
Chapter 857 Future Stone

Chapter 857 Future Stone (Finale)

After the dirty high-level deal, the invasion war in nine places entered a stalemate.

The Lord of the Dark Sun escaped from the ancient city of Dahuang, and used all his power to offer a reward, luring the demon gods from the first three places to besiege the city.

Outside the hurricane belt of the four seas, cracks and rifts were formed one after another, and the demon gods came to the world with their families.

But not long after, a demon god was suppressed by the Gate of Eternal Life, further enhancing the heritage of the ancient city of Great Wilderness.

However, because he acted too ostentatiously, he attracted the attention of important figures in the Nine Lands.

"Haha - do you really think we are fools!" The Demon Gods of Zhengdao roared in the dark land.

"The alien sun falling from the sky cannot be trusted after all." The Eclipse Demon Lord looked at the fifth layer in disgust.

Among the heavily obscured magic light, there is a bit of pure twilight surrounding the "Coffin of Creation". The sun disk is restoring the body of the sun god relying on the remains of creation.

Even the Demon Lord was vaguely aware that when the Lord of the Dark Sun took action, there seemed to be a God King acting secretly to protect this transaction.

No, the fact that Fu Henghua dared to propose such a deal probably had something to do with the Ancient God. Did he deliberately use the "Lord of the Dark Sun" to bring down the ancient gods and act as a protective umbrella for the Great Desert City?

"Teach them a lesson, especially Fu Henghua... His current strength can be used as a sacrifice to the 'Great God'."

If the "Master of the Universe" wants to move, he needs "creation" as firewood fuel. In addition to Fu Henghua, other monks who practice the Tao of Creation are also targets.

However, due to Fu Henghua, Donglai has numerous creation monks, and many of them are talented and intelligent people, so they are naturally the targets of the demon gods.

"Let's wait a little longer. There are many 'seedlings' in Donglai and they need to be raised."

Killing the Donglai monk now would only yield one Fu Henghua and a group of incomplete seedlings. But waiting for one or two calamities might yield more fruits.

"Even if we don't kidnap Fu Henghua right away, we still have to teach him a long lesson. He can't bully my Nine Earth Gods and Demons like this."

After the intense exchange of divine consciousness, the power of a demonic demon rose from the ninth place and quickly descended on the first place.


"Fu Henghua, something happened!"

Dark Sun Lord quick contact.

Henghua opened his eyes from the cloud seat and looked at a small flame in front of him.

"Your Excellency has recovered the Golden Flame of the Morning Light. It will be only a matter of time before you regain the Golden Flame of the Bright Sun. Congratulations!"

"Thanks to your creation, you are worthy of being a master who is proficient in resurrecting the dead - not to mention this, if there are enlightened people from the nine places coming to the first place, I am afraid they will have to deal with the ancient city of Dahuang personally."

Henghua raised his eyebrows slightly, stood up, walked down from the cloud seat, and came to the door step by step.

"Do you know which crack it comes from?"

"I don't know. But He has ordered all the demon gods to dig out the 'hole' and build a blood sacrifice altar in the human world so that their true form can come to the human world."

"Then...do you know who it is?"

"King Numamu of the Eighth Land."

The Lord of the Dark Sun named something, Heng Hua felt something in his heart, and saw the liquid squirming in the dark world.

The twisted body has no head or tail, and countless divine eyes are slightly closed, letting out a little light.

Suddenly, several eyes noticed Henghua prying and opened them leisurely.

The aura of decay mixed with the wonderful aura of immortality. In each eye, Fu Henghua saw the "Gate of Eternal Life" that Donglai was currently building.

Each eye of this enlightened man is a miniature door to eternal life.

And those countless eyes unite together to form a real door to eternal life.

King Numamu achieved enlightenment by casting the Door of Eternal Life.

If you want to kill Him, you must blind all the eyes at the same time and completely destroy the door of eternal life in his body.

This is an enlightened person approaching the highest heaven.

After just walking in the Fire Lotus Secret Realm, Fu Henghua relied on the experience of the Ancient God of Creation, so he was not too surprised by a enlightened person.

In that simulated illusion, he beat countless enlightened people to death.

"It's just a preacher - don't worry, he can't shake the desert city."

The sun moved slightly, and the Dark Sun Demon God seemed to realize something: "Can you invite Taoist Saint Taixuan down?"

Henghua smiled and said nothing, looking at Dahuang City with his hands behind his hands.

The Great Desert City is his highest-level creation today. All the knowledge he has learned throughout his life and the techniques of the six cultivation civilizations are integrated here.

Dahuang City can be regarded as both the embodiment of the law and a magic weapon. A formation that has thousands of Taoist imprints and can cast any Taoist or Immortal magic at will.

The breeze overflowed from the body and flew towards the deserted city below.

In the human palace, the emperor and empress were admiring flowers in the lotus pond.

"I don't know if Father and the others will be able to fight smoothly."

"Father has his own plans. Let's take care of the logistics and arrange the fireworks display."

Mobilizing the power of the three realms to defend against external enemies naturally requires the help of the Fu family dynasty. However, their combat power is of no help to the overall situation. They mostly deal with logistical work behind the scenes and guard against the evil spirits causing trouble and confusing people's hearts.

However, the whole of Donglai didn't know that they were so careful to guard against the demon. But the demon from outside the territory had no intention of coming to Dahuang City.

A terrifying and evil shadow shrouds the ancient city of the wilderness. Which demon who doesn't have eyesight dares to come here stupidly?

Do you think that person's experimental materials are gone and you plan to donate them yourself? Or are you tired of living and planning to find that person to commit suicide?

In short, the Donglai cultivation world's twelve sets of stability maintenance plans for internal design arrangements are destined to fail.

The emperor and empress now have a very leisurely life, admiring flowers and fish every day, and doing a little bit of government affairs.

The breeze blew by without causing any turmoil, and then he patrolled the world to inspect the "Fufeng Formation" in Dahuang City.



Fu Henghua stood in the ancient city of Dahuang, carefully sensing the traces of time brought by the wind.

A round of moonlight descends gracefully.

He slowly opened his eyes: "Congratulations." He looked at Dongfang Yunqi, who was like a girl next door.

"Now that you have attained Dao Hengyue, what are your thoughts?"

Dongfang Yunqi smiled gently: "Everyone in the world knows that the majesty of the saint is unattainable, but they don't know the truth that 'the Tao is invisible, and the saint only does ordinary things'."

He laughs, laughs, and laughs, just like the kind people next door.

Because all things are happy, because all things are sad.

It's just that you don't pay attention to all kinds of emotions and act according to the way.

Fu Henghua put his palms together and praised: "Very good, very good. Only with a normal heart can we see the true way."

After attaining enlightenment, Fu Henghua also communicated with many seniors.

I found that everyone's fighting was only superficial.

In addition to some irreconcilable major conflicts such as the Holy Demon camp, the battle for overlord, and the war between heaven and earth. There will be no small conflicts among the enlightened ones. Nor will they fight over mere superficiality and fight to the death, causing the world to fall apart.

To use the words of my ancestors: a group of great existences that are self-sufficient and created from the void. In order to arrange the order of a seat, you step on me, I slap you, and the world is full of chaos. That's just a fight between gangsters. What kind of fight for enlightenment is that?


Dongfang Yunqi achieved enlightenment, and Henghua held a banquet in the Holy Palace to celebrate the birth of the third enlightened person in the ancient city of Dahuang.

The Three Saints of the Wilderness can also protect themselves in this already chaotic chaos of heaven and earth.

Three days later, leaving Fu Xuanxing on guard outside, the two quietly sneaked into the Nine Worlds.

Henghua's memory about the Fire Lotus Secret Realm was completely revived, and the most impressive and important piece of information was the place of origin.

The original hill, the primordial hill, the umbilical cord of the universe...

There are various theories about this, full of mystery and magic. For the Creation lineage, this is obviously a top priority.

He and Dongfang Yunqi walked carefully, avoiding the eyes of all the enlightened people, and finally arrived at the place of origin nine days later.

"It's strange, the place of origin is of great importance, why are there not a few powerful people in charge?" Dongfang Yunqi looked confused.

Not only was there no guard in the place of origin, but all the supreme heavens in the ninth place were absent.

She was about to discuss it with Fu Henghua, but she saw Fu Henghua standing still, looking up at a building in the place of origin.

The altar was completely dark, as if it had been burned by calamity fire, and gave off an aura of death.

Looking up at the nine-story high altar, Fu Henghua felt happy and sad at times.

He finally understood.

Why is it that after the Ancient God of Creation left, no new powerful Ancient God of Creation was born in this universe?

Dongfang Yunqi followed his gaze.

A confused and lifeless little man was walking out from the bottom of the altar to the platform.

Raging flames surged around the altar, constantly burning "His" body.

When he reached the ninth level of the high platform, "He" was knocked down by invisible force. A magic knife symbolizing destruction was stabbed, and the internal organs were cut out bit by bit.

Then the eyes, limbs... and finally the head was chopped off to complete a sacrifice.

The corpse fell on the top of the altar, and the wind blew from all directions. The corpse turned into balls of good fortune and flowed into the grooves of the altar, lighting up the totems engraved on the altar one by one.

At that time, a ball of light and shadow fell from the top of the altar back to the bottom. The confused villain appeared again and continued to climb to the height of the altar.

Week after week, there is constant death and rebirth. Every time the altar is lit and moved, a massive amount of creation energy flows from the place of origin into the world.

"Compassion, compassion... I am not as good as that." Fu Henghua bowed deeply to the high platform, and without hesitation, Fu Henghua immediately turned around and left.

Dongfang Yunqi could see his shaking shoulders and quickly caught up with him.

Henghua looked horrified, having glimpsed the mystery of his own death from the "place of origin".

Although I can't understand how I died.

But he knew why he died.

When the Ancient God of Creation transcended, he fought with the Emperor Yan of the Nine Earths, and eventually the universe was destroyed, and he had to use his great supernatural powers to resurrect all things.

But the scale of the resurrection of the Ancient God of Creation was too great.

In order to bring life back to the destroyed universe, he had to use the "new ancient god of creation" as a sacrifice and turn it into a villain under the altar.

It circulates once every week and is called one year old.

And when the "little man of creation" walked from the bottom of the altar to the high place and sacrificed his life once, it was exactly when he was one year old.

In the coming new year, the laws of nature will reshape a villain and continue to move from the foot of the altar to the heights.

The continuation of the world is the continuous birth and death of little creatures.

Resurrection, resurrection from the dead.

This power from the side of creation was transformed by the "Ancient God of Creation" into the foundation for the existence of the universe.

But what if the system collapses?

Does that mean a new Lord of Creation will be needed to fill in?

The great crisis of the destruction of the universe is exactly caused by the lack of successors on the side of creation!

In the near future, there will be a problem with the Origin Altar, and I should sacrifice myself to repair the altar again.

Of course, he also understood: the most powerful people should have known the truth about the place of origin. Therefore, they are all waiting for a master of creation.

Only those who practice the Way of Creation can repair the miracles left by the "Ancient God of Creation" and allow the universe to continue.

This move seems to be very unfriendly to the "future Lord of Creation" and treats him as a victim.

But which one, the Taoist or the Great Master, has not come up from the human world through countless calamities, and which one is not the master who knows everything about accidents?

Shouting that heaven and earth are the most important, then he sits back and dominates, pushing others to sacrifice. This is not their character and it is not in line with their ways.

Before the sacrifice of the Taoist Master, the Taoists had already prepared a rescue strategy.

Didn’t you see that the position of “Ancestor of Creation” has been arranged?

Die once, then become the Taoist ancestor and become the first person in the universe.

Who can say that this is a way to harm others?

Senior Hunyuan is eager to be freed.

"Creation repairs the sky, and the body conforms to the Tao. I will not die by then, but will become the new Taoist ancestor. But -"


I am arrogant and arrogant. Why should I follow the path set by you? Can't I fight for another chance of survival?

We must not only restore the "miracle of the ancient gods of creation", but also try to survive, and even more, we must transcend.

Since... we also need... and even more...

At the same time, we have to help the seniors loosen their ties. It is not impossible to consider replacing someone as the Taoist ancestor.

Perhaps it would not be impossible to change the tradition left by Xing Zun and further delegate the authority of Dao Ancestor...

Whoosh - the wind from the past blows by.

Fu Henghua raised his head and looked back at the time, then shook his head slightly.

"I shouldn't have used this sword."

With a click of a finger, the wind flies towards the more distant future.



Mud spewed crazily from the cracks in the ground, and eyes followed the mud to the human world.

The magic pupils shot out countless phantom evil lights, and the sea water and rocks in front of them all turned into a quagmire. "It's been so many years since I've been here."

King Numamu struggled to expand the passage and squeezed his body into the human world.

It’s too troublesome and uncomfortable…

How big is the body of an enlightened demon?

That is no longer something that can be described by just one continent or one ocean...

When the aura of the enlightened person appeared near Donglai, all headquarters sounded the highest alarm at the same time.

The true immortals gathered in the Holy Palace, waiting for Fu Henghua's decision.

"It's something you can expect, just prepare for it."

The experience of the Fire Lotus Secret Realm made his vision become more and more transcendent, and he thought about the evolution of the ancient city from a macro perspective overlooking the universe.

He knew that there were many beings behind the scenes pushing him, and they would not allow anything to happen to him at this time.

However, Fu Henghua does not intend to be a mascot that can be protected by others.

He had arranged the means to deal with the enlightened ones in advance.

There is no need for outsiders to protect you, just look at the future of Dahuang Ancient City.


boom! Boom! ! Bang bang bang! ! !

Gorgeous fireworks sparkle in the night of Dongnae.

"Daddy, look, she's so beautiful!"

"Slow down..." A father and daughter walked on the busy street, looking at the dazzling colorful fireworks.

"Just swear with a grand fireworks..." A couple held hands and promised good wishes for the future.

"Quick, everyone, come out and take a look -" In the deserted mountain forest, the goblins ran around each other, and then gathered on the mountain to watch.

There were also young disciples left behind from various major sects who also came out to watch the fireworks that covered the entire Donglai.

"Are these...surely fireworks? Aren't they the traces of the battle of the ancestors?"

"Of course, these are definitely fireworks. If I read correctly, this should be the fireworks spell produced by the Holy Palace. The one who created it himself..."


Imperial City.

The emperor and empress hugged each other on the Bajing Tower, silently activating the yin and yang talismans in their bodies.

The treasure created by Fu Xuanhe and passed down to King Yi, and later passed down to the royal family, glowed with its divine power at this moment.

The combination of yin and yang, the energy of Taihe swept across Donglai, and with the help of this grand fireworks, the will of all living beings was gathered and injected into the Heavenly Pillar of Humanity.


Immediately afterwards, the earth and heaven also responded, and the Tianzhu penetrated the three realms and once again embodied the ancient city of Dahuang.

At this moment, the ancient city of Dahuang is like a spiritual altar. The wind continuously penetrates into the sky, opening up an unpredictable channel.

King Numamu moved his body with difficulty, and Nanzhou and Beihai had been completely swallowed up by his body. The southern hurricane belt and the Nanhai were smashed into a huge gap.

The demon squirmed extremely fast, swallowing up the South China Sea and reaching the shores of Kyushu in a few moments.

Countless eyes looked at the vortex of wind flowing through the sky, and he felt an inexplicable feeling of panic.

"The breath of enlightenment? Which enlightenment person wants to take action?"

In order to allow themselves to take action, the Nine Demon Gods ran in various directions to stop all possible beings such as the Ancestral Court of Humanity, Tai Xuantian, the Alliance of Saints, and the Ancient Gods.

Moreover, he attaches great importance to the variable Fu Henghua. It is not a new enlightened person who comes, but an existence like himself who is about to enter the highest heaven.

Can Fu Henghua defeat himself? Doesn't that mean there is a Supreme Being? If you can bring out a Supreme Being, why not admit defeat?

But - apart from that, what other trump card does Donglai have that can make him feel uneasy?

"There can't be some old unlucky guy who is unwilling to endure the pain of sitting around and is ready to break his own rules and help Donglai Shenzhou, right?"

While the demon was thinking, a sword light suddenly flashed in the Jiudu Fufeng Passage.

One sword stunned time and shocked the nine heavens and ten earths.

It was a sword that spanned the past and the future.

Countless Taoist masters who were trying to restrain each other gave up and turned their attention to Donglai.

A sword cuts across the ages, cutting off the sword from the distant future.

Before King Numamu could fight back, he was wiped out by the light of the sword.

The three realms lost their voice, and countless powerful people adjusted their plans for Donglai.

The most powerful ones kept it secret, and had already discovered the essence of that sword.

Patriarch Hunyuan sat in the Taoist Palace, stroking his chin and thinking: "Crossing dimensions, connecting the past and the future, there are traces of the old demon Zhuyin. I think the deal this kid negotiated after he became enlightened was to comply with the destiny. Let this A sword appeared in the past smoothly?"

Since it was an act in compliance with the laws of heaven, the Patriarch would naturally not interfere.

As for interfering in the past in the future, will there be any troublesome effects...

No matter how many calamities the old demon Zhuyin endured, he would be fine. A mere sword light would naturally be fine.


"Everyone who has attained the Dao will attain it once and for all. They must fix their own time to ensure that others cannot go back in time and kill their past bodies. What's more, the supreme heavens have already had a tacit understanding. How can they wantonly disrupt the order of time and space? Even if there is Can the Lord Zhu Yin Tian be so unscrupulous in the future? Why do the future me and the other Supreme Heavens acquiesce?"

Countless eyes looked at the long river of time, and the long river remained as they had foreseen, without any abnormalities.


This is the biggest problem!

King Numamu could clearly see his future for a long time, so why did he suddenly die suddenly?

"Is there something wrong with the river of time in the future?"

The beings in heaven all thought of this.

The demon gods underground looked embarrassed, and they all looked at each other, quite at a loss.

The face of the "God of the Universe" at their center has become increasingly clear. So they understand that the reason why the long river of time has changed is why they use this big killer weapon to break the situation.

The Lord of Conspiracy, the Lord of Si You, the Lord of Hiding... Under the cover of a large group of supreme heavens from the Nine Earths, outsiders cannot see the shocking changes in the future.

So, King Numamu was indirectly tricked by them?


Now, Donglai Tianxian Realm.

Dongfang Yunqi sat on the jade chair, smiled slightly and said: "Fortunately, there was no glitch in the whole process this time, and it was all under our control. Finally, unexpected situations no longer occurred, requiring someone to dance with the blade, and win in danger. ”

From the beginning to the end, the Two Saints plan, including the arrival of the enlightened person, and the involvement of various forces in the sky and the earth against...

Fu Xuanxing was quite puzzled and looked at the atmosphere gradually dissipating.

The traces of that sword in the future have not completely faded away.

Solemn, transcendent, sacred...

Full of supreme restraint against demons and devils.

He couldn't help but ask: "Sister Dongfang, was that sword struck by Brother Six?"

Dongfang Yunqi shook her head silently.

"I only know that he evolved formations in the Holy Palace, used the Fufeng secret method to go back in time, reversed the mystery of Yin and Yang, twisted the past into the future, and borrowed power from the future. But I don't know which enlightened person he borrowed the power from."

Taixuan's destiny-reverse technique, Jiudu Fufeng technique...

Fu Henghua perfectly combined the power of Fufeng Taoism and Taixuan Taoism this time, which is also a medium in itself.

Ouyang Ziming smiled and said: "I have seen that formation method before, and it needs a medium to guide me. The person who proves the Tao must come from Donglai, must be in my generation, and must be a person from Fufeng and Taixuan. Even if he is not the world brother, he is Another fellow Taoist?"


The stone forest behind Tianluo Palace.

Fu Henghua stood in front of the stubborn stone again, quietly looking at this "ordinary" fairy stone.

"not me."

That sword had the flavor of the Fu family's swordsmanship, but it was not his own.

However, the inspiration given to myself in the future has been accomplished.

First, he used stones to patch the sky, and then he vaguely revealed the truth about a future transaction to deceive Daozu.

In the future, I can hide in this stone and survive my death.


Distant future.

The second-generation Great Wilderness City Lord quietly watched the passage gradually dissipate.

"So it was me who struck this sword?"

He turned around and looked at the "immortal stone" in front of him: "Brother Six, is this your plan?"

As usual, Xianshi didn't respond.

The young man sighed quietly and got up to inspect Donglai.

Seven catastrophes have passed since the establishment of Dahuang City, and three catastrophes have passed since Mending Tian. Not to mention that Donglai is empty, the power of the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is also completely empty.

From time to time, he would think distressedly: The big guys are sleeping now. There is only one enlightened person in the entire universe. Is this considered a different kind of Taoist ancestor?

But when he thought about Sixth Brother's amazing magic pen, dragging all the enlightened people to sleep, he felt extremely aggrieved.

What, am I not a enlightened person?

Do you understand the preciousness of the only supreme heaven and master of Tai Xuantian today?

Why are you leaving me alone outside? It's so boring...

In his wild thoughts, he came to a mountain village.

Under the big banyan tree, an old man was telling his grandson the legend of mending the sky.

"At that time, the four poles were ruined and the nine states were split. The sky tilted to the northwest and the earth sank to the southeast. The fire was blazing but never quenched, and the water was vast and never stopped. Sage Futian used his body to refine stones and mend the sky..."

The grandson listened to the story obsessively and scratched the old man's beard.

"Later... later."

"Later, the hole in the sky was closed, and the universe that had fallen into darkness regained its light. The saint was like a dazzling sun, bringing new life to the dead world. But..."

The old man paused: "After the saint transformed into the sun and illuminated the world, all the disputes disappeared. Feeling the saint's benevolence and righteousness, the former enemies put aside their grudges one after another, walked into the sun hand in hand, and became part of the sun..."

The young man listened silently, complaining crazily in his heart.

Does that mean letting go of grudges?

It was Brother Six who forced everyone to go to the place of origin to work. Forcibly tiring all the Supreme Beings and those who have attained enlightenment into a deep sleep. Even Patriarch Hunyuan hasn't woken up yet.

"Then...will the sun change back?"

"Of course. One day, when the saint's power is restored, he can create a new sun by himself and bring everyone back together."

"Grandpa, who did you hear this story from?"

"This is what my grandfather said, and his grandfather told him. And this story... was originally told to our ancestors by the city lord."

I didn't, it's not me, don't talk nonsense. It's difficult for me to be the city lord. I don't want to wait for those big guys to come back and come to beat me one by one!

The young man grimaced and complained silently.

But then I thought about it, when those people come back, will they settle the score with me?

Shouldn't you settle the score with them yourself? Asking for wages for these three tribulations?

I am not the Taoist ancestor, but I do the work of the Taoist ancestor to maintain the universe.

He is not a god king, but he has to maintain the interests of all the ancient gods.

He is not a demon, but he wants to protect the Nine Earth World and help repair the shattered Nine Earth crust.

He is not the human ancestor, the dragon ancestor, or the phoenix ancestor... but he wants to protect the ocean, build the divine state, and help multiply all the races in the sky...

Thinking of his hard work during these three calamities, he silently shed bitter tears.

He seemed to have experienced the feeling of "The Patriarch of Hunyuan".

He seriously suspected that the reason why the founder didn't show up now was definitely not because he didn't wake up, but because he didn't want to work.

"Hey - when will you wake up?"


In the back garden of the city lord's mansion, a three-foot-six-foot fairy stone shone with a fairy light, and then disappeared again.

The moonlight was shining down, and it seemed like I heard a burst of laughter.

If you put it inside the fairy stone, you can see a holy fetus of creation. There is a baby in the womb holding the universe, and there is immeasurable divinity in that universe. Not only are Fu Henghua's transformed people from Journey to the West, there are also a group of sleeping enlightened ones in the three realms of the game.

What? wake up?

There is no need to think about the joy here.

 Well, the main text is over, and there are three chapters of postscript.

  They are the Great Mother Goddess of the Universe chapter, the chapter on mending the sky and transforming the sun, and the chapter on hard-working workers (to be determined).

  The first chapter "The Great Mother Goddess of the Universe" will probably be uploaded on the 19th.

  Don’t worry, the postscript will tell about Henghua’s process of mending the sky and his new improvement plan for the position of Dao Ancestor.



(End of this chapter)

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