
Chapter 70 9 Dragon Pond is Dangerous, Fishing for Luoshu

Chapter 70 Nine Dragons Pond is in danger, fishing Luoshu

"We just threw him there? Will there be danger in the middle?"

Fu Xuanxing followed Fu Liuhui from the right.But leaving Fu Henghua alone in the middle, I couldn't help worrying.

"Brother Six and Sister Tong are fighting in the air, so I don't want to be the fish in the pond who got hurt."

The girl sighed sadly.

She called Uncle Three as her father and played with Fu Henghua all day long.Those two quarreled and fought, and she didn't know how many splints she suffered.

Hearing the girl call "Sister Tong Jun", the boy scratched his head.

It's only been twelve hours since Fu Henghua's identity was revealed.Fu Xuanxing felt a little uncomfortable when the "Fu Tong Jun" he recognized in a few days changed from a male to a female.

Halfway through the right path, you will see a cave.

"Is this cave on the reef at the front?"

Zhonggong Wushan and Fu Xuanxing stood at the root of the reef mountain right in front of them.

"Let's go to the mountain in the middle, we shouldn't take the road—"

Seeing the grass growing wantonly in the distance, Fu Xuanxing shut his mouth.

Fu Liuhui saw a small stone tablet next to the entrance of the cave, on which was written a warning from Mr. Fu Tong: "There are poisonous vipers and weak water ahead, don't go over them. Go underground."

"My sister said, let's go underground."

Fu Liuhui went down first, Fu Xuanxing hurriedly said: "Wait, I'll take the lead."


Heng Hua walked along the middle road because he wanted to follow the footsteps left by his father.

His way is to climb reefs.

Soon, he saw a stone tablet scattered on the side of the mountain.

A red glow emerged from the feather fan, illuminating the stele.It read: "I traveled to the turtle reef and cooked turtles for food. However, the skin of the old turtle is tough, and the meat is cursed. It is not delicious..."

In the following, the pen will go ahead and tell the story of this senior's life in Buried Turtle Reef.

"It's actually this senior."

Fu Henghua smiled.

He had read a book "Travel of the Canglan", which told the experience of a monk who traveled hundreds of years ago to the great waters.Of course, Heng Hua thinks this book is more like a gourmet notebook, recording how the various creatures in the Thirteen Waters can be made to taste better.

Fu Henghua read that senior's record and nodded secretly.

Because the spirit tortoise carries Luoshu on its back, it innately contains a trace of spiritual life.Eating turtles can prolong life.But at the same time, eating a spirit turtle will be backlashed by the spirit turtle's resentment.

The light ones have aging appearance.Those who are more serious will die in misfortune.

Heng Hua believes that the mutation in the group of people in Zixuan Kingdom is related to eating turtles.

Going on, he stopped when he came to a narrow mountain road.

On the stone wall, there is a small dragon seal.

"Look at the time, it's been decades. Dad?"

Fu Henghua was about to reach out to touch it when he suddenly thought of something and sneered twice.

"The technique of purifying dust."

With a light wave of the feather fan, the poisonous powder applied to the Panlong Seal was automatically peeled off.

This is also one of the most superficial spells in the practice world, originally used to sweep away dust.

But after Fu Henghua's improvement, all the poisonous powder, true energy, and traces covering the original objects can be forcibly erased.

Even Heng Hua designed an advanced Taoism "Pure Realm Method" behind the "Clean Dust Art".But this Taoism requires the Jindan realm to activate.Fu Henghua created it himself, only Fu Danwei and Fu Beidou used it.

The Pure Realm is like the domain of a Golden Core cultivator, who can forcibly erase everything within a certain range.

"The girl knows that I will be excited when I see the traces of my father, and I reach out to touch it, deliberately using scales to deceive me. How can I be deceived by such abusive methods?"

Heng Hua looked again at the path in front of him, which was only for one person to pass sideways.

"With her scheming, she definitely won't just set up a trap. She can definitely predict that I will eliminate the scale powder. It should be planned to use this path to continue to trap me when I am careless."

Heng Hua took out the jade crab: "Go."

Jade crabs run rampant on the ground.

Suddenly, an upside-down spider Gu fell down in front of it.


Spider Gu sprayed out a large cloud of silk mist.At that height, even a teenager will be entangled by spider silk.


Heng Hua watched the spider silk spraying down on the ground, and the jade crab happened to walk that part of the way.

"Fight with me? You're still young."

Heng Hua put away the feather fan and made a seal with both hands: "The spirit seal has the soul."

The consciousness is attached to the jade crab.Through the jade crab, Fu Henghua traced the traces left by his father and "Senior Canglan" here.

Naturally, through the body of the jade crab, he also avoided all kinds of witchcraft traps designed by Mr. Fu Tong.

After seeing the traces left by the two, Heng Hua jumped up and Yufeng came to the top of the mountain.

Cang Yun is at your feet, and you can see the peaks at a glance.

Under the night, the silhouette of the mountain in the distance is looming.

"The five peaks in the middle palace are similar in height, and they are also a five-element formation. The way to enter the middle peak is here."

The jade crab ran across the road and jumped back to Fu Henghua's cuff.

Looking up at the night sky, the sun is overcast tonight, only a few stars are shining brightly.

Looking at the various marks left by his father along the way brought back memories of Fu Henghua's past.

If it weren't for the catastrophe 30 years ago, if it weren't for the seven-headed snakes, father and mother would not have died at all.

After regaining his composure, Fu Henghua checked the top of the mountain.

There was a cool breeze blowing a faint fishy smell from the water.

Soon, he saw a tall stone statue on the right.

This is a full-length portrait of a young girl, smiling, holding a vase in one hand, and pointing to the cliff with the other.

Heng Hua saw a line of small characters on the base of the stone statue.

"Kowtow to call sister, point out the maze."


Heng Hua turned back and wanted to tear down the stone statue.

But after thinking about it, he first placed talismans around the stone statue, and then detonated it with mana after retreating a long distance.


The stone statue exploded, and a chain shot towards Zhongfeng quickly.

"Tian Luo Suo?"

Heng Hua walked over again, and found a hidden stone tablet at the base of the ruined stone statue.

"I went to the top of the peak and reached the middle peak with the technique of Tianluo Index."

Heng Hua knew this spell.

It is recorded in "Canglan Travel Notes", which belongs to the advanced application of Qianwansi.Use mana to turn it into a heavenly chain, connecting the two sides.

Behind the stele, there are words left by Heng Hua's father.

"The younger generation is not talented, improve the Tianluo indexing technique. Use the power of the five elements to form the formation of the four seasons rotation. Inspire the large rotation formation and evolve the sky rope by itself."


There was another strange sound.

Chains emerged from the base of the stone statue again, shooting towards the two neighboring hills.

Soon, those two hills also shot towards the opposite hill with chains.And the central main peak shoots chains to the other three peaks.

Blue, red, yellow, white and black, five colors of light circulated in the formation surrounded by chains.

"Four seasons, it seems that my father and I want to be together."

The east peak represents spring, replacing wood; the south peak represents summer, representing fire; the west peak represents autumn, representing gold; the north peak represents winter, representing water.The thick soil is in the middle, which symbolizes the four seasons of the earth.

In this formation, you can come and go to every formation eye of Wufeng at will.

Heng Hua took a step towards the cliff, and the formation automatically teleported him to Zhongfeng.

The scenery is similar to that of the former peak. Mr. Fu Tong is here, leaving the last sentence: "You have been fooled. My sister didn't find the way to get to the bottom of the middle peak. I honestly walk from the right again."

Fu Henghua shook his head, and began to search for traces of his father and Senior Canglan.

However, there were no signs of the two of them.

"Are they going straight down here, or..."

Heng Hua sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, closing his eyes and concentrating.


Fu Xuanxing and Fu Liuhui walked into the cave from the right.This road is easy and convenient, without any hindrance.

At the bottom of Zhongfeng, the two found a stone tablet.

"At the bottom of the middle peak is the Nine Dragons Pond, where the treasure of jade essence is hidden. Walk through the Nine Dragons' acupoints and take it lightly by the way of life."

The two of them didn't know each other.

But on the back of the stele, there is another line of writing.

"This place is fierce, don't be greedy, the latter will retreat quickly."

Uncle's handwriting!
Fu Liuhui's heart moved: "Why did uncle go this way? Didn't he leave footprints in the middle?"

Under this line of handwriting, there is also a warning from Mr. Fu Tong.

"Listen, Fu family, the road ahead is dangerous, don't get close. If Lao Qi wants to hunt for treasure, call Uncle Seventeen for help."

Seeing this line of words, Fu Liuhui understood it based on his understanding of Mr. Fu Tong:
"The middle road is blocked, my sister and uncle couldn't get through, so I turned to the right road. She deliberately lured Sixth Brother to go there."

Fu Liuhui wanted to wait here for Fu Henghua's arrival.

But after waiting for a long time, no one was seen.

"Miss Fu, look here."

Fu Xuanxing stood on the right wall.

"Is there something here?"

The girl went over, saw the smooth wall, and suddenly smiled: "This is left by my sister."

She activated the spiritual wind with her true energy, and gently pushed the wall, a piece of stone fell off, and there was a letter inside.

Fuliu emblem was opened, and it said: "Seeing this letter, it must be from my family. It is more likely to be the seventh brother Henghua, right? Go back and tell father and the old man not to send anyone to look for..."

"Sure enough, before my sister left Yanlong, she came to Bury Turtle Reef."

Fu Liuhui sighed quietly, and put away the letter.

It's better not to let Brother Six see this letter.

"Miss Fu, shall we wait for Sixth Brother Fu?"

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Fu Liuhui hesitated for a while, then turned his head and asked, "Do you have any treasures bestowed by Senior Song on you?"

"Things for body protection? Yes, don't worry, as long as I'm here, life protection will be fine."

Fu Liuhui had seen Fu Xuanxing's feat on Erlongjian.

She knew that Fu Xuanxing should be hiding a secret treasure of Xuanmen.

"Then let's go and have a look first. If it's really dangerous, come back immediately."

The two walked into the passage of Jiulongchi hand in hand.

"The cave?"

At the bottom of the middle peak, there is a huge cave space.The strange stalactites emit colorful light.

"Be careful, there are turtle tracks on the ground. There should be turtles walking this way."

Not long after the two walked, they saw a turtle shell in the corner.There are shriveled skins around it, obviously a spirit turtle sitting here.

There is also a turtle shell under the stalactite pillar opposite.

"Why do all these spirit turtles come here?"

Fu Xuanxing knocked on the turtle shell.

"The tortoise shells we have seen along the way are all foundation-building grade. Even some tortoise shells are so tough that they can be used to make spiritual weapons."

Burial Turtle Reef, this huge turtle burial place itself is a huge treasure.

The girl's voice echoed faintly in the cave: "Tell me, if a person is dying, what would he want to do most?"

"It's a pity that you can finish all the things you haven't done?"

"No, it's to survive."

Fu Liuhui looked at the turtle shells everywhere in the cave.

"These spirit turtles are all spirits at the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core level. When their lifespan is about to end, if they know that there is something that prolongs their lifespan somewhere, they will do everything they can to fight for a chance to survive."

"Miss, do you know what the treasure is?"

"I heard from the sixth brother that the practice of the spirit turtle lineage is different. They follow the way of heaven, and only need to deduce the Luoshu pattern on their backs. The more Luoshu is in line with the way of heaven, the longer the life span will be.

"If you can't deduce the next layer of Luoshu's mystery before the deadline, then you only need to find a more profound Luoshu to continue your life."

Some spirit turtles will go out of their way to look for the remains of their predecessors before they die.By fusing the remains of the slough into the tortoise shell of its own body, it can extend its lifespan for a period of time.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is inconvenient to molt and advance.The fake Dan monks who are similar to the human race have no progress.

"Sixth brother mentioned that Burial Turtle Reef is a natural Luoshu pattern. In other words, the treasure here may be a natural Luoshu."

The two discussed as they walked, and after a lot of effort, they finally came to Jiulongchi.

The weak water has accumulated into a large pool, and they are currently standing at an exit of the cliff.Looking around, there are seven other similar exits.

"Eight-sided square pool?"

Fu Liuhui frowned and looked at the nine golden dragons at the bottom of the pool.

Kowloon is coiled and coiled, all without eyes.

In the Kowloon guard room, there are stone pillars protruding from the water.On it is a congenital jade tortoise shell with a complete Luoshu pattern on its back.

"Girl, look quickly."

Inside the exit where the two are, there is a bloody handprint and a line of words in a hurry:

"Fart's way of life. The five elements are in jeopardy, and the seven orifices are all sealed. If you enter the Nine Dragon Pool, you will die. Quickly retreat."

The handwriting was scribbled, and Fu Liuhui was shocked.

Uncle is injured?
Fu Liuhui knew the strength of Heng Hua's father.He is proficient in formations and has a spiritual weapon at his side.If he can't even get "Luoshu", the two of them won't be able to.

"Can Brother Six do it? Maybe we should invite Uncle Seventeen?"

If you look closely at Jiulong Pool, there seems to be a lot of turtle shells on the bottom of the pool.

Apparently, all the turtles who came to hunt for treasure were dead.

Fu Liuhui also seemed to see the shells of a Ba Xia and a Xuan Wu.


Fu Xuanxing suddenly became excited and slapped her shoulder hard.

Fu Liuhui raised his head, and the jade tortoise shell stood firmly on the stone pillar, nothing unusual.

"It's not there, it's above, you look up."

Fu Liuhui raised his head, and five-color silk threads hung down from the jade turtle shell, a little closer to the turtle shell.

"Qian Wansi?"

 Supplement: Excerpt from "Hongwen Diary":
  On the [-]th, set up an array of refining demons in Erlongjian and go to Bury Turtle Reef.

  After entering Jiulongchi, I was overjoyed to see the top player in Luoshu.

  However, he was hurt by the words of his predecessors and was seriously injured.

  Warn future generations, who are not of the same race, don't trust the words of your predecessors.

  Seniors are also monks and will make mistakes.

  There is absolutely no life in Jiulong Pool, so you can't enter the pool to hunt for treasure.

  Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, look for an opportunity to add updates in two days.Reverse the chapter odd and even numbers.

(End of this chapter)

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