
Chapter 97

Chapter 97: The flowers wither in one lifetime, and the eternal heaven will appear
Coming to Zixuan Island again, Fu Henghua noticed that someone had absorbed Yuehua, and then entered Zizhu Forest.

But seeing the lunar moonlight surrounding the cloud sedan chair, it turned into a jade sparrow and flew into it.

Yuluan said hello and stood aside with all the girls.

Sensing Fu Henghua's approach, Dongfang Yunqi stopped.

Sweeping his consciousness over him, the girl said in surprise, "I haven't seen you for a while, how advanced is Daoist friend?"

Thoroughly comprehended the root of good fortune in heaven and earth, and wrote several Daoist scriptures. At this time, Fu Henghua was lingering with a trace of good fortune.It seems that the mana has not increased, but the state of mind and perception are quite different.

Hearing the girl's praise, Fu Henghua showed a trace of complacency.

"Nor are you? Your Taiyin Tianshu seems to have really started?"

Not seen for a few hours, Dongfang Yunqi has already cultivated "Shenyue Qi Refining" to the sixth level.

"By the way, the girl hasn't finished talking about the problem during the day. The girl said, 'The way of Taiyin is not just the way of Yin and cold'..."

"People in the world are ignorant and think that the sun is opposite to the sun. They mistakenly think that the sun is from yin to cold, and there is no real yang. The sun is from just to yang, so there is no real yin. As everyone knows, the sun rises and falls, and the moon waxes and wanes. The time is an alternation of yin and yang."

Fu Henghua's heart moved, and he said: "The bright moon is in the middle of the sky, which is the rule of innate dharma. At the turn of the first month and the new moon, one yang is born. When the first quarter moon is born, the two yangs are born, and the three yangs are perfect when the moon is full. After ten days There is one yin in the sixth day, two yin in the waning moon, and three yin at the end of the month, which is called Hui Ye. After that, at the turn of the dark and new moon, Yang Qi will be regenerated."

The cycle of the moon's cycle of cloudy and sunny for a month is similar to the cycle of the sun in four seasons, and the transformation of yang and yin in the winter solstice and summer solstice, all of which are innately refined.

Therefore, whether it is a sun star or a lunar star, they all have the beauty of yin and yang.

The girl listened to what Fu Henghua said, and said with a smile: "That's what it means. Taiyin has both Yin and Yang, so I can use the magic of Taiyin to transform the Yin Qi in my body into Yang, and achieve the balance of my own Yin and Yang."

"The girl sees it so clearly, it's impossible to say that the foundation-building mentality of the future can be completed by herself."

"Fellow Daoist isn't going to help me?"

Fu Henghua smiled and said: "How can you not understand the acting method with the girl's intelligence?

"The master of the magic arts is only teaching the fools and the fools. The girl is unparalleled in talent and love, and her Taiyin attainments are even better than mine. Now that she has broken her obsessions and embarked on the road of repairing the Taiyin Book of Heaven, her prospects are even higher than mine."

Who doesn't know that their deduction of exercises is the most intimate and most suitable.

But the monks in the world, are they all the generation of Tianhui, can everyone push the heavenly scriptures and understand the scriptures of the earth?
The magician created and deduced the exercises, just to help those who are not in the realm to point out the maze, so that those who are not well-informed can move forward.A truly talented and wise monk can of course create his own exercises.

"Fellow Daoist put it lightly, repairing the Taiyin Book of Heaven is as difficult as ascending to the sky, even if there are six Taiyin Immortal Art, it is far from enough."

The stage of refining qi is nothing more than visualizing the sun and exhaling and refining qi.Because the six methods are all from the "Taiyin Tianshu", there is not much difference.

But the method of building foundations is different.

"Qingxu Yuehun Jue" is to refine the moon soul; "Returning the God Pill Book" is to practice Taiyin Yuandan; "Nine Cold Moonlight Book" is to practice ice soul divine light.

Which one is the correct way of "Taiyin Tianshu"?

Don't say that Dongfang Yunqi, if replaced by Fu Henghua, it will be difficult to finalize the foundation-building method due to insufficient information.

Unless, there are a few more Taiyin fairy formulas.

"How about throwing away the original one and creating a heavenly book?"

"Create your own heavenly book?"

Dongfang Yunqi smiled.

"Delusion to achieve the height of the 'Book of Heaven' with self-created exercises is simply a dream. The mystery of the Book of Heaven is not just a piece of exercises.

"The Heavenly Book is a congenital form of the Dao, which changes with the world and is unpredictable. In the past, the Taixuan sage taught and transformed the immortal way, and the immortals respected the 'Supreme Golden Elixir'. Therefore, the Taixuan Tianshu manifests the principle of the Golden Elixir, and the Daoist Golden Elixir Nine turns into a fairy.

"Later, there were many immortals, and there were three catastrophes. Taixuan Tianshu manifested the method of avoiding catastrophe by itself, and revised the inheritance of Tianshu.

"In the era of Tiangang method, the Taixuan Tianshu added the 'reversing yin and yang method' to be driven by the inheritors of the Tianshu.

"With the coming of the Nascent Soul Era, Tian Shushe removed the 'Nine Turns Secret Alchemy Alchemy', and deduced the way of 'Yin Yang Cultivates Chiying, Purple Mansion Alchemy Primordial Spirit'."

The Book of Heaven is not only a method of cultivation, but also a spiritual treasure that manifests the Dao.

The practice system is constantly changing, and the heavenly scriptures can also change with the times.At the same time, Tianshu will deduce the most suitable exercises according to each successor of Tianshu.

In the past, Taixuan Tianshu was inherited by three people in each generation, and it seemed that the three people practiced the same method.In fact, according to individual differences, the inheritance of heavenly scriptures varies from person to person.

"In the era of Shenzhou, there was a Tianjiao who created his own Taoism in Heavenly Calligraphy, in an attempt to compete with Taixuan Tianshu. But in another era, Taixuan Tianshu is still the source of immortality, but "Zihuang Tiandaolu" has fallen into an earthly code of immortality. "

The Purple Emperor's Heavenly Dao Record?
Isn't that the subduing technique of Zihuang Pavilion?
Seemingly aware of Fu Henghua's astonishment, Dongfang Yunqi laughed and said, "The Purple Emperor and Jade Sage can overwhelm the Four Great Immortal Palaces and rank among the second pavilions. Because there are amazing, talented and beautiful people in the ancestors, they are forced to be in one The era created the 'Book of Heaven'. It's just that this kind of book from heaven only caters to an era, and it will decline as the Nascent Soul Method replaces the Golden Elixir Method."

Fu Henghua remained silent.

At first, listening to Dongfang Yunqi's words, she thought she was mocking herself.

But with the explanation, he gradually understood.

Indeed, this is the case with the Heavenly Book he created. "Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong" caters to this era, and even tailor-made it just for myself.

If the era changes, the laws of heaven and earth change, and the cultivation system of the immortal way is greatly changed, "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong" will be equivalent to abolished.

"The Dao is always the same. As long as you cultivate to the extreme according to the innate Dao Seed, you can adjust and repair it even in a different era."

In the morning, Fu Henghua would definitely be shocked when he heard Dongfang Yunqi's words.

But now that he understands the magic of the true talisman of creation and the rationale behind the operation of the avenue of heaven and earth, he does not think that his book of heaven is just a short-lived epiphyllum.

"If the two patriarchs Zihuang and Yusheng personally act, it may be possible. But now the descendants of the two pavilions can only rely on the old methods of their ancestors."

The girl sighed faintly: "What my father lamented the most during his lifetime was that the Jade Sacred Pavilion did not contain the essence of the patriarch. Not to mention the creation of the eternal book, even if it is only a flash in the pan."

The study of Taoism in Heavenly Calligraphy is not limited to the lineage of Jade Sage?
Purple Emperor Pavilion, Xuanwei Sect, Tianyi Sect...

All sects who know the mysteries of the Heavenly Book, who wouldn't want to have a Heavenly Book at home?
What about short-lived epiphyllum?

As long as you prove the Dao in this era, after you prove the Dao, you can make the Lingbao Bearing Heavenly Book, and then create the Eternal Heavenly Book.

But right now, the major immortal sects haven't even touched the shadow of the heavenly book.

"What are you doing so far away? Is the heavenly book good or not? It won't last long. You only need the foundation-level mentality. As long as you can build the foundation, you can solve your own problems. Whether it is short-lived or not, it will be passed down forever."

The cloud sedan stopped for a while, and the girl said slowly: "Fellow Taoist is also right. Such a high-level matter has nothing to do with me."


Compared with spending time repairing the heavenly scriptures.

She felt that it might be more practical to go to Taiyin Mansion.

Although Fu Henghua didn't realize it, the "Qingxu Yuehun Jue" he gave is definitely the authentic heavenly book of Taiyin in a certain era.It is because of the changes in the world and the revised laws.It was only at the level of the heavenly book that the exercises fell into the ground.

Among the six Taiyin fairy formulas, there are two such exercises.But if it can be spread, it must have a great origin with the Taiyin lineage.

Dongfang Yunqi thought: The most regrettable thing about my father before his death was that he didn't have the chance to see the genuine heavenly book in this life.If I want to practice, instead of spending time trying to figure out the foundation building by myself, and then get stuck before the formation of alchemy.It would be better to spend more time and find Taiyin Mansion.According to the origin of these six heavenly scriptures, we can find the real Taiyin inheritance by exploring a little bit.Moreover, finding the Taiyin Mansion and obtaining the fairy artifact inside can help mother survive the three disasters.

Of course, Dongfang Yunqi did not intend to give up on creating the Taiyin Foundation Establishment Method.

It's just that in the future, if you focus on finding the whereabouts of Taiyin Mansion, you will be distracted from creating exercises.Therefore, Dongfang Yunqi planned to ask Fu Henghua for help.

When Fu Henghua heard this, he directly refused.

"My knowledge is shallow, and I only calculated the mental method of refining Qi by relying on the six fairy formulas. Foundation building? Don't look for me, there are hundreds of elders in Yusheng Pavilion, you go to them."

"People leave tea, my father failed to cross the tribulation, and the relationship with Yusheng Pavilion has faded. It's good that they don't bully our orphans and widows. How can they help us deduce the exercises? Besides, the deduction of exercises is not only about comprehension, but also for us. I need to deduce the treasure. I can't borrow the one from the Jade Sage Pavilion. I can't even borrow the one from the Purple Emperor Pavilion. So..."

Are you eyeing my Shenluo Heavenly Book?
Fu Henghua's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be in a hurry to refuse. I ask fellow Daoist to deduce the formula, and you can pay Fellow Daoist first."

She sent away the daughters of Yuluan, and luckily sent a book and a picture from the cloud sedan chair.

Dongfang Yunqi secretly sent a voice message to Fu Henghua: "I believe that fellow Taoist is absolutely willing to help after reading this deposit."

"Oh? What kind of book has such a great charm? Of course, if you bring the "Heavenly Sacred Jade Chapter" from Yusheng Pavilion—"

Suddenly, the boy shut his mouth.

He stared intently at the book.

I saw the six characters "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Scripture" written on it.

A gust of wind blew past the cloud sedan chair and lifted a corner of the door curtain.

But Fu Henghua didn't look inside at all, and quickly picked up the fairy scriptures to read.

But soon, as if cold water was poured down, Fu Henghua's tone changed: "Why is there only the chapter on robbery?"

"My mother traded it with a certain immortal in the East China Sea. It is the method used by the monks of Fufeng Immortal Palace to overcome the 'three calamities' and ascend to immortality."

Alright, it's a level higher than the "Infant Transformation" we're looking for.

But this thing is of little use to grandfather!

I can modify the exercises only after I find the genuine Huaying Chapter.

But Fu Henghua had to admit that this fairy book meant a lot to the Fu family.

"This deposit is indeed non-refundable."

Afterwards, Fu Henghua looked at the picture next to him, on which hexagrams were drawn.

"Dui Gua?"

"This is the reward in the future. Right now, fellow daoists can borrow it for enlightenment. When I return to the palace, I will take this picture back with me."

Afterwards, she avoided Yuluan's daughters, and quietly sent a voice transmission: "Fellow Daoists in the future have calculated the two pieces of mental methods of building foundations and golden pills, and this picture belongs to fellow daoists."


Fu Henghua stared at the picture in silence for a while, and said quietly: "A piece of Fufeng Xianjing is enough to match the mentality of the Foundation Building Chapter. As for this thing, are you really willing? Your eyesight will not fail to see this What is it?"

"Because I saw it, I knew it was useless to me. Rather than staying in my house to eat ashes, it is better to help you become enlightened."

The girl continued to transmit the voice: "Of course, this thing must not be exposed outside. Otherwise, the Jade Sage Pavilion may not be willing to give up."

This is what Dongfang Yunqi's father learned from a mahogany box in Yusheng Pavilion in his early years.He didn't say anything, and hid it privately.Later, as he failed to cross the tribulation, this object fell into Xianzao Palace.

The girl transmitted the sound to explain: "My mother gave me this thing. She said that in the future, she can send it to Yusheng Pavilion to save my life. Fellow Daoist, I will exchange this thing for the method of golden core, do you think it is enough?"

Glancing at Yuluan beside him, Fu Henghua smiled wryly.

Enough is enough, of course.

One-eighth of the genuine inheritance of "Yitian Bajishu".Don't talk about Jindan, you asked me to practice the method of transforming babies together in the future, and I did it.

"Yi Tian Ba ​​Ji Shu" is definitely the most suitable heavenly book for the Fu family.Fu Henghua doesn't practice himself, so he can use it for his family.

"Can I show others?"

"Senior Fu Danwei can do it, but others can't."

Forget it, show the old man a look, maybe it can inspire him to seek the way?
Thinking of this, Fu Henghua suddenly thought a little more about the mahogany box in Yunlie Immortal Palace.

Next, if you have nothing to do, you might as well study it when you are practicing in Luogui Island.

 Just upload the two updates together today.

(End of this chapter)

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