
Chapter 9 Tianfeng turns 9 to practice swordsmanship, burn the tail and ride the clouds into the dra

Chapter 9 Tianfeng nine turns to practice kendo, burn tail and ride clouds

Fu Xiangfeng waited and watched on the first floor, and saw the young man running down the stairs: "Third Brother, why are you here? Return the book, or do you have any problems in cultivation?"

"I'll return the book after a while, and I plan to borrow another sword scripture."

The two walked into the library and sat down separately.

Heng Hua picked up the herbal tea on the table and poured him a cup.

"Sword Sutra, Yufeng Sword Art? I prepared a copy in advance—"

"so bitter!"

Heng Hua's words were interrupted by Xiang Feng, who stuck out his tongue and pointed to the tea on the table.

"What's going on? Today's tea—cough cough—why did you put five-flavored lotus and bitter god grass?"

Bitter God Grass, as the name suggests, is an extremely bitter medicinal material.Adding tea to make soup can double the bitterness.

"The good medicine tastes bitter. I've been very angry recently. Drink some bitter tea to defeat the anger." Heng Hua drank another cup.

The cool and bitter tea soup can suppress the negative emotions brought by the heart ape.

"Furious?" Xiang Feng thought for a while, "Yeah, you seem to have gone to Hualong Pond again. Why, because of the opportunity of Hualong, you were tossed about by your grandfather again?"

"Ten times, without success."

"Then it's impossible to succeed, after all—"

"After all what?"

Heng Hua asked casually, but suddenly saw the change in Xiang Feng's expression, and felt something was wrong.

"Is there a problem in Hualong Pond?"

Xiang Feng's eyes wandered: "No...it's nothing. I just think that there are not many successful examples over the years, so don't waste your efforts."

He accompanied Fu Danwei these few days, so he naturally knew how Fu Danwei rectified Henghua in Hualongchi.

Heng Hua stared straight at Xiang Feng: "Third brother, you are not a good liar. Then Hualongchi, could it be that the old man has tampered with it?"

Fu Xiangfeng is a sincere gentleman, seeing that he couldn't hide it, he honestly confessed that Fu Danwei was in Hualongchi, targeting Fu Henghua.

"My dragon transformation trial is different from others?"

"According to what the old man said, it seems that he took the opportunity to increase the difficulty, so that you can increase your experience in fighting the aquatic tribe."


An evil fire surged in Heng Hua's heart.

I carried out the trial honestly, and I didn't use crooked thoughts or practice heresy ways.Are you too old to start first?

Heng Hua was repeatedly frustrated at the Yuyue Longmen, and once thought: I am good at deriving exercises, why not recalculate a dragon-transformation secret method that suits me in the Dragon Transformation Pond, so as to gain an advantage and break into the Dragon Gate?
But Heng Hua felt that this was too bullying.Think about it, the other testers, including the father, defeated the Shui clan according to the "Taixuan Jinlong Jue", and broke into the dragon gate to obtain the real dragon's energy.

How embarrassing it is to cheat yourself and use a higher level of dragon transformation method.

But since my grandfather is the first day of junior high school, don't blame me for being the fifteenth day.

Seeing his uncertain expression, Xiang Feng hurriedly said, "Don't think that the old man cheated your merit points. According to his old man, the merit points you spent on the trials were used by him for other purposes. You are ready to practice."

Eyebrows raised slightly, Heng Hua smiled knowingly: "I'm afraid that the old man will help me exchange the cultivation materials, and he intends to leave it to me as a legacy after his death."

In the early years, Fu Danwei invited the Great Elder to divide the inheritance behind him.Among them, Fu Henghua's share is more than that of other brothers and sisters.

Heng Hua is well aware of this.

Now that I think about it, apart from my father's grace, I am afraid that the old man exchanged all the wasted merit points for cultivation materials and kept them for himself.

Thinking about it this way, Heng Hua thought in his heart: How dare I use Yuyuelongmen all the time, is it because the old man waterproofed it privately and didn't waste the merit at all?
But Fu Danwei's painstaking efforts made Heng Hua feel even more urgent.

It is necessary to help and cheer up the old man as soon as possible, lest he sink and degenerate.

"Third brother, you will leave the island in a few days, right?"

"Yes, I will find another sword technique today. After studying it for a few days, I will bid farewell to my home and go to be stationed on Fengmen Island."

"At that time, I will leave the island with you."

"You? Are you going out?"

"A friend invited me to go out for a walk. But I haven't been out of the island for ten years, and I need my third brother to take care of me on the way."

"Good talk, good talk."

Fu Xiangfeng is eager for Henghua to get out of the island to breathe.

But after thinking about it, he was puzzled again.

"Friend? Where did your kid get a friend?"

Counting ten years from the house and going forward, in the past 30 years, has the number of times this kid went out added up to one hand?

"Believers, let's write letters to communicate."

Is there such a thing?

Fu Xiangfeng murmured in his heart.

But my younger brother has friends, this is a great event that can be celebrated with a banquet!

"I'll prepare it as soon as I get back. By the way, talk to your mother and ask her to prepare the items you need to leave the island."

"Don't bother Erniang." Heng Hua quickly stopped Xiang Feng, trying to calm him down.

When I left the island, I planned to take Fu Heyi with me, trick Fu Xiangfeng into being a bodyguard, go with me to Bury Turtle Reef to complete the foundation building, and deduce the exercises for my grandfather.

If the second aunt was alarmed, the grandfather himself would know, and he couldn't hide the matter of Fu Heyi.

Heng Hua thought in his heart: first trick the third brother out, and then explain to him on the way.

After blocking Xiangfeng, Henghua chose a sword formula for Xiangfeng.

"This is "Nine-Turn Sword Art of Heavenly Wind". Well... it is the remnant of the high-level sword art after I repaired it. It pays attention to the nine-turn refining of sword energy to make the appearance of heavenly wind. The third brother is practicing in the real fire environment, enough to use gone."

Fu Xiangfeng picked up the sword formula and looked through it carefully.

In addition to a set of sword formulas and three spiritual formulas, there is also a strange luck method called "Jian Ming Nine Revolutions".

"According to my speculation, this was originally a prefecture-level sword book. Later, the sword book was damaged and was obtained by the East China Sea Sword Sect. They tried to repair it by themselves, but they changed the most essential 'Jian Ming Nine Turns Method' in it. After I got it, on the one hand, I disassembled the concept of the sword art of the East China Sea Sword School, and on the other hand, I tried to restore it. But unfortunately..."

Heng Hua shook his head.

The group of people from the East China Sea Sword School tossed around, and it was clearly a sword code that interpreted the Nine Heavens Divine Wind with the way of the sword.Shengsheng was changed by them into Fengshui combination, which drives the tide with strong wind.

It took several months for Heng Hua to recover a little bit.

But also because of this, he knows the sword-cultivating philosophy of the East China Sea Sword School like the back of his hand.Only then did he realize that the Wei family's mental method and the Donghai Sword School had gone to two extremes, so that the Wei family's sword repair genius could be defrauded.

After explaining to Fu Xiangfeng how to practice, Fu Xiangfeng said goodbye and left, and Heng Hua went straight to the study on the third floor.A wooden carved dragon was found in a certain wooden box.

The acupoints and meridians on Shenlong's body are all available, showing a unique secret method of transforming a dragon.This is based on his analysis and repair of "Taixuan Jinlong Jue".

The reason why he chose koi in Hualong Pond was because he discovered the mystery of "Taixuan Jinlong Jue".The aquarium that created this method of transforming the dragon should be of the koi lineage.Therefore, using the body of koi to practice dragon transformation will have an advantage over other fish.

Standing on the shoulders of the predecessors, Heng Hua not only completed the deduction of the mysterious kung fu "Taixuan Jinlong Jue", but also made up for several shortcomings in it.

"I used to think that it was immoral to cheat with high-level Dragon Transformation Art instead of following the rules in the Dragon Transformation Pond... But since the old man is trying to get in the way, he deliberately fights with me. Then let the old man see how I can get past the dragon gate. .”

After reconsidering, Heng Hua returned to Hualongchi again.

Seeing him coming again, Fu Danwei activated the difficult mode again.

But this time, Fu Henghua's level is completely different.

At the beginning of their growth, the young fry quickly ate the surrounding fry, and even those turtles and water snakes were defeated by their juvenile bodies.

"How is it possible? It is impossible to defeat these two types of aquarium at the small fish stage. Wait, why is the dragon energy of this koi so pure?"

To Fu Danwei's astonishment, the koi had eaten hundreds of aquariums, and before the other aquariums had grown up, they had successfully transformed into arowanas.

Without any dodge, the dragon fish rampaged, continued to devour the aquatic animals to grow into an ichthyosaur, and then broke into the dragon gate with the body of a dragon.

Longmen, the broken spirit weapon Fu Danwei got when he was young.It is said that it was left by a big monster of the water tribe who practiced immortality. Fu Danwei made some improvements and used it to suppress Hualongchi.

In Heng Hua's past trials, he rarely broke into the Dragon Gate.This time he came in with a brand-new method of transforming dragons, and he felt the echo of the "Taixuan Jinlong Qi" in his body and the dragon gate.

There is an inheritance in Longmen!
boom -

Mighty golden waves rushed out of the dragon gate, and Heng Hua's dragon consciousness was blocked by the dragon gate, so he could only hit the dragon gate like a koi going backwards.

I don't know how long it has passed, but this time the dragon gate still failed.

But Heng Hua summed up his improved dragon transformation method.Immediately start a new round of trials and transform the dragon again in the form of a koi.

Fu Danwei suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and focused on observing the koi in the pool.

"It's weird. Why is this kid's koi carp transforming method different from what Longmen taught?"

The progress of dragon transformation is faster than that of other aquariums in the pool.When those turtles and water snakes transformed into dragons, Henghua's koi had transformed into ichthyosaurs.

He killed all directions in the water, and broke into the dragon gate again after eating a lot of aquatic animals.

This time, Heng Hua focused on improving the dragon energy extracted from the dragon formula to sense the dragon gate.

Finally, among the layers of waves, he saw a colorful swimming route.

Blessed to the soul, Heng Hua went retrograde along that swimming route.Although the huge waves gushing out from Longmen became stronger and stronger, Henghua felt a strange dragon energy protecting him along that route, leading him to Longmen.

"This should be a successful route to transforming a dragon. Is it left by the master of the dragon gate? No, it is the route he successfully transformed into a dragon in the past."

With a thought, Heng Hua jumped, and Jiaolong rushed into the dragon gate.The sky thunder fell with the divine fire, igniting the dragon's tail.

Heng Hua was in great pain, and escaped into Longmen enduring the pain of burning his tail.

The golden cloud faded away from the body of the dragon and turned into a real dragon.

Seeing a scorched tail falling from the dragon gate, Vodanwei's expression changed.

"This kid really went in?"

When a fish leaps over the dragon gate, when it transforms into a dragon, lightning burns its tail, it turns into a real dragon.

Burning the tail is the last step to shed the body of the fish and become a dragon species.

Seeing his grandson enter the Dragon Gate, Fu Danwei couldn't sit still and came to Hualongchi himself.

I saw Heng Hua sitting in the lotus leaf, meditating cross-legged, with his eyes closed.The golden dragon gate appeared above his head, and indistinctly, colorful brocade dragons shuttled through the mist and auspicious clouds.

Jinlong, one of the dragon species.But it's not the Tianlong Zhenliu who swallows clouds and spits fog and soars into the nine heavens, it's just a side branch of the wild dragon in the dragon clan.

Because of the Dragon Ball, it can be regarded as a serious dragon clan.It can be sorted according to the types of dragons, and it is one of the lowest 28 types of wild dragons.

But for this Dragon Transformation Pond, the moment of becoming a Jinlong means the completion of the dragon transformation opportunity.

"Is this kid going to get that chance like his father?"

For hundreds of years, there have been very few Fu family members who have truly fulfilled the opportunity to transform into a dragon.According to what Fu Henghua's father said back then, there is an inheritance of the power of transforming babies hidden in the Dragon Gate.

  "The Classic of Raising Dragons" says: The dragon clan has the method of evolution, and the inferior dragons can leap to the upper class, and they have the capital of the dragon king.

  It also said: There are two classes of dragons in the world: upper and lower.The natural dragon species such as Qinglong, Bailong, and Chilong are superior, and there are twelve types in total, also known as the twelve celestial dragons.The transformations of fish and snakes, the transformations of shrimps and crabs, and the transformations of dragons and dragons are all inferior, with a total of 28 categories.

(End of this chapter)

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