
Chapter 703: Those who are thick-faced are invincible

Chapter 703: Those who are thick-faced are invincible

For those who are thick-skinned, ridicule is also praise. Such is the case with the "Chunyi Archway Incident" - an interview with Donglai Immortal Cang Lanzi
Henghua deliberately cast a spell so that the entire You Continent could see his face.

Under his series of questions, no one could answer.

The pressure in the clouds and mist increased little by little.

The Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals were the first to notice something was wrong.

Is the power shown by Fu Henghua a little too strong?

Master Jiuyu's eyes flashed, and he saw a towering jade tree among the rolling dark clouds.

Green light interweaves, and countless immortal branches hang down.The runes on each green leaf symbolize a Taoist method and a spell left by Fu Henghua in Nanzhou.

"The manifestation of fate of the Taoist Fruit of Creation?"

Under the gathering of countless branches, this tree condenses Fu Henghua's luck in Nanzhou.

Preach and teach.

How lucky is Henghua?

At this moment, Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals finally had an intuitive understanding.

Chiyuan lasted for thousands and five hundred years, establishing the order of the right continent, and its destiny was like the pillars of heaven and the sacred mountains, standing still.

In comparison, Fu Henghua's longevity tree was more than a head short, not even halfway up the mountain.


Fu Henghua is just a person!

He only managed it in Nanzhou for a few decades!

Now that destiny is changing, the great path of creation in Nanzhou is vaguely aligned with his.If Fu Henghua continues to develop in Nanzhou, might he become a true Nanzhou saint?
No wonder, no wonder...

Is this guy doing all these things to prevent us from attacking him first?
One has to wonder what Fu Henghua's intentions were when he made such a big fuss today.

"Even...even if the ancestors did all those things. But in the final analysis, it is because you three continents gave up on us and you ran away, leaving us to be killed by the devil."

When the pressure became heavier and heavier, an old man finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

Not in Chiyue, but in a city in the southern part of You Continent.

The old man roared in full view of everyone.

He is the great elder of the Sikong clan, a family that dates back to 5000 years ago.The Sikong family can trace their bloodline back to an ancestor 4 years ago.He was one of the culprits who poisoned the Sanzhou martyrs.Therefore, he knows more about the history of ancient times than others.

"When...it was those group of true immortals who were not good at that time. When they saw our place fell, they took others to escape and established the other three continents.

"So, when they came back, the ancestors imprisoned them in the abyss. That was retribution!

"Later... Later, the people from the three continents were used as sacrifices. It was their sin... they deserved it!"

Under the shocked gazes of the casual cultivators nearby, the old man kept arguing with the "Tian Yan" in the sky.

“By treating yourself as a victim, you can openly kill the well-intentioned martyrs one by one?

"The ancient true king, the ancestors of the Three Continents. Even if you use the 'victim nameplate' to argue forcefully, what about the subsequent Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor becoming a demon? Those are the serious Miao descendants of Nanzhou. Just because they want to resist the demonic way, they Betrayed by your ancestors. But who could have expected that he would instead create a real Demon Emperor.

"And the death of the Second Ancestor Chiyuan. They were the ones who felt sorry for you, so you persecuted them at will and shamelessly set up a sneak attack?"


The clouds exploded, the vast haze gathered in Fangshi, and "Sky Face" approached Sikongqiu.

"Victims? Who are the victims? Is it you who have been wearing the nameplate of 'victim' and continue to harm the people who come to help you? Or are you about to be betrayed by you, those of us who have gone overseas to help?"

"You have been treating yourself as a victim for 4 years, you are so shameless!"

"In the past 4 years, if you have ever truly resisted and been willing to accept the goodwill from afar, the demonic way has long been defeated by the immortal way. The goodwill and rescue time after time have been squandered by you."

Above Chiyue, Henghua's face also approached the Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals and asked directly:
"The Chiyuan Taoist sect has been teaching for 500 years. Could you please make some achievements? Could it be that you haven't been able to change the simplest concept of good and evil for these bastards?"


"It feels good."

Star Luo Demon Emperor slowly exhaled.

Seeing and hearing Henghua's curse through the mirror, he felt secretly happy.

The behavior of the ancestors of Nanzhou was disgusting even to this possessed foreigner.

The same goes for other demon cultivators.

How are these immortals better than them?

Before Chi Yuan came, these immortals were more shameless and despicable than them.Licking your face and acting like a dog in front of them, why do you have the nerve to shout "Eliminating Demons and Defending the Way"?
Compared to these orthodox demons, these people are vicious demons in human skin.

"Fu Henghua, don't make a big deal about something that hasn't happened yet."

Song Yuan couldn't sit still anymore.

If he continues to belittle him like this, all of Nanzhou will just hang themselves.

"Chiyuan did not adopt those family's appeals. Our faction never expressed its intention to expel you and tear up the contract. On the contrary, it was you who played tricks again and again today to make these groups of people trouble me, Chiyuan. Why? Are you planning to—"

"What are you going to do?"

dong dong... dong dong...

Song Yuan heard a faint heartbeat, and his heart seemed to be pulled and beat accordingly.

Immortal heart!
Sacred Heart!

Shan Lingqing's eyes widened.

Staring at the "Sky Face" in the sky.

Henghua himself is nearby!

Moreover, his holy body has completed the most important and initial step - the transformation of the heart.

His brain was spinning rapidly: "The Sacred Heart, followed by the Holy Blood, and with the nourishment of the internal organs, his physique is still above ours."

What are the benefits of having a physique that is on the same level as that of a true immortal?
Shan Lingqing once heard his master talk about the mystery of the true immortal body.

First of all, the detoxification effect in the body is reached to the extreme.The poison that kills the Tribulation Immortal is ineffective against the Sacred Heart, Holy Body, and True Immortal Body.

Secondly, the computing power is enhanced.The speed of the brain can reach thousands of thoughts.

In addition, there are eyesight, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, etc.

From a life level, Tribulation Immortals like them are no longer the same kind.

"What's even more valuable is that they are young."

Although he is young, he has insufficient mana accumulation.But they also don't have much volume to convert.And because they are young, their organs are already at their most vigorous stage of life, making transformation much less difficult.

Song Yuan's face suddenly turned red when he heard the heartbeat, and his blood was boiling due to the heartbeat.

"You have such a villainous heart. Do you think that I am doing so much today to compete with you, Chi Yuan, for territory? Do you want to suppress your Chi Yuan's reputation in public?"

Tianyan laughed wildly.

"I established the Book of Heaven, enlightened myself on the great road, and taught others. Why do I need to compete with you for territory? You can only see this small area with your little money.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you to survive the disaster in Nanzhou. I, the 'Preacher of the Holy Path', should return to Donglai. From now on, you may not be able to ask me to come again. But -"


The clouds surged again, the jade tree appeared on the horizon, and a figure sat down under the tree.

“Many people think that I have a good temper and don’t get angry, so they often push me.

"This time I look back on the past and calculate the future. After seeing the behavior of everyone in Nanzhou, I don't plan to endure it anymore.

"Aren't you all very curious about the extent of my demonic nature? Don't you think I'm going too far and you swallow your anger? Then don't bear it anymore! The sixth wave will attack the city soon. By then, if you all in Nanzhou plan to destroy Xuanyuan City, Let’s join forces with the devil to weigh my demonic nature.”

dong dong -- dong dong --

In a flash of golden light, Henghua disappeared instantly.


"What do you mean? I don't understand?"

In Xuanyuan City, Meng Chen turned to look at Cang Lanzi.

"He's saying that he wants to take the initiative to trigger his own demonic nature?"

"He did say that." Cang Lanzi frowned and looked at Fu Xuanhe, Fu Tongjun and others.

Fu Xiangfeng stammered: "It should just be Xiao Liu'er's angry words."

Yu Danqing crossed his arms and sneered: "Angry words? I see, he has found an excuse to study magic skills in an upright way, right?"


The devil's lair.

Taishang Demon Lord and others are also paying attention.

Shocked to hear that Fu Henghua wanted to use their power to reflect his demonic nature, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"What are you afraid of!" Young Master Youxuan said angrily to everyone, "If he wants to become a demon, then let him learn the grace of our five demon kings. When the time comes, he will be completely buried!"

Demon King of the Four Dharma: "I don't think that a 'little saint' who holds the Sacred Heart can be easily pulled into the devil's path by us."

The other demon kings nodded.

They have confidence in Fu Henghua. When has Fu Henghua ever fought a battle that he was unsure of?

The Supreme Demon Lord felt even more uneasy when he thought of the "Devil Lord" who was watching Fu Henghua.

If things go wrong this time, if the Demon Lord is not happy...

"How do you people increase the prestige of others? Just wait and see, when the Heavenly Demon Fantasy World Mirror is completed, I will definitely swallow all of Fu Henghua's demonic nature and become the supreme demon body. Hmm - let's see, Why would he dare to be so arrogant with just a little devilishness?"


"Finally found a chance?"

After Henghua came back, Dongfang Yunqi looked at her with a half-smile.

But I saw him flicking his sleeves and saying angrily: "I really hate these people. How long have you been, and you are still thinking about it? Nanzhou? Do I care about the land of Nanzhou?"
"As a saint, your eyes should be on the nine heavens and ten earths. How can a mere divine continent hinder you and me?"

After learning from Feng Yunxing how vast the Tianxu Divine Continent was, Henghua's thoughts had already flown to other continents.

To establish the Holy Way, in the future, one must learn from Taixuan Taoist saints to teach and transform the nine major divine continents, and go to other divine continents to perform teachings and transformations.

"Brother, you are so arrogant. You haven't even taught this continent properly, yet you dare to think about other realms? Also, have you forgotten? I'm still here?"

Henghua ignored her and said to Dongfang Yunqi: "I will play the villain this time and leave the rest to you."

Dongfang Yunqi nodded and turned into a burst of fragrant wind to escape.


In Chiyue, everyone was shocked by Fu Henghua's bold words, but saw the moonlight slowly gathering, and another city lord came slowly.


Dongfang Yunqi's soft voice, under the soft moonlight, calmed the panic in the hearts of people all over the world.

"The Nanzhou family is colluding with the devil and wants to sneak attack on us in Beihai. Brother Dao hates this matter deeply and can't help but think of what happened to the second ancestor of your sect and the righteous men of Sanzhou. Therefore, he just wanted an explanation from your sect for this attack." , her Sacred Heart was also completed.

Shan Lingqing stared at Dongfang Yunqi, smiling bitterly.

The talents of these two little saints are really comparable to those of the founders of the sect.

"Excuse me, Fairy Dongfang, for some persuasion. Our faction has absolutely no intention of falling out with Xuanyuan City. In our sixth attack on the city, we will not associate with the devil."

Dongfang Yunqi smiled and said: "The sixth attack on the city is because the devil deceives all living beings. It is not the city of Xuanyuan. In fact, all the people in the world have to go to the magic mirror. Although Brother Dao said it in anger, the two of us have agreed .At that time, both of us will enter the demon realm, reflect our true demonic nature, and compete with the Young Master Youxuan."

Do you really think that I am led by your nose every day and allowed to be bullied by you?

When the time comes, I will grab you and distract you in front of everyone in the world.You still had to let me win, and you had to be beaten by me.

"Fairies also have to reflect their demonic nature?"

"Everyone from your noble sect is also in danger, and none of you will be spared by then."

After a reminder, Dongfang Yunqi left quietly.

Before leaving, she shook her right hand slightly, and streaks of moonlight flashed across the right continent.

"I can't stand the evil deeds in Nanzhou. I leave this as a warning. I hope you will think carefully and act with caution."

The moonlight was flowing, and at the door of many families on the right continent, an archway was erected out of thin air, with the four characters "Moral Purity" written on it.

"Morality? Do these lackeys deserve to be moral in the future?"

When everyone onlookers saw the archway, they burst into laughter.

"There is no morality at all. It lasted for 4 years. Isn't it pure and complete?"

"That's right, there is no morality at all, and the end is pure. The Eastern Fairy said it well!"

Faced with this extremely humiliating memorial arch, the monks from various families naturally wanted to uproot it.

But Dongfang Yunqi's Taoism is in harmony with Taoism. Taiyin is immortal and Taoism will last forever.

No matter how those group of masters acted, they could not suppress the moonlight in the sky or move the archway in front of the door.


"What you did is quite damaging."

"The taiyin hangs high, overlooking all living beings. I just stand from a fair standpoint and make a fair evaluation of their 4-year behavior."

Henghua nodded and said nothing more.

If Dongfang Yunqi doesn't do it, he will find a way to torment these family monks later.

Apart from talking about other things, he and the Fu family must take a break from Xuan Heguo's affairs, right?
Fu Xuanhe's appearance and attitude.

This sister-in-law, even if you don’t recognize her, you will recognize her.And if the sister-in-law admits it, the Fu family will naturally bear the consequences.

The ancestors of that time died, but their descendants are still there.

Naturally, someone has to pay for this cause and effect.

"Sister, something happened today. Is it time for you to leave too?"

The Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor was speechless and turned into a burst of red mist and left.

"Is this time the attack on the city over?"

"The people in her Demon Palace are not dead yet, how can it be settled? It's just that she deliberately accompanied you, sold you and me, and planned to let the people in the Demon Palace live a few more lives. Just now, I negotiated another deal with her . You can let her people live longer, but - it must be based on the six past events of the year."

"Signed list?"

Henghua nodded slowly.

"Not just her, but also the Xingluo Demon Emperor."

"They are all demons. If you are so partial, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain." "

"What do you want to tell us? We follow the path of fate and overcome the calamity of death. We are just hanging on the thread with them. Whether we can be saved depends entirely on ourselves."

Dongfang Yunqi frowned and said nothing.

She and Fu Henghua have the same stance on the big picture, but they are quite different in subtle ways.

Regarding the Nanzhou Demonic Way, Fu Henghua planned to save people, but Dongfang Yunqi was not happy.

No matter how pitiful the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor was when he became a demon, his fate was so embarrassing.

Over the years, she has become a villain with blood on her hands.

The same is true for Xingluo Demon Emperor. Their husband and wife have a deep love for each other.But in these years, have there been too few loving couples who died at the hands of the Star Demons?
They have no atonement for their sins, so how can they be saved?
"Haha - what do you think the holy way is? Is it a nanny? If I save them, I will completely shoulder their karma?"

Henghua waved his hand, and a big river appeared on the loess.

The river is overflowing and there are countless fish swaying.

"The world of mortals is like a big river. We, as cultivators, escape from the world of mortals and aim for transcendence. Saints are wise and forerunners, so they can stand on the shore to ferry people. But this kind of ferrying people is not meant to be carried by the fish in the river. All cause and effect, what we give is just a hanging thread."

Looking at Henghua's side face, his expression was colder than he had ever seen before.

But his words were irrefutable.

Yes, saving people does not mean putting everyone in a garden and protecting them day and night.

Rather, it teaches methods, guides enlightenment, and makes them self-reliant and self-reliant.

"Xingluo Demon Emperor was originally a sect of the Immortal Dao sect. Although the calamity of love caused him to become a demon, he still retained some of his Dao nature because of the word love. What I did was to ignite his Dao nature and lure the couple back into love. Immortal way.

"But the evil causes they planted in the past are still there, so naturally they have to find a way to solve them. They may even die from this."

But Fu Henghua will not forcefully bear these obligations.

"Put down the butcher's knife and return to the path wholeheartedly. It's not that all causes and effects are eliminated, it's just that you use a new mentality to atone for the sins you committed in the past.

"Xing Luo can atone for his sins, and so can Chi Ling.

"Of course, Yuan Shan can do it too. I like his wisdom very much. If you can..."

Fu Henghua paused and said softly: "If he dies under karma later, let Hengshou cut off his head and bring him to my seat to listen to the great truth."


Dongfang Yunqi tapped his palm lightly with a golden whip and joked:
"Objection. On behalf of everyone in Donglai, including your grandfather, I oppose your idea. Yuanshan died in Nanzhou, and no part of it can appear in Donglai. He - is different from the two demon emperors."

Cut off the head and take it back?
Are you coveting his wisdom and planning to continue the unfinished experiments of the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan?
"Those experiments have been done. Isn't it okay if I take a look at the experimental data?"

There are many restrictions on living experiments in Donglai, and Xue Kaidu can only get some spirit corpses for research.Henghua even used his data to conduct research.But Nanzhou is different. How many living experiments has the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan conducted in the past thousand years?
Due to his own morality, Henghua cannot do such harmful things.But he was very greedy for the information that others had already completed.

"Don't you find it disgusting for you to use the research produced by these harmful things?"

Dongfang Yunqi said unhappily: "In the name of healing, just take a look at the body of an ordinary monk. It's enough to study the Taoism and observe the structure of the human body."

As for topics such as modifying the human body, half-orcs, half-insects, etc., which Fu Henghua was interested in, Dongfang Yunqi had no intention of letting him interfere.

After stating her position, she changed the subject.

"If you really save the two Demon Emperors and make them have good thoughts and repent of their past deeds, the Demonic Path of Nanzhou will have no hope in the future. Does this seem to be inconsistent with your original plan?"

From the perspective of Donglai, Chiyuan is prosperous but cannot be fully prosperous.

Chi Yuan must not let Chi Yuan get all of the three continents in Nanzhou.

Otherwise, Donglai will be unstable.

"The Tao will not be extinguished, and the demons will also exist forever. These demons are gone, people's minds have changed, and new demons are born. Look at these monks of the Nanzhou Immortal Dao, each of them is very demonic. Looking back, there are many in Nanzhou. magic."

"Really? I thought you planned to pass down the Demon Sect's tradition in Nanzhou as Youxuan."

Henghua blinked: "Demon sect orthodoxy? What's the matter? What I taught in Nanzhou were all serious immortal methods like Shang Shuliang. By the way, Shang Shuliang killed the flower picker and saved the two maids. .Can you guess the origin of the flower picker?"

Although she understood that he was changing the subject, Dongfang Yunqi still said: "Thieves of Heaven Alliance?"

"Back then, someone from the Shenzhou Pirate Immortal lineage came to Nanzhou. I think the flower-picking thief who came here is from this lineage. I am somewhat interested in them. You can help me check it out later. See if I can get the Hunyuan Gold Medal for Fang Dongyuan."

"let me try."

Using the Taiyin star to patrol the heavens is more convenient than Fu Henghua's deduction.

"However, you also know that the moon hangs high, so don't expect to hide some things from the moon."

Hmm, so I was tinkering in broad daylight.

"For now, please accompany me to do another thing. Chi Ling and I have negotiated a big deal, and you and I need to do it ourselves."


After Xingluo Demon Emperor adjusted the altar and was about to leave, he suddenly raised his head and looked to the left.

The red mist filled the air, and a graceful woman floated over.

"If you don't try to protect your palace people, why are you here?"

"We won't fight the fourth wave of attacking the city. I will leave the palace people to you later, and you can lead them in the meteor collapse."


"I have reached an agreement with him." Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor floated a list of names to Xingluo Demon Emperor.

The human lives written above are all cannon fodder that the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor has repeatedly considered and can be sent out.

This move is based on the same idea as the six sects' selection of cannon fodder sacrifices in the past.

Xingluo Demon Emperor also has a similar list in his hand.

He briefly glanced at the list of Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor and asked strangely: "Your Demon Palace actually retains one-third of the people? Can Fu Henghua agree? By then, he will definitely go to your Demon Palace - wait, you two can talk OK, how much did you pay?"

"I didn't pay anything, I just gave him the Stone Whispering Demon Lord."

"How dare you speak to people from Puhe? Are you really not afraid of offending this old ghost?"

Star Luo Demon Emperor was still joking, but his expression suddenly changed.

"Did you take the initiative or did Fu Henghua bring it up?"


"Did you tell him the hiding place and flaws of the Stone Whispering Demon Lord?"

The woman nods.

"It's over, Zhouguang Divine Water."

Xingluo Demon Emperor held his forehead.

With Zhouguang Divine Water, Fu Henghua can quickly transform into an immortal!
Can you give me this?

"You really don't think it's a big deal. You're afraid that Fu Henghua is not strong enough and can't threaten you and me!"

Seeing that Demon Emperor Chi Ling was puzzled, Demon Emperor Xingluo did not explain.

"Forget it, the matter is over, I will give him a good deal, by the way..."

It's time to think about my future.

 The two saints entered Nanzhou and made good friends with various families.It coincided with the establishment of Xuanyuan City, and various families worked hard to help build it.Later, the Lord of the Second City granted him the "Moral Pure Arch" and praised 28 sages for their eternal morality and lasting fame.

  ——"The Story of a Nanzhou Family"

(End of this chapter)

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