
Chapter 856 Dark Sun Tribulation

Chapter 856 Dark Sun Tribulation

After two thousand years of overthrow, Donglai has returned to order.

Under the new jade law of the three realms, the Donglai monks respected heaven and earth, feeling refreshed and calm. Daozhen breakthroughs were made everywhere, and for a time the glow was overwhelming, and the immortal joy was endless.

One day, Nanzhou suddenly came to report.

"The Nine Earth Abyss has changed again, and it is suspected that the Nine Earth Demon Clan is attacking."

This statement caused Donglai to be shocked, and he didn't wait for anyone to ask more questions.

There were also reports in Xizhou and Beizhou.

There is a rift valley under the sea in Xizhou, and there have been nine demon activities recently.

A high mountain in Beizhou collapsed, and demons invaded in large numbers.

Henghua pointed his fingers at the deduction and sighed to his left and right:

"This is my destiny. There are evil spirits in the Nine Lands who are involved with me and want to use me to prove the Tao."

Then he asked Fu Xiangfeng to lead three thousand Fufeng tribesmen to Beizhou, invited Fu Xuan and his wife to Xizhou to help, and sent Yu Xiaolei and others to Nanzhou to help.

As for Donglai... As the primary target of the Dark Sun Dynasty, Fu Henghua should be in charge personally. At the same time, he sent a message to the world, and the entire Donglai cultivation world was actively preparing to guard against the invasion of the devil.



As the sea exploded, a manta basilisk flew into the sky to patrol.

Not long after, the Dark Demonic Palace was stationed on the water, and all the demons and gods gathered together.

"It's finally here!"

A group of demon gods were disgraced and cursed.

"Damn Donglai, what kind of spell did they cast on the ground? No matter how hard you dig, you can't dig through their underground."

Because the army cannot enter directly from the bottom of Dongnae. They had to go overseas, in the Beihai boundary of Nanzhou, the former home of the Red Dragon King, and use the submarine rift valley to open a passage.

Demonic energy continued to strengthen the passage, and the armies of the Dark Sun Dynasty filed out.

Zhuo Longfa: "The passage is still not big enough. We need to wait a few more days before His Majesty can come. In these days, we will march to Donglai first to clear the way for Your Majesty."

"Speaking of which, do you feel that this sea area is filled with a mysterious power of the avenue?"

"Nonsense, the light of the Tao Realm shines in all directions. Although it is not within Donglai itself, the surrounding areas will also be strengthened." A demon god Jie Jie smiled strangely, "As long as His Majesty can prove the Tao, we can also enjoy such treatment in the future."

The other demons also laughed.

At this moment, a sharp alarm sounded in the air.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

In the north, on the city wall shaped by the hurricane, meteors hit the demon gods one after another.


It’s been a year!

When Beacon Tower saw traces of the Demon God, Sun Xuan gave the order directly without waiting for communication with the headquarters.

"Activate the Flowing Fire Heavenly Staff!"

One thousand three hundred staff-shaped magic weapons floated on the wind wall.

Bang bang—bang bang bang bang—

Meteors carrying firelight continued to shoot out of the hurricane belt.

Sun Xuan was excited and sent news to the headquarters.

Then, he ordered again.

"Put on the Golden Nimbus."

An island rose slowly behind him, and thirteen thousand golden wheel magic weapons flew out at the same time, killing the demon army in the sky.

These golden wheels are constantly changing their trajectories in the air, and behind them are more than 10,000 golden elixir monks controlling them.

Most of the vanguard troops of the Dark Sun Dynasty were slaughtered before they could counterattack.

Only a few demons survived.

Immediately afterwards, a group of 30,000 monks with wings on their backs, carrying the wind spirit energy, drove the 30,000 monks of the Wind Spirit Heavenly Sword to kill Nanzhou Beihai.



Everyone finally relaxed their heartstrings.

You are here!

From learning the news to preparing for the war, Donglai Cultivation World only needed three months to prepare.

But the Dark Sun Dynasty's army has not shown up yet, making everyone anxious.

In the past few months, Donglai also asked the headquarters of the four major corps in the southeast and northwest to conduct eight internal exercises.


Fu Xingqi, as the supreme commander of the Southern Hurricane Command, has arrived at the spiritual platform to observe the live situation and conduct deductions with a group of monks.

Layers of immortal light appeared on the spiritual platform, and thousands of Heluo seals appeared. This is a spiritual building built by Fu Henghua himself to increase his deduction ability.

The two hundred members of the Fu family around the spiritual platform cooperated with Fu Xingqi and used their computing power to form a small skynet to measure the movements of the Dark Sun Dynasty. With the blessing of this deduction ability, Fu Xingqi is comparable to Fu Henghua in Nanzhou.

"Sun Falcon, dispatch the Fire Cloud Team, the Wuxiang Ghost Team, and the Taibai Golden Sword Team."

"The wave troopers are ready."

"The Poison Curse team attacked in a detour from the southeast."


The young demon gods were fighting something on the ground for the first time, so they were a little confused.

Zhuo Longfa was the first to wake up and shouted loudly: "Open the field to protect the soldiers, quick, open the field!"

Several demon gods opened their demon realms to protect their subordinates.

The dark wind was rolling and the black evil was roiling, and the soldiers hid in it to heal their wounds.

A demon god said in a deep voice: "Donglai is on guard. Where are the ground escape soldiers? Cast a spell to make the army retreat ten miles in succession."

"Sir, it's not good. All the ground escape soldiers have been killed."

Killed in action?

The demons were stunned.

There were frequent wars in the Nine Lands, and the demon gods would inevitably drive the Nine Lands' demons to fight against each other. Over time, a military strategy model belonging to the Nine Lands developed.

All nine places are underground spaces. If you want to move easily here, troops who are good at escaping from the ground are the first choice.

This is also something that all the demon gods have prepared in unison - gathering their soldiers who are good at earth escape to form an earth escape team.

"All the ground escape troops are gone?" Zhuo Longfa looked shocked, "A few of our ground escape troops are gone?"

The underground march relies entirely on the escape team to move back and forth.

"It's all...all gone."

"Donglai is prepared!" The demon gods did not hesitate to doubt Donglai to the greatest extent.

Donglai knows our information?

Did you learn about it from the other three continents fighting?

"Retreat first! Return to the trench." Another demon god proposed.

Suddenly, there was screams around them.

A group of soldiers died suddenly when no one was around.

Several demon gods opened their eyes angrily and saw the monks casting illusions one after another, and quietly lurked over to assassinate them.

"Get out of here!"

Zhuo Longfa roared loudly, forcing the Wuxiang Soldier out of his body with fierce force.


The next moment, all the Wuxiang soldiers self-destructed and took away some soldiers.

"Are they so cruel?"

The demons were stunned.

Doesn’t this Donglai monk even want his life?

Isn’t it said that monks in the world are the most timid and cherish their lives the most?

Immediately afterwards, fire rained down from the sky. A group of monks and Taoist soldiers riding fire sparrows appeared and continued to break up the camp.

When the demon gods finally gathered the soldiers and were about to escape to the bottom of the water, the tsunami broke out violently, and strange poisons and curses spread among the soldiers.


In just half an hour, the demon gods fled back to the Great Trench in embarrassment, bringing back less than a hundred soldiers.


Sun Falcon drank the wine of longevity and was overjoyed.

It’s so satisfying, I’ve never fought such a rich battle in my life!

From the generation of Mu Shansheng to the generation of Zhong Lihan.

Throughout the two thousand years of Feizhou, in all the crisis battles of Fuzhou level encountered by Donglai cultivation world, the weak defeated the strong.

Only this time, the Donglai cultivation world is in full swing against all parties.

"We are just the southern peripheral command among the various commands, so we can beat these demons with their heads in their hands - it's cool!"

Fu Xingqi also looked happy.

Commanders from other headquarters sent congratulations one after another, secretly looking forward to the demon gods changing positions.


In the Immortal Realm, all the true immortals followed Fu Henghua and sat in the Holy Palace to watch the war.

Even the master of Canglang Palace, who was once opposed to him, sat here and put aside his past grudges. As for the other two, they had already perished in the great catastrophe of the dynasty. The five bone demons and one heavenly demon also returned with the cycle of calamity.

"It seems that the power of the Dark Sun Dynasty is much lower than we expected."

From the nine wars in other three continents, Donglai gathered a lot of information and used it to estimate the power of the Dark Sun Dynasty.

Donglai initially believed that the Dark Sun Dynasty could break the hurricane wall and reach the Kyushu gate of Dahuang Ancient City.

But looking at it now, it seems...it seems too weak?

"It's not that they are weak, it's that we are too strong." Taoist Dongming from Zihuang Pavilion said.

After he finished speaking, he immediately felt Fu Henghua's sharp gaze and quickly showed a flattering look.

There is no way, who let this person see through his true identity?

"Fellow Daoist Fu built the ancient city of Great Wilderness and introduced the laws of the Walkers. Only then can we easily kill the opponent without losing a single soldier."

From the very beginning, the Hurricane Belt was Donglai's target.

Except for Sun Falcon and a few other Tribulation Immortals who serve as commanders, the rest of the guarding monks are all projection incarnations.

Fu Henghua erected a statue of Shengjun, and used the power of the ancient city of Dahuang to create hundreds of strange and bizarre types of Taoist soldiers. The monks themselves are still inside Kyushu, relying on the dream world to transmit projections and change various types of troops at will.

Foundation-level monks can operate several Taoist soldiers to fight at the same time. The Jindan-level Taoist soldiers can even control a hundred-man team to attack and kill on their own.

In the small-scale confrontation just now, a group of Jindan monks were behind the scenes to control the massacre.

And if Donglaiken detonates troops, tens of billions of Taoist troops can be deployed in the hurricane zone.

As many demon soldiers as the Dark Sun Dynasty sent to send them, they would die.

Henghua smiled slightly and acquiesced to Dongming Immortal's flattery.

There are traces of evil cultivators on Immortal Dongming's body. This can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from Fu Henghua's eyes.

That familiar smell...

It was obvious as soon as we met.

But Dong Ming didn't do any evil, and Fu Henghua was willing to pretend not to know, and was too lazy to ask about the old accounts of Zihuang Pavilion.

In the final analysis, if you can survive the great catastrophe of becoming a god, then your existence is reasonable and you deserve to enjoy the luck of creation.

Besides, when I go to kill the Evil Emperor in the future, wouldn't it be nice to have one more insider watch the ceremony?

Cang Lanzi looked at the broadcast in the water mirror and asked in a low voice: "There is one thing, don't you find it strange? The other three continents all have passages cut out from the bottom of the continent. Why is ours here in the Beihai of Nanzhou? ? Could it be that these demon species are not the forces of the Dark Sun Dynasty, but other descendants of the demon god who accidentally hit them? "

"Impossible. Look at the purple sun flag with three eyes. According to the intelligence from the nine places, it is the symbol of the Dark Sun Dynasty. As for why they came out of the Nanzhou Sea - hehe, can they enter the underground of our house?"

The bottom of the Donglai Human Continent is not the first layer, but the Donglai Remaining Continent, which is the boundary, Dongfang Yunqi's territory.

"Our three realms in Dahuang City are integrated. Whether it is the four sea realms or the inner nine continents, these are all inside the city, and there are earth realms below to protect them. Moreover, Fellow Daoist Fu also deliberately used the breath soil to evolve the nine earth black soils. The bottom of Yizhou is like How can anyone else dig out the golden essence of ten thousand tribulations?"

After Dong Ming explained, Cang Lanzi briefly cleared up his doubts.

Just a little bit worried.

According to what Nanzhou saw and heard back then, the Nine Demon Gods who could divide Tongtianzhou into four shouldn't be so weak, right?

Although our Qi Refining Taoist soldiers are controlled by Jindan monks, one can defeat more than ten demon soldiers. Is the combat power of these nine places so poor?


The demon gods returned to the trench area with solemn faces.

The heavy casualties along the way also made them suspicious.

Although most of these vanguard troops are surrendered soldiers collected and conquered by the Dark Sun army on the road. But being able to survive the first wave of massacres and join the Dark Sun Dynasty shows that their combat power is not weak, and they are the elite of the Nine Earth Demon Clan.

But in the one-on-one confrontation between the soldiers, the Nine Earth Demon Soldiers were actually the ones being slaughtered?

"If just now, we demon gods had done it ourselves..."

"Then we are doomed." An old flame demon said coldly, "Don't you feel it? Are there those spiritual consciousnesses high in Donglai? Please come down, or wait for the large army, anyway, I Don’t dare to fight.”


"You are brave, go ahead. Anyway, I am afraid of death. I have accomplished a meritorious service by digging out the crack in the ground. With your majesty's virtue, you will not hold me accountable."

Zhuo Longfa glanced at the other demon gods, and everyone avoided his gaze.

The three eyes showed anger and thought secretly.

Suddenly the seams in the trench turned blood red, and strange blood demons walked out one after another.

"Hehe... People from the Dark Sun Dynasty, don't you insist on being first? Why aren't you attacking now?"

Attacking Donglai is a hot topic.

Especially since the Taoist aura was leaked, there were more Nine Demon Gods targeting Yuan Yu's Ocean Region.

The Dark Sun Dynasty marched from the deep abyss, killing countless demon gods along the way. In order to fully occupy the first level of the underground world beneath Donglai, the Dark Sun Dynasty fought against many demon forces and lost a lot of strength.

Zhuo Longfa: "You are powerful, you can go by yourself. If we can break through Donglai's defense, what's the harm in us sharing a share of the spoils with you?"

After speaking slowly, he sent demon soldiers to deliver the order to the first place, inviting all the demon gods' families to attack Donglai, and offered generous rewards.

The other demon gods all looked strange, but they did not refute Zhuo Longfa.

There is no way, who makes people be the direct descendants of Anri?

This kind of recruitment order is decided by others.

"Okay." Several blood demons laughed strangely and drove the evil wind towards the southern hurricane belt.

"A guy seeking death."

The demons were dismissive.

The chain of contempt in Jiu Di is very serious.

The demon god born from the place of origin is the noblest.

The natural demon gods born in the Nine Lands come second.

The demon cultivator who came down from the human world came again.

Finally, there are the heaven-level masters who break through from the Demon God's Familia.

Of course, at levels below the heaven level. The calamity demons who came down from the human world are living in a different place, and they are alone and cannot compare with the status of the millions of dependents in the Nine Lands.

These Demon Emperor-level blood demons are from the Nine Lands Demon Clan who inherited the blood demon heritage of the human world in the First Land. They robbed bandits in the First Land and lived a carefree life.

There was a conflict with the vanguard of the Dark Sun Dynasty not long ago. Now I am following him all the way, intending to pick up the slack.

But who knows——

The moment a group of blood demons left, they all ran back in a hurry.

"Run! Something's wrong, there's something wrong with Donglai!"

Behind them, chains flashing with thousands of talismans were chasing after them.

In front of a group of demon gods, he forcefully captured the blood demons and brought them back to Donglai.

The demons were frightened and quickly floated to the surface from the trench.

They saw the chains hanging from the distant city wall entangling the blood demons. The sharp end of the chain has penetrated into the bodies of the blood demons, constantly draining their power.

"Xuanming Demonic Forbidden Chain."

Zhuolongfa murmured to himself.

Although he had never seen it before, the third eye on his forehead had already told him that it was a magical chain that could defeat the devil.

Yes, it's an immortal weapon.

There is a powerful man named Donglai who interprets magic skills into immortal skills, specifically used to hunt and kill demon cultivators.

"Are we going to continue?"

"Let's try recruiting other demon gods first, and we'll wait and see what happens."

Zhuolongfa couldn't help but feel a little more fearful.

The next day, a large number of demon clan members appeared from the trench. Driven by several newly arrived demon gods, they rushed towards the hurricane city wall.

In two hours, all the family members were dead. Of the three demon gods who fought in person, only one escaped underground with a broken arm.

"Is Donglai so strong?"

Zhuolongfa and others were shocked.

Looking at the broken city wall and Sun Xuan who died in the battle, he still didn't dare to charge forward.

"Coward." With a cold snort, the ruins of the city wall rippled gently, and all the damaged islands and wind walls were restored. The dead Sun Falcon appeared again, followed by a group of Taoist soldiers guarding the city.

Seeing that the other party did not fall into the trap and was watching quietly from a distance, Sun Xuan had no choice but to show up.

The deserted city will not be destroyed, and the Tao body will not die.

This is the confidence of having a good fortune sage sitting in charge.

Even if they fight against the Nine Earth Demon God, they don't have to worry about death.

On the contrary, how many lives can the Nine Earth Demon God have left in the human world?


The fifth day. Zhuolongfa recruited more demons and dependents.

Together with the demon gods in the vanguard, the twenty-four demon gods rushed towards the hurricane wall together.

"Well done!"

Seeing the opponent charging, Sun Xuan was not afraid.

Continue to cooperate with Fu Xingqi to kill the demons.

The monks under them are also unparalleled in battle.

These are all points! It's a reward! !

According to the Donglai battle system, there are different points for killing demon soldiers and demon generals, which can be exchanged for various levels of rewards. Heavenly books, supernatural powers, and quotas for resurrection from the dead can all be redeemed.

Who wouldn’t be happy if he could earn unlimited rewards without having to worry about injury or death?

Moreover, there are many sword cultivators and monks who love fighting who are immersed in the atmosphere of the battlefield, and their moods break through.

Fight, fight, have fun!

It's just that the strength of the hurricane leading the defenders is still unable to resist the twenty-four demon gods joining forces. Jiang De controlled the "Xuanming Chain" from a distance and was unable to capture all the demons at the same time.

Finally, Lord Canglang, Immortal Dongming and Ancestor Linghu arrived in person.

The three immortals arrived, and the shadow of the ancient city in the wilderness slowly appeared. Three Immortal Dao Palaces fell from the Immortal Realm.

Zhuo Longfa shouted: "Everyone, be careful."


The waves rise like a dragon.

The Lord of Canglang Mansion just expanded his domain and knocked the three demon gods away.

"Hmm... Such a weak demon. Our new true immortals here seem to be stronger than them."

After thinking about it, Master Canglang no longer hesitated to test. Huge waves rolled in the ocean, and giant dragons pounced on the demon in the air.

The Liuyang Hong family of the twelve divine veins, the talent inherited by their family is flood.

“Under the great water, nothing exists.”

The domain expanded thousands of miles in an instant, and the domain opened by the five demon gods was shattered in an instant.

Immortal Dongming is also an ancient monk. In addition to hiding evil magic, the Purple Emperor Taoism can also simulate the realm of heaven.

Purple green energy floated, and the two suppressed demon gods fell easily.

As a new immortal, Ancestor Linghu also showed strength that was not inferior to Zhuolongfa...

Only three true immortals, relying on the blessing of the Great Wilderness Ancient City, beat up twenty-four demon gods.

This move shocked all the true immortals in the immortal world.

"No, when did Jiu Di become so weak?"

"Were these beings the ones that shattered Zuzhou back then?"

"Those disgusting things in Nanzhou, did you just kneel down and worship these trash?"

Fu Xuanxing later asked: "Is there a possibility that we are too strong?"

"Strong? I don't feel that I am much stronger than I was a hundred years ago." The master of Tongtian Tower shook his head, "When I cast spells in Donglai, my feelings are similar to those a hundred years ago, and there is no change. But in my opinion, it seems that I can also Fight five or six demons."

"Tao Realm," Dongfang Yunqi whispered, "the three realms are one. Under the watering of the origin of Tao Realm, not only us, but also Dahuang City - the entire Donglai law environment has also been sublimated. Therefore, our immortals in Dahuang City I don’t feel the change at home, but outside…”

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Henghua with a bright face: "That unrealistic idea of ​​yours is really possible to come true."

"Why is it unrealistic? Which of my plans cannot be completed? Isn't the Great Desert City successfully completed now to protect the people of our continent?"

Under the battle between the three immortals and the twenty-four demons, the southern hurricane belt was completely destroyed.

But when the east-west wind surged in, the destructive hurricane belt, as well as the tribulation immortals and Taoist soldiers who were affected to death, all appeared on the city wall.

At that time, there was thunder in the sky, and Yu Xiaolei led the people who supported Nanzhou to attack from behind.

Sun Xuan seized the opportunity and went to war with Fu Xingqi with a large army.

He transformed into a black hawk and flew to Yu Xiaolei's side.

"Why are you back? But Nanzhou asked you to come here?"

Yu Xiaolei scratched his head: "The Nine Earth Demons are weaker than we thought. We don't know what's going on... Maybe it's because they are suppressed by the ground? They are not adapted to the ground environment? In short, the war situation in Nanzhou has been solved for the time being. So, I brought people back to fix it.”

solved? Is the war in Nanzhou over?


Under attack from both sides, the vanguard force was completely wiped out. Only Zhuolongfa and the two demons escaped back to the trench.

Simply in these several defeats, a large number of demon corpses fell into the water.

The blood nourished the cracks in the ground, which also further stabilized the passage of the Dark Sun Dynasty, and the large army finally arrived.

The large army had its own commander, and Zhuolongfa, who had no subordinates, was naturally pushed to one side and allowed to be commanded by other demon gods.

But facing Donglai's strength, Zhuo Longfa was a little disheartened.

"Our Dark Sun Dynasty has mobilized all its troops, and together with the demon gods recruited along the way, we can produce a total of ninety-nine. Counting His Majesty, it is exactly one hundred. If the Great Wilderness Ancient City is a one-to-many master, then only A dozen true immortals can easily crush us."

Bathed in the light of enlightenment and nourished by the origin of the Tao world, the Donglai Divine Continent is so powerful!


Most of them were stationed, with more than thirty demon gods holding the line.

Finally, there was a short-term anxiety with Donglai, forcing five more true immortals to come to the world of immortals. At the same time, three million Taoist soldiers were added around the city wall. Human headquarters.

Fu Pengming and the Fu family are sorting out information from all parties.

"As expected, we knew that the Dark Sun Dynasty was going to cause trouble. On the surface, they were attracting our attention in the south, but secretly they planned to give way to other demon forces. They dug passages from the other three directions and besieged the Great Wilderness City together - but this is exactly what we wanted. "

Fu Pengming knew Fu Henghua's big plan.

The more demons involved now, the greater Donglai's profits will be.

He looked at another document, which was a proposal for reforming military strategy. He frowned after reading it.

"How dare you mention the 'Weapon Spirit Project'? Do you think my beating is too light?"

During the dynasty, as order stabilized, the monks gradually became more thoughtful. The spiritual map launched by Fu Pengming became very popular at that time. Many people would rather give up being a Taoist couple and stay with the handsome men and beauties in the spiritual map. Many monks even signed a petition to beg the master of the Holy Palace to grant blessings so that the painted demons and phantoms in the spirit map could become living creatures.

This incident caused quite a stir. Although Fu Pengming obtained Fu Henghua's permission with the help of Dongfang Yunqi, it was disgraced and he naturally did not intend to offend his brother again.

But not long after the Lingtu incident, Brother Donglai came up with a new trick.

It is too difficult to cultivate spirit diagrams, so we can use a simple method - weapon spirit.

If a magic weapon takes shape, does it count as a human being? Are there human rights? In other words, does it have the same spiritual power as a monk or a monster?

From a strength perspective, it is obvious that the weapon spirit is not weak. But from a legal and ethical perspective, it is obvious that the world does not accept its magic weapon and its status is equal to its own.

Servants are the monks' first understanding of weapon spirits.

The reason why large-scale weapon spirits appeared was that a certain monk of the Tao of Creation suddenly got inspiration after listening to Fu Sheng's sermon and created a brand new "spiritual enlightenment technique". You can turn the treasure weapon into a weapon spirit and drive it into a servant.

Many merchants saw business opportunities and purchased a large number of artifacts to serve as servants or even prostitutes for the monks to enjoy.

At the end of the quarrel, the Holy Palace was alerted again, and Fu Pengming was reprimanded again.

Fu Pengming didn't like this method and explicitly prohibited the Fu family from getting involved in such operations, but he couldn't control others. But if something goes wrong when the chief photographer of Donglai's fortune happens, who will Fu Henghua look for if he doesn't look for him?

But the matter of weapon spirits is really troublesome.

Are weapon spirits considered living beings?

Different schools have different opinions. Some people think that weapon spirits should be treated equally, while others think that weapon spirits are just vassals of monks.

For this reason, a debate topic has emerged in Donglai Shenzhou that has lasted for hundreds of years.

"What am I and what are all living beings?"

This controversy involved seniors from all walks of life and even alarmed the immortals in the immortal world. Zihuang Pavilion almost fell from its position as the number one Dao sect in the world.

In the end, a certain saint in the Holy Palace personally made the decision, deciding that "sentient and thoughtful people" should possess the true self and serve as sentient beings in the ten directions.

As for the weapon spirit, its birth is regarded as a "magical weapon mutation", allowing the owner to break up the spirit and restore its original appearance.

But if time passes and the weapon spirit becomes self-aware, it cannot be killed at will. The weapon spirit was born by seizing the monk's magic weapon, and should also repay the debt for his origin. Both parties can argue emotionally or transactionally.

In order to prevent weapon spirits from appearing on a large scale, Fu Henghua created a "forbidden spirit seal" to prevent the magic weapon from giving birth to spiritual wisdom.

Fu Henghua even set an example by stamping the Shenluo Heavenly Book and the Ten Thousand Gods Scroll with the forbidden spirit seal to prevent the birth of weapon spirits.

Of course, these two magic weapons themselves are too consistent with the Dao, and it is difficult to give birth to weapon spirits. Otherwise, as soon as the weapon spirit is born, it will have immortal qualities and be comparable to the ancient gods.

At the moment, the proposal held by Fu Pengming is the strategy of the instigator back then.

Create weapons of war and imbue them with intelligence. Rather than being controlled by a monk, wouldn't it be more convenient to let it rely on instinct to fight?

"This bastard is really the same as my brother! No wonder he likes him and regards him as one of the disciples of creation. Are you really not afraid of the 'weapon spirit rebellion' and a big crisis that will massacre the human race?"

Fu Pengming's face was full of disgust.

If Fu Henghua hadn't come forward to protect him, this Tao of Creation monk who pioneered the "Secret Method of Enlightening Spirits on a Large Scale" would have been beaten to death long ago.

Fu Pengming casually flipped through the strategies behind them, and threw them all to one side.

"A bunch of guys talking on paper, let me do it myself."


Three days later, ground cracks appeared in the Xizhou Sea and the Beizhou Sea at the same time, and the two demon gods from the Nine Earth Forces quickly rushed towards the west and north hurricane belts.

Fortunately, Fu Peng was prepared tomorrow morning. As soon as the demon army charged, all three thousand aurora towers in the western hurricane belt were lit up.

The Aurora Tower can exert the Tribulation Immortal-level Dao Light, and has now become the standard equipment of various sects in Donglai.

This time, in order to fight against the Nine Earth Demon God, all the weapon refiners and spiritual builders in Donglai worked hard to build it.

The Three Thousand Aurora Tower is the indiscriminate shooting of three thousand Tribulation Immortals.

As soon as the demon army rushed in front of them, they were engulfed by endless white light.

The five leading demon gods and more than ten tribulation demons stared blankly at the western city wall.

"Is Donglai crazy? Doesn't their Aurora Tower need to be recharged? Could it be that they have drawn out the spiritual veins of the entire Divine Continent for energy?"


The next moment, they saw the phantom of the Great Wilderness Ancient City appear. The energy of heaven and earth swarmed in, and the three thousand energy-depleted Aurora Towers were once again filled with Dao Gang.

Seeing the white light shining again, the demons trembled and hurried back to gather their troops.

The northern hurricane belt is another way of fighting.

Countless dragons and phoenixes were wandering around the city wall, watching the demon gods rubbing their eyes, fearing that they might be mistaken.

"Five thousand real dragons, three thousand phoenixes, and 4,800 unicorns? Are these things that should exist in the human world? Are you sure it's not the dojo of a certain enlightened person?"

In the north, the demons are beating drums in their hearts.

They had learned of the defeat of the other two parties. Although they felt that these beasts were a bit strange and their aura was very strange, they did not dare to step forward easily.

The moonlight suddenly flashed, and Dongfang Yunqi arrived with two heavenly demon elders.

"Everyone, let's fight."

The Ten Thousand Monsters flag waved, and the celestial light of the lunar calendar covered all the divine beasts and birds, causing their combat power to soar again.

All the beasts move together, and the dragon energy superimposes on each other, forming a dragon king that winds thousands of miles and drives wild waves. After the phoenix energy merged, the city wall seemed to come alive and became a part of the phoenix. The two wings vibrated, and the hurricane belt changed endlessly. Hua Yu tore apart the demons. There are also those unicorns that shuttle between the waves and hurricanes, constantly changing their shapes and colliding with the demonic army.

"The method of Taoist weapons? Can these divine beasts push their power to the level of immortals?"

The demon gods did not dare to stay long and hurried back to report to their superiors.

Dongfang Yunqi smiled slightly: "Brother Dao, that plan requires the dedication of countless demon gods, so please stay."

The flags swayed again, and the beasts became energetic and pounced directly on them.

These mythical beasts are similar to human Taoist soldiers, and they were deliberately prepared by Fu Henghua for the demon clan. He fabricated the phantoms of dragons and phoenixes and other mythical beasts, and let the golden elixir level monsters perform projection and fusion.

Although it is not comparable to the real mythical beast.

But with the power of the Great Wilderness Ancient City, the superimposed projections of thousands and thousands of divine beasts can even match the combat power of one or two demon gods.

Soon, the four northern demons were suppressed by the moonlight and dragged into the depths of the ocean by chains.

Because Zhuo Longfa was alone, he did not follow the Dark Sun army to fight in the south, but came to the north to serve as a liaison.

He saw with his own eyes a door emerging from the depths of the ocean. His face turned pale with fright, and he hurried back to report it.


The next day, the three demon armies began to attack again.

The purpose this time is naturally to test the things under the ocean.

When the three new demon god scapegoats were sent down by the three armies, they saw the light floating in the water, and a beautiful door rippling in the water.

The three new demon gods who were crammed are being pulled into the door by chains. The demon gods that were suppressed yesterday and the demon gods that were defeated and died some time ago are all bound around this door.

They were wailing and roaring, but a steady stream of creation was flowing through the door.

Thousands of auspicious energy, thousands of rays of light.

The wonderful energy of eternal life flows and changes, and dragons, phoenixes, turtles and lins guard the divine gate.

Spray beads and jade, radiant and colorful.

Immortal grass nourishes Miaoxuan, and the nectar of immortality splashes with jade sounds.

"The door to eternal...eternal life?"

Zhuolongfa trembled and said the name of the artifact in the ocean.

As the Nine Demon Gods, they have heard of it: there are true immortals, gods and demons who cannot find a way to achieve enlightenment in the future, so they simply sacrifice blood to all living beings and build a door to eternal life in order to achieve enlightenment.

Eternal life is the characteristic of the enlightened person.

"Donglai—Donglai plans to capture the devil to forge the door to eternal life?"

The demon gods are all angry!

They looked at the wailing companions under the door.

What kind of opportunity in Donglai Taoist world can make people realize the Tao.

This was clearly spread intentionally by Donglai!

Fake, all fake!

This is the bait of eternal life!

This is to use the power of our Nine Earth Demon Gods to create an opportunity for enlightenment!

Oh, indeed. Donglai has the opportunity to attain enlightenment, isn't it the door to eternal life?

A demon god couldn't bear it anymore and turned around and ran back.

"Damn Brother Donglai, you will suffer divine punishment!"

"Ha ha……"

Laughter floated in the water, and the ocean reflected a human face thousands of miles across.

"Now that you're here, don't leave."

Tianyan slowly opened his big mouth, and countless whirlpools circulated in the ocean, swallowing up the demon gods and pulling them into the door of eternal life.

Zhuo Longfa and several important officials of the dynasty had already fled immediately.

They stared at the door of eternal life with horrified expressions.

"No, something is still wrong. Why is it that what is reflected in this door is not the Taoist body of enlightenment, but a city?"

The ancient city is towering and majestic, displaying an eternal atmosphere that will never change throughout the ages.

"He...their Donglai monks want to let the 'Great Wilderness Ancient City' attain enlightenment?"


People can prove the Tao, demons can prove the Tao, and magic weapons can prove the Tao.

So the "Great Desert City" cannot achieve enlightenment?

If the Great Wilderness City can be proved to be the "Eternal Heavenly City", it will stand in the vast wilderness of the universe and will live forever.

So can Dahuang City also evolve into a gate to enlightenment?

This is the method Fu Henghua is using at the moment.

He evolved the Gate of Enlightenment in the Great Wilderness Ancient City, and called on the monks all over the world to make early preparations to build the immortal weapon "Gate of Eternal Life" and house it in the Great Wilderness Ancient City.

"No, not only that... There is a method of true and false yin and yang in the Donglai water. It seems that the Great Desolate Ancient City in the Eternal Life Gate under the water is the real one. Yes, this is the Taixuan School's two-yin reversal method. Let the "ancient city" that has not yet achieved enlightenment temporarily appear inside the gate. And evolve the mirror image inside the gate outside! The Great Desolate Ancient City we are attacking now is actually a reflection of the mirror image - so they can keep resurrecting?"

"But we can't attack underwater. If we want to reach the real Great Wilderness Ancient City, we can only break the 'Gate of Eternal Life'! Everyone, continue to summon the demon gods! I don't believe that we can't take down a mere city in the vast Nine Lands!"


The battle lasted twenty-five days.

Fifty demon gods have been suppressed at the Gate of Eternal Life.

The battle took place on the twenty-eighth day.

Seventy-five demon gods were brutally suppressed.

The 30th day of the war.

After the Dark Sun army suffered repeated setbacks, the triple great Lord of the Dark Sun finally arrived.

Two top demon gods have also arrived in the Rift Valley in the west and north. Although his aura is not as powerful as the Lord of the Dark Sun, he is still comparable to the demon gods of Nanli Sword Immortal and Taiyin Grandma.

At the same moment, a mysterious Taoist flower appeared over the southern hurricane belt.


Fu Henghua's current new favorite, the Ten Thousand Gods Scroll, has now fallen out of favor and is only used as a transformation tool for the evolution of Taoist soldiers.

"Your Majesty is finally here."

Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi appeared, followed by immortals.

The Lord of the Dark Sun was about to say a few words when he was interrupted by an immortal behind Fu Henghua.

"No need to talk about unnecessary nonsense. Why should we hand over the city lord and avoid a sword disaster... No one will listen to these deceptive bullshit, so let's just start fighting."

Mu Shansheng was eager to try, and Wanxiang Sword Immortal and Yuming Sword Immortal were not to be outdone. There are also the sword intentions of Fu Xuanxing, Fu Liuhui, Yu Xiaolei, Zhong Lihan and others...

The Lord of Dark Sun could not help but be surprised as he felt the true immortal sword intent one after another.

It is rumored that the Jindan Dao is booming in Donglai. Why are there so many attained swordsmen?

With the fighting power of the Sword Immortal...

With this group of swordsmen and Donglai's home court alone, it seems that the Dark Sun Dynasty can't get enough of it. Fortunately, fortunately, I have formed an alliance with the two great emperors this time.

"Both of you, come on together."

The Great Demon Emperor of the West took the lead, and the demonic fire from the Nine Lands burned blazingly in the hurricane belt.

The laws of the city wall gradually collapsed, and all the monks in the city perished.

The next moment, the moonlight floats. Dongfang Yunqi took the initiative to greet the Great Demon Emperor.

Fu Henghua, holding the "Yuan Dao Realm Flower", took the initiative to contain the Lord of the Dark Sun.

As for the other true immortals, they all faced the menacing Great Demon Emperor from the north.


The light is flying and the energy is sharp.

Fu Henghua held Daohua and fought with the Lord of the Dark Sun in the vast and boundless world of immortals.

Wherever the black light passes, time and space are shattered, and black holes suddenly appear. The frightening evil spirit spewed out in the heaven.

But when the immortal light from the Taoist world shines, all the evil spirits disappear, and the black hole is eliminated by the power of creation.

Fu Henghua smiled and said: "Dark sun, black hole... are quite appropriate!"

"You're not bad either." The Lord of the Dark Sun looked at his "other self" and was very satisfied.

Using his body as a container, I might be able to reach enlightenment.

"I will definitely win this battle."

The Lord of the Dark Sun is full of confidence.

It is true that Fu Henghua can hold him back, but how can the two great devil emperors take down those guys?

When the door to eternal life is broken and all your relatives and friends are dead, you will definitely be distracted, so how can you fight with me?

"Then let's wait and see?"

Fu Henghua was not annoyed at all by the Lord of the Dark Sun's idea of ​​stalling for time.

Standing at the entrance of the Holy Palace with a smile, overlooking the world.

In the north, under the fierce power of the Great Demon Emperor, the immortals retreated one after another. Many immortal families fell and died in the battle.

One day later, Dongfang Yunqi was also defeated. The two great demon emperors rushed into the sea and smashed the door of eternal life.

In the real ancient city of the wilderness, they saw the intact Dongfang Yunqi and other true immortals.

The Lord of the Dark Sun smiled and said: "How? Your mirror world has been destroyed by us, and the door to eternal life has also been shattered. Next..."

"Do you have any other masters at the level of the Great Demon Emperor next?"

Fu Henghua said calmly and threw the Yuandao World Flower.

The Gate of Eternal Life, which was originally broken and turned into sea water, suddenly reunited, and the Sacred Gate brutally suppressed the Demon Emperor of the West.

The other demon gods planned to save people, but countless chains were born in the ancient city of the wilderness, suppressing all the demon gods.

The Lord of the Dark Sun's eyelids twitched, and he seemed to realize that he was farther away from the two demon emperors.

as if……

He saw that the world of immortals was shrinking. And a new door to eternal life appeared outside the world.

He flew into the gate of eternal life together with the ancient city of the wilderness.

No, this is a painting!

There is a gate of eternal life in the painting, and there is a vast ancient city inside the gate.

This picture measures the universe and encapsulates the entire Donglai world!

"How is that possible? How many layers did you apply?"

The Demon Emperor of the West was suppressed by Minato, and his destiny was quickly absorbed by the second gate of immortality. The strength gap with Dongfang Yunqi is gradually narrowing. But in the end, it was the tyrannical top demon god who finally shattered Minato and led a group of demon gods to continue the attack.

Another day.

The second door of eternal life is broken.

Ji Mingfeng vomited blood and stepped forward to take away his natal spiritual map.

Ji Mingfeng entered Taoism through painting, and at that time planned to calligraphy and painting of the four seas. Over the years, under the influence of Fu Henghua's role model, he naturally set his sights on the entire Donglai world.

After the catastrophe, he successfully completed the painting of the Great Wilderness Ancient City and was promoted to True Immortal.

He used his own Tao map to evolve the Gate of Eternal Life, subverting the real ancient city into a deeper dimension.

The Yuandao Realm Flower flew into Ji Mingfeng's hands.

His injuries healed instantly.


The broken Dao Diagram was restored again, and turned into a Gate of Eternal Life to suppress the Great Demon Emperor of the West.

"You're done!"

The Great Demon Emperor was so frightened and furious that he manifested the magic of heaven and earth to resist.

At this time, Dongfang Yunqi and others appeared from the deeper part of the ancient city of Dahuang and continued the siege.

He still gave up the Northern Demon Emperor and fought against the Western Demon Emperor with all his strength.

And the Lord of the Dark Sun, Fu Henghua, followed the Celestial Realm and entered the next gate of eternal life.

This move made the Lord of the Dark Sun frown frequently, and he inevitably became suspicious.

I can't tangle with him anymore, I have to help, otherwise...


The Five Elements Mountains are rising one after another. Although Fu Henghua does not have the help of Jie Hua. But in the three-acre territory of Donglai, can't we hold back the Lord of the Dark Sun?

This delay lasted five days.

The Great Northern Demon Emperor led twenty demon gods to crush the ancient city of the wilderness and saw a new gate to eternal life.

This is a palace gate made with the method of spiritual construction.

The door is open, and there is a vast ancient city inside.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Watching the third Gate of Eternal Life continue to target the Western Demon Emperor, the Northern Demon Emperor hesitated.

And there are not many demon gods left behind him.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, we don't have many people left."

"I understand."

At this moment, he didn't have much energy to continue fighting.

But after breaking three eternal doors one after another, if we retreat now - wouldn't all our previous efforts be wasted?

At this time, the flames rose. The Great Wilderness Ancient City turned into a gate of eternal life, and a new Great Wilderness Ancient City appeared inside the door.

There's no way to win.

The demon gods felt extremely desperate.

At this time, the power of the Western Demon Emperor has been infinitely weakened, and he cannot even break free from the third Gate of Eternal Life.

When the Boundary Flower flew into Dongfang Yunqi's hands, she turned into a moon star with one palm and smashed the Demon Emperor's true body into pieces.

Under that door, a struggling and roaring thousand-armed demon god appeared.


Heavenly world.

Fu Henghua confronted the Lord of the Dark Sun and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, do you want to continue fighting? There are still nine more castles to go. We have plenty of time."

A total of twelve gates to eternal life?

The Lord of the Dark Sun broke into a cold sweat.

How to fight this?

Is Donglai actually so strong?

He suppressed his fear, glanced at the battle outside the gate of eternal life, and said coldly.

"This is just a trick. Although your methods can fight ordinary demons, when faced with the impending enlightenment, a being like me - as long as twelve people come here, you can completely crush your ancient city."

"Then you come." Fu Henghua said with a smile, "If we can't defeat him then, I will run away."

After a pause, he sighed again: "Actually, I really hope you can come. At worst, I'll take Donglai away, or just clear it and start over -"

I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I never had a suitable excuse.

The Dark Sun Demon God was startled, could this immortal saint be so ruthless?

Suddenly, he saw Dongfang Yunqi rushing to support Jie Hua, and happened to hear these words.

The female cultivator took out a dragon whip and pretended to hit people.

"Senior Mu has said that if you dare to act recklessly, I will whip you with it."

"Hey, hey, hey - don't be ridiculous, I'm just having a friendly conversation with this fellow Taoist. Look, we haven't had a fight in a few days, how harmonious are we?

"Besides, if Donglai is destroyed, I will pretend to take away the mark of Dahuang City and leave. This is the last resort. Even if we don't tell others, others won't know? You and I still have to imitate birds and bury our heads in the sand. "

"There are just a few hundred demon gods, why should you and I be afraid of them?"

Fu Henghua's plan was arrogant, but after careful consideration, Dongfang Yunqi realized that it was indeed possible.

War feeds war.

As the Demon God is captured and the Gate of Eternal Life is forged, the power of the ancient city of Wilderness will become stronger and stronger.

Perhaps, it is really possible to turn the Great Wilderness Ancient City into an eternal city in this nine-land war.

Of course, to make this plan now, we still need a helper.

Dongfang Yunqi looked at the Lord of the Dark Sun and silently cut off his retreat.

Fu Henghua took out a coffin at this time.

This contains his fourth transformation of creation.

"Fellow Taoist, let's make a deal. I'll help you shed your demon body, restore your true form as a sun god, and help you prove the Tao. And you..."

"You want me to help you recruit people from the Nine Lands to feed the demon gods in your ancient city?"


"I won't agree to it."

Henghua raised his brows and looked at the Lord of the Dark Sun, whose expression was filled with emotion.

"Unless you impose conditions."

Fu Henghua made a listening gesture, and the Lord of the Dark Sun said solemnly.

"Release all the suppressed people of the Dark Sun Dynasty. Otherwise, I will die with you, and I will never help you deceive the Nine Earth Demon God."

 It was only when I was writing this chapter that I realized that when I traveled to various continents in the previous article, the plot of a continent was missing, right?

  On a certain immortal continent trained and guided by Taoist Tianbao, that cultivation civilization worked together to build the door to eternal life in order to achieve transcendence.

  Go back and make up for the previous mistakes when you have time.



(End of this chapter)

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