
Chapter 704: Thousands of stars are falling and raining down from heaven

Chapter 704: Thousands of stars are falling and raining down from heaven

Following Fu Henghua's harsh words that day, public opinion in mainland China was shaken and became more chaotic day by day.

Some were ashamed, some were angry, and some were frightened.

And as the Chiyuan Taoist sect began to settle old scores and thoroughly investigate the case of liaison with the devil, public opinion became more and more heated.

It was under such circumstances that when Fu Xuanhe asked the Chiyuan Taoist sect for help, he successfully received help from five Tribulation Immortals.

"It's very simple, we need your resurrection action to stabilize public opinion." Shan Lingqing and the other five walked towards the "Tiandu" together with Fu Xuanhe.

In the Chiyuan Taoist sect, there are many disciples from Nanzhou.After thousands of years of education, they have a basic understanding of good and evil.The practices of the ancestors of Nanzhou subverted their moral values.Perhaps the original sin does not involve them, but knowing the death of their second ancestor is still a heavy blow to their Taoist hearts and hinders their future practice.

The public opinion in the entire right continent was shaken, and it was in urgent need of a good medicine to ease it.

Fu Xuanhe's resurrection of the "Female Army of Xuanhe Kingdom" is a kind of atonement for the monks in Nanzhou, Youlu, and an act of rectifying the aftermath for their ancestors.

"By the way, Chi Yuan will also be allowed to change his name and rule the right continent?"

By completing this "resurrection" of the Chiyuan Taoist sect, not only can it appease the monks on the mainland, but it can also more logically become the ruler of Nanyan Fuzhou.

Shan Lingqing sighed quietly: "Your brother is so tossing, doesn't he just know that we will definitely go with his wishes?"

This time Chiyuan is ready, and a team composed of Shan Lingqing, Master Jiuyu, Defeng Zhenren, Cao Zhenren, and Wen Rong will assist Fu Xuanhe's resurrection ceremony.

Seeing Fu Henghua's absence, Master Jiuyu asked curiously: "Where is your brother? Isn't he here? Is there Fairy Dongfang?"

"He and Miss Dongfang will come back later. As you know, they gained a lot some time ago."

The five of them were silent.

The capture of the Stone Whispering Demon Lord is the hottest news in recent days.

The two Xuanyuan City Lords didn't know where they got the news and went straight to the hiding place of the Stone Whispering Demon Lord.After forcibly capturing each other, they even joined forces to repel several pursuits from the Puhe Demon Palace.To this day, the Stone Whispering Demon Lord is still hanging on the gate tower of Xuanyuan City.

After the news came out, the three continents were shocked.

"Do you know what method they used to force Yu Xuan, Chi Ling, and Xing Luo to watch and seize people from Pu He? And as far as I know, from the time they entered the Demon's Cave to the time they captured the Demon Lord, It seems like it only took less than half an hour?”

Half an hour!

This is the most shocking.

It is well known that Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi can compete with the Tribulation Immortal and the Demon King.

But half an hour is too fast?

"I don't know either."

Fu Xuanhe was also shocked when he learned the news.

He is still holding the "Qiankun Yiqi Talisman", so it is not difficult to fight against the Demon King.Even relying on the "Luo Xian Zhen Lu", he was sure to defeat the devil one on one.But in terms of time, it takes at least one day to carve the talisman.

Why are Fu Henghua and the two so fast?
"When I came down from Chiyue, I didn't see the two seniors Song Yuan and Wang He. Could it be that..."

"They went to investigate. I believe that the demonic side is also very interested."

The stronger Henghua showed his strength, the less sure they felt.

How strong will the demonic nature that Fu Henghua claimed to have displayed during the sixth city attack be?


Return to the Demon Cave of Light.

With the capture of the Stone Whispering Demon Lord, the Demon Cave is in ruins.

Song Yuan opened the vase, and the light sand floated in the air, gradually covering the entire cave, restoring the previous battle bit by bit.

Wang He stood at the door and watched, guarding against a sneak attack by the devil.

Soon, three figures gathered in the devil's cave.

A figure stood in the center, exuding demonic energy.

The other two figures are both sitting, with what seems to be seats underneath them.

Song Yuan cast the spell again, and the seats under the two figures appeared.

A moon boat hangs in front of the cave door.A golden chair guarded by nine dragons is deep in the cave.

The two of them surrounded the Stone Whispering Demon Lord one behind the other.

When Wang He saw this, he was surprised and said: "Did they really just force their way in?"

Soon, the "Retrospective Sand Shadow" began to fight.

"Dongfang Yunqi" condensed the moonlight in her hand and turned into a silver-white scepter.

"It's not the Three Fierce Moon Lords?"

She shook her scepter, and twelve bright moons appeared above the cave, and at the same time, she sprayed the lunar light at the "Stone Whispering Demon Lord" in the center.

Even if the Demon Lord used the "Zhouguang Divine Water" to summon many shadows to compete, they were still destroyed by the endless moonlight.

"Something is wrong. Are Stone Whisperer Lord's time puppets so weak? And many puppets don't know how to dodge?"

Because it was a phantom condensed by light sand, it could not truly show the battle, so Song Yuan could only adjust it a little bit.

Soon, he saw vines on these sand puppets.

Those flowers, trees, vines and fungi parasitized by the power of creation are obviously the work of another "little saint".

Wang He: "Fu Henghua weakened the projection, even restrained the projection, and then destroyed it with all his strength in Dongfang Yunqi?"

Song Yuan: "Dongfang Yunqi's Taiyin Law, if it can resonate with the Taiyin Star in our sky, its destructive power will naturally be greater than that of Fu Henghua. It's just that Yuehua's bombardment is not accurate, and someone needs to help imprison the enemy."

Fu Henghua happened to play this role.Even when his spells are weakened, the enemy's body-protecting magic light and defensive spells will be completely destroyed, and they will be exposed to the bombardment of the Taiyin Divine Light without resistance.

Wang He: "The cooperation of these two...quickly capture a demon king, I believe it."

Song Yuan stared at the light sand puppet, still feeling that something was wrong.

He repeatedly adjusted the spell and kept looking back at this unremarkable, even brutal battle.

Finally, during the second retracement, he discovered something was abnormal.

The "Stone Whisperer Demon" has no heart at all in battle.

"Sure enough, it's the resonance of the Sacred Heart!"

Song Yuan's face turned ugly: "The most troublesome possibility is that the two of them joined forces and really broke the heart of Lord Stone Whisperer in advance."

"The 'resonance technique' that Master mentioned? How could they—Fu Henghua?"

Using one's own heart as a traction, it affects other people's hearts to beat at the same frequency.

The principle of this spell is very simple, Fu Henghua can think of it with just his brain.

"Let 'Shi Yu's' heart beat at the same frequency as his and his two hearts. But because their heartbeat frequencies are different, when their hearts resonate together, they will be affected by the swing between them. The result..."

It does not have the strength of the Sacred Heart level, whether it is a calamity immortal or a demon king.The heart will be pulled back and forth between the two people until it explodes.

"If there is only one little saint, even if our hearts are at the same frequency as him. Although it is uncomfortable, we can still endure it. At most, the realm of the avenue will be slightly suppressed during the battle."

This is the innate suppression of the holy way.

But the two little saints joining forces have completely different meanings.

The two of them join forces, and as long as they meet each other, they can sneak attack and detonate the hearts of the Demon Lord and the Tribulation Immortal.

The Stone Whispering Demon Lord is a perfect case.

She was blocked by two people and her heart exploded.His face was obscured by the December Wheel, parasitized by thousands of flowers and trees, and captured alive by two people.

"This method is always harmful. Even if we understand its principle, we still can't resist the resonance detonation of the two 'Sacred Hearts'?"

What's even more frightening is that there is no upper limit on the number of the two little saints' "surprise heart blasting method".

If they appear on the battlefield at the same time, they can pull the Sacred Heart at the same time and resonate with everyone on the battlefield with two completely different avenues.

This is one of the reasons why Fu Henghua must pull Dongfang Yunqi to "come to the world".

As a magician, Heng Hua had already guessed that this day might exist as early as when they entered the holy path.

When two little saints join forces, they will not double or multiply, but will gain a hundredfold and a thousandfold advantage.

Heart-breaking, this is a small test for the two of them.

In the whole process of capturing Shi Yu, they didn't even use any real means.

Song Yuan took back Guangsha and said, "Send a message to Jiuyu and the others. We must do our best to help Fu Xuanhe."

Sacred Heart, there must never be another one.

These two little saints will return to Donglai in the future, but Fu Xuanhe is not certain.

It would be Chiyuan's blessing to nip the signs in advance.

Although Wang He looked down upon Song Yuan's calculations, he still quickly sent the news to Shan Lingqing and others.

The two "little saints" will arrive later, so don't provoke them casually.


Shan Lingqing and others came to "Bone Square".

Fu Xuanhe took out the talisman he made and began to set up formations around the square.

When the other five people helped, they asked why they chose this day.

Fu Xuanhe took out a letter: "I didn't choose it, it was Star Luo Demon Emperor who sent the letter to tell us specifically. This day is the most suitable day."

"A letter from the Demon Emperor?" Wen Rong jumped up, "No, I know that Xuanyuan City currently has some exchanges with the Demonic Way. But you have formed an alliance with the Demon Emperor... This - what are you going to do?"

"It's not an alliance, just some exchanges. The Demon Emperor promised that if the resurrection ceremony is attempted today, he can help share the pressure and increase the success rate." Fu Xuanhe was also puzzled by this.

But after Fu Henghua read the letter, he agreed.

The "resurrection moment" was deliberately postponed, and the day when the Star Luo Demon Emperor triggered the meteor shower was chosen, which was the fifth time to conquer the city.

Wen Rong quickly read the letter and immediately forwarded it to Shan Lingqing and others.

The content of the letter is very simple, just one sentence.

"Lu Chen, star collapse, returns to the human world. I provide star collapse for you."

"Seniors, is the 'Huan Yang custom' inherited by Donglai what the Demon Emperor is referring to?"


The five Tribulation Immortals kept secrets and did not want to say more.

The state of China has been destroyed, and all that is left is for the stars to fall and the dead to return to the sun.

This is the "proven sage" of the study of the Sixth Civilization.

But because it was too taboo, Donglai was divided into several factions and quarreled for many years.

The reason why the evil path can become independent is also related to this controversy.

"It's better to arrange things quickly. If you delay it any longer, the meteors will begin."


Xuanyuan City.

Fu Henghua was sitting in the library drinking tea.

But unlike in the past, today's tea was cooked by him himself.

"How do you feel about making tea from the Immortal Wonderful Tree, using Zhouguang Divine Water as the spring, and supplementing it with Liuding Divine Fire?"

Dongfang Yunqi sat opposite him, looking at her palms that were glowing with jade.

"The Divine Fruit of Zhouguang is really mysterious. You and I can use it to grow our bodies. It may speed up the transformation of the Holy Body."

With just a cup of tea, one of her hands had completely transformed.

"The Stone Whispering Demon Lord gave us a great gift."

"You want to plead for her? Become a maid for you? Or cut off her head and keep it for you?"

"She doesn't have much wisdom. What do I want with her head? I just sighed, don't react like that."


You are the master who can see ten steps at a time. God knows how many things you have done secretly without telling me.

If Dongfang Yunqi hadn't repeatedly confirmed with Fu Yaozhen, judging from the current direction of her fate.Fu Henghua reflected the demonic nature and there was no danger of "falling into the devil", so she would not let Fu Henghua do whatever he wanted.

"Shi Yu will be sent to Tiandu as a living sacrifice." After a pause, Fu Henghua said, "Although there is a sacrifice, it is very different from the serious principles of sorcery. You won't even hold on to this. Let it go?"

"Use her to guide heaven's punishment and deceive heaven's secrets. I understand, it's okay."

Dongfang Yunqi is not an unreasonable person.

What Fu Xuanhe wanted to do was so dangerous that Fu Yaozhen even gave up the resurrection talisman just to save his brother's life.Naturally, she would not pity a demon king who did many evil things.

"Hengshou, I heard it. Go and take the Stone Whispering Demon Lord to Tiandu. The three of you go first, and we will come later."

Hengshou, Xiaoyu and Yuluan took the tokens of Fu Henghua and others and headed to Tiandu first.

After the three people left, Fu Henghua raised his head and glanced at the sky.

A red light streaked across the sky.

Followed closely by the second and third lanes.

Dense flints filled the sky and fell rapidly towards Xuanyuan City and You Dalu.

The fifth wave attacked the city, and thousands of stars fell.

"here we go."

Fu Henghua stood up and went straight to the star observatory.

At the same time, Dongfang Yunqi's figure faded, and the next moment she appeared in the city lord's mansion, taking out the fifth scroll.

"Senior Yu, Mr. Fu, Dong Moyang, Hong Changyi, Sun Falcon, Sun Yan, Quan Hezi, Yuwen Chunqiu, Liu Mo, Fu Pengming, Yu Xiaolei, Jiang Xiaoli."

Yu Danqing, the reincarnated Tribulation Immortal, Fu Yongbao, the fifth uncle of the Fu family, and Dong Moyang, the successor of the Book of Heaven.

There are three people in the lead, plus a fairy sword, another heir of the Heavenly Book and many disciples of the great sects.

This is the person who will fight against the fifth attack on the city.

"Wait... if it's these people. Almost all of us in Donglai have taken a turn, only Hengshou and the others are left, right? Who will be sent for the sixth attack on the city?"

"The candidate will be selected by then, so you don't have to worry."

After being comforted, she also headed to the observatory.

I saw Fu Henghua holding a "Heavenly Staff" and standing on the stage to outline the formation of Tiansu.

The moonlight was flowing, and Dongfang Yunqi also had a silver cane in her hand, and she walked onto the observatory.


Xingluo Demon Palace.

On the towering altar, the Demon Emperor looked up to the sky.

He muttered words, and a mysterious and mysterious aura surged out of his body, pulling the falling stars from the sky to weave into an array of stars.

Soon, he noticed two qi rising in the direction of Xuanyuan City.

With a smile on his face, Xingluo Demon Emperor cooperated with the two of them to outline the formation of Tiansu.

The concubine watched his actions and came to the foot of the altar holding the command flag.

The people from Xingluo and Chiling Demon Palaces are all here.

"Let's take action!"

As soon as the command flag was swept, everyone was enveloped in mist and quickly moved to the west gate of Xuanyuan City.

At that time, the west gate was wide open, and Yu Danqing also led a group of Donglai people to fight.

Song Yuan and Wang He rushed back in time and led Chiyuan's men to fight with people from various families.

For the 28 "Tai Fang Families", Chi Yuan did not do anything to give them a way out.

Song and Yuan personally guaranteed that all 28 families would go to war, and all their details would be revealed.In exchange for each family having three to five direct bloodlines surviving.By doing this, the vitality of the 28 families was severely damaged, and they would not be able to recover for a thousand years.

The full support of the 28 families can also allow the Chiyuan Taoist sect to reduce losses and save more direct disciples.

After repeated consideration, Bu Xuan agreed to this request.

Therefore, Song Yuan and Wang He sneaked into the devil's cave to investigate.Their fundamental mission is to use these 28 families as cannon fodder and send them to death.At the same time, all the cannon fodder thrown by the two demon emperors on the opposite side were killed.

Exchange son.

A private, tacit deal between the immortals and the demons.


The fighting broke out in front of the west gate, and evil spirits and bloody energy surged into the sky.For a moment, the Tiansu formation outlined by Fu Henghua and others was filled with a layer of scarlet.

The Demon Emperor waved his hand and swept away the blood energy.While relying on the "Celestial Formation" to bombard the earth, he also relied on the Formation of Ten Thousand Stars to calculate the future of his couple.

In other words, this is his fundamental purpose.

With the help of Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi, he mobilized the power of Nanzhou Soul Sea Star Sky, and used the entire star sky as a tool to calculate his future chances of enlightenment.

In this vast Star Rain Sacrifice, the battles on the ground are just "insignificant" sacrifices.

At the same moment, the Tiansu Formation also exerted the effect of deceiving the secrets of heaven.Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi tried their best to cover up the "resurrection vision" coming from the abyss.

It's just that the scale of the resurrection is too powerful.

Soon, the Tiansu Formation collapsed into pieces.A ray of white light burst out from the abyss of the earth, directly smashed several layers of seals above, and shot straight into the sky.

"Trouble, it seems that your plan to make colorful stones for the Chiyuan Taoist sect is ahead of schedule."

Henghua stared in the direction of the abyss with his brows, and suddenly threw an alms bowl over.

"It's okay. Let's wait for two months before we talk."

The water in the four sea bowls was rippling, and countless water waves rolled back from the sky, re-repairing the seal on the upper level of the abyss.

Dongfang Yunqi took out the immortal chopsticks and threw them towards the entrance of the abyss.


The cold light suddenly rose, and the swan-filled snow covered the sea waves, freezing all the space above the abyss.

boom -

In the sky, after the beam of light penetrated the sky, rolling thunderclouds began to rise.

But the divine punishment has arrived against Fu Xuanhe and others.

"Without further delay, you and I will be incarnated as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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