
Chapter 737 Yin

Deng Zu, like the master of Tongtian Tower and Tianjingzi, are all second-level tribulation immortals who have survived the fire tribulation. They can travel thousands of miles in a day and turn into a rainbow and fly to the moon.

He took Dongfang Yunqi and quickly rushed to the water area of ​​Baihua Island in the East China Sea. At this moment, the island with blooming flowers has disappeared, and only the broken rocks are floating on the water, carrying the monks temporarily stationed in various places.

Zhu Xiu's body was covered with bruises and his expression was dazed, and he didn't understand what happened at all.

Not far away, Fu Xiangfeng was badly injured and his face was covered in blood, but he still managed to hold on to the overall situation outside.

"Brother Dao, what happened?"

The moonlight enveloped Fu Xiangfeng, and the wounds on his body gradually healed.

Seeing Dongfang Yunqi and Deng Zu coming side by side, Fu Xiangfeng looked strange, but Nuonuo said nothing.

Many monks walking nearby looked at the Fu family with inexplicable emotions.

Fu Xiangfeng smiled bitterly and bowed his hands to everyone, and then invited the two of them to the island where the Fu family was stationed: "This matter is inseparable from my family. The means of detonating Baihua Island is my family's 'Heavenly Staff'."

Heavenly Scepter, also known as Star Scepter, Meteor Star Scepter.

It is a high-standard secret treasure designed by the Fu family, which bombards the mountain gate by summoning meteors.

In Donglai and Nanyan, the Fu family made many attempts.

But they never expected that one day they would also experience the "Heavenly Stick".

"Heavenly Staff?"

Dongfang Yunqi looked at the fragmented Baihua Island and said in surprise: "Is this made by the Heavenly Scepter?"

"This is not an ordinary heavenly staff, it has been modified by an expert."

Dongfang Yunqi frowned and immediately explained for Fu Henghua: "This matter has nothing to do with Brother Fu Dao. He didn't know about this Dragon King rebellion."

Fu Xiangfeng sighed softly: "Whether he did it or not, does it matter now? The Heavenly Staff hit Baihua Island, and all the comrades were injured. There must be an explanation for this huge trouble."

Everything in the world has its pros and cons. In the past, the Fu family frequently borrowed the convenience of the Heavenly Staff to defeat the weak with the strong. Now, of course, the bitter fruit of the Heavenly Stick must be tasted.

After the Baihua Island incident, Brother Donglai experienced the power of the Heavenly Staff with his own eyes. What will he do next?

The technique of the Heavenly Staff is not difficult, at least the Tribulation Immortals can do it.

If the masters know the secret method, they can also try it.

If all the masters of the Immortal Tribulation begin to intensively study the technology of transforming the heavenly staff and conduct "meteor bombings" on each other, can Donglaiwan Island still be wanted?

Deng Zu's expression was calm: "Boy, don't worry. I will call on my colleagues from all over the world to jointly ban the 'Heavenly Staff Technology'."

"Non-proliferation treaty of the Heavenly Stick." Dongfang Yunqi echoed, "Brother Dao has talked to me many times. If the Heavenly Stick threatens the world one day, all sects and families must sign terms to avoid threats to Donglaiwan Island - Dao Brother, let’s talk about today’s events first. How are mother and Senior Mu doing?”

Dongfang Yunqi did not come to the sword fighting event due to her cultivation, but the Lord of Shangguan Palace did not want to miss this event. And Fu's family is here, so she has plans for her daughter.

Unexpectedly, because the master of Shangguan Palace was close to Mu Putian and flattered the handsome young man of the Fu family, he was affected and was also injured by Yan Li.

"The Shangguan Palace Master and my grandmother are in good condition. Although they were scratched by the meteor and knocked into the water by the evil woman Yan Li with an immortal weapon, they are not seriously injured at the moment - they are recovering from their injuries inside."

Dongfang Yunqi looked at the house behind.

Thanks to Fu Henghua for selflessly spreading the "Spiritual Building Technique". Now that Baihua Island is destroyed, monks from all walks of life have used spiritual construction techniques to build a temporary blessed place, but it has not been messed up.

Dongfang Yunqi hurried in to visit.

But I saw Shangguan Palace Master and Mu Putian sitting opposite each other, doing their exercises to heal their injuries. Lord Futong led the girls from the Xianzao Palace and the girls from the Tiansu Palace to guard the surroundings and outside the door. They were heavily guarded.

Dongfang Yunqi felt relieved after seeing two strands of elemental energy surrounding the two masters, gradually dissolving the alien energy in their bodies.

After seeing the condition of his mother and Mu Putian, he walked out with Jun Fu Tong and asked in a low voice the cause and effect.

"I don't know the specifics. I just know that Yan Li's status as a bitch is not simple. My sister seemed to be aware of it - she was sitting with Xiao Yu and talking about the compilation of 'curse-like' Taoist books. Suddenly her face changed. I got up to see Yan Li, but found that Yan Li was missing."

As if she was worried that Dongfang Yunqi didn't understand the situation, she quickly told about Yan Li's murder of her husband.

Dongfang Yunqi frowned immediately after hearing this: "This woman went to the island not because her murder was exposed and she was caught and punished by you. But she deliberately landed on the island under the guise of this matter in order to do evil things."

"I thought so too. Afterwards, both Yan Li and Gu Tongxiang disappeared. I was thinking that Gu Tongxiang might also have a problem."

Killing your husband cannot be ignored.

But how could Gu Tongxiang escape, and happen to be rescued by Fupingdao in the East China Sea, and the murder of his husband was sent to Fudanwei.

There is something behind this.

"Tongjun, I talked to Henghua. The incident that happened this time has nothing to do with him. It was deliberately framed by someone. Baihua Island was destroyed by the Heavenly Staff, and some people will definitely suspect that he was behind it. You stay here and try to help deal with it. "

"Are you sure? Didn't he deliberately slander himself and pretend to be pitiful for you?"

Dongfang Yunqi shook her head: "If sister Yao Zhen and brother Xuan Xing disappear, then there should be only 'that one' behind the scenes."

"Bitch." Fu Tongjun also cursed.

She also had this speculation when Fu Yao and Zhen disappeared.

But Jinxia Tiannu needs Fu Xuanxing’s help to slay the dragon, so why do she choose to do it now? This seems to conflict with her plan?

I can't figure out the key, and the impact of this incident is very troublesome. Fu Tongjun would rather Fu Henghua's sudden whim than Jinxia Tiannu's careful layout.

"Wait a minute - you let me deal with it, what about you?"

"I'm going to arrest people. You have to ask the evil woman herself about the truth of the matter."

After saying that, the moonlight suddenly dispersed and spread towards the waters of the East China Sea.

Seeing that her mother was injured, Dongfang Yunqi also became really angry.

The hazy moon phase condenses over the East China Sea, and the tide rises inch by inch, forming huge and continuous waves.

"With his body and Tao, his mind moves the sky. It is said that Fu Henghua asked the saint in his dream, and his talent and sentiment are unparalleled. But this 'little saint''s methods are not much inferior." Deng Zu looked at the rising tide with his hands behind his hands, and gently Stomp your feet. The tide in the Baihua Island water area immediately subsided, and the free rocks gathered in his direction, reshaping them into an island.

It's just that all the flowers and trees on the island were burned by the fire, leaving only a piece of scorched earth, which is extremely sad.

Deng Zu looked at the injured monks everywhere, waved his sleeves to bring down a piece of sweet rain, and then went to visit Guan Shenjun and others.

At that time, Fu Qinghan looked panicked and was asking for advice from Xue Kai and Ge Liu.

Xue Kai comforted him and helped Guan Shenjun heal his injuries: "Boy of the Fu family, it's not that we don't save people. It's that your parents are not simply dying, but have been cursed."

Ge Liu: "Yes. Although your mother was pierced through the heart by the evil woman's sword, your father spent half of her life and saved her life. Later, your father was injured by the evil woman and nearly died, but he ended up like her. Condition. It's clearly a problem with that sword. According to what you said, Fu Xuanxing and Fu Yaozhen were also teleported away by that sword. That sword must be an extremely evil thing - Hengshou, what did your young master say? "

"The young master hasn't replied yet." Hengshou also looked solemn.

He followed Fu Henghua and saw many evil magic weapons. There is a vague suspicion that Yan Li secretly murdered Fu Baixiong and his wife, as well as Yue Jinghan, Yu Xiaolei, etc.

Seeing Deng Zu's arrival, Hengshou suddenly stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Senior, do you know if Jinxia Tiannu is good at 'cursed weapons'?"

"Curse weapon? Curse blood weapon? Do you suspect that the evil woman is her descendant?"

Jinxia Tiannu is good at spells, both good and bad, as well as fairy and devil.

Naturally, he is also quite good at magic weapons.

"I suspect that the evil woman harmed people in order to refine the sword. And that sword was aimed at Fu Xuanxing and the fourth girl."

Deng Zu's eyes narrowed: "Use the blood of true love to make a vicious sword, and use it to kill all the lovers in the world?"

If Fu Xuanxing and Fu Yaozhen were in love, then they would be in trouble.

The goddess wants to kill them both!


The moonlight spread across the water, and Dongfang Yunqi relied on her ubiquitous "eyes" to quickly capture Yan Li's location.

In a few moments, she caught up with Yan Li and Gu Tongxiang.

Yan Li sat on a gorgeous seat inside a giant clam shell. Gu Tongxiang lay on the edge like a dead dog. He stared at Yan Li fiercely. If he could kill someone, he would definitely kill this evil woman thousands of times.

Looking at the beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes, Dongfang Yunqi walked through the waves: "Are you Yan Li?"

"Yes, it's me, my aunt."

Yan Li looked Dongfang Yunqi up and down with disdain on her lips.

"I heard that you also have Baiyin Juemai." Dongfang Yunqi's eyes fell on the lying Gu Tongxiang, her eyes were extremely pitiful.

Another idiot.

She could see clearly that Gu Tongxiang was full of hatred for Yan Li.

However, he could not resist Yan Li because he had a contract with him - just like Ao Dezheng, the former leader of the Celestial Goddess.

"Oh? It seems that you care about this kid very much? It's a pity that you came a little early. If it were a little later, I could replenish this dog slave and make my mana even further."

She has long coveted the skills and cultivation qualifications practiced by Gu Tongxiang. If it weren't for the master's permission, I would like to use him to make plans. How could you keep him till now?

"The beads you are holding were originally his, right?"

"Him?" Yan Li's face was full of defiance, "This is my master's thing."

That day, Gu Tongxiang was protected by his mentor and managed to escape from the island to avoid pursuit. Later, he found an ancient ruins, which contained an immortal artifact from the Chinese era. To use this fairy weapon, you need to sign a contract with the predecessor who left the fairy weapon behind and agree to the other party's request.

Gu Tongxiang thought about it and found that there was nothing in him that a senior could covet. It’s nothing more than doing the other person a favor in the future.

So, he happily signed this wordless contract.

Then, the person on the other side of the contract directly ordered him to return to the island and work as a slave for Yan Li, and he must completely obey Yan Li's orders. It was with his help that Yan Li successfully became a disciple of Jinxia Tiannv and further explored the potential of "Bai Yin Jue Meridian". Even the immortal weapon spirit beads in Gu Tongxiang that had not yet been heated were taken away by Yan Li and re-sacrificially sacrificed.

"It seems that the goddess has left quite a lot of legacy in the human world."

Dongfang Yunqi was noncommittal and swept her sleeves. The ice crystals froze the seawater inch by inch.

"Did you rely on Brother Henghua's skills and this fairy bead to injure my mother and seniors?"

"It's them who are stupid. When I smashed Baihua Island with the Heavenly Staff, these idiots didn't dodge, but went to protect those lowly and low-level monks. Pa——"

Yan Li made an explosive move.

Her face was full of malice: "I resisted the explosion of the meteorite, and after the true energy came back, my aunt easily seized the opportunity and injured them one by one."

Yan Li was also a little dissatisfied with this.

My combat experience is still too weak. Even Shangguan Palace Master, who doesn't often fight with magic, can decisively save his life with injuries when fighting immortal weapons and escape his own fatal blow.

Great timing, great layout. But because these masters are so cunning and cunning, they can't even kill a single person with a sneak attack using their magic weapons.


His eyes fell on Dongfang Yunqi again.

Compared with her, it's different.

She is younger than him, and she is focused on hiding and practicing, and has less combat experience than him.

Killing her will help you prove yourself to Master.

"You and I are both 'Bai Yin Jue Mai', and we needed the help of the same person to recover. Why don't you and I compete to see how much you have learned from Fu Henghua's side?"

Seeing that Dongfang Yunqi is still in perfect condition, she has been with Fu Henghua for a long time but still can't take it off. She is really a waste.

If it were him, he would have long since won over such a young and wealthy genius, and he would have become the young mistress of the Fu family.

Thinking of the appearance of his dead ghost, he then associated Fu Henghua's appearance from Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Maiyuan and others.

Yan Li felt a bit jealous in her heart.

He was jealous of Dongfang Yunqi's family background, and also resented her for not cherishing opportunities.

"With such a personality, I really don't know how that goddess would accept you as her disciple. Just to take revenge on Xuan Xing?"

Dongfang Yunqi shook her head. The moment Yan Li activated the fairy weapon, the moonlight suddenly dispersed.

Ice and snow were falling all over the sky, and the whole world was completely white.

Tianyue Dao Domain.

Yan Li looked calmly at this "world".

What about the Jindan Dao Domain?

With the "Boundary Breaking Secret Spell" and the "Opening Heaven Orb" instructed by the Master, it's just a Tao Domain, can't it be broken with a backhand?

Just—where is Dongfang Yunqi?

Snowflakes were flying, the sea was frozen, and the entire Dao realm could not feel where Dongfang Yunqi was.

"I am here."

There is a bright moon above the silver world, and Dongfang Yunqi's voice drifts down from the moon.

Yan Li looked up and saw a beautiful figure sitting sideways on the bright white lunar star.

"Oh? This moon is your golden elixir? Hiding on the moon, you want to escape the attack of the fairy weapon? Pretend to be a ghost-"

She immediately offered the Heavenly Divine Bead and pointed it directly at the Taiyin Star.


The cold wind blew down from the Taiyin Star, just like the divine river flowing down from the nine heavens, carrying boundless power to resist the Kaitian Divine Pearl.

"The person who likes to take advantage of others has now completed what she asked you to do. It seems that she will no longer protect you."

Originally, Dongfang Yunqi wanted to see if that person would take any action.

Looking at it now, Yan Li is just an abandoned child.

Also, that person may not be fond of a heartless and unjust husband-killing woman.

Then, the reflection sitting sideways in the bright moon slowly raised his hand: "You have a physique like Baiyin Juemei, which is really aggrieved."

Make a seal with your right hand and press lightly on the bottom.

The lunar wind blowing down from the moon and stars suddenly changed into the "sky-moon-killing-god-killing sky-light wind".

The beautiful pure white light, the cold wind. Just a gust of divine wind blew by, and the Kaitian Divine Pearl immediately froze in mid-air.

Yan Li on the ice was blown by the cold wind, and her soul was frozen together, turning into an ice sculpture that has not melted for thousands of years.

In the frozen moment, she vaguely saw the woman on the moon.

Not a pretty girl, but an adult woman.

The moon crowns the dragon robe, and the moon faces the long night.

That is Dongfang Yunqi's future body.

Borrow the "Return to Heaven Seal" to borrow a blow from the shadow of the future.

With just this one blow, the immortal weapon and Yan Li were completely defeated.

The realm dissipated, and the moonlight returned to the East China Sea again.

Looking at Gu Tongxiang inside the clam shell, Dongfang Yunqi sighed again.

The young man got up and asked in a low voice: "Senior, can you help me get rid of the curse on my body?"

"Curse? Is it the contract you signed? Indeed, for many people, an eternal blood contract to collect debts is tantamount to a curse."

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Gu Tongxiang with pity and shook her head silently.

"I can't break that contract. Even if you commit suicide, your soul will not be able to return to the stars. Instead, it will be firmly held by her and continue to be her slave."

Seeing Gu Tongxiang's fate, Dongfang Yunqi became more convinced.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Only by abstaining from greed can you survive in this crisis-ridden world of cultivation for a long time - unfortunately, that Taoist brother just didn't understand this - his greed is uniquely strong in the world.

It was his greed that made "that" blame him so much.

"What I can do is freeze you temporarily. Wait until he finds a good solution before I can save you."

After saying that, the moonlight rolled up the clam shells, ice sculptures, fairy beads, and ancient Tongxiang and returned them to Baihua Island.

(End of this chapter)

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