
Chapter 82 Destined to eliminate Wei thief, Taiyin produces golden water

chapter 82
"found it!"

A rush of sword sounds sounded from behind, and two vigorous figures rushed towards the jade rabbit.

Fu Henghua transformed into a rabbit, so it was difficult to cast spells, so he could only shrink up and hide on the back of the jade rabbit.

Seeing this, Yutu spewed out a cloud of Yimu Qingqi to block the sword energy, and continued to lead Fu Henghua to run.

Fu Henghua turned his head and saw that they were actually two female swordsmen in green shirts.

He continued to run forward, but before Yutu came home, he was surrounded by eight women in yellow shirts.

Each of the eight girls held a sharp sword, and the cold light flickered.They formed a sword formation and trapped Ertu.

Looking at the injury on Yutu's body, Fu Henghua immediately understood.

jingle - jingle -

The beautiful and exquisite cloud sedan floats from the sky.The two women in Tsing Yi who were chasing just now caught up.


The second daughter hurriedly saluted the cloud sedan chair.

"Cough cough..." There was a coughing sound from inside the sedan chair, and the old hoarse voice continued intermittently: "Little guy, don't worry. We won't hurt your life... just... just want to borrow some... blood for medicine."

The jade rabbit's fur exploded, and Yimu Qingqi gathered around him, forming huge logs and smashing them on the girls.It moved its body silently, carefully protecting its "kind".

Ba Nu hurriedly operated the sword array, and the sword light turned Leimang, smashing the green trees all over the sky.

Octopus Shocking Thunder Sword Formation?

Heng Hua thought to himself: This is the sword formation of Leixiao Immortal Palace.After Fuzhou was lost, I didn't expect to see it here.

"Huh? Why are there two rabbits? Could it be that this female rabbit has already given birth?" a girl in Tsing Yi said, "No wonder this jade rabbit is so weak. Is it because after giving birth, its physical strength is weak?"

Another woman in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "It's a good feeling. Yutu, why don't you come home with us, we have a lot of elixir in the palace, we can support your mother and child."

The Jade Rabbit shivered and twisted its tail, signaling Fu Henghua to run quickly.

"Who are mother and child?"

Suddenly, Yutu's back lightened, and then he hugged it with both hands.

"It's so heavy, change it back."

Sensing the clear voice behind her, Yutu was startled.It struggled to get away, but Fu Henghua hugged him tightly.

"Be good, be good, don't worry. We are of the same race, but I can change form."

Fu Henghua secretly urged the two tufts of rabbit fur, and stimulated the medicinal fragrance on his body, and by the way, crazily circulated the essence of good fortune in his body.

The Jade Rabbit is transformed by the essence of hundreds of medicines.Sensing the scent of medicine on Fu Henghua's body, and feeling a kind breath of good fortune, the struggle gradually slowed down.

Fu Henghua took the opportunity to cast a spell to heal the sword marks on Yutu's back.

Yutu put down her vigilance and silently changed back to its original size.

"A Jade Rabbit in refined form?" The girl who spoke just now was startled. "Are these not a mother and child, but a husband and wife? Young...Master, we beat our wife, and the husband came here."

"You are the husband."

Fu Henghua's face darkened, and he waved the feather fan with his backhand.

After the sacrifice of Lihuo Taiji Formation, the power of Xuanhuo Fan is even stronger, and the connection with Fu Henghua is also stronger.At this moment, he can exert one-tenth of the power of this spiritual weapon.


Li Huo was lit in the forest, and three Suzakus sang and danced.

The faces of the girls changed one after another, and they hurriedly protected the cloud sedan chair behind them.

Seeing the flames, especially the forest being burned, Yutu kicked Henghua again and again.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'll put out the fire for you later."

Fu Henghua pressed the jade rabbit, and said loudly: "In Xia Yuede, come here to find my sister. Who are you, why are you targeting my sister?"


The girls looked at Fu Henghua.

From this young man, they felt a trace of vitality, which was very similar to Yutu's Yimu Qingqi, but more pure.In addition, his cultivation base is not high.It should be rigidified soon.

"Master, I heard people say that monsters like jade rabbits are not good at fighting, and they are weak after being transformed, which seems reasonable."

In the cloud sedan chair, the voice was silent for a long time, Fang Youyou said: "This fellow Taoist is seriously ill, and recently got a prescription, which needs the painstaking efforts of Jade Rabbit. Please be considerate."

Fu Henghua looked at the cloud sedan chair and the clothes on the girls.

"Aren't you Yanlong's monks? Are you from outside? The Baji Jinglei Formation, the secret formation of Leixiao Immortal Palace, you are from Leixiao's lineage? No, it should not be. If you are the orthodox descendants of Leixiao Immortal Palace, your clothes , On the cloud sedan chair, there should be a corresponding Thunder Rune."

The Fu family, Wei family and others claim to be descendants of Fufeng Immortal Palace.Their clothing patterns and even their family totems more or less bear the wind patterns of Fufeng Immortal Palace.

"This sword array is what I saw in an ancient book."

The old voice in the sedan chair said: "Fellow Daoist, I know you are—"

"Xuanwei Sect, Fu Xuanxing is here—"

A flash of fire rushed from behind the cloud sedan chair.

With a bang, it hit the center of the field.

Li Huo quickly scrolled, and with the help of three Suzaku phantoms, the fire became bigger.

Yutu became angry immediately, desperately tossing in Henghua's arms, trying to kick Fu Xuanxing.

"How? Am I in time?"

Fu Henghua resisted the urge to kick someone, looked at the girls who were on guard again, and explained: "This is my friend, he came with me to find my sister."

"younger sister?"

Fu Xuanxing turned his head and looked at Fu Henghua blankly, what is this?
Inside the cloud sedan chair, an old voice sighed: "Fellow Daoist's method of transfiguration, I can recognize it. Fellow Daoist, since you said that the Jade Rabbit is yours, I don't want to argue. I just ask for three drops of hard work for the healing and healing." .”

Hey, your method has been broken?

Fu Xuanxing blinked and looked back.

Fu Henghua didn't say a word, pressed the jade rabbit that kicked him madly, and said loudly: "Under Fu Danwei's sect on Panlong Island, Mr. Fu Tong. Dare I ask my mother-in-law, no, it's the girl's name?"

You can see through my human body, can't I see that you are a girl pretending to be a mother-in-law?

As soon as Fu Tongjun's name came out.

The faces of all the girls changed one after another, each of them clenched the flying sword tightly and stared at Fu Henghua.

"Fellow Daoist," the old voice disappeared in the sedan chair, replaced by a soft and young voice, "You know, Mr. Fu Tong drank tea with me the day before yesterday. She also told me about Yutu."


The breeze blew by, and everyone was silent, only the sound of the flames being extinguished.

Fu Henghua's smile stiffened slightly.

It's okay, it's okay, as long as I don't show my timidity, I won't be the one who is so embarrassed.

"I'm my younger sister's old friend, but also my friend. My surname is Fu, my name is Xiangfeng, and my name is Xinxuan."

Fu Xuanxing bowed his head silently.

I really can't compare with Fu Liuge for being thicker than my face.

After being exposed twice, he can still continue to act.

"Fu Xiangfeng, the grandson of Senior Fu Danwei, I heard Miss Tong Jun mention it," a woman in Tsing Yi said, "Young Master, since you are from the Fu family, do you want to meet me? You are not..."

The female voice in the sedan chair was a little cold: "Fellow Daoist, Yutu Island is not owned by the Fu family, and the Jade Rabbit is not raised by the Fu family. Fellow Daoist, I got this item first, and I would like to exchange it for 'Yue Jingxiu Xue'. What do you think?
"You should know that three drops of blood will not kill this Jade Rabbit."

Fu Xuanxing looked around and came over in a low voice: "Hey, what do you think should be done?"

He could see that although the group of young girls in front of him were all based on foundation building, after working together, their strength was not inferior to that of a True Fire cultivator.And those two women in Tsing Yi are the genuine True Fire Realm.

Of course, Fu Xuanxing didn't think he would lose.

It's just that there is no grievance or enmity, so it's not good to fight here?

There was another intense coughing sound in the sedan chair, and then Fu Henghua noticed a trace of medicinal fragrance.The Jade Rabbit in his arms couldn't help sniffing too.

"Yufang Resurrection Pill? It's a life-threatening thing. It seems that the girl's condition is more serious than I imagined. With Yue Jingjing's blood, do you want to make medicine for the 'Nine Returns Jade Sage Pill'? Or the 'Han Soul Yang Immortal Pill'? "

Seeing Fu Henghua tell the truth about their master, the girls couldn't help but clenched their flying swords tightly.

After the breath in the sedan chair stabilized, the woman said softly: "The Jade Sage Pill of Nine Returns is the secret medicine not handed down by the Jade Sage Pavilion, do you think I can get it?"

"I'm not surprised at all if the person who can use the 'Wuhua Yunlong Chariot' is the descendant of an elder immortal from Yusheng Pavilion."

Wuhua Yunlong car?
Fu Xuanxing shook his spirits and carefully observed the cloud sedan chair.

Indeed, although the aura is concealed, one can indeed see the shadows of dragons amidst the surging clouds.

"Fellow Daoist guessed wrong, it's not the fourth-rank Jade Saint Pill, but the fifth-rank Yangxian Spirit Pill."

"That's the cold air in your body invading the internal organs, and you need Yang Pill to dissolve the Yin Qi? Uh... the Yin Qi in your body is too deep, and your mana is weak. I don't think it's wrong, you haven't built a foundation yet. No, there is no way to build a foundation." .This life can only be maintained in the stage of refining Qi."

"You guy-"

The woman in Tsing Yi couldn't help swinging her sword, Fu Xuanxing hastily swung her fist.

The sword qi and fire blazed against each other, and the fire in the forest grew stronger.

Inside the cloud sedan chair, the voice said softly: "Continue, fellow daoist, what else can you see?"

"One of your parents must have attained Taoism and immortality, and you inherit his blood, with all the veins connected, and a lifespan of three hundred. Therefore, even if there is no way to practice, you can live for a long time."

Fu Henghua's wait-and-see attitude is calculated by Luoshu.

This girl should be about the same age as Fu Liuhui.

"But you are unwilling to waste your life, so you want to save yourself?"

"One thing, you're wrong. I'm indeed a spirit person, but I'm not a normal spirit person who was born with all my meridians. When I was born, Yin Qi was full of all my meridians, and I was dying."

"Impossible. 'Hundred Yin Jue Physique' can't even live for three months, how could it be possible to live until now—ah!"

Fu Henghua recalled a treatment method that Weng Liuxian described.

"Your lord asked someone to break your heart veins and disperse the innate Yin energy in your veins?"

Abundant yin body, a kind of unlucky constitution that will die within three months of birth.This kind of dao body is most suitable for demons and evil cultivators as materials for alchemy.

In the evil books that Fu Henghua read, there are more than a dozen types of sorcery that require the painstaking efforts, hair, and even heart, bones, etc. of all Yins.

Those evil books are full of longing and envy for Baiyin's body.Because of this, Xiexiu created a method of making "Hundred Yin Absolute Body".

Forcibly capture female cultivators who are born in Yinyue, Yinyue, Yinyue and Yinyang. They are forced to conceive with essence gu, and then fed with 36 kinds of poisonous insects. After three years of repetition.It can dissect the mother's body and take out the stillborn baby with the characteristics of a dead body.

Such stillborn fetuses are excellent materials for refining evil weapons.

With the disappearance of evil cultivators, this inhuman method also disappeared.

"It's not enough to just disperse the yin energy. You also need various panacea to survive. You have definitely taken the Nine Returns Jade Sacred Pill. Only this kind of medicine can protect the soul of an infant. Besides..."

Fu Henghua read out more than a dozen panacea in one breath.

The faces of the girls became more and more serious.

All hit!
Fu Henghua and the girl in the cloud sedan chair sighed at the same time.

Fu Henghua: This woman can't be provoked.To be able to take out so many miraculous medicines to prolong life, his lord is definitely a master of Taoism.

The girl thought to herself: Sure enough, this guy is not Fu Xiangfeng.According to Ms. Tong Jun, her elder brother is devoted to practicing qi and has little knowledge of books.

"That..." Fu Xuanxing raised his hand and asked weakly, "Should we put out the flames first? Since everyone knows each other with the girl 'Fu Tong', we don't plan to continue fighting. Shall we talk in another place? I think , Someone should have noticed the movement on our side."

(End of this chapter)

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