
Chapter 730 1 Sword

The dreamland is strange and strange, and the scenes are unpredictable.

Everyone who comes in sees a completely different scene in the dream world.

The colorful clouds and mist, the thunderous mountain tops, the deep and unpredictable abyss and sea...

Even the scenes they glimpsed were constantly changing. The last moment, the abyss was at my feet. The next moment, the vast grassland beneath your feet transformed into a vast abyss hanging high on the horizon.

All impossibility, all irrationality, can exist in dreams.

"Is this Fu Henghua's dream?"

Many people looked at this illusory realm.

The deeds of preaching in Henghua's dream are widely known, but not everyone is destined to come here.

But now, at Fu Henghua's invitation, all the creatures on Baihua Island have seen Fu Henghua's dream.

Everything is transformed by Fu Henghua's thoughts.

Magnificent and magnificent.

Taoist Long caught a glimpse of the nine layers of clear sky falling in the sky. I saw a giant god with a dragon head and human body lying on the nine layers of clouds, swallowing thunder and lightning.

Zhong Lihan saw countless streams and springs flowing in the deep and dark abyss. Weak water, pure water, divine water...water with various attributes is nurtured in the abyss and transformed into dragons and snakes with different images. Each dragon and snake is Fu Henghua's understanding of the way of water. It is a skill, a spell, and a creation technique of various magic weapons and elixirs.

Fu Danwei, Tian Jingzi and others looked solemnly at the shadow behind the light mist in the dreamland. Weird and ferocious tentacles, evil eyes, and monsters are wandering around, and all kinds of magic and sorcery are compiled in Fu Henghua's dream.

Due to the light and mist, they could not see the essence of those evil secrets. But they knew that they could occupy a place in Fu Henghua's dreamland. Those things are definitely not good stuff.

Tian Jingzi sighed: "People have good and evil thoughts, and the most important thing is self-examination and restraint. I hope this kid can protect his true heart."

These evil secrets are very taboo. But as long as he doesn't take it out, it's just a thought in Fu Henghua's mind. He would not use the big one to bully the small ones and make things difficult for Henghua.

Which immortal and great virtuous man dares to say that he has never had an evil thought in his life?

It's just that Fu Henghua has more evil thoughts.

Infinite, infinite, and endless.

In this vast dreamland, everyone felt a sense of loneliness.

Facing the Tao performed by Fu Henghua, even the Tribulation Immortal felt his own insignificance.

What they saw seemed not to be a person, but a vast universe of heaven.

"The way of creation is all-encompassing, and only today can we know the way of the teacher." Ma Dongren spoke with great admiration, and his eyes were filled with awe and admiration.

Good fortune, this is our ancestor. He is the person who opened the way enshrined by Shuiyun Sect.


Everyone observed the dream, but soon they discovered something strange about the dream.

No matter how the world changes, there is one place where the scene remains the same.

Everyone can see the same scene in different dream projections.

In the center of the dream, there is a towering sacred tree, and a person is sitting under the tree.

The hazy longevity tree nurtures many Tao fruits. The auspicious light shines everywhere and the auspicious mist lingers, making it impossible for people to see clearly the essence of those Tao and fruits.

But the Taoist priest under the tree clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Pink face and red lips, jade crown and gold belt.

Sitting there, he seemed to be the embodiment of Tao.

Fu Qinghan looked at the tree, then at the person, and murmured: "The tree of Zhongtian, is this the highest state of the Evergreen Sutra?"

Trees support heaven and earth, reincarnating the years.

This is the embodiment of the original power of creation.

"I traveled across the world in my dream and was unable to travel in person. I participated in the third sword fight. I hope you will understand."

There are green leaves falling slowly from the treetops.

The Taoist said softly: "Here, I can only slash out a sword in my dream and ask you for advice on the art of swordsmanship."

The green leaf fell on the Taoist's fingertips, and then he flicked it forward.

The sword light penetrated into the leaves...

"This is the scene when Fu Henghua made the 'Sword Leaf'. This is not his current dream, this is the sword he sealed in the leaf."

It’s the sword’s will and it’s time.

Fu Henghua sealed the time when he wielded the sword in his dream into leaves.

When Xiao Yu was activated, everyone was enveloped by the sword's will. They could see Fu Henghua swinging his sword and see the sword that Fu Henghua swung.

This is the sword of dreams, the sword of time, and the sword of heaven.

Everyone could truly feel that Fu Henghua's sword was aimed straight at them.

A sword thrust forward, as if the majestic heaven was crushing him down.

I am like a tiny ant, facing the majestic and majestic way of creation.

boom -

Most people were blown backwards by the sword light. They were swallowed up by the sword light and quickly looked back on their previous half of their lives.

Li Nanxing saw that he was practicing alchemy hard, and finally chose to go to Yanlong to capture Zhou Xiao... He was trapped in the Bagua furnace by Fu Henghua, and became a disciple to seek Taoism...

Ma Dongren saw that he was working in Shancai Trading Company and listened to Fu Henghua's preaching.

Fu Qinghan saw his cultivation experience at home, in Yusheng Pavilion, and in Beihai.


Only a few people supported Fu Henghua's sword.

Innate Sword Intent was flying around Yue Jinghan, and she quickly looked not far away.

Thunder surrounds Xiao Lei, also resisting the "Way of Creation". Not far away, the Shenxiao Thunder Sword echoed with him in the distance, like a galloping thunder beast, protecting Fu Liuhui.

There are also Zhong Lihan's water sword, Fu Xuanxing's fire sword, Taoist Long's jade sword, Duan Xun's Bright Sun Sword Intent...

Naturally, the sword masters also used their own sword skills to protect themselves against Fu Henghua's sword.

But this is just the beginning. Fu Henghua's sword is majestic and the artistic conception is endless.

Soon, Duan Xun was forced to retreat. The sword intent condensed around him shattered and fell into the "intention of Taixu", and began to continuously look back at the past.

Then there are Shu Tianci and Long Daoren...

The masters of the younger generation are constantly forced into "Taixu" by Fu Henghua's sword intent. In the end, Yu Xiaolei, Zhong Lihan and Fu Xuanxing were not immune.

But the three of them had just entered the "Taixu", and soon a new sword intention emerged from their bodies, and they resisted the "general trend of creation".

The best is like water, nothing can be done without fighting.

The clear water light surrounds Zhong Lihan, like a dragon flying into the abyss.

The thunder and light are brilliant, the majesty of heaven.

Yu Xiaolei looked at the new thunder sword that was slightly different from the "Purple Lightning Shocking Sword" and thought thoughtfully: Is this the sword that condenses my own great path?

It's not the thunder sword intention of the fairy sword, but my own thunder sword intention. It seems to have the same origin as the sword fetus?

Water and fire work together, and the two spirits blend into one.

Fu Xuanxing also looked puzzled as he looked at Liangyi Sword Qi who was in the water and fire.

"Sixth Brother is using Dao Sword to help us understand the fundamental sword intention?"

Looking around, those who were the first to be defeated by Henghua's sword intent also had all kinds of brilliance around them.

Next to Fu Qinghan is a "Eternal Spring Sword". Li Nanxing is surrounded by a "Danyuan Bagua Sword".

Next to Ma Dongren is a "Sword of Supreme Goodness Like Water".

These swords are the result of their past experiences, and they are also Tao swords that are drawn by Fu Henghua's sword intention and belong to their own Tao fruit.

There are tens of thousands of monks on Baihua Island, and there are tens of thousands of different Tao swords, which were conceived and nurtured by Fu Henghua's sword.

"good fortune--"

This is the power of the Lord of Creation.

If one thought arises, all things will be blessed.

The Tribulation Immortals were still resisting Fu Henghua's sword intent.

Although they knew that Fu Henghua had no ill intentions. He only uses his own Tao to influence sentient beings and help them understand the Tao sword that best suits them.


We are the Tribulation Immortals who have been practicing for thousands of years, and we are the seniors!

How can I obediently accept the guidance of your sword?

Fu Danwei also had the same mentality, and a mysterious and mysterious sword intent surged through his body. Whenever the surging Heavenly Dao pressed down, it would be cut into pieces by the sword light around him.

"Your sword is very good."

Sui An was the first to take action.

"But - how can the sword intent carried by a mere leaf resist the power of the Tribulation Immortal?"

Above the turbulent blue sea, a pure blue sword light pointed directly at the Taoist under the tree.

As if it was a signal to break down the dam, all Tribulation Immortal and Sword Master level beings took action at the same time.

The sacred and unpredictable supreme heavenly sword.

The ever-changing sword intent.

The purest and most refined Yuming Sword Intent.

There are also Tian Jingzi’s Liangyi Sword Qi, Yue Jinghan’s Innate Sword Qi, Fu Danwei’s Heavenly Escape Sword Qi...

Every sword intention has the power to penetrate the dream and kill the "Taoist under the tree".

And when these forces come together...

"I can't stop a single sword intention. But if you all work together - you can break it with your backhand."

The Taoist spoke softly and watched quietly as the sword struck at him.


Time rolled back, and the dream returned to the scene where Fu Henghua picked leaves and wielded a sword.

They saw the Taoist's smile under the tree.

"No, he didn't smile so widely in the scene just now."

Why can the past that is a foregone conclusion and a streak of time compressed on a leaf be modified?

Could it be that this was not just a passage of time, but that he had also sealed his own spirit?

Fudanwei's expression changed and he decisively chose to withdraw his strength.


"The wonder of Tao mediates creation and reverses time. Now that I have slashed out the sword of time, don't you all know the mystery of this sword?"

Countless lightsabers flew towards the Taoist under the tree.

It is faster than the swordsmanship of all the Tribulation Immortals.

Those are Fu Xuanxing's Liangyi Sword, Zhong Lihan's Ruoshui Sword...

They are all Taoist swords that fell into Taixu and were enlightened by Fu Henghua's influence.

Inspired by the "Dao of Creation", they flew to Fu Henghua first and merged into the green leaves in his hands.

It's still the action of picking leaves and flicking the sword.

But this time, containing the power of Wan Xiu Dao, the sword of Wan Xiu Dao Sword faced the combined force of the Tribulation Immortals.

boom -

White light filled the dream, instantly tearing apart all illusions.

Everyone suddenly woke up from their dreams and stared at the box in Hengshou's hand.

The leaves were riddled with holes and broken by many sword intentions.

But it was not destroyed and was still lying quietly in the wooden box.


The Tribulation Immortals and Sword Saints on the high platform had dark eyes.

Their combined attack power, not to mention crushing leaves, even the wooden box and Hengshou holding the box would probably be destroyed by their sword energy.

However, Fu Henghua forcefully protected Ye Zi!

Broken, but still there.

"He can't withstand our sword energy, but he can protect himself."

To protect yourself under the joint efforts of so many people?

Everyone was sweating behind them, and even the direct descendants of the Creation lineage looked horrified.

The swordsmanship of my ancestor and teacher is too terrifying!

Fudanwei silently recalled, what was he doing when he was two hundred years old?

I was called a genius. At that time, let alone forming pills, I had not even completed the Great Foundation Establishment Realm!

"Pick leaves to dream, and ask the sky with a sword." Tian Jingzi looked up at the sky, as if he saw a huge face.

More than two hundred years old!

This boy's conduct has reached this point.

In a few hundred years, I'm afraid he will be comparable to a true immortal.

Wanxiang Sword Master and Yu Danqing whispered: "In terms of magic power and state of mind. This boy is not as good as you and me, but in terms of preaching methods, he -"

There are so many tricks!

Looking around the audience, all the cultivators were in high spirits. After understanding the Dao sword from Fu Henghua's teachings and teachings, almost everyone has an additional means of protecting the Dao.

And this move almost dragged all the descendants of the Lingjue Sect and the Divine Weapon Sect into the Daojian lineage!


Someone shouted, and then people in the stands cheered.

Amid the tide of cheers, the Sword Saints and Tribulation Immortals remained silent.

Before Fu Danwei could truly demonstrate the strength of the Sword Master, Fu Henghua used a leaf to show that he was as powerful as the Sword Master.

Even Qin Lin, Taoist Long and others still couldn't fully understand how Fu Henghua used a leaf to take over the swords of so many of them?

But no matter what, Fu Henghua's sword picking of leaves today is enough to explain one thing.

One more person can be added to the Donglai Taoist Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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