
Chapter 88 Plan to Eliminate Wei Thief, 5 Elements to Town Tianyuan

Chapter 88 Plan to Eliminate Wei Thieves, Five Elements Town Tianyuan ([-])
Wei Zhiwen was walking through the Luoshu Jiugong Bureau.

In Kun Palace, the two mountains face each other, and all the breath is gone.

But Wei Zhiwen felt a trace of golden elixir in Erkun Mountain.

"It's the turtle spirit—yes, this island was transformed from the burial turtle reef. Those old turtles that are dying are all here."

Therefore, Wei Zhiwen tried to communicate with the old turtle at the foot of the mountain.

But the black turtle ignored it and slept peacefully.

After watching it, Wei Zhiwen came to Dui Palace.

Pei Su performed the exercises alone on the stage, Wei Zhiwen observed carefully, but still did not dare to approach.He sensed an aura faintly emanating from the audience.

"I can't use the technique of reckoning now. But my spiritual sense tells me that if I trouble him in the past, I may be seriously injured."

The Wei family and the Fu family are both bloodlines passed down from Fufeng Immortal Palace.The talents inherited from the ancestors of the two families are similar, but with the help of different spiritual veins and environments, the talents are different.

The Wei family lost Fengyu and Longyan, but they could communicate with beasts.

There is no sword bone passed down by the Fu family for three generations, but there is a "Strong Dragon Elephant" that can carry a thousand weights.

Does not have the perception of wind, but has the ability to identify the road.

Lost the "Tiantong Huixin", but has a keen sense of seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

Wei Zhiwen "returns to heaven" with the help of spiritual veins, and his awakened talent is to "seek good fortune and avoid evil".

As the Luo Palace situation was running, he felt that the fierceness was gradually emerging.The reason why he didn't stay in Li Palace for a long time was that he sensed the threat of death and left Zhou Xiao wisely.

Leaving from Dui Palace and coming to Qian Palace, the ominous omen gradually faded away.

"Dui Gong, there really is a trap for me."

After looking at the Qian Palace, he turned around and turned the four palaces of Kan, Gen, Zhen and Xun again.

Although he saw the situation of Wei Zhihe and Wei Chongxian, he did not intervene rashly.

Because from time to time, he felt a little crisis.

"The source of the crisis is in the middle palace?"

The operation of the spiritual sense can not only sense threats from the middle palace, but also sense opportunities.

It seems that here, there is the possibility of going further?

Fu Henghua sat on the middle peak, holding a tortoise shell to control the formation.

He silently watched Wei Zhiwen's actions, and finally saw Wei Zhiwen stop at Xun Palace.

Beside, Fu Xuanxing asked: "Do you think he will come in?"

"The Five Elements Mountain is not only the place where he is destined to die, but it is also an opportunity for him to comprehend the 'Five Elements Escape'. If he can survive, he will definitely be able to cultivate the great supernatural powers of the Five Elements.

"Between five and five, so he will definitely come in."

Fu Henghua wanted to wave his fan out of habit.In the middle of the movement, he shook the whisk regretfully, and he assumed a posture of being a master.

"Even if he doesn't want to come in, there's a bunch of bait from the Wei family, so he can't help it."

After the group of Wei Family's Foundation Establishment cultivators entered the formation, they were shot by Fu Xuanxing into the Nine Dragon Pool under Zhongfeng.

Nine Dragon Pool, that is the death place where Fu Henghua's father failed to pass, and exhausted all the secret treasures for his life.

Although after being broken and re-established, the power of Nine Dragon Pool is weakened.But it's not like this group of Wei family monks can come out easily.

Longye stood aside with a few survivors of Zixuan, took out the talisman crossbow borrowed from Bao's family, and pointed it at the monks in the Nine Dragon Pool.


The talisman arrows swished into the Nine Dragon Pool, and the monks inside hurriedly used magic weapons to resist.

At this time, dragon chant resounded in Jiulongchi, and nine eyeless dragons slowly began to move.

In Los Angeles, hundreds of thousands of innocent souls rushed out.

There were screams in the pool one after another, and when Wei Zhiwen arrived, the group of Foundation Establishment cultivators had been bitten into bones.

Wei Zhiwen's face changed drastically, seeing countless wronged souls wandering around, tearing the souls of the clansmen who had come out of the body to pieces.

His eyes were blazing: "You evil obstacles! If I knew it earlier, I should have wiped out the souls of you ants!"

The magic banner unfolded, and the three thousand blood god sons rushed towards the innocent soul.


Taiyin Zhenshui fell from the sky, Jiuyin Teng was sensed, and made a dragon snake net to block the blood god son.

"Senior of the Wei family, what are you doing with a group of mortal souls? If you have the ability, come and break my Nine Palace Formation. The middle palace is the eye of the formation."

Hearing the voice on Zhongfeng, Wei Zhiwen sneered.

A yellow light appeared behind him, and he rushed to the top of the middle peak wrapped in a jade ruler.

To deal with a mere foundation-building cultivator, do you still need the deity?

The jade ruler was blocked by a big golden hand.

Wei Zhiwen was stunned when he saw the golden puppet next to the young man.


The golden puppet held the jade ruler and forcibly threw it to the foot of the mountain.

Wei Zhiwen escaped with earth, looking at the majestic golden puppet on the top of the mountain.

From the body of the golden puppet, he felt a trace of the five elements.

"Could it be that this is my chance?"

While the spiritual sense is crazily warning, it tells that the opportunity is here.

"Senior, please enlighten me."

Fu Henghua urged the golden puppet given by Zhou Xiao to activate the spiritual veins under the five peaks of the Zhonggong.

"Five Elements Mountain Method."

The puppet grows against the wind, and in a blink of an eye it is as high as the five peaks.The five elements in the body burst out, and there was a beam of light on each of the tops of the five peaks soaring into the sky.

"The Treasure of the Five Elements?"

Wei Zhiwen immediately noticed the change in vitality around him.All the energy of the five elements was sucked away by the five mountains.

"Is this the 'Five Elements Way' to isolate me?"

The golden puppet's hands turned into two "Five Elements Mountain Techniques", attacking Wei Zhiwen left and right.

Wei Zhiwen sneered, and with a light flick of his sleeves, the five-colored haze supported the Wuxingshanfa that was closed left and right.

"Dare to play the five elements in front of me? Even if your grandfather Fu Danwei came, he would not dare to be so arrogant."


As soon as Yuan Dan's mana was urged, the left and right Five Elements Mountains exploded.The irritable energy of the five elements surged crazily between the heaven and the earth.

"Boy, let me teach you what is the method of a golden core cultivator."

Wei Zhiwen forcibly collected the energy of the five elements, condensed into a big hand of vitality and aimed at Fu Henghua.


Leaving the palace.

The girl in the cloud sedan said softly: "Sister Yuluan, prepare to save someone."

"No, keep reading."

Wu Xing's big hand slammed down with a bang, but was blocked by Wu Feng's raised palm.

Rumble -- rumble --

The Five Elements Mountain, which Fu Henghua arranged all afternoon, finally began to function.

The five peaks in Zhonggong itself have become the Five Elements Mountain.

Fu Henghua cast a "Mountain Pushing Talisman".

The five peaks moved, changing from the original "cross shape" to the five-finger mountain.

Seeing the Five Elements Mountain, Wei Zhiwen quickly vacated.

Get out first, wait and see before talking.

Just as he was thinking, the temperature around him rose sharply, Li Huo punched his forehead.

"Xuanwei sent Fu Xuanxing, please enlighten me, senior."

Lihuo ignites the air, and the illusory bird's posture is looming.

"Xuanwei faction?"

Wei Zhiwen remained rational and knew that he could not confront the Xuanwei Sect head-on, so he did not plan to kill Fu Xuanxing.Just as he was about to summon the Yellow Turban Warriors to capture Fu Xuanxing, a huge object suddenly appeared in the sky.

Wei Zhiwen's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly cast fire escape.


Without thinking, he tried the other four escape methods again.

When he realized that all the five elements escape methods had failed, the huge object in the sky bombarded him.

It was actually a mountain soul condensed by the five elements avenue.

No, it's a real mountain.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Zhiwen quickly raised the magic banner. 30 blood god sons rushed into the sky, resisting the Five Elements Mountain that was slowly pressing down in the air.

"Senior, this Mountain of the Five Elements stands on the Cangshui River, at the junction of the Northeast and Northeast, please advise!"

The "Mountain Moving Talisman" in Fu Henghua's hand was reduced to ashes.

He was out of breath and stuffed two pills into his mouth.

Moving the Five Elements Mountain on the northeast border will consume [-]% of his mana.

"It seems that if you want to summon the Five Elements Mountain as a weapon at any time, you still have to wait until you practice advanced."

The Five Elements Mountain Soul on the water in the distance appeared above the Luo Palace, and with the help of the five peaks in the Central Palace, the Five Elements Mountain Formation was finally completed.

Zhou Xiao: "I finally saw it again. Although it is not as good as the Erlongjian, it is enough to dispel the Five Elements escape method."

Zhen Gong, Jin Xian'e and Xue Kai laughed together.

In the Erlongjian, the experience they encountered can finally be seen by others again.

Outside Luogui Island, a building boat came with the wind and waves.

Fu Xiangfeng saw that Luogui Island was occupied by the Five Elements Mountain Soul, and hurriedly said: "You guys go to the island later, I'll go and have a look first."

He swished Yujian away.

Fu Liuhui said to the other people on board: "You guys wait a moment, I'll go and have a look too."

The brothers and sisters landed on Luogui Island one after another and went straight to the Zhonggong.

The five peaks are connected, divided into five colors: green, red, yellow, white and black.Not only the reality of the five peaks in the central palace, but also the soul of the Five Elements Mountain from a distance, borrowing the natural power of heaven and earth.

In the Five Elements Space, Wei Zhiwen held up the demon banner, and countless Dao Blood God Sons turned into blood clouds, relentlessly resisting the Five Elements Mountain Soul in the sky above.

Without thinking about it, it is a "waning moon" to bend towards the wind.

Fu Liuhui took a deep breath, the breeze echoed around him, and the sword intent of Fu Mo floated towards the blood cloud, blowing away the blood god sons.

He noticed the two swords attacking behind him.

Wei Zhiwen didn't rush, when the blood god son was broken, he waved the dark wind with the magic banner, accompanied by the stench of blood, and held the Lingge sword and Yuanjun sword.

boom -

The mountain soul fell, and he quickly used the method of breeze to avoid it.

It's just that the space of the Five Elements Mountain has been completed, and he can't leave the middle palace.

"Senior's opportunity is here, why rush? Kill me and seize the Five Elements Mountain, and you can complete the Five Elements Escape."

Fu Henghua held the whisk and stared at the magic banner, thinking about when to strike.

The Xuankong whisks the dust, and all the treasures fall.

Just take this magic flag and try it out.

Wei Zhiwen took a breath.

Seeing the Fu family brothers and sisters and Fu Xuanxing, and then looking at Fu Henghua who was far away on the Thumb Peak.

Secretly extract vitality from the surroundings, but with the suppression of the Five Elements Mountain, it is impossible to mobilize the slightest bit.

"Senior, although this is your chance, the odds of winning are almost zero. If you voluntarily abandon the treasure and surrender, you can leave behind and reincarnate."

"It's wrong, it's [-]%! Even if I don't draw vitality from the world, my Five Elements Yuandan's mana is far higher than you juniors!"

The blue thunder roared, swam away from Wei Zhiwen, turned into a dragon and rushed towards Fu Henghua on the Thumb Peak.


When approaching there, Qinglong automatically disappeared.

The cyan finger peak flashed for three breaths, and calmed down again.

Wei Zhiwen seemed to have discovered something, carefully observing Wuzhishan.

"That's it? The senior made a bold statement, just this trick?"

Wei Zhiwen looked at Wufeng.

There are three Osmanthus osmanthus trees on the top of the blue mountain, and the green light hangs down, and densely packed spiritual seals appear on the mountain wall.

Wei Zhiwen took a rough look: Green Wood Curse, Changchun Curse, Vitality Rain Curse, Yimu Leifa...

On this peak of the index finger, hundreds of wood-based Taoist spells were engraved.

Looking at the red middle finger peak, the red bird spreads its wings in the sky, and the red light penetrates the whole peak. There are also hundreds of incantations such as "flaming coffin curse" and "lingyan curse".

The other three peaks also recorded the three systems of Taoism.

"The Yimu Lei method I used just now is being recorded on the mountain."

Wei Zhiwen understood something in a daze at this moment, and he tried to play a Binghuolei method.

As soon as the thunderball appeared, it was absorbed by the Five Elements Mountain.

The "Bing Huo Lei Fa" inscription on the red mountain peak flashed for three breaths, and then calmed down again.

"Come, come, five-element Taoism, seniors can give it a try. In my Five Elements Mountain, if you can completely perform a five-element Taoism, I will lose! Cut off your head and use it for you to drink."

 Four hundred monthly tickets plus changes.

(End of this chapter)

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