
Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Good Fortune and All Ways of Life
Heng Hua continued to escape and hid under Lingyan.

"Second Uncle, what are you doing with the whip? On Panlong Island, maybe I'll admit it. But outside, I don't want face?"

The ugliness cannot be made public.

If my grandfather closed the door and taught me a lesson on Panlong Island, at worst, Fu Henghua would take off his pants and receive dozens of lashes.Then he stayed in the Langhuan Hall for a few days without going out.

But now he is outside, and if he is smoked today, the whole Zixuan Island will know that he will not be able to get out of bed for a few days tomorrow.

Of course Fu Henghua refused.

Lying under the Lingyan to enjoy the cool air, suddenly a message came from Shenluo Tianshu.

He quickly sat up and opened the heavenly book.

On the second page of the Heavenly Book, the image of "Nine Yin Vine" appeared, and then it turned into coiled snake yarrow, and finally the yarrow turned into a "Nine Yin Secret Curse Wooden Book".

"Shenluo Tianshu is really deduced?"

Heng Hua tried to write down the wooden talisman.

Failed the first time, failed the second time...

At the fifth time, the Jiuyin wooden talisman was finally drawn completely.

Without hesitation, he immediately returned to Luogui Island, and Heng Hua ran to dig a yarrow plant under the five peaks of Zhonggong.

When he came to Jiulongchi, relying on the yin energy of the cave as a medium, Henghua gave hints according to the "secret mantra wooden talisman".

The pan snake yarrow frantically breathed out Yin Qi. Under the pull of the wooden talisman, a large number of rhizomes turned into ashes, and a small part of the remaining branches turned into snake vines, and began to fight each other.

After a while, the snake vine withered, only two slender black vines remained.

Just when Heng Hua thought he had succeeded, with a bang, the Yin Qi in the snake vine exploded.


Then went outside to pick up a lot of yarrow, and Fu Henghua continued to draw symbols.

After more than ten experiments, it finally succeeded once.

There is an extra dark blue snake vine in his hand.

"The wooden talisman is unstable, and there is still room for improvement. Is it because I don't understand enough about physical properties?"

Luoshu's own deduction ability has completed the analysis of the nature of the snake yarrow.But for Jiuyinteng, the understanding is still not enough.Therefore, attributing the Nine Yin Snake Vine will cause an explosion of Yin Qi.

It's just that Coiled Snake Achillea and Nine Yin Snake Vine have similar attributes, and they could have been promoted to Nine Yin Snake Vine by nature.Therefore, even if the wooden talisman is unstable, it is still possible to complete the promotion of Pan Snake Yarrow with a probability.

After receiving the Nine Yin Snake Vine to the Qiankun Ring, Heng Hua sat silently in the corner of the cave thinking.

The wooden talisman is unstable, but it shows a brand new path for Henghua.

His guess was true.

Low-level gold essences can be synthesized into high-grade gold essences through secret talismans.

Low-level spiritual plants can also be promoted to high-level spiritual plants through wooden talismans.

"Nine Yin Vine can be enlightened. Then Panlongmu, Fengtongmu, and other spiritual wood fairy roots can be enlightened through wooden talismans as long as they analyze their essence."

By analogy, except for objects of gold and wood, can other objects be used?

Heng Hua silently grabbed a stone from his side.

A very ordinary stone.

Fu Henghua didn't create the soil inscriptions, but injected the true essence of good fortune to transform the structure of the stone little by little.

Soon, the stone chips on the surface shattered, revealing a smaller light yellow spirit stone inside.

"Forcibly injecting the essence of good fortune can change the nature of the object through the power of good fortune."

Fu Henghua closed his eyes, and remembered the core concept of Bagua Furnace:

Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work; yin and yang are charcoal, and everything is copper.

"If the world is regarded as a big furnace, good fortune is the craftsman of this big furnace, forging all things with yin and yang.

"Everything in the world is inseparable from the principle of good fortune. Behind all phenomena is the magic of good fortune."

A trace of mysterious breath gushed out from Fu Henghua's body.

Baptized by it, the stones around the cave gradually turned into jade.

In the Niwan Palace, the heart ape is crying at the foot of the mountain.

Fu Henghua's soul wandered to the top of Five Elements Mountain.

He is still in a state of thinking: "The golden talisman can save the process of upgrading and forging the gold essence. The wooden talisman can save the process of the growth and transformation of the spiritual plant. Behind this is good fortune. Both the golden talisman and the wooden talisman are good fortune. So, what? Can you directly condense the creation and operation of all things in the world into a talisman?"

The Creation Dao species concluded by the Heavenly Book automatically breaks away from the soul and evolves over the Niwan Palace.

The true fortune teller.

Control all the wonders of good fortune between heaven and earth.

Whether it's a golden talisman or a wooden talisman, this talisman has everything.It can touch the world's gold and turn the world's trees. It can be called the general outline of secret mantras and talismans.

It's just that this real talisman is vague, Fu Henghua's current state can't read the real talisman at all, let alone understand it.

But even so, the evolution of Zhenlu itself also caused a sensation between heaven and earth.

boom -

On Luogui Island, a thunder suddenly appeared.

Affected by the qi mechanism, Fu Henghua vomited blood on the spot.

The sky was full of furious thunder, as if the heaven and the earth knew that someone had comprehended the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, and stole the great truth.

Seeing the birth of Lei Jie, Fu Henghua didn't care about the bleeding from his seven orifices, so he quickly summoned Shenluo Tianshu.

The book of heaven turned into a turtle shell, and he got into it directly.

The turtle burial reef is an innate place to avoid robbery, and it relies on this turtle shell.When Fu Henghua hid in, the thunder calamity outside gradually dissipated.

After wiping off the blood from the seven orifices, Fu Henghua silently visualized the Niwan Palace.

The Good Fortune Zhenlu has disappeared at this moment, and has returned to the Good Fortune Dao Seed.

"I can't see it, I can't see it. With my current cultivation and state, I dare not hold this treasure."

Fu Henghua sighed quietly.

The True Talisman of Good Fortune is the general outline of the creation and operation of all things in the world. With this True Talisman, you can make good fortune for all things in the world at will.It has the same origin as the "mediation of good fortune" in Tiangang method.

It couldn't be easier to turn Fantie into Divine Iron, and peach pits into flat peaches.

Kneading earth to create a man, birthing a star and turning it into a sun is no problem.

But this method of stealing the good fortune of the world and changing the foundation of everything is not something that Fu Henghua can grasp at the moment.

"When you master this 'True Creation of Good Fortune', it is the time of the completion of the "Fate of Fortune Huiyuan Gong". The wonder of good fortune in the world and all things can be understood in the heart. Once the talisman is tapped, everything will be born. Before that, let's forget it .”

But after thinking about it, Fu Henghua murmured: "One talisman transforms the heaven and the earth, this is not only the wonder of good fortune, but also the ultimate Tao of talismans. If someone uses talismans to practice and understand the true law of heavenly talismans..."

With a thought, Fu Henghua wrote the next "Tianfu Jing" in Shenluotian.

This Heavenly Talisman Sutra needs to contemplate the world during the Qi refining period, and condense it into a Talisman.Then use this talisman to contain the talismans of the world, and finally cultivate the Dao and then smelt the talismans into one.

"One symbol transforms heaven and earth, if you can perfect this method, you can also prove the Tao. Therefore, this is also a heavenly book."

Fu Henghua recalled the appearance of the Zhenlu of Creation.

Although he couldn't remember the traces of Zhenlu's appearance clearly, he still tried to copy it on the first page of the heavenly book.

All of a sudden, Heng Hua was so excited that after the first stroke, he couldn't continue.

After hastily drawing a picture of Taiji, he extracted this "Tianfu Jing" from Shenluo Tianshu.

The aura of heaven and earth surged in, and the newly formed jade stones around the cave automatically flew towards the "Tianfu Jing", condensing into a palm-sized jade talisman, with a Taiji diagram engraved on the talisman.

"It can be regarded as a jade slip of books, but it's a pity..."

There are only the gist of the "Tianfu Jing" and Heng Hua's conjecture about this exercise.

Visualize the true talisman of life, and use it to contain all the talismans in the world.When you reach the realm of "one talisman produces all dharmas", you will naturally prove the Dao.

However, the "Tianfu Jing" didn't write anything about how to build a foundation and how to form an alchemy.Only the first level of the nine levels of Qi Refining vaguely described a method of visualizing the "Tianfu".

"Only some of my messy inspirations and my initial conceptions are preserved. Even if I study and organize it myself, it will take a long time to deduce the exercises of the ninth level of Qi Refining. And with my current state..."

At most, he pointed fingers at the two levels of qi refining and foundation building, and the higher alchemy method, because there is no reference, it is just a big cake.

"Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it."

Afterwards, Fu Henghua continued to create new exercises.

"The true fortune talisman can enlighten all things with one talisman. According to this idea, since the golden talisman and the wooden talisman have the same origin, they are both appearances of the true fortune talisman. Then, in the end, all the golden talismans in the world are the same thing? If Can refining a golden talisman be able to enlighten all the materials in the world. Similarly, can researching a wooden talisman create all the plants in the world?"

"Jin Ke Yuan Ji Shu" and "Wood Law Wan Ling Jian" were generated accordingly.

Like the "Tianfu Jing", there is only the main purpose of cultivation, and the specific cultivation methods are not deduced at all.Just relying on the magic of Shenluo Tianshu to pave the way for the first layer of Qi refining.

But it is different from "Tianfu Jing", which only draws inspiration from "one Fu transforms heaven and earth", which is a fake Dao Tianshu.

The two skills of gold and wood are used to disassemble the true fortune talisman, and one needs to practice the golden talisman to evolve all the gold in the world.One is to inherit the wooden talisman and enlighten all trees in the world.It can be regarded as a derivative of "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong", similar to "Xiaopin Tianxian Jue".

Fu Henghua simply took out a part of his practice from "The Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong", and transformed two exercises on Qi refining and foundation building.

"One article on cultivating the appearance of Jingong and one article on understanding the body of Wooden Mother can make the two of them..."

Fu Henghua's eyes flickered, he randomly grabbed two stones from the ground, blew lightly, and turned into two stone puppets.Set according to the meridians and acupoints of Xiaoyu and Hengshou, and start the exercise exercise test.

Xiaoyu and Hengshou, as people around Fu Henghua, were naturally unwilling to let them continue to hold the Xuan-level exercises when Fu Henghua perfected the heavenly scriptures.

And Jingong and Mumu were born out of "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong", and the three of them can be said to be connected.

"In the future, I can let them practice this method and act as my guardians."

The descendant of Tianshu took out the same source of exercises from his own exercises and gave them to his servants, in order to select guardians and entourages.

Grandma Taiyin once evolved the "Moon Phase Separation and Reunion Sutra" from the heavenly scriptures for her maids to practice.With the closure of Taiyin Mansion, those maidservants introduced this fairy formula into the world.

While waiting for Shi Puppet to perform the exercises, Fu Henghua buried himself in revising the new exercises.

"Jinmuhedan Jade Dingshu" and "Five Elements Guiyuan Tianshu" appeared subsequently.

"Book of Gold, Wood and Jade Ding" combines the mysteries of the two books of gold and wood, and it is necessary to refine the original gold and wooden scepters.At the same time, it is also necessary to follow the example of "Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong" and condense the appearance of Jin Gong Mu Mu.

But there are no Tang Seng, Yima and Huangpo.It's just that the golden elixir is cultivated by combining the golden elixir and the wooden elixir.It's the dictionaries.This method is only deduced to the formation of Dan.As for whether it was successful or not, Fu Henghua didn't do any experiments and just put it aside.

"Five Elements Guiyuan Tianshu" is a Taoist method of heavenly calligraphy that focuses on the five elements.When refining qi, the five elements are refined, which can be regarded as drawing inferences from the "two gold and wood talismans", and then setting the three water, fire, and earth talismans.

When refining qi, practice the five talismans, and then practice the five elements together, imitating the five elements mountain method to build a foundation.In addition, this heavenly book also corresponds to the "Five Elements Escape" in Tiangang Law.

"Although there are more practice ideas and formulas than "Tianfu Jing", they are generally similar. Without repeated verification, it is impossible to practice at all."

Fu Henghua himself estimated that for the first level of mental method of viewing talismans in "Tianfu Jing", it would take three years and six months to visualize it by himself.

As for the Five Elements Zhenlu in the Five Elements Heaven Book, it takes ten years to complete the first level of Qi refining.

"Forget it, let's leave it to someone with predestined relationship. If someone is willing to spend ten years enticing him, he might be the one with great chance."

Extract the Five Elements Book from Luoshu and condense it into a five-color stone.

Afterwards, Fu Henghua hid the Tai Chi talisman and five-color stones in two turtle shells, and threw them out of Luogui Island to drift with the tide.

"Someone will get it in the future and understand the heavenly book from it. That is their chance. If the seeds of these two heavenly books do not have the chance to see the light of day, or the person who gets the turtle shell is destroyed, it is also God's will."

Fu Henghua was also free and easy. After throwing away the ideas of the two heavenly books, he put away the remaining three derivative methods of the heavenly books on good fortune, got up and walked out of Luogui Island.

At this time, the night is dark and the stars are shining.

"So long? Did I stay until night?"

  Inherited from "The Book of the Five Elements Returning to Yuan", Wuyuan Zhenren traced his roots to Luogui Island of Fufeng clan.

  The local people say: there is a "Daoying Cave" under the five peaks of Zhonggong.In the cave, there is a photo of the Taoist saint, giving birth to five colors of clouds.When you meet a destined person, you can preach the book of Ecclesiastes.

  The real person invites Fufeng's daughter to go with him.

  The karst cave is rugged, and there is a jade fence in the depths. There are shadows in the fence, filled with five colors, which is really magnificent.There are two stone statues standing on the left and right of Daoying, like golden boys and jade girls.

  The real person asked.

  Qianjin replied: "This is left by my ancestors. It is the image of the Daoist Dharma protector. I leave it here to protect the Taoist shadow."

  After staying for ten days, the real person did not get the chance to preach.Just looking for a spouse, I went into the East China Sea to find the remains of the Taoist saint.

  The head of the family was furious, and had never recognized his son-in-law for thousands of years.

  The world jokes that it is false for a real person to seek books and visit his ancestors, but it is true for a real person to seek a princess and Taoist couple.

  ——"Donglaizhou Jokes about the Three Ancients"

(End of this chapter)

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