
Chapter 81 Destined to eliminate Wei thief, change shape into jade rabbit

Chapter 81 Determined to Eliminate Wei Thieves and Transform into a Jade Rabbit ([-])
Mr. Fu Tong and Fu Pengming took the Jade Butterfly Flying Gu and rushed to the outside of Zixuan Island.

Because Zixuan Island was defended by monks from the Wei family, the two could not enter.

"Why don't we go find Brother Henghua?"


Mr. Fu Tong looked around and found a building boat driven by the Wei family.

There are a few clansmen in the Qi refining period who are responsible for transporting spiritual materials for Zixuan Island.

After sneaking in, Mr. Fu Tong took out a handful of Gu worms.

The boy's expression changed, he quickly pressed her hand, and said in a low voice: "Sister, if you do this, grandpa knows he's going to hit someone."

"It's expedient, do you have a better way right now?"

Raising the love gu, a little bit of red light penetrated into the body of the Wei family disciples.

In the Fu family, Mr. Fu Tong can be said to be an outlier among outliers.

She does not practice the orthodox immortal spells inherited from the Fufeng Immortal Palace by the Fu family, nor does she bother to practice the immortal spells that Fu Henghua tailor-made for her.Instead, he inherited his mother's witchcraft skills, and he wanted to cultivate into a "Gu Immortal".

After being hit by a love gu, everyone on the boat was in a daze, with love in their eyes, and invited Mr. Fu Tong to take his seat on the boat.

Fu Pengming followed by, looking at those stupid Wei family members.

"Can this situation be concealed?"

"Love is a word, immortals and demons cannot escape. Right now they have just been infected by the Gu, and they are unconscious. As the time of the Gu insect grows, the Gu worm and the brain will unite, and they will regain consciousness. But——"

In this life, I can't escape the control of love Gu.

The boy looked at the members of the Wei family.Although he is the home of the enemy, he still shows a trace of sympathy.

"By the way, sister. Why do you think Brother Henghua wants to deal with Zixuan Island? Aren't you afraid of provoking that old monster of the Wei family?"

"Just to provoke that old monster," Mr. Fu Tong glanced at his younger brother, stroking the bun on the top of his head, "That old monster has practiced for many years, and now he is about to transform into a baby."

"If he becomes enlightened, there will be no peace in the Fu family. Therefore, it must be captured before he turns into a baby.

"But Sihui Island has the defense that the Wei family has strengthened for thousands of years. Not to mention the Golden Core cultivator, even the Nascent Soul Grandmaster can't break through it in a short time. Therefore, the best way is to let the old monster walk out of the island by itself.

"He has practiced for many years, and now he doesn't have many things to worry about. Wei Zhiwen on Zixuan Island is one of them."

As long as Master Wei dares to leave the island before crossing the catastrophe.The four Jindans and their fellow Jindans will join hands to ambush them on the road.

"What if he still refuses to come out?"

"Then Wei Zhiwen's death can be used as a demon when he crosses the catastrophe. Do you know the example of Bao Zhenghe in Jade Rabbit Island?"

Mr. Fu Tong hugged Fu Pengming, ignored his struggle, and kept playing with his bun.

"So, Zixuan Island is the key to targeting Master Wei?"

"It's not just Zixuan Island. That old monster has no heirs, and only treats a few nephews as children. After hundreds of years of getting along day and night, even the cruel and cruel people have their own weaknesses.

"Just attack these people one by one. If one Wei Zhiwen can't do it, then add Wei Zhihe. If Wei Zhihe can't do it, then add another Wei Zhilin."

After Fu Tongjun finished speaking, he sighed faintly: "Looking at the current situation in Yanlong, it's not the old man's style. It should be the elder who made the move, right?"

The four families joined forces to cut off the power of the Wei family in order to force Master Wei to come back step by step.

The boy scooped out the hair carefully.

"I understand. Brother Henghua deliberately targeted Zixuan Island in order to use himself as bait to attract the old monster. But there is a premise that he must kill Wei Zhiwen.

"Zixuan Island, is it so easy to win?"

"That guy has learned all kinds of messy spells. For Wei Zhiwen, he must have chosen to trick Wei Zhiwen out of the island. The most likely thing is the book of seven arrows?"

Even if Wei Zhiwen knew that the other party had used the Seven Arrows Book and knew that the other party was setting up a trap in place, he had to go there.

Because when the 21st comes, I will definitely die.

"Nailhead Seven Arrows Book? Isn't this a bit ruthless? You have to compromise your own luck, why bother?"

"That's why he only bluffs, mainly to lure the enemy. After all, although the nail-headed Seven Arrows Book is strong, it also has a solution. If you use it rashly, it is easy to deceive yourself."

36 The "reversing yin and yang" of the Tiangang method can prevent oneself from being locked by the seven arrows on the nail head.

"Mediate good fortune" and "Back to life" can die once and then come back to life.

"Returning the wind and returning to the fire" has been practiced to the extreme, and the curse targeted at oneself can be returned to the caster.

Those who specialize in the "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book" can directly modify the cursed target and kill the caster when someone plots against him.

"However, Wei Zhiwen chose the Tiangang method, which is to study the Five Elements Great Escape. He can't break the 'Nailhead Seven Arrows Book'."

Mr. Fu Tong glanced at Fu Pengming differently.

"Don't underestimate me, I am the source of information for Sixth Brother. Sixth Brother has been on the island for ten years, and I told him about the Wei family's situation."

After a pause, Fu Pengming said in embarrassment: "But I haven't sent the latest information. Wei Zhiwen seems to have integrated the Five Elements Taoism and is about to cultivate the Five Elements Great Escape."

Five elements escape?

Mr. Fu Tong frowned.

"It sounds like it's not easy to deal with."

Suddenly, she looked at the Wei family children next to her.

"You guys do me a favor, when you go to see Wei Zhiwen, secretly put the Gu worms down."

Those people were dumbfounded, and nodded silently listening to Mr. Tong's words.

But when Mr. Fu Tong landed on the island, he found that Wei Zhiwen was not on the island.

Therefore, Mr. Fu Tong resolutely used the "Concealment Gu" and personally went to Wei Zhiwen's cave to plant the Sleepy Gu, Wisdom Gu, Psychic Gu, and Green Snake Gu.

After finishing all this, she returned to the house prepared for her by the children of the Wei family.

At this time, Wei Zhiwen returned with Wei Zhihe and Wei Chongxian.

Looking at the sky, it's already time.


Jade Rabbit Island, the teenagers have been looking for it for a long time.Seeing that there was not much gold liquid left, there was still no shadow of the jade rabbit, and even the footprints could not be seen.

"Hey, it's too late now, do you still want to look for it?"

Fu Henghua pondered for a while, watching the sky silently.

He thought: To deal with Wei Zhiwen, we should start with Pei Su worshiping his soul, which is the third quarter of the afternoon.It should be night when Wei Zhiwen arrives at Luogui Island.There are hundreds of thousands of innocent souls in the night, as well as Uncle Tiancang, Mr. Xue, and Xiangu.At that time, Third Brother and Liu Hui should also come back.There is still some time, you can look for it again.

Therefore, Fu Henghua took over the wood stove: "Go and catch a rabbit."

He drank the remaining gold liquid, and instead of using mana to refine it, he used good luck to stimulate the medicinal fragrance, which radiated from his skin.

While waving his fan, he urged Fu Xuanxing.

Soon, Fu Xuanxing grabbed a little white rabbit.

"Don't tell me, although this jade rabbit can't be found, there are quite a lot of ordinary rabbits on the island."

"When the Ling family caught the jade rabbits, they thought of using the same kind to lure them. Therefore, a large number of wild rabbits were bred on the island. The Cheng family needed the rabbits to feed them with poison, so they acquiesced in the existence of the rabbits."

Fu Henghua picked up the rabbit, grabbed two clumps of rabbit fur, and let the rabbit go.

He used rabbit fur as a medium and muttered words in his mouth.

Turning around in place three times, white mist curled up.

Heavenly Demon Transfiguration.

When Heng Hua cast a spell, the Six Desire Bead carried by Fu Xuanxing trembled.But because the movement was really slight, Fu Xuanxing didn't notice it.

The fog dissipated, and there was a white and handsome male rabbit in place.

"Wow—transformation? You can even do this thing. Master said, I can only practice this after I have a golden core."

While sighing, the boy in red stretched out his hand to touch it, but was kicked away by Fu Henghua.

With a jump, the Henghua Rabbit jumped onto the head of the boy in red, and continued to fan it with its two short legs.

The fragrance slowly wafts through the forest.

Fu Xuanxing wanted to reach out to grab it, but was slapped off by Fu Henghua with a feather fan.

"If you dare to touch me, I will burn you with Li Huo, believe it or not."

The young man resented, and then asked: "Tell me, is it possible that the jade rabbit is not with Bao's house?"


Without hesitation, Heng Hua said, "The medicine fields on the Cheng's side tend to be poisonous weeds. Besides, the Cheng family breeds poisonous insects and venomous snakes on Yutu Island. The Yutu must not like it. There was a fight in the middle and it was broken like this. How could the Yutu stay? So, it must Come to the lair on the Bao family side."

The so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit are based on Heng Hua's judgment.As an island elf, Jade Rabbit will definitely choose a place full of aura to make its nest.In the entire Yutu Island, the three places with the strongest aura are the spiritual veins controlled by the Bao family, the Wei family and the Cheng family.

Since the other two nests cannot live in, they must be in Bao's house.

After a while, a white light flashed in front of Fu Xuanxing's eyes.

The boy's heart moved, and he was about to speak out.The white light flashed again, and the black shadow rushed to the cheek.

He wanted to turn over, but when he thought of the "Henghua Rabbit" on his head, he had to put on a posture.

But before the Lihuo fist could be punched, the white light hit his eye socket hard with precision.


The boy covered his eyes, and Heng Hua took the opportunity to jump down.

In front of him, there was a little rabbit as white as jade.The rabbit kept waving at him.

Heng Hua felt weird: This rabbit wouldn't think I was the same kind, and then got caught by Fu Xuanxing, right?
Fu Xuanxing stood up at this time, and Yutu kicked over when seeing this.

But this time, Fu Xuanxing got out of the way.

"You little thing, you still want to catch me?"

Fu Xuanxing was gearing up, and when he opened his posture, it was a set of Liangyi Snake Fist.

The Jade Rabbit moved even more urgently, and the white light kept dodging in the square inch, and repeatedly signaled to Fu Henghua.

Seeing the injury on Yutu's back, Fu Henghua sent a word to Fu Xuanxing with a wind voice, and silently followed Yutu.

Running in the form of a rabbit, I'm not used to it.

Heng Hua moved clumsily and stumbled from time to time.Fortunately, Fu Xuanxing got his voice transmission, so he didn't chase directly, but followed far behind.

Seeing Heng Hua's strange movements, Yutu mistakenly thought he was injured, so he simply got bigger and let Heng Hua sit on its back.

What a lovely innocent child.

Fu Henghua sighed in his heart.

The Henghua Rabbit jumped up.

Soft and lustrous rabbit fur, with a hint of medicinal fragrance.


There was a sword wound on Yutu's back.

Heng Hua carefully avoided the sword wound and observed carefully.

It looks like the sword wound is still new.

Heng Hua thought to himself: Did the Jade Rabbit encounter an enemy?Those fake alchemy monks, except for Xiangu who used a sword, the others didn't use a sword.It doesn't look like Wei Zhiwen's Taibai Sword Qi, how did the Jade Rabbit get hurt?
Could it be that there are others on the island?
At this moment, Fu Henghua suddenly discovered that the jade rabbit under him seemed to be the mother's?
(End of this chapter)

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