
Chapter 90 Blood Debt 2 Years, Heaven Will Repay

Chapter 90: Blood Debt for Twenty Years
At that time, the Five Elements Mountain exuded a trace of green energy, and Pei Su recovered from his injuries.

He got up and watched the three of Fu Xuanxing entangle with Wei Zhiwen.

"Don't stand still, you can go too. Don't worry, the Five Elements Mountain is here, and I will guarantee you not to die. Even if I can't save you, as long as you hold your breath, Elder Xue can save you later."

Pei Su looked at Fu Henghua who was standing far away, dressed in a neat red robe.

Look at the three of Fu Xuanxing again, their clothes are ragged.

Can't you come over and fight yourself?

Pei Su really wanted to say something, but in the end she kept her mouth shut.Bite the bullet and use your shallow spells to attack.

Wei Zhiwen casually shattered the flame behind him.

Hey, wait, how can they use spells?

Seeing the red light array under Pei Su's feet, Wei Zhiwen had a sudden realization.

When this mountain is suppressing the enemy, can its own people cast spells?
If so, grab it.

The Five Elements Taoism cannot be used, but the "returning the gods against the sky" is not included in this list.

He secretly cast a secret technique, and a shadow rushed towards Pei Su's feet, moving the red light array under his feet.

It became.

Feeling that the suppression of Wuxing Mountain had disappeared, Wei Zhiwen showed joy.


The red formation disappeared, and the power of the Five Elements Mountain was suppressed again.

Staggering, he glared at Fu Henghua.

"It's just for you to experience the effect of the five-element talisman array. Are you really planning to use spells to escape? Don't dream? Everyone, why are you staring blankly, continue."

With a flick of the whisk, all kinds of Taoism rained down from the air, and the four of them besieged Wei Zhiwen in coordination with them.


In Kangong, within the Tianshui Qi formation, Wei Chongxian was crucified to death by thousands of flying swords.There are many broken flying swords around.

"In order to kill you, I paid a very high price. It's all money. Even if the clan pays more than half, I feel sorry for the rest."

Fu Tiancang withdrew his flying sword and took out Wei Chongxian's Yuan Dan.

Together with his younger brother Yuan Dan, he threw them into the "Yangyi Formation".

"In the future, when this volume of array is refined, it will be no problem to deal with the real Golden Core cultivators."

deal with their enemies.Fu Tiancang relaxed, and glanced in the direction of Zhengong.

Suddenly, he was speechless.

Jin Xian'e and Xue Kai were sitting there drinking tea and watching the battle in Zhonggong.

Xue Kai noticed him and said with a smile, "Would you like to come over for a drink?"

Fu Tiancang hesitated, and flew to the side of the two.

Seeing Wei Zhihe's body, he blamed him: "Two friends, since you succeeded, why don't you go and help?"

"Need it? See for yourself."

Fu Tiancang looked at Zhonggong and was startled.

"Is Wei Zhiwen able to fight like this? And this kid, he can persist."

Even though the Five Elements Taoism was sealed, Wei Zhiwen still suppressed a group of people with his physical strength.

Fu Liuhui couldn't hold on early, and had already returned to Jinfeng on the ring finger, quietly accumulating mana, preparing for a fatal blow.

Fu Xiangfeng had also retreated, and took Pei Su back to Qingfeng to rest.

Now, Fu Xuanxing was the only one fighting against Wei Zhiwen on the field.

"Come again."

Fu Xuanxing was blown away again, and soon flames poured into his body, his injuries healed, and he continued to fight with Wei Zhiwen.

In private, Zhou Xiao sent him a voice transmission: "Use the third move of Liangyi Snake Fist. When he counterattacks, switch to the fifth move."

The life-and-death struggle has become a living competition.

Around the Five Elements Mountain, surrounded by a group of people.

Apart from the daughters of Xianzao Palace, Fu Zhaoye, along with his fiancée and a group of guests, were also watching the battle.

"Wei Zhiwen's combat strength is comparable to Jindan, why is he so weak?"

"It seems that the mana has been sealed, leaving only the power of the body?"

"It seems that the magic weapon is gone?"

Hundreds of thousands of innocent souls howled in the air, venting their grievances.

Suddenly, Wei Zhiwen was in a trance and fell asleep.

"At this time, do you still want to use curses?"

He forced himself to cheer up and saw that Pei Su had run back to the Duigong stage and continued to cast the "Ziwu Sleeping God Spell".

Under the suppression of the technique, Wei Zhiwen was punched by Fu Xuanxing to make the bridge of his nose crooked.

Quickly kicked with his left foot and sent Fu Xuanxing flying again.

Wei Zhiwen held back his anger and stared at Fu Xuanxing, and the boy stood up again.

"Senior, come again!"

"What is the origin of this kid, his life is so hard?"

The more Fu Xuanxing fought, the more energetic he became, the Lihuo essence flowed wildly in his body, and he was about to break through the bottleneck of the real fire realm.

Seeing this, Fu Henghua suddenly sighed: "I finally understand. This kid actually has a sword in his body."

The scabbard was blazing, and the raging fire was burning, and an invisible sword was sealed inside the sheath.

Whenever Fu Xuanxing runs the Lihuo Fist, the scabbard will automatically purify the flames for him and strengthen his power.

"I can't understand the sword, but it's not peach wood, so it's not the Nanming Lihuo sword. But this scabbard—"

This is the scabbard of Nanming Lihuo Sword!
"It's no wonder the old man wants to set up the Nanli Taiji Formation. If we arrive early, there will be a scabbard passing by the Erlongjian?"

The fairy sword has been blooming for countless years, and the scabbard is naturally a treasure, and it also comes with Nanming Lihuo sword energy.

"Senior Luo Shenkong died unjustly."

Seeing that Wei Zhiwen was about to follow in his footsteps, Fu Henghua's eyes revealed a trace of sympathy.

"Fu Henghua, come down if you have the ability. What's the point of hiding on the mountain?"

"You let a magician fight with you, is it shameful?" Fu Xuanxing wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

He felt that Wei Zhiwen was now at the end of his strength.

The power of Yuan Dan was continuously absorbed by the Five Elements Mountain, his physical strength was consumed by himself and others in turn, and his spiritual consciousness was suppressed by Pei Su's curse, and now he was about to be unable to hold on.

"You are sinister and vicious, you have the same sex as your father—"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past Fu Xuanxing.

Seeing the figure in red rushing towards Wei Zhiwen, Fu Xuanxing punched him in the heart.

"I stand on the mountain because I pity you and want you to live longer. But since you want to die, it's up to you."

"You are finally willing to come down."

Wei Zhiwen squeezed out a smile from the corner of his mouth, and quickly clasped Fu Henghua with both hands.

"If you keep someone like you, it will be a serious problem for my family. Even if I want to die, I have to—"


He held a painting with both hands, staring at the person on the painting.

"Bagua Furnace Method."

Behind him, the golden furnace penetrated into Wei Zhiwen's body and swallowed the Five Elements Yuan Pill.

Fu Henghua whipped up a gust of wind and took away the spiritual painting that Ji Mingfeng gave him.

"Spiritual painting, stand-in method, have you seen it? The kind that can help me prevent a fatal disaster." Fu Henghua held the Five Elements Pill in one hand and the spiritual painting in the other, and walked away from him.

"Everyone, this person has been handed over to you."

Pei Su rushed over from Dui Palace again, took out a dagger and stabbed Wei Zhiwen fiercely.

But the body of the fake elixir cultivator is comparable to the real golden elixir, and the dagger was directly rolled.

"Use this sword."

Fu Xiangfeng threw the Spiritual Song Sword over.

Pei Su took the sword and slashed at Wei Zhiwen's body desperately.

A shallow mark appeared, and blood flowed out.

The second way, the third way...

Losing Yuan Dan and running out of mana, Wei Zhiwen struggled to fight back, but he could only watch Pei Su attack like crazy.

Long Ye and the others grabbed the talisman arrow, surrounded him silently, and stabbed Wei Zhiwen directly.

This is the man who killed the people of our country!
In the sky, hundreds of thousands of innocent souls rushed over again, tearing apart Wei Zhiwen's internal organs.


Seeing this scene, Dongfang Yunqi couldn't bear to see a living person die before her eyes, but she had to admit that Wei Zhiwen deserved to die.

But when everyone was sighing sadly, Fu Henghua let out a scream.

"Everyone leave the Five Elements Mountain quickly. This mountain is about to get out of control. By the way, don't use the Five Elements escape method."

After finishing speaking, he rolled and crawled away from Wuxing Yuandan.

Originally, he used the gossip furnace method to take away the Five Elements Yuandan, intending to practice kung fu by himself and increase his mana.

Unexpectedly, this Five Elements Mountain absorbed the Five Elements Yuandan.This majestic peak that evolved with the "Five Elements Mountain Method" began to grow again, and in turn squeezed the innate Luo Palace formation of Luogui Island.

Feeling that the Five Elements Mountain was crazily devouring vitality, the mana in his body began to drain.Everyone didn't care about other things, one counted as one, and ran out of the central palace.

Fu Xuanxing pulled Pei Su and shouted, "Can't you control your Taoism?"

"What can I do? I can't control the Five Elements Mountain when it grows up to fight against the golden elixir level. Moreover, I didn't expect the Five Elements Yuandan to be eaten by the Five Elements Mountain at this time."

Seeing Qianren Xiongfeng behind him, Fu Henghua clearly felt that the entire Luogui Island was sinking.

"Too bad, this island can't bear the gravity of the Marble Mountains."

 The debt is paid~
(End of this chapter)

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