming down, Heng Hua recruited Xin Yuan.

A palm-sized spirit ape appeared on the table.Holding a dragon air stick, he is climbing back and forth on Bijia Mountain.

"With my current mana of the sixth level of Qi Refining, as long as this stick hits the enemy's sky cap, there is a high probability... the cultivator who established the foundation will die too?"

Heng Hua stretched out his hand to pick up the Panlong Stick, Ling Yuan grabbed the stick and refused to let go, grinning at Heng Hua.

This state is very strange, Heng Hua seems to have two perspectives.One perspective is the self, and the other perspective is the spirit ape.

The spirit ape is his other consciousness.

"Incarnation outside the body, the second soul..."

Heng Hua muttered to himself, he had a clue, and smiled straightforwardly: "This is double-mindedness."

Although the following realms of Xuantai, Danjie and so on have not been successfully deduced.But Heng Hua has already thought about how to cultivate the "Two Hearts Tribulation" in the future.

The ape in the heart is both impatient and the devil in the heart.Only by intimidating the heart ape and destroying the two hearts can one return to one body, achieve the holy fetus, and cultivate the primordial spirit.

Thinking of the step of Yuanshen and Zhenxian, Heng Hua was delighted, and couldn't wait to build the foundation as soon as possible and complete the heavenly book he created as soon as possible.

"It's been a month now. Uncle Nineteen's affairs can't be kept a secret. I must reach the ninth level of Qi training as soon as possible and go to Burial Turtle Reef."

Heng Hua vaguely had a guess as to what was in the Burial Turtle Reef.

A natural place to avoid robbery, it has its own treasures.When it comes to spirit turtles, it is natural to think of divination and longevity.

There is a high probability that the treasures of heaven and earth bred there will be helpful together with divination and deduction.No matter how bad it is, there are things that can prolong life.

To myself and my grandfather, what was there was important.

Unable to sit still, Heng Hua went upstairs again.

Fu Heyi is sleeping in the guest room of Langhuan Pavilion these days.

Heng Hua pushed the door open and went in, seeing Fu Heyi sleeping soundly on the bed, he put his hand on the pulse door.

"Fortunately, the real yuan is running stably, but the consciousness is locked, so I can't get up and move."

But this is not a long-term solution.

"If you let him go now, my grandfather will definitely know about my practice of recuperation. With my grandfather's character, I will definitely not let me go to Turtle Reef."

After thinking about it, Heng Hua murmured: "I'm afraid the old man already knew about the cutting of the nanmu in the back mountain. It's better to make the illusion that the nineteenth uncle left the island, so that the old man mistakenly thought that he was building a birthday coffin. If you think about it, you won't do it again." Pursue the trail of Uncle Nineteen."

Although it was Fu Danwei who acquiesced, let Fu Heyi go to the back mountain to cut wood and make a coffin for himself.

But this kind of thing is tantamount to cursing him to die early.

The old man wished he could see nothing, how could he care about Fu He's whereabouts?

"It's not impossible for me to take Uncle Nineteen to bury Turtle Reef. It's just..."

Only relying on Xiaoyu and Hengshou may not be enough to supervise.

At this moment, the wind chime at the entrance of Langhuan Pavilion rang.

Heng Hua looked from the window and saw Fu Xiangfeng standing at the gate.

Suddenly, he smiled.

Help is here!

He casually grabbed a handful of dust from the flower pot under the window, and carefully sprinkled it on the head and foot of Fu Heyi's bed.After reciting a mantra, he went downstairs to find Fu Xiangfeng.

  "Xianglong" has a cloud: dragon, the length of scale insects.It can be big or small, it can be visible or hidden, it can call wind and rain, and travel in the sea.

  In fact, there are not many readers who read it, but since some people ask for more updates, let’s update it twice a day. However, in terms of the number of words, I really can’t make two chapters of [-] words, so I can only write as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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