
Chapter 95: Cloud Sea Hidden Immortal City

Chapter 95: Cloud Sea Hidden Immortal City

Fu Henghua cast spells on his body while running.

"Seven Saints' Magical Magic."

"Nine Palaces Against Heaven's Mystery Technique."

Finally, take the lupine and sweep the ground.

"The technique of purifying dust."

Erase all traces of yourself just left.


Fu Yinggu and Sun Yuan came to Zixuan Island.

Feeling the cool breeze reverberating on the island, Fu Yinggu said, "It's been cleaned up very cleanly. The spirit plate left by the Wei family has been completely wiped out."

Lingpan is a method unique to the five major families.

A spirit disk with a family mark carved on the spirit veins of each island.When monster tides and cold waves strike, use the core spiritual veins of the family as the eyes of the array, activate the spirit plate and arrange a spiritual array that spans thousands of miles.

The five families in the Eastern Region did not have a Nascent Soul Grandmaster, but they were still able to stand tall, thanks to the formation of the spirit world.

Sun Yuan: "Should Daoist Brother Tiancang make the move?"

Fu Yinggu nodded.

At Fu Heyi's level, he couldn't take out the spiritual pan in the morning and change it into his own "Fufeng Lingpan".

"Tiancang is so caring, I'm afraid he has his eyes on this island."

Sun Yuan: "Then give it to Baiyutang. Anyway, our family is currently empty. Father-in-law is only ten years old now, and we need to hold on to Panlong Island."

He is the east bed of Panlong Island, married the youngest sister of Fuyinggu's generation, and gave birth to a daughter, Sun Yuntong.


Fu Xiangfeng hurried out to greet him, followed by Fu Liuhui and Fu Heyi.

Fu Liuhui saw the whip on Fu Yinggu's waist, because of her cold and snowy temperament, she was a little more careful in secret.

In fact, I also sneaked out of the island.

Saluting the second uncle respectfully, Fu Liuhui hid behind Fu Heyi.

If I knew this earlier, why bother?

Fu He shook his head secretly, stepped forward to greet Fu Yinggu and Sun Yuan.

Fu Yinggu looked around: "Why, what about that kid? He is so capable of tossing around, what is he hiding at this time?"

"Sixth brother is retreating and has not shown up yet."

retreat?Am I a fool?
Fuyinggu's spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire island, secretly performing deduction techniques.

Fu Henghua was covered by the magic of the Seven Saints, and hid in Lingyan Mountain Spring at this time.Facing the divine consciousness and wind sounds covering the whole island, he calmly said:
"I have the Luoshu in my hand, which can cover all the calculations of the heavenly secrets below the Golden Core cultivator. As for the second uncle's divine sense, no matter how powerful he is, he can't see through the magic of the Seven Saints."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Tiantong Huixin had already memorized the secret techniques of Luoshenkong, Baiyan and others after Erlongjian and his party.In the absence of Fu Henghua's special research, his knowledge of the various techniques and secrets of the Heavenly Demon Palace has improved to a higher level.

When his consciousness receded, Fu Henghua raised his hand with a "Small Formless Sword Qi", and escaped from Lingyan to Yunzhong City on Zixuan Island.

Back then, Wei Zhiwen burned Zixuan Kingdom to the ground, moved a Wei family city with great magic power, and attracted tens of thousands of mortals to live here.

In the past 20 years, Yunzhongcheng is more prosperous than Zixuan.A new generation of mortals has grown up in this cloud city.

Carefree, unaware of everything that has ever happened here.I don't know the blood debts under Yunzhong City.

Walking into Yunzhong City, looking at the citizens living in the city as usual, Heng Hua sighed quietly: Now that Zixuan Island has changed hands, these people don't know what the future will be like.

But Fu Henghua will not show mercy to these people.

Because most of the mortals in this cloud city have the blood of the Wei family.

The Xiuzhen family has continued for thousands of years, and the Wei family and the Fu family choose the same way.There are those who specialize in the elite line like Baihuangtang, and those who are as open-minded as Xugutang.

There are at least 10 mortals with two bloodlines in the Yanlong Islands.

To the Fu family and Wei family at this moment, these hundreds of thousands of descendants are nothing.But after the family has a totem spirit, everything is different.

Even if Baihuangtang and Baiyutang are completely destroyed, the core forces of Xujutang will collapse.But as long as a mortal escapes with the blood of the Fu family, the totem spirit can use this person to make a comeback.

After the revitalization of the family, the dead ancestors return to the family through the guidance, and cooperate with the revitalizers to rebuild the family.

This is the operating model of the upper class cultivation family.

"Longye and the others take back Zixuan Island, what attitude will they have towards these Wei family's blood?"

At this time, Fu Henghua was at a crossing and saw Fu Xuanxing staring blankly at the noisy market in front of him.

"Why are you here? Didn't go to the wedding? Our family's wedding is a grand occasion that you can't see in Jinfang."

Fu Xuanxing came back to his senses, and said embarrassedly: "Fu Da... the third brother asked me to help deliver some things. But as I walked, I came here."

Since you want to stay in Fu's house for a period of time, you naturally have to follow the habits of Fu's house.Fu Liuhui told him secretly that he would call Fu Xiangfeng the third brother in the future.

Because of the word "big brother", in the heart of Fu Henghua's generation, there is only Fu Xuanhe.

"Then go back early. Although the Wei family practitioners in Yunzhong City have been cleaned up, the remaining people may not have nothing to do with the Wei family."

Looking at the mortals in Yunzhong City, Fu Henghua looked deeply.

Or, just send these mortals away?

These 10 people can't be killed in one go, can they?

"Well, go back now."

Fu Xuanxing looked at the chaotic market with some nostalgia.

"Looking at you like this, have you never seen a mortal?"

"I went up the mountain when I was very young. Over the years, only my master and... and an elder took me into the 'world' to watch Yuanri Festival twice."

There are Buxianzhou in Tianyang, Jinfang and Xuanyu three waters.The immortal gates of the world take root in the spiritual veins, and delineate each Buxianzhou's unique mortal area.The mortals there are undoubtedly the same as in the era of China, and they are called "human world".

"In my understanding of the 'human world', mortals live and work in peace and contentment. But it is a different world from us practitioners."

But the Cloud City in front of him is different.

In the center of the outer city where mortals live, there is an inner city wrapped in thick clouds.Indistinctly, one can see exquisite and gorgeous towers and palaces.

The "human world" of Buxianzhou in the three major water areas is a place where only mortals exist.When monks go in, it is nothing more than to recruit disciples and experience their Taoism.Afterwards, he will leave the human world and cultivate with peace of mind outside the world.

The comprehension family in the land of Yanlong is rushing towards "secularization".The boundary between practitioners and ordinary people is very blurred.

Ordinary people live in the outer city, and within the cloud wall is the inner city where practitioners live.

Wei Zhiwen's Yufu is at the highest point in the inner city.Standing in the outer city now, one can look up at Yunxiaoyu Mansion on Baizhang.

"By the way, why are you here? Isn't today your nephew's grand wedding?"

"I've always disliked bustle, so come here to see the scenery and hide in the quiet."

At this time, Fuyinggu's spiritual sense rose again.

Fu Henghua's complexion suddenly changed, he flipped his feather fan, and activated the illusion again to hide.

"If someone asks you, just say you haven't seen me."

Mudun, Fu Henghua got into the inner city.

Fu Xuanxing blinked, and silently went to the wedding scene.

The wedding was held in the flower garden,
The blue sea of ​​flowers is rippling with the wind, and countless colorful butterflies are flying in the sky.

The ladies of Xianzao Palace watched a pair of Bi people stepping on the Nixia Fairy Bridge and walking to the center of the venue surrounded by cranes and magpies.

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Zhaoye and the newcomer with an indescribable envy in her heart.

"Is this the life of outsiders?"

From childhood to adulthood, she almost never walked out of Xianzao Palace.Even as the ice condensed in her body, it was difficult for her to even walk.

Looking at the newcomers, looking at the venue.

She doesn't expect that she can find a reliable and dear Taoist companion in the future, but only hopes that in this life, she can walk freely in the sea of ​​flowers and enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature like ordinary people.

Fu Xuanxing rushed back from Yunzhong City, and was seeing the scene of the new couple worshiping heaven and earth.

Looking around, Fu Liuhui was hiding in a corner, sneaking away from the crowd.

He ran over.

"Miss Fu, why did you come out?"

Taking a quick glance at Fuyinggu, Fuliuhui whispered: "I like to be clean, the scene here is too noisy."

Looking at the bridegroom officer wearing the red Qing Yunxiang dragon robe, his heart moved.

"I've heard people say that when the children of the cultivator family grow up, they will choose a pair of monks. Miss Fu, what do you like?"

"I don't plan to find a Taoist companion. Compared with finding someone who can cultivate both, I can do it alone with one sword."

Seeing Fu Yinggu's gaze, Fu Liuhui left in a hurry.


Fu Henghua walked into the inner city, looking at the empty and clean inner city, he took out Luoshu to calculate.

The reason why he came here was that Fu Henghua suspected that Mr. Fu Tong was hiding here.

"If it's really her, kill the Wei family and destroy the body? No, with her character, maybe..."

A trace of disgust flashed in Fu Henghua's eyes.

"Is this girl just refusing to change the lesson of that year?"

The reason why Mr. Fu Tong quarreled with Fu Danwei and even ran away from home.It is because Mr. Fu Tong studied Gu art, so he studied several sorcery.

Although it is different from Fu Henghua, he did not use it blatantly.Mr. Fu Tong once secretly caught a few spies from the Wei family for experiments.

After Fu Danwei learned about it, he was very angry. Not only did he ruin Mr. Fu Tong's experiment, but he also planned to abolish her voodoo technique to prevent his granddaughter from going astray.

But Mr. Fu Tong was not reconciled, so the grandparents and grandchildren quarreled, and she left in anger.

Fu Henghua was very impressed.Because of that incident, he was scolded several times by Vo Danwei.

One is because he has also studied magic.

The second is because he, as the elder brother, is not good for Mr. Fu Tong's discipline.

The third is that there were not many members of the Fu family on Panlong Island at that time.Fu Danwei couldn't find any other children to vent his anger, so he naturally dumped them all to Fu Henghua.

Luo Shu shook slightly, and Fu Henghua got the result.

"Hmph, I can't count your traces. But you left with so many corpses, a mere Stealth Gu is not enough."

Tu fled to a house.

Fu Henghua saw a dead body on the bed.

You can tell by looking at the clothes that they are the children of the Wei family.

The feather fan flapped gently, and the dust purification technique turned the corpse into dust, and then disappeared.

Looking inside the house, his eyes finally fell on a large suitcase.

When I opened it, there was a boy who was using the turtle's breath and was fast asleep.

"This kid—that girl—"

Heng Hua was overjoyed.He wanted to wake Fu Pengming up, but he held back after another thought.

"The girl couldn't find her way back, so she simply pulled Pengming along. But if I take Pengming out now, the second uncle must wonder how this kid got out.

"In this way, the second uncle will know about that girl."

If Fu Yinggu knew about it, it was equivalent to the fact that everyone in his family knew about it.

When Mr. Fu Tong saw this scene, he was afraid that he would leave immediately.

"I can only wrong you kid."

Touching the boy's bun, he closed the suitcase again.

Leaving his talisman imprint in this room, Fu Henghua left in a hurry.

But after leaving Yunzhong City, Fu Henghua had no other purpose, so he simply wandered aimlessly on the island.

In the end, when he returned to the bamboo forest, he met the daughters of Xianzao Palace who came to block them.

Subconsciously looked around, and when he didn't see Fu Yinggu, Fu Henghua frowned and said, "What is the girl carrying? Can you figure out my whereabouts?"

"I just came here to try my luck. I thought to myself, the bamboo forest is quiet and elegant. If you are not in Luogui Island, you should come here."

"The golden hairpin has been returned to the girl. The reason why the girl came to me this time is for the fourth level of the mental method of "Taiyin Tianshu·Shenyue Qi Refining"?"


Fu Henghua took out a piece of jade slip, entered the fourth and seventh layers of mind, and threw it into the cloud sedan chair.

"The rest, the girl should understand herself."

Although it is a wonderful method in the heavenly scriptures, it remains the same in all changes.Qi refining practice is nothing more than visualizing the inner scene and exhaling true qi, and Taiyin Tianshu can't escape this big circle.

Dongfang Yunqi has read many books, and she has studied many related fairy formulas.

After seeing the fourth-level mind-dharma, one can immediately comprehend the problem that one does not understand, and the fifth-level and sixth-level mind-dharma will be fully realized automatically.

She felt the thoughts of Taiyin, and condensed her own innate Taoism.

"Sure enough, the magic of the Heavenly Book lies in the Dao Seed."

Fu Henghua recalled the "Book of Bing Chi Huan Shen Dan Book" and "Book of Nine Cold Moonlight" and other six Taiyin land codes and fairy formulas.

In the appendix of the Moonlight Book and the Moon Soul Jue, there are ways to condense Taoism.

"The heavenly book refines the Tao seed, and the earth code cultivates the immortal root. Why do these two Taoist books have the inheritance of condensing the congenital grandeur?"


The moonlight swayed around the cloud sedan chair, and the rising silver star disappeared into it.

"It's neither a full moon nor a new moon. You can actually lay the foundation of the Dao Seed?"

Dongfang Yunqi smiled and said: "The moon is in the void, whether it is day or night, the sun is high above and never shifts."

Practicing is congenitally too strong, and the Yin Qi in the body begins to flow slowly towards the eyebrows.At this time, her feet have regained consciousness.

"And the way of Taiyin is not what ordinary people think, it's just the way of Yin and cold..."

Suddenly, her words stopped abruptly.Because Fu Henghua had already escaped.

Yuluan said displeasedly: "This boy is too ignorant of etiquette!"

"That's not the case. There are elders in the family who are arresting him."

Dongfang Yunqi noticed that her spiritual consciousness was scanning the whole island again, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"With elders in the family who care so much, even beating and scolding every day is better than being alone in the Lengyou palace."

 This is the normal update chapter for the night.

  Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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