
Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Yizhou, Five Elements Palace.

The sea of ​​fire raged and black smoke filled the air.

The shadow dragon echoed in the flames, looking for flaws in "Blood Demon Zhu Yan".

He fought against "Blood Demon Zhu Yan" for hundreds of rounds, but it was difficult to determine the outcome. Although the Dragon Flame is domineering and fierce, burning all things, the Five Elements Palace itself is the embodiment of the "Five Elements Mountain Method" and can refine the Dragon Flame into the Five Elements True Qi on its own. Coupled with the sword in "Blood Demon Zhu Yan's" hand, it gave him a huge headache.

The Dragon King considered leaking Fu Henghua's practice of magic skills and asking him to throw a rat weapon. But the Jade Saint Pavilion Tribulation Immortal who came to Yizhou didn't seem to see it, and didn't come this way at all.

Suddenly, a red golden lotus grew on the boundary of the sea of ​​fire near the entrance of the Taoist palace.

"Red flame grows golden lotus?"

The Dragon King thought strangely.

This method is not uncommon in the immortal world, but the "Blood Demon Zhuyan" method can produce such a pure and noble lotus.

This boy is a mix of immortals and demons, and has a thorough understanding of the great way of creation. It is really difficult to deal with him.

The lotus flower grew wildly, and in an instant it was as big as a round table. Tea sets and fresh fruits were placed on the lotus pod. "Blood Demon Zhuyan" fell on a lotus petal, inviting with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's hard for you and me to win or lose. Why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea?"


The Shadow Dragon has no words.

"The waters of the Yellow Dragon have turned into ice, the thunderstorms in the North Sea have subsided, and the Yansheng demon tide has been wiped out..." Henghua's spirit said calmly, "This 'dragon movement' you are doing is nothing more than a cover for someone. I'm bluffing and trying to see if I can take advantage of the opportunity and escape from the consciousness."

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals took the initiative to retreat, and Henghua's other Spiritual God put away the cloud axis and returned it to the Five Elements Palace, leaving Wukong Spiritual God to deal with it.

"In this case, the fire your Majesty sent into Red Algae has been destroyed, and the way to survive is dead. Why don't you sit down and talk with me in detail, maybe I can point out a way to survive for you."

The dragon flames of Yizhou were restrained by the Five Elements of Taoism, and the marks of the two realms of red algae and flaming water in the human world disappeared one after another.

The Red Dragon King's life is at a loss, and he is about to follow the path of the White Dragon King.

But precisely because he is a Dragon King, Fu Henghua hopes to find out some news about Jinxia Tiannu from him. For this reason, he didn't mind leaving a little way to survive.

Seeing that the Dragon King was silent, Henghua asked directly: "Since Your Majesty has not immediately turned against you, please answer me a question. The Cang Dragon King is located in the East Wood Sea, and the White Dragon King is in the West Gold Sea. Your Majesty, you control the Southern Fire. The realm. But why is Beihai alone the Dragon King made of the thunder spirit, and not the spirit of the North Water?"

boom -

The sea of ​​​​fire suddenly exploded with countless roars.

Red-gold flames rose and fell one after another, and the Dragon King quickly fled towards the lotus and sat opposite the Wukong Spirit God.

Looking at the strange young man in the form of a blood demon, he also transformed into a dragon-headed man, wearing a dragon robe and red clothes.

"Yansheng told us not to communicate with you. Any conversation with you may be caught by you and expose our secrets.

"I didn't believe it at first, but now - I do."

In the age of Shenzhou, the Qi of the five elements is balanced.

The center contains the essence of thick earth, and the four sea areas each contain the essence of metal, wood, water, and fire. The dragon kings of the three seas in the east, west and south all obtained the three essences and refined them into dragon beads, but the dragon king in the north sea did not refine the water essence. His strength is also slightly inferior to the other three dragon kings.

"Yes, your question goes straight to the core. This is the conflict between Jinxia Tiannu and Litian Sword Immortal. The North Sea and the water essence of the North Sea are the origin of all grievances."

"So, Your Majesty, are you willing to talk to me?"

The Dragon King was noncommittal: "What price can you pay for this secret?"

The young man raised a finger: "How about one life?

"I have been to Nanyan Fuzhou and passed by your majesty's hometown. Unfortunately, things have changed and your family's descendants are completely insignificant. If your majesty's answer satisfies me, I can save a dragon son to carry on your family line."

The inheritance of Taoism and the continuation of bloodline. In the distant future, if there is a being who becomes a saint, he will naturally be able to benefit his ancestors and resurrect the Dragon King.

"With one of my descendants as a condition? Not enough, far from enough."

"Then what does Your Majesty want? Anyway, you are not so arrogant and ignorant as to come up with the idea of ​​resurrecting yourself, right?"

Suddenly there was a flash of blood, and the young man sitting opposite appeared next to the Dragon King and poured tea for him.

"This is my Yunfu Immortal Tea. Please taste it, Your Majesty."

Looking at his exquisite skills, which were like refining elixirs, the Dragon King held the cup to his lips and pursed his lips.

"It's okay."

For a Dragon King who has lived for countless years and tasted thousands of delicacies, this evaluation can be regarded as praise.

Dispelled by Henghua's actions, the Dragon King became angry at his sarcasm. After thinking for a moment, he placed the tea cup on the canopy and flicked it with his fingers.

"I have a feud with you and others to overthrow the continent, so you will not try to resurrect me. Otherwise, you will not be able to explain it to the immortal monks. However, you need to pay more for the secrets of Beihai. I want you to help me revive him. Shape the Sea Palace and let my descendants become sea kings again.”

"This is impossible."

The young man shook his head and said unceremoniously: "I can't afford to do it myself for a piece of news from the past. What's more, I have some speculation about it myself. I think about it, the one in Beihai should have been pregnant early, or He didn’t become the Dragon King at all, right? Did the innate thunder essence interrupt his pregnancy? No, it may also be related to His Majesty’s coming to the South China Sea. You absorbed the fire essence hidden in the South China Sea and indirectly interrupted the birth of the Water Dragon King? "

The Dragon King's expression changed slightly, and then he immediately regained his composure.

"Yansheng's reminder is correct. I really can't talk to you too much."

Use this question to directly confirm Fu Henghua's suspicion and confirm the undercurrent among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas.

"I have another idea. If the water essence is related to the grudge between Jinxia and Litian. Will it involve love?"

"Of course, that woman Jin Xia should despise Litian Sword Immortal. And Sword Immortal should also despise her. If there is still love and hatred between the two, there must be a third party. Then the third party and Is it related to the North Sea sea spirit?

"I happen to remember that there is a poignant legend about the Wanchuan Guiliu Sword, one of the ten immortal swords. The female fairy's courtship failed, and her tears turned into the sword's fetus. Later, the water of Jiujiang was sacrificed to refine the magic weapon, and Wanchuan was trained. The Return Sword. Later, the fairy held this sword and fought against the Li Tian Sword Immortal. Seven days later, the water sword was burned by the Nanming Li Fire Sword, and only half of the sword body returned to the river."

The Red Dragon King was filled with excitement, but he kept a straight face and refused to reveal any information.

"It seems that I guessed it right? After all, if I guessed it wrong, His Majesty would immediately interrupt and try to raise the price."

"Three." Suddenly, the Dragon King stretched out his hand, "You protect three blood descendants for me, and secretly help them transform into dragons. I will tell you everything about Jinxia and Litian's grudges."

The young man was not in a hurry now.

As Dongfang Yunqi came forward to deal with the situation, the turmoil on Baihua Island gradually subsided. Although there are still some troubles on the side of the Fengyun Second Dragon King, they are basically incapable of overturning the world. What Fu Henghua cared about at the moment was nothing more than the missing siblings.

But if it involves Jin Xia and the love and hatred in the early years, it probably won't end soon. He still has time to study slowly.

"I have another piece of news for you. The reason why Jinxia can observe your destiny and see some weird futures in you is because of your mother."


Henghua suddenly raised his head and looked at the Red Dragon King with narrowed eyes.

"Otherwise, do you think she has nothing to do, always inspecting Donglai's destiny, and thus discovering the horror in you?"

The Red Dragon King secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't know about this. After all, that woman's outrageous thoughts would be beyond the imagination of normal people.


Xuanxing? Xuanxing?

Dimly, he heard someone calling.

With a start, Fu Xuanxing immediately sat up.

"Where is this?"

Looking around, Fu Xuanxing silently held the peach wood sword in his hand.

He remembered that the evil woman scratched Yue Jinghan with a sword of unknown origin. When he was about to kill Yue Jinghan, Yu Xiaolei stretched out his arm to block the sword for Yue Jinghan, and then his arm was cut off.

Then, the evil woman slashed at herself with her sword.

Because he noticed the strangeness of the sword, he chose to fight it with Lihuo Fist. As a result, the person was not injured, but was sucked away by a black hole.

Wait—suck it away?

Is this the world behind the tunnel?

Fu Xuanxing immediately jumped up and looked at this gloomy world.

In the distance are the rolling green mountains. There was a strong wind in the mountains, and the bamboos were swaying.

"The wind here is so strong."

Compared with the "Wind Valley" where the Tao family practices, the wind here is stronger, almost reaching the hurricane zone.

"Are you awake?" Not far away, a girl came holding Qin.

Seeing Fu Yaozhen, Fu Xuanxing hurriedly greeted him: "Where are we?"

"This is the Dragon Tomb, or a secret realm derived from a dragon." Fu Yaozhen looked at the green mountains in the distance. The winding mountains looked like the back of a giant dragon.

"Now that you wake up, let's go meet that person together."

"The one?"

"The person who controls your and my destiny. She spent a lot of effort to bring you and me here, intending to settle the ledger with us."

Fu Yaozhen pointed to the Longshou Mountain Peak in the distance.

There, hanging high was a divine sword wrapped in golden clouds.

"That sword - is this the one that cut off Yu Xiaolei's arm?"

"The sword of hurtful love can defeat all lovers in the world."

"The sword that kills lovers?" Fu Xuanxing glanced at Fu Yaozhen next to him, and then suddenly thought of something: "Wait a minute, this sword can make the Sword Demon Lord unable to resist. Could it be that - she has feelings for Xiao Lei? ?”

"In your opinion, what is love?"

The two of them walked towards Longshou Peak one after the other.

"Love? Love? Isn't it just marriage? Isn't it just a couple of monks?"

"If people who practice dual cultivation both have love, why would Geng Yuxiao and Yan Li have anything to do with them?

"True love, true love, lasts for thousands of years and never fades away. How can we, monks with a time scale of only a few hundred years, talk about it lightly?"

Fu Yaozhen shook his head and said: "That sword cannot detect true love, but it should be able to detect affection. My younger brother once said that the so-called love is the secretion of certain substances by the human body. The stronger the affection, the more such substances, the sword The stronger the intended killing effect. If this sword is truly forged, it has nothing to do with foundation building or golden elixir. All creatures below the level of a true immortal will be killed by this sword.

"Similarly, this sword also needs to be fed with love blood."

Thinking of the situation of his cousin Fu Baixiong and his wife, Fu Yaozhen understood.

It was Yan Li who was raising the sword according to "that person's" request.

Judging from the current effect, it cannot kill a being of Yue Jinghan's level. And although Yue Jinghan has some feelings for Xiao Lei, it is more because they are both swordsmen. This sword can scratch her, break her skin, and suffer losses to the limit. When Yan Li strikes down with the second sword, Yue Jinghan will immediately realize the nature of the sword and cut off the "Sword of Sword of Sorrow" with one finger.

Unfortunately, Yu Xiaolei didn't know better, so he stupidly used his arm to resist, but his arm was cut off by the sword blade.

After hearing the explanation, Fu Xuanxing looked disappointed.

He originally thought that Yue Jinghan and Yu Xiaolei would get together completely because of this incident.

Looking at it now, it seems a lot worse.

After walking for a while, Fu Xuanxing asked another question.

"So, can this sword hurt you and me?"

Fu Yaozhen's expression paused, and he couldn't help but speed up his steps.

Ask yourself, I have no unforgettable love for Fu Xuanxing.

Even because of the embarrassing situation he was in, Fu Yaozhen did not intend to drag others down and tried to avoid too much contact with male cultivators. Among the few male cultivators she had to come into contact with who were not relatives or fellow disciples, the one she liked the most was Yin Yanqing, whom she had only met a few times.

He comes from a truly scholarly family, can listen to music and recognize rhythm, and can discuss piano music with Fu Yaozhen. Although they only had a nod of acquaintance, Fu Yaozhen admired him quite a lot.

In addition, it should be Fang Dongyuan and Fu Xuanxing, two people he often interacts with.

Because of Fu Xuanxing's "future", Fu Yaozhen's feelings were extremely complicated. Coupled with his own experiences, it is enough to inspire some maternal love in Fu Yaozhen, who is often the eldest sister.

But Fang Dongyuan——

Fu Yaozhen couldn't explain how a person who was similar to him in age and had some bad luck since childhood would think of him in return.


Obviously, relying on the future he sees. Knowing that Fang Dongyuan has a high probability of becoming a demon, it may not happen.

But as her younger brother's adopted brother and her grandfather's adopted grandson, she consciously shouldered the responsibility of caring for and supervising him.

Fu Yaozhen had imagined many times that one day Fang Dongyuan would be completely possessed by a demon. Can you kill yourself when others can't bear to do it?

The answer is yes.

To this day, she can still do it, and regards Fang Dongyuan as her own responsibility. That good impression is not enough to influence one's reason, nor is it enough to make oneself betray the righteousness in his heart for the so-called "love".

With such a "ruthless" self, can the sword hanging high in the sky hurt me?

As for Fu Xuanxing, can that sword hurt him?

With worries and confusion, the two came to Longshou Peak.

Instead of going directly up, we kept wandering at the foot of the mountain.

"Since you're here, why don't you come up?"

Golden clouds curled up, and a giant face appeared in the sky.

Seeing this manifested woman, Fu Xuanxing immediately held the Fulong Jade Sword in his hand without thinking.

"and many more--"

Fu Yaozhen held his wrist: "I have something to ask her."

Looking at the face in the sky, Fu Yaozhen said in a deep voice: "This time, it seems that the goddess of heaven has murderous intentions. So, can you satisfy some of my doubts? The reason why you have trouble with Xuanxing is because of Saint Li Tian ?He killed that friend of yours back then?"


The golden clouds changed, and the incomparable beauty walked towards the two of them step by step from the sky.

"My girl proposed to him, but he dared to refuse! After refusing, he dared to fight with her. In the end..."

Fu Yaozhen nodded: "She is a fairy conceived by the spirit of the North Sea. Her tears are part of the spiritual power of the North Sea. This object is used as a sword, carrying the water of Jiujiang, and can also be regarded as its clone. Burned by the sword fairy , also means that he himself is damaged."

"That's right. It was because of that sword fight that her soul was damaged, and it didn't take long for her to transform into heaven and earth."

"But the Heavenly Lady did not give up on resurrecting her. This was also the beginning. It was your plan to resurrect the Nanli Sword Immortal. Is this also the reason why you are willing to resurrect the Sword Immortal?"

Nanli Sword Immortal and Litian Saint both refer to the same person.

Fu Xuanxing subconsciously held the scabbard.

"Exactly." Jinxia Tiannu was surprised.

Under her deliberate interference and misdirection, this girl could actually go back to this point?

"So, the reason why you changed your plan and deliberately selected a female cultivator who has a close relationship with Xuan Xing is because 'she' can no longer be resurrected?"

Immediately, murderous intent arose. Jinxia Tiannu stared at Fu Yaozhen and said in a cold voice.

"Shouldn't you know this best? Didn't your aunt reveal it at all?"


"That woman Jinxia... She originally planned to reincarnate her sister and the Nanli Sword Immortal together. As a couple, the two of them unsealed the 'Tianya Haijiao'. Not only could they rescue the four trapped immortals, but they could also reunite their sister and their beloved. Together."


Fu Henghua seemed to understand a little after listening to the words of the Red Dragon King.

"If you want to be reincarnated, you need to be nurtured by the mother's body. Xuanxing is through the Fu family, the dragon aunt. So the fairy conceived by the water essence..."

The Scarlet Dragon King shook his head: "Jinxia is good at weaving fates. The fate she weaved made your father be Fu Xuanxing's biological father. Your father's scabbard was given to you for this reason."

Fu Xuanxing wants to be the son of Pavilion Master Hongwen and inherit the scabbard.

But in the original plan, it was not his godson, but his biological son.

"Wait a minute, Fu Xuanxing's mother must have the body of a dragon. For this reason, she can inherit the true blood of the Yellow Dragon King. Could it be that on the mother's side - she interfered with this destiny, so the goddess of heaven will bear a grudge?"

The Red Dragon King looked strangely in his eyes.

Although Fu Henghua was very smart, due to his own moral outlook, he obviously couldn't think of what the woman did.

"No. Your mother is not involved in the 'Nanli Longzi', but the birth of the 'Water Dragon Girl'. She was originally the mother chosen by Jin Xia for her younger sister."


Fu Henghua's face was shocked. This was indeed something he had never expected.

No, father is not father, mother is not mother.

So where did you come from?

Are you not part of the goddess's destiny-weaving plan at all?

(End of this chapter)

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