
Chapter 728 Nightmare

The painting boat sailed quickly to Baihua Island.

Yue Jinghan stood on the bow of the boat, silently sensing the surging Qi in the East China Sea.

There are many experts in Donglai!

There are five Great Demon Lord-level masters of the same level as her on the East China Sea. There are more than ten people who are the next-level Demon Lord-level beings. There are more monks at the master and golden elixir level, and their Qi machines seem to be better than those of the same level monks from the Nanyan Demonic Path.


Even though it was so mixed and majestic, she still sensed many familiar qi forces. One of them was heading straight towards where he was.

This guy——Hong Luan will talk about it again.

Yue Jinghan looked helpless.

But Fu Hongluan had taken care of her for many years, and her heart had warmed up a bit. Even though Fu Hongluan kept talking about these things every day, she did not turn against her "owner" of the Sword Palace.

When the domineering and masculine thunderous aura fell on the boat, Yue Jinghan opened his eyes.

"Hey -" Yu Xiaolei said hello bravely, "Long time no see, I was ordered to come to welcome you to Baihua Island."

The sea breeze is blowing, the black hair is fluttering, and the dark skirt is fluttering. Like a tall and graceful orchid in the valley.

Yue Jinghan stood there, a little embarrassed, and nodded silently in response.

"Oh, isn't this the little brother of the Yu family? Can you go back and report to your elders? When will you propose marriage?"

Fu Hongluan hurriedly walked out, pulled Yu Xiaolei and said, "The wedding process can be carried out according to the Fu family's rules. Your family only needs to prepare three matchmaking and six certificates, and my sister will arrange the rest."

Yu Xiaolei felt Fu Hongluan's enthusiasm and was so frightened that he hesitated and did not dare to respond.

"What, you kid are not prepared? You are not planning to deny it, are you?"

"Of course not."

"Whether you admit it or not, there is nothing!" Yue Jinghan was unhappy. "In the past, it was just a chance and a coincidence. How could there be so many fates? Hong Luan, enough is enough!"

After all, he is thousands of years older than Yu Xiaolei! I can't afford to lose face by forcing this kid to take responsibility.

Although Yue Jinghan knew that Yu Xiaolei would definitely become a calamity immortal in the future and would hopefully become a true immortal.

But between the two of them...

He should be more suitable for an immortal female cultivator. Rather than a woman like me, who came from an embarrassing background and spent half her life in the devil's path.

Seeing the unnatural expression between Yue Jinghan's eyes and brows, Fu Hongluan was secretly annoyed: This girl usually seems to be calm about everything, but why does she become so timid when it comes to this matter? If you really have no feelings, then that's it, but you do have a good impression of this guy, and you are quite fond of this guy and recognize his future. In such a situation, why not take the initiative to take a step forward? Even if everyone speaks out, they won’t be shy about your origin, right? What happened to the older girl? Are older women no longer qualified to fall in love?

"Sister, won't you introduce him to us?" Fu Baixiong and his wife came out, and they learned Yu Xiaolei's identity from Fuping Road. However, he noticed that the atmosphere outside was awkward and came out to come to the rescue.

Seeing this, Fu Hongluan had no choice but to introduce the two parties to each other.

When Yu Xiaolei saw that Fu Pingdao was also on the boat, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

When he learned that he and Yan Shu had rescued a young boy and were rushing to Baihua Island for treatment, he immediately smiled and said: "It's not in a hurry, I have a few life-saving pills with me, and I might be able to help. "

The elixir in his hand was the Huanyang elixir that Fu Henghua personally refined when he was in Fuzhou, Nanyan. These elixirs are only effective for a hundred years, and they don't have many years left now. If it is not used today, it will be hung in the store and sold later.

Yu Xiaolei took the elixir for treatment, and the young man woke up leisurely.

Looking at the people in front of him, he quickly stood up and thanked them.

"My little brother is still injured, so there is no need to be so polite," Fu Baixiong said boldly. "I wonder what I call my little brother? Are there any elders in the family? Do you need our help to send a safe letter?"

The young man's expression darkened: "My surname is Gu, and my courtesy name is Tongxiang. My tutor... my tutor, Geng Yuxiao, is no longer here."

Geng Yuxiao?

Yu Xiaolei, who was standing next to him, had a strange look on his face and couldn't help but ask, "Is your master's name Geng Yuxiao?"

"Exactly." The young man raised his head and looked at Yu Xiaolei, "Senior, do you know your master?"

Yu Xiaolei remained silent.

Fu Hongluan noticed something was wrong and hurriedly asked.

Yu Xiaolei shook his head: "I have never met this person, but he has an old relationship with Fu Henghua. I got a Taoist book from Fu Henghua in the past."

Hearing this, the young man's face changed drastically, with a bit of resentment between his eyebrows.

Fu Hongluan and Fu Baixiong were both knowledgeable people and quickly noticed something was wrong.

Under Fu Hongluan's continuous questioning, the young man could not bear the pressure and had to tell the cause and effect.

In order to save his wife, Geng Yuxiao asked Fu Henghua to compile a dual cultivation method to help his beloved wife get rid of the "hundred-year-old body" disease. Later, Fu Henghua concentrated on research and compiled a book called "The Art of Rouge and Red Luan".

In addition to teaching it to Geng Yuxiao, this dual cultivation method is also spread among a small circle. Yu Xiaolei also learned this method from Fu Henghua. He practiced with Yue Jinghan several times in the past.

"Back then, master obtained the technique from Fu—Fu Henghua and went back to treat that bitch."

Hearing this, the Fu family brothers and sisters felt bad.

She doesn’t even call her Master’s Wife, so obviously the story behind this is self-evident.

"With Master's painstaking support, that bitch not only regained the golden elixir realm, but also greatly improved her skills and had the hope of immortality. But - then she..."

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent.

Yu Xiaolei murmured: "Fu Henghua accidentally mentioned it when he and Dongfang girl were discussing the 'Hundred Jue Body' in the past. Your master and his two masters should have helped his wife to practice again first. And then His wife will help him recover his lost essence, and the two of them will practice Transformation together."

Fu Henghua was grateful for Geng Yuxiao's heart to save people, so he kindly taught all the two stages of skills.

If they had gone according to plan, they would have been a couple of gods and goddesses who had paired up with each other.

Everyone looked at Gu Tongxiang and pondered silently.

"Do you think my words are untrue?"

"Little brother, I'm offended." Fu Hongluan suddenly pointed at his eyebrows.

His spiritual consciousness poured into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and he directly searched for this memory.

Fu Baixiong and his wife were shocked when they saw Fu Hongluan's methods.

How dare this girl directly search another person's soul with her spiritual consciousness?

This, what if something happens...

"This is the art of the Heart Sword." Yu Xiaolei said, "Henghua passed it down to Sister Fu in Nanzhou. Using the spirit to control the sword, one is not afraid of the five demons and six thieves. According to Fu Henghua's words, 'The art of the Heart Sword has eighteen Heavy, each is sad and the other heavy. When the eighteenth level is completed, you can break through the nineteenth level, split the void with a sword, and soar to the sky alone.'" Then he glanced at Yue Jinghan quickly.

When they left Nanzhou, Fu Hongluan had only reached the sixth level of cultivation. But now it has reached the ninth level. This progress was far faster than Fu Henghua expected. Obviously, this is the result of Yue Jinghan's teachings.

The second master of Xiantian Sword Palace has not lost his reputation.

Heart Sword poured into it, and he quickly found the corresponding fragment in Gu Tongxiang's memory.



The man fell to the ground and stared at the woman in front of him.

"Why?" The woman stepped on his chest and said arrogantly, "Don't you have any idea! What kind of cultivation level do you have, and what kind of cultivation level do I have? With just this little magic power in your body, I can make you golden with one hand. Crushed the pill. Are you worthy enough to miss me and let me accompany you to continue dual cultivation? Haha - why don't I find someone with a higher cultivation level? Just find a Nascent Soul Grandmaster, and I can do it in thirty to fifty years Breakthrough, why waste hundreds of years with an old man like you? Do you deserve it!"

With a burst of magic power from his feet, the man died suddenly on the spot, his body crushing countless ice shards.

At that time, the young man was hidden in the cabinet by his master.

He saw his master's death with his own eyes.

I also saw that woman massacre all three hundred people on the island. Then he led a group of people in white to the island and occupied his master's property.


Fu Hongluan withdrew his Heart Sword Technique, his expression extremely complicated.

"This matter is quite troublesome. I might have to ask my uncle from Panlong Island to make the decision."

Speaking of which, this matter has nothing to do with Fu Henghua. In the past, Geng Yuxiao asked for martial arts to save people, but Fu Henghua compassionately gave him the method and even asked for less money. Now that this incident is happening, it is not the fault of the person who sells the technique.

But as a disciple, how could Gu Tongxiang accept it emotionally?

Fu Hongluan comforted Gu Tongxiang with kind words: "Don't worry, when we get to Baihua Island, you will get justice for this matter."

While everyone was discussing and talking, the boat was still sailing, and now the islands on the water could be seen in the distance.

Colorful clouds linger, and auspicious light fills the sky.

Baihua Island is different from a hundred years ago. Countless tall trees and vines grow wildly. The entire island is like a country of vegetation, with countless exotic flowers and plants growing on the island.

As soon as I arrived at Baihua Island, I saw a sea of ​​people and swords everywhere. Countless monks fought among the trees and flowers.

"The sword cultivator tradition of Donglai is far superior to that of Nanyan."

Over the years, she abandoned the path of magic and concentrated on the innate swordsmanship.

But no matter how hard she preaches, it can't compare to Donglai's Sword Immortal Tradition that has been passed down since the days of Saint Li Tian.

Looking at the fighting on the island, Fushibaixiong asked curiously: "Now the sword fighting has begun? Why do I see that there are fighting all over the island?"

Yu Xiaolei explained: "The rules of the third sword fight are different from the previous two. The island is divided into five areas, southeast, northwest, and middle. It is for the three sects of sword cultivators, other sword cultivators, and guests to establish their bases.      "Then in the central stand Station, under the supervision of guests from all walks of life. Sword cultivators from all walks of life compete for one hundred and eight 'sword flowers' on the island. These sword flowers are nurtured by sword energy. Only by infusing it with sword energy day and night can it bloom for a long time. Starting from the day before yesterday, Baihua Island has started competing. One month later, whichever side holds the most sword flowers will win. "

Everyone was surprised when they heard this new sword fighting rule.

Fu Baixiong: "I have never seen such a sword fighting method? Who proposed it?"

"The palace of everything is in Danqing."

"That's right, it's never the Dao Sword lineage's turn to bring it up."

This method seems fair, but it places the greatest restrictions on the Dao Sword Sect. Because this method does not limit manpower, it allows many to fight one.

Everyone who comes from the Dao Sword Sect is good at swordsmanship, but they may not be good at team fights. The Lingjue Sect is different. Many Lingjue Sect monks have passed down the Taoism and have thousands of disciples. As long as these sword cultivators connect in series and form a sword formation with each other, they can gain the upper hand.

Li Yuan also looked confused: "I remember at the end of the last sword fight, it was agreed that the Lingjue sect and the Shenbing sect would work together to come up with the question. I thought it was the Sword sect. Other Killing Sword sects and Sword Formation sects would also send people to participate, so they rejected it. The 'Nine-grade Sword Immortal Tradition' proposed by the Sword Sect?"

Is this the question they came up with?

"That's what happened. According to Master Mu, Baihua Island is just a cover-up at the moment, and each of their factions has other methods. But we are not afraid, let's see what they do." Yu Xiaolei said proudly He said, "Our swordsmanship is indomitable, so why should we fear the tactics of monsters?"

Yue Jinghan nodded slightly.

That's right, she knew the depth of the sword master's swordsmanship as she was a good observer of trees. Judging from Fu Henghua and others, Fu Danwei's magical power is probably not much weaker.

The two of them joined forces to establish the "Ninth Grade Sword Immortal", and they are not afraid of the challenges of sword cultivators in the world.

Fu Hongluan laughed again: "Sister, have you decided which faction you want to join? We, the Fu family, must follow my uncle's footsteps closely."


Yue Jinghan hesitated slightly.

From the perspective of Taoism, she can be considered a member of the Taoist Sword Sect because of Fu Henghua's guidance and support. It's just that he blatantly ran to someone else's station. How much more should Mu Shansheng think about it? It is even more unclear between myself and Yu Xiaolei.

But seeing Yu Xiaolei pretending not to mind, but looking here from time to time, she hesitated.

To avoid suspicion, go to the other three houses? This is not in line with my swordsmanship.

"Sister Yue," Li Yuan climbed onto her arm with a smile on her face, "I don't know swordsmanship, and I'm not a swordsman like them. Later I will visit my grandma and live with her in the guest area. Sister, do you want to go with us?"

Yue Jinghan breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, he could temporarily act as a neutral party and watch the situation before making further calculations.

Fu Baixiong listened to his wife's words and complained silently: "Grandma Grandma? Don't talk nonsense. She can't listen to this."

Grandmother-in-law refers to Mu Putian, the wife of uncle Fudanwei.

There is no way, Panlong Island's inheritance is too slow.

Xugutang has been passed down for more than ten generations, and now Kashiwaangtang is the sixth generation. Except for Fu Xuanhe, who is working hard for the seventh generation, the other descendants are all heartless and do not take the incense in the family seriously.

"After you go back, you two must get married as soon as possible!"

Mu Yutian sat in the central stand and spoke coldly to his grandchildren behind him.

Crouching toward the wind, everyone looked more miserable than the other.

They all sighed sadly and looked at the two empty seats. They admired Fu Henghua for his cleverness and hiding ability, and also admired Fu Pengming for his divination ability.

After thinking about it, they all looked at Fu Xiangfeng.

But Fu Xiangfeng was not stupid. Seeing the looks in the eyes of these younger brothers and sisters, he immediately approached Mu Putian in a low voice and said worriedly: "Grandma, don't blame the eldest brother. Although he did not inform the family, he married outside the family on his own. But this sword fight is such a big event. Can the couple not come back? When they come back, we can arrange a make-up wedding for them."

Why is Mu Putian in a bad mood?

First, I saw the children and grandchildren of my old friends filling the house, with great-grandchildren and great-grandchildren from four and five generations brought out. And what about yourself? How many years has it been since your family had a child?

Let alone those unworthy sons. These grandsons and granddaughters all look little like they have grown up. They spend their days looking for Taoist companions without thinking about life's major events. Do you really plan to spend a thousand years one by one before raising a little Taoist companion?

The second is what Fu Xiangfeng said. The eldest grandson's marriage was not held on Panlong Island. This makes someone like the old lady, who has a strong desire for control, feel very uncomfortable.

In this regard, Fu Xiangfeng chose to divert the trouble to the east and decisively turned his attention to his eldest brother.

All the brothers and sisters understood it.

Fu Tongjun was the first to speak: "Speaking of which, after the eldest brother's retreat, he will bring his sister-in-law here, right? It's okay to hold a make-up wedding at the moment, but it won't look good if they have one or two more children to hold a make-up wedding."

Fu Baimin quickly added: "That's right - grandma, how about I go outside and take a look. Go and greet eldest brother?"

"Hmph - don't let it go! If I let you go, you might end up hanging out with some goblin family again."

Mu Putian looked disgusted with Fu Baimin. What she calls a fairy doesn't just mean a witch. If it were just a witch, that would be easier to say. But Fubai Min's interest cannot be transformed into spirit beasts or spirit birds! As for the graceful snake demons and fox demons, the old lady said nothing.

"Mother, look at this man's swordsmanship." Fu Yifu suddenly spoke, pointing to a small area on the large projection in front of him.

It was a young girl fighting swords with two Lingjue sect monks.

The girl's sword skills were moving like blossoming flowers dancing in the air.

The sword energy of the monk on the opposite side kept approaching, but he couldn't get close to her.

Although it is here, it is not here.

The exquisiteness of his swordsmanship makes people look at him.

Fu Yifu came to the rescue of the debt collectors below: "Does her swordsmanship look familiar to you?"

Mu Yutian pondered for a moment: "Could it be that the method of Youtian Escape Sword Technique was passed down by the old man?"

She picked up the Babel Stone and contacted Fudanwei.

At this moment, Fudanwei was also quite surprised when he saw the girl's swordsmanship.

This swordsmanship is somewhat similar to that of his Panlong Island lineage, but it is obviously blended with a strange principle.

"The flowers are shapeless and unpredictable. It's a bit interesting..."

Like the handiwork of some bastard.

After the girl defeated the enemy and guarded the "Sword Flower" behind her, she silently breathed a sigh of relief.

She injected her sword energy into the flower fetus behind her. Soon, a huge peony flower rose slowly. There is a big word "道" in the center of the peony flower, announcing to the whole island the ownership of this flower.

Not long after, a sword light fell near the "Sword Flower".

The girl quickly alerted, but saw Zhong Lihan walking over with a smile.

"Girl, one of our own." He waved his sword energy to show his identity as a Taoist sword sect.

He looked the girl up and down: "May I ask what you call her?"

"Li Wenxian." The girl was unfazed and looked at Zhong Lihan calmly, "Since Taoist brother is here, I will leave this place to you to guard."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

"You're not busy, Miss Li. I see that your swordsmanship is familiar. It seems to be made by an old friend of mine. May I ask what the name of the sword is and where it was taught by an expert?"

Many people in the stands cheered up and stared at this projection.

"My swordsmanship is called 'Beyond the Flowers', which I learned in a dream. The master in the dream also called this swordsmanship -"

Zhong Lihan's tone was strange: "Phaseless Foil?"

"you know?"

"Not here, not on the other side, everything in the world is without form," Zhong Lihan smiled bitterly, "He was really passing the sword in his dream."

Teaching the Dharma in a dream.

Onlookers everywhere exclaimed in low voices.

There is no reason for people to be insensitive.

Since Fu Henghua went into seclusion, monks from Donglai often received teachings on Taoism and swordsmanship in their dreams.

The dream was played by Fu Henghua into another "Tianxuan Dao Platform". Use dreams to open up the realm of Taixu, and constantly look for people to teach you.

"Another preaching in a dream." Fu Danwei and Mu Yutian felt headaches.

Which case is this?

This bastard grandson is restless even when he sleeps.

Everyone knows that there is a library in Yuanpeng Mountain that records countless immortal secrets from the two southeastern continents.

But in Fu Henghua's dreamland, there is also a library. There are not only the two continents' unique skills, but also many mysterious techniques that have never been recorded in the Yuanpeng Mountain library. There are works inspired by Fu Henghua, there are also magic arts that are not allowed in the immortal way, and there are many unspeakable taboos and horrors...

Fu Henghua was indeed sleeping.

This is recognized by all Tribulation Immortals.

Fu Henghua could not remain fully awake in his sleep. Therefore, he cannot hide the many weird and evil things in his dreams.

Since Fu Henghua fell into deep sleep, people have been inspired by his spirit to practice in dreams. At the same time, some people also glimpsed the unspeakable terrifying thoughts in their dreams.

According to the true story of Jie Xian Xuan Ling, he had an encounter with Fu Henghua in his dream. The two were discussing the concept of immortal magic when they suddenly saw a black dragon swimming through the abyss beneath them. Then a broken evil technique took shape. Master Xuan Ling only read the beginning before he thought of killing himself in horror and quickly exited the dream.

Since dream practitioners, Donglai monks will record it tacitly.

Observe and supervise as much as possible to prevent these people from teaching any evil things from Fu Henghua's dream.

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