
Chapter 729 Disciple

When Zhong Lihan was talking to Li Wenxian and testing how much Fu Henghua had taught, Taoist Long also bumped into a monk.

The young man was handsome and handsome, and his "immortal sword skills" were endless, forcing Sima Xin to turn around and retreat, giving way to the "sword flower".

"Fellow Taoist is so powerful, how can he force Sima Xin to retreat?"

After all, Sima Xin was also a comrade who went to Nanzhou. Taoist Long was unwilling to take action himself and hurt the harmony. It wasn't until the young man forced Sima Xin back that he slowly appeared.

But seeing the young man's appearance, Taoist Long's smile suddenly stopped: "Fu Qinghan?"

Seeing Taoist Long appear, Fu Qinghan's expression changed drastically.

The man who beat up Yusheng Pavilion ran home and slapped him in the face. Now that he turned around and bumped into the number one person in Yusheng Pavilion's generation, he didn't know what to do.

Taoist Long was obviously more tolerant. He quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "Your matter is ultimately the fault of Yu Sheng Pavilion. I'm sorry. I won't pursue anything with you."

He believed that he was the same generation as Fu Henghua, so when it came to Fu Henghua's nephew, he would not be as knowledgeable as him.

"Your Changchun Dao Qi and immortal swordsmanship should have been passed down to you by him."

Taoist Long accidentally saw Fu Henghua using the Immortal Sword Technique once in Nanzhou.

His opponent is Dongfang Yunqi.

The moon is flying and snowing, and everything is withered. In the cold snowy land of mid-winter, the vitality is still there. Immortal and immortal, firmly within the realm of Dongfang Yunqi, demonstrating the wonder of immortality. And the sword power accompanying Fu Henghua can promote the germination of all things in the snowy area and bring spring back to the earth.

This set of swordsmanship is most in line with the system of "Eternal Spring Sutra", and it is also the swordsmanship specially selected by Fu Henghua for Fu Qinghan.

"Are you asleep?"

Fu Qinghan nodded slowly. Immortal sword energy was injected into the "sword flower", and a huge gladiolus bloomed in an instant.

"How is he in the dream lately?"

"Uncle is still sleeping deeply and enlightening. He just manifested some spiritual thoughts and taught me the Taoism." Fu Qinghan added, "Aunt Xiaoyu is sitting outside, collecting letters from all parties. If you have anything to ask uncle, you can write directly. "

When Fu Henghua is half asleep and half awake next time, he can deal with some external matters.

Taoist Long shook his head: "I just want to ask, forget it -"

His dragon incarnation has had a strange feeling in recent days, and he plans to ask someone to clarify the situation. Since Fu Henghua is not here, let's talk about it later. The fourth girl from the Fu family? Tianyi Zong Qiu Danyu? Or, go directly to the teachers? Forget it, let’s talk about it after the sword fight.

Due to the past grievances between Fu Qinghan and Yusheng Pavilion, the two soon separated. This "Sword Flower" was occupied and guarded by the disciples who came from behind the Jade Saint Pavilion.


Fairy Green Calyx holds a flower branch and looks at Zhang Ruyi, Hu Boyan and their son with a smile.

"Sister, why don't you mother and son come to this sword fighting competition when you are studying and painting at home?"

Zhang Ruyi said: "Fellow Taoists invited us, mother and son, to come."

Her so-called Taoist friends are Li Nanxing, Ma Dongren and others.

We are all descendants of the lineage of creation, and now the "teacher" is in retreat and cannot come. These people should come forward to support the teacher.

Therefore, Li Nanxing and Ma Dongren raised their arms, and many monks from all over the world who had been taught the Taoism of Fu Henghua came to participate in the grand meeting.

Whether you can fight with swords is one thing, but whether you can come is another.

Fairy Green Calyx and Ji Mingfeng are brothers and sisters, and they take care of Zhang Ruyi a lot. Hearing the words, he couldn't help but shake his head: "Sword fight, sword fight, you two have a color researcher and a painting monk. How do you fight with others?"

"Don't worry, aunt, my nephew has his own sword-fighting skills." Hu Boyan took a pen and stabbed the green calyx fairy in front of him.

Use the pen instead of the sword, and the lotus shadow floats. Green Calyx sees another self among the flowers blooming and falling.

At that moment, she saw in "herself" her past half-life cultivation experience, and her state of mind seemed to have some breakthrough.

Before I could think about it, the phantom of the lotus transformed into three thousand worlds. There is a green calyx in every flower world, and each green calyx projection involves a cause and effect. It actually intends to completely penetrate the green calyx fairy's consciousness into the three thousand worlds.


Fairy Green Calyx reacted quickly, and with a sweet shout, she triggered a sound wave that shattered Hu Boyan's Three Thousand Flower Realm.

"Your sword is very popular with your teacher. Everything in the world can be used as a sword."

Is this thing Kendo?

Go ask some sword masters, do they recognize it?

Hu Boyan rubbed his arm that was shaken and said with a smile: "Teacher said this is the 'First Grade Lotus Sword', a sword that harmonizes and stops killing."

"Killing down three thousand Sumeru will result in nothing in the Three Realms. It's true that you don't kill, but it's more heart-wrenching than killing."

After all, Fairy Lu'e was a senior expert. After a short trial, she could see the secret of Fu Henghua's Lotus Sword Technique.

When the flowers bloom, everyone sees me.

This sword is quite mysterious and has a lot in common with Fu Henghua's "Three Worlds Wheel Technique".

"That's all. Since you have the means to protect yourself, I won't say more."

Hu Boyan practiced the art of painting, which was the tradition passed down by Fu Henghua. At the same time, he also had to give guidance from Ji Mingfeng, who was considered a half-heir. Fairy Green Calyx came here because she was worried about the safety of their mother and son. Seeing that they were able to protect themselves, they said no more.

As a monk who agreed with the Lingjue sect, she turned around and ran towards a "sword flower" in the distance. This place is guarded by Xiang Zhong and Shu Tianci. Both of them have extraordinary magical abilities. However, facing a veteran monk like Green Calyx Fairy, they still fight and retreat, so they have to temporarily give up the "Sword Flower".

Zhang Ruyi and her son saw the fighting in the distance, but did not intervene. Instead, they went to join Li Nanxing and others.

Li Nanxing calls himself "Fu Henghua's Great Disciple", so the Chi Yuan Sect's lineage naturally supports the Dao Sword Sect.

Ma Dongren did the same, leading a group of disciples from the Shuiyun Immortal Sect.

In addition, there are Tao Hongfei, Chi Junwang and others.

Everyone gathered around a "sword flower". The flower was stimulated by Li Nanxing's sword energy and became a sword lotus.

Li Nanxing glanced at everyone. In recent years, there have been many golden elixir cultivators practicing as disciples of creation.

"The teacher is not here yet, but we cannot let his name slip by. We are not the protagonists in this sword fight, but we must go all out."

Ma Dongren nodded and said: "Yes, we should demonstrate the swordsmanship of creation. But we are neither the protagonists, nor do we need to be too desperate. I think guarding the three 'sword flowers' is enough."

Fairy Dongyu hesitated and said: "Three flowers? Isn't that a little too little?"

There are hundreds of sword flowers, and ten of them are guarded by the same lineage of creation, so that the means can be demonstrated.

Ma Dongren said: "I asked for information before I came. The Lingjue Sect and the Shenbing Sect are making big moves. In the early stage of the sword fight, it was just a skirmish, but when the situation becomes clear in the later stage, they will set up a sword formation to embarrass the Dao Sword Sect. The so-called ' The battle for the Sword Flower is just a trivial matter, the battle of the sword formation is the fundamental thing."

The two sword masters set up the formation and invited the Tribulation Immortals Sui An, Qin Lin, and Sun Cheng as well as Tianling Mage from the Sword Formation Sect and Qing Xiao Zhenren from the Killing Sword Sect, making up a total of seven masters. Shi Yao competes with Tianyang Sword Master and Fudan Weilun.

"Sword array?"

"That's right. The Dao Sword Sect, the ninth-level Sword Immortal, has offended all sword cultivators in the world. Whether it's the Killing Sword Sect or the Sword Formation Sect, they are all joining forces with the two major sword veins at this moment, and they are bound to defeat their arrogance. Wait for Baiduo Sword The flowers have owners, and they will definitely operate the sword formation to take back all our advantages. In this case, we can't spread too far. It's not easy to guard three 'sword flowers'."

Ma Dongren said: "I know that brother wants to promote the Taoism of Creation. But the Taoism of Creation is not from our family. In recent years, the teacher has frequently appeared in dreams, and many people have received his favor."

It seems that Henghua's lineage only protects three "Sword Flowers", but if you look closely, people who are related to him guard nearly twenty sword flowers.


The power of the sword is like waves, and the movements of the sword are like raging fire.

The eight Jade Sword Sect members broke their swords one after another.

The leader looked at the dragon girl in the sea of ​​fire and blue waves opposite.

"May I ask what the girl's name is?"

"My surname is Liang."

The dragon's tail swayed behind the girl, holding a flying sword in each hand. Over the years, she has known her parents and traveled between Yanshui and Baiji. This time, I was invited by the Turtle Immortal to come to the sword fighting competition to show "the majesty of Fu Henghua's lineage."

Her Nine Dragons Water and Fire Sword Technique was taught in a dream and was derived from Fu Henghua's "Nine Dragons Five Elements Technique". Use the two energies of water and fire to refine the nine dragon souls. When the nine dragons merge into one, you can practice two supreme flying swords. Right now, the dragon girl has just completed the three dragons of water and fire.

Not far away, Turtle Immortal set up a Bagua Sword Formation to stop a dozen young sword cultivators.

"Everyone, let's go, let's go. How about giving this sword flower to the old man?"

Seeing the Turtle Immortal here, the first three people smiled bitterly. He cupped his hands and turned to leave.

The Turtle Immortal received Fu Henghua's guidance, walked on various waters, helped people to practice, and formed many good relationships. The first three of them got his advice, so naturally it was not easy to embarrass him in this situation.

Moreover, Guixianren's sword formation is also quite mysterious. It is secretly passed down from Luogui Island and captures the essence of the Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces.

Farther away, there was a red-robed Taoist. There is a water vat next to him, and the scorching flames are rising around him, which is also the appearance of a fire dragon.

This person calls himself "Fire Dragon Taoist" and uses "Fire Dragon Sword Technique". Although it also comes from Fu Henghua, it is very different from the Nine Dragons Sword Technique taught by Long Nu. His Fire Dragon Sword Technique was born out of the "Tian Escape Sword Technique" and is an orthodox direct descendant of the Taoist Sword Sect. Taoist Huolong relied on his sword skills to defeat eighteen sword immortals one after another, including three masters. The "sword flower" around him was infected by the dragon's energy, like a blooming dragon claw fairy.

There is also a Tianying Taoist who used the "small four-elephant sword" taken from Wanbao Cliff on Luogui Island to set up a positive and negative four-elephant sword array. Four gates and four palaces, four swords hanging high, earth, fire, wind and water are constantly surging in the sword array. Fan Jianxiu approached and was severely wounded by four swords. He broke his sword and retreated. Even if the master enters the battle, his sword energy will be damaged and he will retreat in embarrassment.

In addition, there are "Ziwu Tiangang Sword Heritage", "Shadowless Dragon Sword Heritage", "Tai Chi Traveling Dragon Sword Classic Heritage" and so on.


In the stands, Zhu Xiu looked at the battles projected by sword flowers everywhere and was filled with emotion.

Fu Henghua's missionary power has been established. How many people have he supported over the years?

Guan Shenjun smiled at Mu Shansheng and said: "Senior brother, I think Henghua, this kid, does take your words to heart. Now that he has not arrived, he has also sent many young people to our Daojian lineage."

Mu Shansheng nodded, quite satisfied: "Yes, it seems that this kid still has some thoughts. After he came back, he performed in seclusion and preached in his dreams. Could it be because of this sword fight?"

Although the horror in the dream caused some fright, the results today are very gratifying.

While the brothers were talking, they saw Fu Baixiong and his party rushing towards Fu Danwei on the opposite side.


Fu Danwei led Fu Beidou, Fu Bilao and other Fu family monks to watch the battle.

Suddenly Fu Baixiong came over and whispered about Geng Yuxiao.

Fudanwei's expression changed, and the wind blew.

Soon, Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Yaozhen came here.

"What are your instructions, grandfather?"

Fu Danwei briefly tells the causes and consequences of Geng Yuxiao's death.

"Although this matter cannot be blamed on your brother, since it has already happened, I, the Fu family, will step forward to uphold justice."

Kill the husband and seize the island. It’s still based on people’s efforts and seeking the Dharma to save their lives. This kind of style is worse than that of the Wei family in the past. Fudan Weichang's "way of immortality" naturally looks down on the behavior of such villains.

He ordered his two grandchildren to leave the island immediately and then continued to watch the battle on a hundred projection screens.

The Taoist sword lineage has become more and more prosperous in recent years. With the deaths of Zhong Lihan, Yu Xiaolei and others, the situation became increasingly clear.

In just three days, the Daojian lineage captured sixty-three sword flowers, gaining the upper hand.

The cultivators gathered in the central square, and Tian Jingzi and others sat in the center. Mu Shansheng and Fu Danwei lead the Dao sword lineage on the left, while Wanxiang and Yuming, the two sword masters, lead the other sword cultivating forces on the right.

Mu Shansheng stood up first and said loudly: "Everyone, in just a few days, we have taken sixty-three sword flowers from the Dao Sword lineage, and the victory or defeat is clear. We established the 'Ninth Grade Sword Immortal' precisely for the purpose of reasoning. Clear the chaos, clarify the realm, and let the sword cultivator lineage flourish."

The results are here.

There were only so many people in the Daojian lineage back then, but now there are so many people. Each one of them has great magical powers, which naturally attracts the admiration of many monks.

"Hmph - this has just begun, why are you anxious? Your masters have already appeared to pick flowers, but the masters from our two families have not yet appeared -"

Following Yuming Sword Master's words, a misty sword intent rose from the sky.

The sun and moon were bright, and a figure walked step by step from thousands of miles away to Baihua Island.


That is the unique aura of the Sword Master!

But everyone in Donglai was not surprised by this.

Yue Jinghan sat in the guest seat and carefully looked at the figure in the light of the sun and moon.

"His name is Tao Ming, and he is a master of the Lingjue lineage." Meng Chen, who was sitting next to her, whispered, "This man has some connections with Fu Henghua. He can only achieve enlightenment without Fu Henghua's help - but , he has just reached the realm and has not yet tried to overcome the tribulation."

After a hundred years of accumulation, Tao Ming climbed to the third level of Jindan, and was only one step away from the Tianshou Thunder Tribulation to break through.

"It seems that he is still a little short of the fire." Yue Jinghan sensed it and said softly, "His body is still a little weak. He seems to be purely refining the sword bone? It seems that he has only completed two-thirds of it."

"Well, it should take more than ten years." Meng Chen sensed Tao Ming's fate and thought thoughtfully, "I'm afraid it will be at the next Tianyang event."

Meng Chen couldn't help but feel a little sad when he mentioned crossing the tribulation and asking the immortals.

The last time Tianyang discussed Taoism, the cultivators determined that within a hundred years, three people are expected to enter the realm of Tianshou.

The Five Thunder Lords are the latest in calamity, and should be after Fudanwei.

Fudanwei's calamity was on Baihua Island, and he took advantage of this sword discussion conference to make a breakthrough.

And before Fudanwei, Hong Xuanji of Tianyang Five Elements Path will be the first to break through.

But the result was a failure. Now Hong Xuanji had to leave everything to An Jingcheng and Hong Changyi and concentrate on retreating to heal her injuries. If we want to break through again, I'm afraid it will take another hundred years.

And such an example of surviving a tribulation without dying is a blessing among misfortunes.


Tao Ming arrived, scanned the whole place, and then turned to Fudanwei: "Your grandson is not here?"

After Fudanwei's death, a group of grandchildren were dissatisfied.

Although everyone understood what Tao Ming was referring to, by speaking like this now, it was obvious that they were treated as if they were nothing.

"He is still in seclusion. When fellow Taoist masters break through the catastrophe of Tianshou in the next hundred years, maybe he will come out of seclusion."

Tao Ming said in confusion: "Some days ago, I met him in a dream. He claimed that he was a saint at that time and would take action in a sword fight. Let me wait and see."

Fu Henghua is coming?

Everyone was talking about it, and everyone in the Fu family looked at each other, not knowing the news.

Suddenly, Fudanwei seemed to sense something and turned his head to look outside the island.

With a flick of the finger, the strong wind suddenly swept thousands of miles, moving Hengshou and Xiaoyu in a hurry to Baihua Island.

The two landed in the middle of the venue. Seeing thousands of people from three directions looking at them, Hengshou decisively took out the wooden box.

"Young master cannot come in person, and I don't want to miss this grand event. I am ordered to hold this object and learn swordsmanship from all the heroes in the world."

As soon as the wooden box was opened, a unique and mysterious sword intent suddenly emerged.


Several sword masters felt this.

Well, unexpected, but reasonable.

Is it difficult for Fu Henghua's cultivation to reach the Sword Saint Dao Fruit at more than two hundred years old?

Xiaoyu took out the green leaves inside and waved them gently.

In an instant, the sword intention circulated, and all the monks on Baihua Island fell into a dream...

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