
Chapter 705: Against Heaven Chapter Light Returns to True Sun

Chapter 705: Defying Heaven and Returning to the True Sun

Fu Xuanhe stood on the octagonal platform in the center of the square.

The solemn square was completely filled with billions of talismans.Invisible pressure forced the five Tribulation Immortals to retreat to the "Five Directions Auxiliary Platform" and could not go out at will.

"Fu Xuanhe's decades of hard work...can it be so exquisite?"

Wen Rong asked himself, he was a thousand years older than Fuxuan and Chi, but he was far surpassed by this younger generation in terms of attainments in Talismans.

The genius of Fu Dao, the genius of Immortal Dao.

If not for this matter...

Wen Rong looked at the young man with a stern face and sighed in his heart.

If he could forget his feelings and ask questions, he might be able to become an immortal in one step!


The terror of love tribulations is ultimately at the forefront of all tribulations.

Billions of talisman lights intersect with each other in splendid splendor, and the mysterious and mysterious chanting of wonderful sounds echoes in the square. It seems like a song to awaken the soul, and also like the music of calming the sky.


The runes in the sky were dispersed by a layer of white light, and the ancient and majestic palace appeared again.

Tianxin Palace.

Deep in the palace, a dark and silent whirlpool slowly rotated.

Although it cannot be observed with spiritual consciousness, everyone knows that it is a "simulated world".

boom - boom -

Suddenly there was thunder above the square.

Master Jiuyu raised his head and continued to immerse himself in adjusting this part of the formation talisman.Others did the same, speeding up the debugging of formations and improving Fu Xuanhe's layout.

The wrath is coming.

But it will take some time before we can reach the depths of the abyss.


Chi Yue and Bu Xuan led the disciples to overlook the thunder above the abyss.

The wind and thunder are roaring, and the heaven and earth are furious.

The will in the dark turned into countless thunder dragons and electric snakes, frantically bombarding the mysterious water and ice arranged by Fu Henghua and his two men.

The ice created by the immortal weapon will not melt for thousands of years.But under the crazy offensive of thunder and lightning, it collapsed into countless ice fragments, flying in the Chiyue Mountains.Fu Henghua's Xuanshui was even more like this. Sihaibo was full of cracks under the lightning attack.

Fortunately, meteorites and sparks continued to fall from the sky, stirring up the clouds and clashing with thunder, which in turn weakened the punishment of heaven and earth for Fu Xuanhe's actions.

"The state of China collapses and the stars fall, so that the dead can be returned. It is only when the Dao is in chaos that there is a chance!"

Bu Xuan raised his hand, and red light gushed out from his palm.

In the blink of an eye, red light and neon clouds filled the world, further suppressing the "Wrath of Heaven".

"If it weren't for the secret cooperation of the Demon Emperor, if we wanted to resist the 'Wrath of Heaven', we would probably have to do it ourselves, my uncle or my master."

Although from a moral perspective, the Chiyuan Taoist sect is willing to help.But the final battle between immortals and demons is imminent. How can Immortal Huo be willing to waste too much mana on Fu Xuan's affair with his son and daughter?
Soon, three rays of light came from Xuanyuan City.

The three Hengshou people came to the sky above the abyss, tied the "Stone Whispering Demon Lord" to the "hard ice", and then dived into Tiandu one after another.


Dense talismans emerged from the Demon Lord's body, instantly drawing away the power of the thunder.The shrill screams overlapped with the thunder, and Bu Xuan shook his head frequently.

That one is really good at tinkering, but this method won't last long.


The three Hengshou people came to Tiandu, and the tokens they held immediately shined.

The moon mirror and lotus branches rippled, and the two incarnations descended at the same time.

Fu Xuanhe and the other six people tried their best to control the "Huitian Talisman Array", and their mana was constantly consumed.Suddenly a chill spread throughout my body, and my fatigue disappeared.

After glancing at the "Sheng Jun" in the air, the six of them concentrated on controlling the talismans.

Billions of talismans were flying around him rapidly, red text kept collapsing, and then new runes poured out from under his feet to replace the missing parts.

Faster, faster.

Fu Xuanhe was so anxious that he could only turn it into motivation and work hard to push the formation into the next stage.

At this time, bursts of sweet music sounded in my ears.

"Henghua? No, no, it's not him."

Although Shengjun held a lotus branch in his hand, he did not play the harp.The sound of the piano came from a pendant ring around his waist, sending the great music played in the distant Xuanyuan City to the capital.


Feeling a little relieved, Fu Xuanhe ran the formation with all his strength.

An hour later.


Silver-white brilliance flows in the layers of rings intertwined with runes.

Fu Xuanhe shouted loudly: "Huitian Talisman, mediate Taoist secrets."

Mysterious, mysterious.

A trace of inexplicable aura penetrated into the formation and spread in all directions.

He bit the tip of his tongue, and when the Qiankun Yiqi Talisman flew up from above his head, he quickly shot the blood and essence up.

The talisman instantly turned red, and the silver-white talisman array was also covered in red light.Densely packed tiny red lights quickly shuttled between the talisman formations.

bang bang bang bang—

The talisman could not withstand the power of the world and kept collapsing.

Although a brand new talisman was quickly replaced, the formation had already begun to shake.

"Now, Oriental girl——"

Fu Xuanhe pushed forward with both hands, suppressing the riot with one person's strength and maintaining the next step of the formation's operation.

"After all, my ability is not enough." Sheng Jun Chui Lian did the trick, scattering little drops of sweet rain around Fu Xuanhe to relieve his pressure.

Yue Sheng took one step forward and headed straight to the "simulation world" in Tianxin Palace.

boom -

Thunder suddenly flashed in the air, striking directly from the surface of the abyss towards Tianxin Palace.

"Trash, can it only last so long?"

Taking a look at the surface, Fu Henghua was very dissatisfied.

Shi Yu has perished under the wrath of the sky, and the lightning penetrates the glacier and rushes straight towards Tiandu.

Yue Sheng was not in a hurry, an acre of spiritual clouds appeared above his head, and the moonlight rippled in the clouds, transforming into many phases of the moon.

"Seven bodies become one."

In order to help Fu Xuanhe, Dongfang Yunqi no longer held back.The six good and evil deities, together with the Moon Sage, merge into one goddess in the moon.


Thousands of miles away, Henghua took advantage of Shengjun's vision to catch a glimpse, and smiled: "You can only see the true form by refining the gods with seven phases. This one god alone is comparable to the Tribulation Immortal. I think this god is in charge of Taiyin, so it can be called the 'Moon'." back'."

The latter, Jun also.

This "Queen of the Moon" aspect is the Lord of Taiyin and the Empress of the Moon.

"How can you be honored as an emperor without knowing the origin of the moon and stars?"

Dongfang Yunqi looked calm and drove her avatar into the simulated world.

Following Henghua's fight.The world of simulation is in turmoil.But the three real people were captured, and Gongye Mingchan and others were able to protect themselves.During this period, I started to study the way home.

Dongfang Yunqi went straight to the camp and told Gongye Mingchan everything.

Shocked to hear the secrets of the simulated world, the girl's face changed slightly.

But soon calmed down.

"I understand."

Gongye Mingchan is a neat person, always decisive.

On the one hand, he called on the entire army to march to Tiandu, and on the other hand, he contacted other remaining people from the Three Continents, hoping to save a few more people.

Dongfang Yunqi frowned secretly: "Sister Gongye. Xuan Heguo and others have skeletons in the main realm, and they may be reborn through this formation. But the rest of the people are waiting..."

"It all depends on God's will. At least, after the souls in the main world are destroyed and sacrificed, the spirits here may be reincarnated."

When Gongye Mingchan spoke, he frequently used the movement technique to speed up everyone's march.

Soon, a group of female soldiers came to the abyss.

"Queen of the Moon" did not go down, but took out a painting.

There is a three-headed vicious dog in the painting.


Woof woof - woof woof.

The Tengu jumps out of the scroll and takes the "Queen of the Moon" to the lunar sky.They have only one purpose, to collect all the origins of the waning moon.

"I promise you a [-]% share of your food. He will keep an eye on me for the rest of the day, so you can save your life."

The three heads spoke at the same time, barking and barking, making the "Queen of the Moon" restless.

"Okay, you three shut up and focus on your work!"


Fu Xuanhe was maintaining the formation outside. Even though Mr. Sheng comforted him, he could not calm down his restless thoughts.As the thunder in the sky became louder and louder, and the space became more oppressive, my heart strings tightened to the limit.

Suddenly, he felt a response from the other side of the formation.

One o'clock, two o'clock...

Orange-red light spots floated from the "Tianxin Palace Passage" and flew towards the bones scattered on the ground.

"here we go!"

Nine Fish Master and other five people each run the fairy mountain.

"Five Sacred Mountains Lock Heaven!"

The five rumbling fairy mountains each guard one side, concealing the celestial changes inside the square.But as a large number of light spots adhere to the white bones, visible to the naked eye, traces of flesh and blood and blood vessels adhere to the white bones and gradually proliferate.Above the Soul Sea Starry Sky, a strange aura is gathering.

The stars vibrated, sensing the changes in the world.

Go against the will of heaven and come back to life!
And not just one person, but a large group.

It is a large group of stars that have been silent for a long time that re-ignite their brilliance and return to the starry sky from the realm of death!

One third of the array of stars collapsed.

Bloody water flew across the sky and earth, heading towards Xingluo Demon Continent, Xuanyuan City and Chiyue.

"God's punishment, God's punishment is coming!" There were panicked monks running around all over Nanyan and Fuzhou.

Sparks, blood rain, and the sky became increasingly gloomy, like a doomsday-like terrifying pressure.

Life instinct is warning everyone.

Nanzhou is in a time of crisis.

However, the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor treated him coldly, while the Puhe Demon Emperor concentrated on cultivating the "Nine-faced Machine God". Although the Xingluo Demon Emperor was repairing the Tiansu Formation and touching the Soul Sea Star Sky, his purpose was not to protect the people, but to use The computing power of the Soul Sea Star, the Infinite Star, and the Heavenly Star are used to calculate the future for it.

At this moment, Fu Henghua did not go all out to save the world, but instead watched the actions of the Xingluo Demon Emperor, studying and recording his methods.

The person who truly saves the world is still Chi Yuan.

A Tribulation Immortal came out of Chiyuan. Under the leadership of Immortal Huo, they surrounded the mountains one after another.It's as if the sky pillars support the boundary between heaven and earth.

"I still have to worry about you."

Bu Xuan walked beside Huo Xianren, looking guilty.

The old immortal shook his head silently, looking at the divination formation operating in the sky, and then at the resurrection formation operating underground, he sighed: "Young people, after all, are motivated."

"This is a good thing." He then said to Bu Xuan, "If that person is willing to give up the devil's way and return to the immortal way, we will have one less enemy. And if the underground thing is done, although there will be some twists and turns. But we, etc. It is more justifiable to rule Nanzhou. In addition - it can also make the Fu family owe favors."

In the last sentence, Huo Xianren said something quite meaningful.

"Then - we help resist the wrath of the abyss?"

In the square, more and more people were resurrected.

The dense thunder light could no longer be suppressed. The abyss of the earth was like a black hole, absorbing all the thunder falling from the sky, and then turned into thick thunder dragons flying towards the sky.

"Don't be too troublesome. The Fu family has its own strength. And hasn't the merit and good fortune that the kid has accumulated for many years not been used yet?"

Bu Xuan suddenly realized.


Those who disobey the laws of heaven will be punished by heaven.

But at this moment, Fu Henghua and Nanyan Fuzhou's paths of creation are becoming more and more consistent.If the other party suffers this divine punishment, it will not damage his foundation, but will only destroy the luck he has accumulated in Xuanyuan City for many years.

And this is obviously more beneficial to Chi Yuan.


"These energies are shared by you and me, but now they are lost because of my private affairs. It means... I owe you a big favor. Nanyan's future destiny will be entirely decided by you, how about it?"

On the observatory, Fu Henghua held an emerald branch. On the branch were dozens of divine fruits and immortal flowers condensed with the energy of creation.

"It doesn't matter, I had a great time chatting with Sister Gongye. It's always a good thing to have more friends in the future."

Gongye Mingchan's sealing skills inherited the essence of ancient times, and he was a genius whose qualifications were not inferior to Fu Xuanhe's.It's a pity that she doesn't have the qualifications to become a saint.

Immediately, Dongfang Yunqi changed the topic: "You said, I will be in charge of the next arrangements? Affairs inside and outside Xuanyuan City?"


"Motoyama's death?"


"Demon death list?"


Fu Henghua said very magnanimously: "Everything in Nanzhou, as long as it does not interfere with Langhuan Library, will be arranged by you. You can treat me as the great city lord and retire."

The girl smiled slightly and pointed at the longevity tree in Fu Henghua's hand.

Balls of creation energy exploded, and the merit, morality, and saintliness that the two of them had accumulated over the years to avoid disaster all flowed into the abyss.

At the same time, large areas of golden light of merit were also shed towards the abyss in the direction of Tianyu Mountain.

"My eldest brother has been in the family for a hundred years, saved many living beings, and surrendered to heretics. His merits are considerable."

Dongfang Yunqi lowered her eyebrows and said nothing: No matter how impressive it is, it is not enough to offset the return of so many stars.

Fu Xuanhe must die.

This is the future she foresees.

This is also the acquiescence of all people above the level of Tribulation Immortal.


Thunder dragons surround Tiandu one after another.

It is hindered by the forbidden laws arranged by Huntian Civilization and the secret blockade of the five Tribulation Immortals.It is difficult for them to penetrate into the interior and can only linger around Tiandu.

Thunder Fire Alchemy Palace!

The familiar sword intent burst out from the third abyss.

The young man held the Fulong Jade Sword tightly with both hands and slashed diagonally upward with difficulty.

A golden palace wreathed in lightning and bursting with sparks appeared in the sky.

Behind him, Mighty Galaxy and Lei Xiaoyuntian came out together, and Fu Beidou and Fu Liuhui also used their swordsmanship to slash with all their strength.

Three sword intents dispersed the thunder dragon in the air, forcing a way out.

"Unfortunately, my Taoism has very little damage to the Dragon of Heavenly Tribulation."

Mr. Futong appeared and headed to Tiandu along the passage opened by the three of them.Weird parasitic Gu appeared on the surrounding thunder dragons.But soon, those Gu insects were reduced to ashes in the extremely bright lightning.

"Quack--" Several thunder-eating silver frogs appeared and swallowed the thunder dragon that was close to Mr. Futong.This kind of thunder-swallowing spirit Gu is the only clay poison that Fu Tongjun has at hand.

She was the first to enter the square under Tiandu and complained to Hengshou: "Look, it's all my fault for the seventh brother's mischief, which caused all my Gu to be destroyed. Otherwise, how could I be in such a mess."

Hengshou was silent and said nothing.

As if he didn't hear Mr. Fu Tong's thoughtful words, Mr. Kong Sheng shook the lotus branch, and the five-color glow flew outside to attract Fu Xuanxing and the others.

"Brother Six, wait a moment. There are people behind you."


The phoenix chirped, and Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Yaozhen sat on the back of the phoenix bird.One controls the wind and attracts the phoenix, and the other plays the harp and summons the phoenix. They work together to scatter the thunder dragon in the air, transforming into a group of scattered innate thunder spirits.

Although later, these thunder spirits will condense into dragons again.But this period of transformation bought Fu Xuanhe time.

Behind Fengniao, Fang Dongyuan carefully held a Hunyuan Pearl, a purple sun held up by Fu Maiyuan, and a red sun held up by Zhong Lihan.The three of them are using the three-yang secret method of Zihuang Pavilion to try to break the sky thunder.


"Why are you all gone?"

Fu Henghua felt this and quickly took a look inside Xuanyuan City.

Except for fellow Donglai who Ying Jie was fighting with the devil, many people disappeared.

In addition to Zhong Lihan, Taoist Long also led several fellow disciples to help.

Henghua lamented and sighed: "What are they doing in my private affairs?"

"You have worked hard in Xuanyuan City for these years, and you have not only obtained these fortunes and fortunes. The true feelings of people are the most precious."

"So, you know?"

"It has nothing to do with me, but I know something about it."

Henghua immediately realized: "Those two people."


"God's wrath, God's condemnation, and God's punishment. How can I be spared this kind of calamity that comes in response to the will of heaven?"

Meng Chen pulled up his sleeves and robe, and the three calamities of wind, thunder, and fire suddenly broke out.Instead, he scattered the wandering thunder dragon into thunder spirits.

Cang Lanzi used the Eight-Nine Transformation Technique to directly transform into a thunder god, driving the thunder dragons to fly away.

There is also the incarnation of Dragon Taoist, which not only carries the people of Yusheng Pavilion, but also uses the magic power of Yuwen Chunqiu to evolve into five dragon wheels to continuously capture the thunder dragon and suppress it.

Not to mention the giant peacock manifested in the sky, slaying the nearby Brontosaurus that was unable to dodge.

A shining star transforms the light of the sun and moon, pulling the surrounding brontosaurus into a fusion and force field.


"Favors are valuable. Not just you, but also the people in your family. Over the years, people in Donglai have joined together to keep warm. How could your brothers and sisters not have formed friendships when getting along with other people? Now that Fu Xuanhe is in trouble, we need to Sacrifice the holy way to save people. Your brothers and sisters can't stand it. Their close friends can just sit back and ignore it?"

When the eight mountain swords turned into mountains and shattered a thunder dragon, Henghua felt something in his heart and looked towards a secret passage in the abyss of the earth.

Yang Dai and Ying Ruhong led a group of Chiyuan disciples to also come to help.Even Zhang Xuanchu came with many family guards and Taoist soldiers.Although he was reluctant on his face, a sensible person would still not let go of this opportunity to atone for his family's sins and regain his goodwill.

"This issue……"


"I don't know."

"It's not what I suggested."

Bu Xuan and Huo Xianren looked at each other, and immediately Huo Xianren laughed: "Good thing, good thing. This is a good thing. The virtue of morality can be left for thousands of years. In the next thousand years, our sect will have no worries."

With the presence of these descendants, Chiyuan Taoism will not fall into decline.


In the square, naked female soldiers got up one by one. They looked around blankly, at a loss.

The memories left behind by the skeleton and the memories of the simulated world are confused and conflicting.

It took a while before a few sober people asked their companions to get dressed.

The clothes were prepared by Dongfang Yunqi earlier, and Yu Luan took them all with him on this trip.

Although it is simple, it can be used to cover the ladies.

"The divine punishment is still there, you must quickly use the 'Six Qi Closing Yang Sealing Technique' to hide your own breath."

Fu Xuanhe was in the center of the formation, and most of the weight of the wrath of the sky fell on him.At this moment, he couldn't even stand up straight, so he could only bend down with difficulty to make arrangements for the girls.

He knew that Xuan Heguo's sealing technique included this one, which could reduce the leakage of Yang Qi and slow down the catastrophe.

As the girls took action, Fu Xuanhe felt less pressure on himself.

Next, it's time for the last step.

He gritted his teeth and detonated the Qiankun Yiqi Talisman.

The formation exploded with a bang, all the talismans exploded, and the silver and red light were swallowed up by a new golden light.

"Return to heaven, return to the sun, return to life!"

Yang is the sun!

Shan Lingqing's eyes widened and he immediately understood Fu Xuanhe's move.

"He actually derived a brand new application from the magical power of 'Returning to Heaven and Returning to the Sun' that involves time and space? Reverse time and look back into the past. Pulling people who died at a certain moment in the past into the future to reappear?"

Be it Henghua or Yusheng Pavilion.Their resurrection is all from the perspective of life: repairing the soul and body, injecting yang energy and creation, modifying the destiny of the star and sky, and then they are resurrected.

But Fu Xuanhe is different.

He wants to kill Gongye Mingchan, who had his body destroyed to save himself decades ago.

At the moment when the body dissipates, pull it across time and space to the present moment, and reshape the physical body!
(End of this chapter)

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