
Chapter 71 The left technique refines jade armor, Shenluo plays Xuanjin

Chapter 71 The left technique refines jade armor, Shenluo plays Xuanjin

The jade crab was tied with a silk thread and slowly floated down from the air.

"Is there a passage above the Nine Dragons Pool?"

Fu Xuanxing circulated his consciousness, and saw a black and white halo appearing above the stone pillar, and Qian Wansi and Jade Crab were hanging down from the halo.


The jade crab landed on the stone pillar, it picked up the jade turtle shell, and then Qian Wansi walked up slowly.

When the turtle shell left, the stone pillar collapsed with a bang.

The Eyeless Nine Dragons opened their eyes and kept roaring in the Nine Dragon Pool.

Seeing the weak water and rising tide, Fu Xuanxing quickly pulled up the undulating current emblem:
"It's about to collapse, retreat quickly!"


Fu Henghua sat on the top of the mountain, with a Tai Chi formation drawn in front of him, with a feather fan placed in the center.

The Tai Chi array operates in the form of eight trigrams and nine palaces, resonating with the underground Luoshu, forming a black and white halo.

Although there is no upper and lower passages in the mountainside, Heng Hua relied on the induction of the two "Luoshu" to forcibly build a formation passage.

"Four seasons flow, five elements chain."

Heng Hua made seals with both hands, urging the "Five Elements and Four Seasons Formation", forming a cloud of colorful auspicious clouds above his head.

Clouds of auspicious clouds condense into silk threads and hang down into the Taiji Luoshu formation.

"Father can use the four seasons to build the sky chain. I can also use the four seasons to drop thousands of strings."

Qian Wansi was originally the silk thread used by Senior Cang Lan for fishing.

It is also suitable for Heng Hua to fish for turtle shells.

Then use the jade crab as a fishing hook, and the thousand strings are wrapped around the jade crab, which is displayed over the Jiulong Pool.

When the jade crab picked up Luoshu and ascended, Kowloon rioted.They wrapped around the turtle's shell one after another, trying to drag Luo Shu back.

The weight on the end of the jade crab sank, and Heng Hua immediately increased his mana.

"It's so powerful, it's no less than a real dragon."

While Heng Hua was stalemate, he exercised his mind and summoned the heart ape.

In the Niwan Palace, a gap opened in the Five Elements Mountain, and Xin Yuan came out of his body.The appearance of an ape appeared behind Heng Hua.

Xin Yuan held Qian Wansi to wrestle with Kowloon.

Heng Hua forcibly controlled the formation of four seasons, and penetrated the eight heavenly chains below.

"Get up!"

A series of sky chains appeared on the five peaks, and Heng Hua used the five peaks as a lever to continuously pull up from the bottom.

Finally, after spending half an hour, he took Luo Shu in his hand.

At that moment, Jiulong completely merged into Luoshu and turned into Luoshu, a congenital spiritual treasure.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and Nine Dragons Pool completely collapsed.Zhonggong's aura changed, and all the dormant turtles on the surrounding Babu Islands felt it, and rushed towards Zhonggong frantically.

On Jiugong Island, everyone saw the sleeping turtles rioting one after another, and hurriedly hid in the central area.

Xiao Yu took the opportunity to take out a stack of talisman papers: "This is what the young master prepared before he came to bury Turtle Reef."

Jin Xian'e took a look.

"Sleeping Turtle Talisman, Xuan Ice Talisman, Chilling Heart Talisman, Frost Ice Talisman. He wants to create a hibernation?"

Jin Xian'e personally practiced the method and activated many talismans.

Suddenly, there was a heavy snowstorm, and the temperature of Jiugong Island and the entire Burial Turtle Reef dropped sharply.

Feeling the wind and snow, Heng Hua murmured: "Has Xiaoyu started?"

Looking at the crazed spirit turtles on the islands, Heng Hua understood.

The moment he got the jade turtle shell, he guessed what the spirit turtles were thinking.

"Extend your life with a turtle shell?"

It's not just these spirit turtles, the moment Heng Hua got the shell, he also sensed a chance for himself.

If he is willing to put the tortoise shell on himself, the situation will change immediately and he will turn into the body of a black tortoise.

This mysterious tortoise has a lifespan of ten thousand years, and its mana is as powerful as that of an immortal.But by doing so, Heng Hua completely transformed from a human body into a clan of beasts.

"According to the foreign law, it is not impossible to use it when necessary. But I have the avenue of good fortune right now, so it is unnecessary."

Heng Hua refused to give up his life and "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong".

"Luoshu, it is more appropriate to refine the magic weapon of life."

He cast the "Dragon Might Soul Shaking Curse", and a terrifying dragon chant burst out of his mouth.

"Get out!"

Longwei swept across the island, and many spirit turtles with low cultivation levels retreated slowly.However, there are still some tyrannical spirit turtles slowly crawling over from Babu Island.

The five insects have hairy feathers and scales, the dragon is the length of the scales, and the tortoise is the length of the scales.The tortoise with activated divine blood is not afraid of Henghua's bluffing shouts.

"Blowing snow."

The wind whipped up the snow, and the dragon-horned turtle near the central palace in the north was killed on the spot.

On the east side, Xue Kai sprinkled three Bing Xin Dan.The two spirit turtles that refused to sleep immediately froze into ice sculptures.

"The Burial Turtle Reef is really a treasure. There are so many spirit turtles, enough for the old man to study for a while."

In the west, Jin Xian'e killed all the turtles with one sword strike.

In the east, Xiaoyu, Hengshou and others joined forces with people from Zixuan Kingdom to barely deal with a few spirit turtles.


The two of Fu Xuanxing ran out of the cave and looked at the flying snow in the scorching summer.

The boy foolishly stretched out his hand: "Is it snowing?"

"Most of the remaining spirit turtles on the Burial Turtle Reef are near the end of their lifespan. They are dormant and waiting for Luoshu to be born. Now that the sixth brother has taken Luoshu away, they are bound to riot. It should be the snowfall on Xiaoyu's side, forcing the spirit turtles with low temperature. The turtle continues to hibernate."

Standing under the front peak, the two looked at the precious light rising from the middle peak.

"How do we get there? Sixth Brother Fu can get treasures from the top of the mountain, which means we can walk in the middle way?"

"No, we'll wait for Brother Six to come down at the foot of the mountain."

Fu Liuhui didn't want to experience Mr. Fu Tong's trap.


The integration of Kowloon into the jade turtle shell has added another change to "Luoshu".

Its texture is like white jade, crystal clear and flawless.Holding it in the hand, there is a trace of warmth to dispel the cold wind.

"Cold can keep warm, hot can cool off. Well... It is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth."

Heng Hua caressed the jade turtle Luoshu and was overjoyed.

Luo Shu was conceived by heaven and earth.If there are another thousand years, the head, tail and four legs will grow, and it will be transformed into a psychic jade turtle.Born with the magic power of golden core, after three disasters, he can directly become a fairy.

When the first few spirit turtles came here, they realized that there was a chance of a mysterious turtle here.

If they get this tortoise shell, they can get rid of death, prolong their lives, and even directly turn into a mysterious tortoise.

But unfortunately, even this group of spirit turtles couldn't enter the Nine Palaces Spirit Cave.

As generations of tortoises came here before they died, the inherited memory was passed down in the blood, creating a death spectacle in which countless turtles quickly traveled to this place to die.

After calming down, Heng Hua thought to himself: "Yugui Luoshu needs at least a hundred years to sacrifice properly with my spiritual power."

For the sacrificial refining of the magic weapon, the spiritual consciousness is imprinted on the core of the magic weapon, so that the effect can be achieved like an arm and a finger.But Yugui Luoshu's quality is too good, and Heng Hua's cultivation base is too weak to succeed in a short time.

"So, we can only refine it with blood."

Blood refinement is a way for immortals, demons and evil to pass through.Infuse the magic weapon with one's own essence and blood, so that the magic weapon is filled with one's own breath, and it is easier to be sacrificed by the divine consciousness.

Seeing that there was no one around, Heng Hua immediately untied his clothes and stretched out his hand to cut into his heart.

In terms of the three methods of blood refining, sorcery is the fastest.Cut open the chest, place the magic weapon in the five internal organs, recite the "Immortal Evil Body Mantra" in the mouth, and soak the magic weapon with blood, energy and essence.Mantras are repeated thousands of times, and the magic weapon is as easy to drive as human organs.Half a day is enough.

However, the evil traces of the "Undead Evil Body Curse" are too obvious, so Heng Hua does not take it.

The blood refinement technique of the magic way involves soaking in a large amount of blood water, and for three days and three nights, chanting the mantra of life in the mouth continuously, so as to transform the magic weapon into a blood refining magic weapon.

This method is also different from Heng Hua.

In the blood refinement method of the Immortal Dao, a drop of blood essence is dripped into the magic weapon, and then slowly refined and infected with spiritual consciousness.After one divine consciousness is successful, then inject the second drop of blood essence.Repeat seven times for one day, after seven days, a total of 49 [-] drops of blood essence can complete the blood refining.

This method is too slow, Henghua is now getting Luoshu, it would be a long night and dreamy, so naturally he is not willing to do so.

Therefore, Heng Hua chose a quick method that belongs to the immortal way and improved by him.

The heart was dug out from the chest, and Heng Hua performed the "severing head and closing the yang technique", forcibly locking the vitality in the body.Even if the heart is not there, it can survive for a moment.

Holding the heart in his hands, he slowly flew to Luo Shu's back.

A drop of heart blood fell on the turtle shell and immediately penetrated.

The second drop, the third drop...

With the blood of the heart infecting, the turtle shell is like a ruby, and it is constantly emitting heat.

After a full nine drops, Heng Hua invaded the tortoise's shell with his spiritual consciousness, bit by bit imprinting himself.

Half an hour later, Fu Henghua quickly retracted his heart into his body.

"Phew—it's okay, it's okay, there's no accident."

There is a huge flaw in the art of closing yang.

If someone sees Heng Hua's heart outside his body, he should shout to him: "If you don't have a heart, you will die."

His heretical method was immediately broken.

Because this heresy technique involves illusion, which makes the body create illusions, mistakenly thinking that human organs are still there.Therefore, I am most afraid of someone telling the truth at a critical moment.

With a pale face, Heng Hua took two pills silently, and then picked up the jade turtle Luoshu, feeling a sense of wonder connected by blood.

"The next step is to burn the magic weapon and the forbidden law."

But what kind of magic weapon should you choose?
Heng Hua fell into deep thought.

The simplest and crudest method is undoubtedly to preserve the original appearance of the turtle shell and make a magic weapon for defense.

Can you fight outside with a turtle shell all day long?

With Heng Hua's elegant personality, he definitely can't do it.

"The shape of the turtle shell has to change. And functionally..."

Luoshu's biggest function is to deduce the secrets of heaven.

Henghua needed this thing to help his grandfather deduce the skills, so naturally he would not be foolish enough to erase his nature and make attack magic weapons.

"Yugui Luoshu carries the dao marks generated by heaven and earth. When I construct the 'magic weapon restriction', I should use the innate dao marks as the main body to guide me."

In addition to the body, the most important thing in making a magic weapon is its function, which is the "magic weapon restraint" that serves as the "soul".

When mana and true essence are injected into the magic weapon, the "magic weapon restriction" will be introduced, so as to exert various abilities.

For example, the "Three-Yuan Spiritual Fire Forbidden Method" is mostly used for fire-attribute magic weapons, which can make magic weapons drive various spiritual fires, but cannot be used to gather real water.

The "Qingyun Jiuxia Forbidden Method" with the functions of vacating and riding the clouds is specially recorded in the flying magic weapon.

Inside Fu Henghua's Xuanhuo bird feather fan is a set of "Three-Yuan Li Vulcan Forbidden Method".At first, he had the ability to control Lihuo and subdue demons.However, with the continuous upgrading of the forbidden law, it now has the ability to drive the wind, bless, and curse.Even in the not-too-distant future, the ability to collect water for flooding can be added.But no matter how the fan gathers water, it is still a fire attribute lupine.The ability to fan fire is much higher than to gather water.

"Luashu... must focus on the deduction function."

Heng Hua stroked the edge of the turtle shell, recalling all the magic weapon restrictions he knew.

"The most suitable for Luoshu, I only know the 'Nine-Star Luoshu Forbidden Method'."

Use Luoshu to correspond to the Nine Heavens Star Dou, and use the power of the stars to sacrifice magic weapons.

"But the nine-star Luoshu forbidden law is not complete in my hands, only the first nine."

While Fu Henghua was thinking, he drew the outline of the turtle shell with his fingers, and the nine forbidden methods were formed one by one.

Suddenly, Luoshu absorbed the nine forbidden methods, and the Luoshu pattern on the turtle's back quickly lit up.Soon, three more forbidden laws were automatically deduced.

Heng Hua was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "Yes. Luoshu is the treasure of deduction. I will engrave the magic weapon prohibition into it, and I will deduce the most suitable prohibition method by myself. This saves me a lot of effort, and I can even follow the The spirit confinement master is going to grab business."

In the refining lineage, there are metallurgists who specialize in providing materials.Naturally, there is also a class of monks who specialize in compiling "magic weapon prohibition".This category can be regarded as a branch of magicians, who specialize in creating magic weapon restrictions with various functions, rather than actually making magic weapons by hand.

Although Heng Hua is a mage performer, it is more reflected in the creation of exercises.For the magic weapon prohibition, there is not much experience, and it is still in the apprenticeship stage.

But with Luoshu, as long as the "magic weapon prohibition" is put into it, it can be deduced by itself.

It's not even just a "magic weapon prohibition", when Fu Henghua deliberately engraved a flawed foundation-building method into Luoshu.Luoshu automatically made up for the flaws and presented a complete exercise.

"Okay... With this function, grandfather's skills are expected!"

(End of this chapter)

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