
Chapter 89 Destined to eliminate Wei thief, subdue the devil until dawn

Chapter 89 Make a plan to get rid of the Wei thief, subdue the devil and wait for dawn (end)
Wei Zhiwen pondered: So, as long as the Taoism recorded in this Five Elements Mountain, I can't use it?This Five Elements Mountain is so weird, but it still has such a wonderful ability?To take down this kid later, we must force out this method.

Zhou Xiao looked at this scene with surprise.He also didn't expect that the Five Elements Mountain had the ability to absorb the attacks of the Five Elements.

"However... if you use the knowledge reserve of the Five Elements Dao, this kid might..."

A sect disciple like Fu Xuanxing doesn't know everything about the Five Elements Taoism.He will only learn more than a dozen spells and Taoism with relatively strong functions.

But Wei Zhiwen himself is a master of the Five Elements Dao, and Zhou Xiao doesn't think that what Fu Henghua has learned in decades is comparable to the Five Elements he has studied for hundreds of years.

Wei Zhiwen scanned the five peaks, and quickly found a Taoism that was not on the Five Elements Mountain.

But when this Taoist method appeared, the three peaks of mutual restraint, mutual generation, and correspondingness shot out spiritual light at the same time, and took that Taoist method away.And Fu Henghua re-burned it in the Five Elements Mountain Method.

"The way of the five elements never changes. Even if my predecessors have spells that I don't know about, I only need to grasp the foundation of the five elements to deal with everything."

Fu Henghua said calmly: "If you want to get rid of the Five Elements Mountain, there is only one way, which is to use your supernatural powers to lift my Five Elements Mountain directly. Otherwise, just stay here! Luo Shenkong, you can't leave, and if you want to, there is no way!

"Third Brother, Liu Hui, Xuan Xing, come on!"

The three of them drew their swords at the same time, attacking from top, middle and bottom.

Wei Zhiwen had just activated his mana, but the Yuan Dan in his body belonged to the power of the five elements.As soon as it left the body, most of it was immediately sucked away by the Five Elements Mountain.

"Damn it, can you even eat my Dan Yuan?"

Wei Zhiwen hastily shook the magic flag to hold back the sword moves of the three men.

With another flick, a river of blood gushed out.

"Eternal Spring Curse, Ganlin Curse."

The osmanthus tree at the top of the blue mountain peak casts blue light, and the real water of Taiyin falls from the top of the black mountain peak.

The blood river was quickly swept away by a river of nectar wrapped in green air.

However, with the two Taoist techniques being used, the two mountain peaks lost part of the "mountain rocks" out of thin air.

"Suzaku's curse."

A part of the middle finger mountain peak was cut off, and the billowing flames turned into Suzaku and rushed down towards the magic banner.

Wei Zhiwen quickly summoned a magic weapon to disperse Suzaku.

With a backhand punch, Fu Xuanxing was punched into the mountainside.

"Without mana, my physical body is comparable to that of a Golden Core cultivator. Big deal, let's fight hand to hand."

The Wei family was already good at body training, even without the Five Elements Dao method and Yuan Dan's assistance, Wei Zhiwen still did not lose his demeanor.

Fu Xuanxing got up from the rocks.The fine rocks that fell on his body turned into the aura of green wood, and the injury disappeared immediately.


He stared blankly at his hands.Is my self-healing ability so high?Or, did I also awaken some blood talent?

"What are you still doing, keep going!"

Fu Henghua stood on his thumb, waving his fly whisk to sway all kinds of Taoism without money.

Heal one's side, dispel the demonic energy, and suppress Wei Zhiwen.

On the wall of the Five Elements Mountain, one after another incantations burned alternately bright lights.


"I finally understand."

Inside the cloud sedan chair, the girl sighed faintly.

She and Yuluan used a mirror to watch the battle in the palace.

When the Five Elements Mountain absorbed Taoism, the two girls were stunned to see it.

"Young master, has his mountain reached the realm of the five elements?"

She had heard that after completing the magical power of "Five Elements Escape", she could change her posture as she wished.Someone turned the Five Elements into feathers, brushing away everything.Some people have transformed the five elements into five dragons, subduing demons and defending the way.There are also people who will refine the five elements into a halo, covering all the five elements in the world.

Now this mountain should also be a product of the manifestation of supernatural powers?

"Taoism bestowed by heaven can be regarded as a half-supernatural power. When he enters the golden core stage, this Taoism will automatically upgrade to supernatural power, and there is no need to study it again. At present, the only difference from the five-element great supernatural power is that this Taoism takes time to arrange. "

Supernatural powers move with the heart.But the Five Elements Mountain method requires a series of cumbersome preconditions.This time, five five-element spiritual objects were specially borrowed.

And when Fu Henghua used the Five Elements Mountain to cast spells, Dongfang Yunqi suddenly realized: "The Five Elements Mountain method is exactly the same as the 'Five Elements Great Sacred Monument' of the past. When the Wuyuan Daoist traveled across Shenzhou, he used similar methods."

The Five Elements Taoism, which is engraved on it, cannot be used.

Those that are not recorded on it will be absorbed after casting and then recorded on it.

While the caster casts the spell himself, he can replace it with the accumulated five-element vitality.

As the fight lasted for a long time, the caster himself did not consume a single bit, but the enemy was consumed to death by the Great Sacred Monument of the Five Elements.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiao finally understood where Fu Henghua's confidence came from.

"This method is aimed at ordinary monks. If you can't beat them, you can run away. But Wei Zhiwen is proficient in the Five Elements Dao, and uses the Five Elements Dao to sacrifice fake pills. Isn't this here to give mana?"

Wei Zhiwen was also aware of his own predicament.

The elixir cannot be mobilized, and none of the treasures of the five elements can be used. Just relying on the protection of the magic flag, the combat power of the whole body cannot be exerted by [-]%.

"I should also be thankful that these people have not reached the Mysterious Embryo Realm. If two monks from the Mysterious Embryo Realm come, I'm afraid I will be even more embarrassed."

At this moment, his spiritual sense gave an early warning and quickly opened the magic banner.

He saw Pei Su coming from Xidui Palace.And he was holding a Yuandan in his hand, and was about to detonate it.

"Wei Tingyu's Xuanli Fire Pill? Are you crazy?"

He fully opened the power of the magic banner, and a thick cloud of blood surrounded him.

"Yuan Dan strikes with all his strength, can you people survive?"

Huh?No, Wei Tingyu's Yuan Dan belongs to fire.They don't intend to absorb the power of Yuan Dan's explosion, do they?If the firepower of another Yuan Dan is absorbed, the divine energy of the Five Elements Mountain will increase again.That is - he wants to peel off my Five Elements Yuan Pill?

Xuankong's dust whisk swept down quickly, and the consciousness in the magic banner was sealed by the dust whisk.

not good.

Wei Zhiwen came to his senses, he didn't care about the pill being sucked, and hurried to catch the falling magic banner.

"The waning moon, blowing snow, and broken flowers."

Fu Xiangfeng made three sword moves in a row, and a trace of inexplicable wind surged in his heart.

In the wind, flowers, snow and moon, the sword intent has just come into being.

The golden wind rolled towards Wei Zhiwen.

"Qingfeng Fumo Sword."

Eighteen sword styles are integrated into one, Fuliuhui calmly displays the sword intent, and the power of Yuanjun sword is enhanced to the strongest.

The breeze is bright and the moon is bright, sweeping away all the monsters in the world.

With a bang from Lihuo, it was covered with mahogany swords.

Fu Xuanxing recalled the nameless sword move, and slashed at Wei Zhiwen.

Three swords were released at the same time, and Pei Su threw out the talisman that she had practiced for 20 years.Thousands of talismans symbolize my hatred for more than 20 years.

"Old thief, die!"

Holding the three swords hard, he ignored the thousands of detonating symbols thrown over.

Wei Zhiwen forcibly grabbed the magic banner.

Now that the Five Elements Taoism is sealed, this magic banner is life.

A white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.


Wei Zhiwen's left eye was kicked blind by the rabbit's leg, leaving a line of blood slowly.

Jade Rabbit picked up the magic banner and quickly jumped back to Qingfeng.

Finally revenge, happy!
Wei Zhiwen once guarded Yutu Island.During that time, Yutu was often bullied by the Wei family.

When seeing Wei Zhiwen fighting with everyone, Yutu sneaked into hiding at the foot of the mountain.

Taking advantage of the whisk to cut off the magic banner, it took advantage of its speed and brought the magic banner back to the index finger peak.

"Don't put it under the osmanthus tree, go to Zhongfeng, and send it under my fan."

The sound of the wind blew, and Yutu quickly threw the magic banner under the Xuanhuo fan.

Lihuo erupted, and the magic flag was burned by Lihuo little by little.


The mind was connected, and Wei Zhiwen's spirit was severely damaged.

Countless blood god sons were wiped out in the Lihuo, and traces of inexplicable breath floated back into the body of Luocheng Wounded Soul.


The dark wind blew across Luogui Island, and hundreds of thousands of innocent souls reappeared, and they all came to Zhongfeng.

The three swords slashed, and the detonating talismans were all blasted away on the body, and countless innocent souls pierced through the body to bite...

"It's done."

Pei Su breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the smoke and dust in the sky.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew over, he hit the Five Elements Mountain, and passed out on the spot.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the huge white elephant stepped on the ground and quickly swept the three swords with its nose.

"Forcing out my elephant god body, you are not bad."


In the distance, rune arrows shot at the giant elephant.

Wei Zhiwen quickly changed back to his human form, avoiding several arrows.

Looking at Longye and the others in the distance, he showed murderous intent.

Damn it, no wonder I didn't see this group of people just now.

"The body of the Wei family's elephant god, do you think I haven't considered it?" The wind echoed, "Brother Longye and the others are holding the Bao family's talisman arrows. They are also coated with the Cheng family's poison. If you don't dislike it, you can Give it a try."

This kid has me set.

Wei Zhiwen cursed secretly, when the three of Fu Xuanxing came to kill him again, they could only fight with their bodies.

Although the human body is not comparable to the body of the elephant god, he is not afraid of the three foundation-building monks.

 Regarding subscription and update, because of the large amount of updates in the first two days, all subscriptions will definitely not be able to keep up.So I counted according to the subscription of the first chapter.Unexpectedly, it was already eight hundred.

  Therefore, these two updates were quickly repaired and uploaded.

  Some readers responded that these chapters are somewhat watery.In fact, I originally planned to finish the plot directly at the tenth watch on the day of release.After reading the ten chapters in one breath, it should be relatively smooth.

  The drafts of these ten chapters were all prepared early.However, due to some accidents, there was no time to code words in the first two days, resulting in intermittent updates, which may seem uncomfortable.

  Sorry in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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