Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1006, The End of the Left Wing

Chapter 1006, The End of the Left Wing
Moreover, this is the base camp of Styx, knowing all kinds of defense systems with his ass, it is definitely not something that a battle god like her who is biased towards wormhole computing can forcefully break through.

To put it nicely, this is called fighting to the death, but to put it bluntly, it is a desperate fight, anyway, in the end, there is no way to escape a word of death.

But Ruoning used to be the holy left wing anyway, even if she died, she didn't want to be locked in the void barrier and be destroyed without any resistance, so even if Karl couldn't be killed, it would be good to pull his men to back him up.

After confirming the target of the battle, Ruoning displayed the hotness of a veteran battle god. He walked through the wormhole and came to Snow's side. With his palms together, he stabbed at his neck with fiery energy.

Snow, as Karl's agent, is also a good wormhole operator. Ruoning's behavior can't be hidden from him, and the god-killing sickle flipped in his hand and cut towards the back.

But who knew that Ruoning would not dodge or dodge, raised his forearm and used the arm guard to jam the blade of the god-killing sickle, and cut a wound on the neck of Snow who was dodging with the knife in his hand.

But because the wound was too shallow, he quickly recovered in front of the strong resilience of the divine body, but the cut wound on Ruoning's forearm kept leaking golden energy particles.

This is the energy leaked out of the Super Gene being interfered by the special energy on the God-killing Weapon, unable to aggregate the wound. If it is not dealt with, Ruoning will gradually become weak.

This is like the blood of ordinary creatures. When the energy of the divine body is low to a certain level, the divine body will become extremely weak and unable to maintain its own strength.

Seeing this, Ruoning cursed inwardly, her sword was no longer by her side, and she couldn't use many driving abilities.

As for using the flame bombing algorithm with bare hands like the second and third Sacred Left Wing, because the god body was adjusted to accommodate the micro-wormhole transportation, Ruoning's god body was not as good as the normal angel god body in many aspects.

This is the price of choice, Liangbing is like this, Ruoning is no exception, if Ruoning is allowed to lurk and carry out assassinations, she can beat the angels of the same level by a few blocks.

The figures of Ruoning and Snow disappeared almost at the same time, and then appeared at the same time more than ten meters away.

Snow, who has entered the state, has obviously been able to keep up with Ruoning's wormhole shuttle, and this is the Death Song Academy, so he has the home field advantage.

Besides, Ruoning didn't have a matching weapon, but Snow had a god-killing sickle in his hand, which caused Ruoning to miss many opportunities most of the time in order to dodge Snow's attack.

However, as the surrounding walls and rooms were destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two, Karl did not intend to watch it anymore, and the computing power of the big clock instantly covered the entire venue.

A barrier with a glow of blue energy appeared and covered Ruoning.

As soon as Ruoning was about to travel through the wormhole, Karl changed the space medium with a radius of one kilometer, which caused Ruoning to miscalculate the distance and failed to escape Karl's attack coverage.

In the next moment, Ruoning felt that his body was wrapped in a layer of energy, as if he was in a special planetary environment with dozens of times the gravity, and it was very difficult to move and move.

Taking advantage of the fuselage, Snow transformed into a blurred phantom, and quickly shifted to Ruoning's side. The god-killing sickle in his hand drew an arc, and sank into Ruoning's back.

Ruoning looked down at the scythe protruding from his chest, and was about to turn around enduring the pain, but was thrown aside by Snow's wave of the god-killing scythe.

Now Ruoning completely lost the ability to attack again, fortunately she didn't move anymore, leaning against the broken wall behind her, Ruoning held her chest and said with a smile.

"I am the holy left wing of the angels, and I will always be loyal to Queen Keisha.

And you don't deserve my allegiance. "

After finishing the words, Ruoning simply started to decompose her divine body by herself, so as to avoid the pain of being tortured by the god-killing energy.

A generation of holy left wing, the angelic top battle god who once ruled over half of the universe, turned into energy particles under the watchful eyes of Karl and Snow, and dissipated in this place where she was imprisoned for hundreds of years.

In fact, when Karl said that he would help her to become king, Ruoning's heart was briefly shaken. She once fantasized that she would become the king of angels and lead Melo's heaven to control the entire universe.

But Ruoning, who once served as the holy left wing, is not such a naive guy who is easily moved by other people's words. Even if he becomes the king of angels, he is just Karl's running dog.

Ruoning can accept other people's criticism of her, and she can also play some tricks in order to get closer to Queen Keisha, but the only thing she can't let go of is her identity as an angel.

If the conspiracy with Karl is revealed in the future, she will become a fallen angel and be nailed to the pillar of shame in Melo's heaven forever, becoming the traitor she once said she hated.

So Ruoning finally made his own choice. As an angelic warrior, he fell into a battle with a powerful enemy, even if the battle was unfair.

The news of the incident that happened at the Death Song Academy has not spread, but judging from Ruoning's behavior that she would rather die than cooperate, the dark information collected from her before may have been tampered with.

Because Ruoning can break the restriction device that restricts her genetic engine, it means that her application of the sacred language is not weak, so she has the ability to tamper with the dark information data.

However, Karl did not inform Hua Ye, who had sneaked into the Angel Nebula, of this matter, because he was not sure whether the dark information data read by the big clock was correct or not.


On the outskirts of the Melo star field, Hua Ye led a group of male angels to sneak around a team of angels on daily patrol.

Relying on the characteristics of the Void Engine to tamper with the laws of physics, Hua Ye followed Karl's instructions to shield the dark energy radiation from the male angels under his command and himself, so as to avoid being scanned by the angel's insight eyes.

In addition, before departure, Hua Ye modified the identification information of himself and his subordinates according to the data given by Carl, which means that they are allies in Angel's regular scanning system.

But this friendly army is also limited. If the scale exceeds a certain level, it will attract the attention of the Melo Heavenly Court Supercomputer, and then screen it, and Hua Ye and his party of angels will be exposed.

But Hua Ye is not an idiot, he will not fully believe in the data given by Carl, so he deliberately walked around the Angel Nebula's Angel Legion a few times, and after finding that it did not attract attention, he was relieved.

So Hua Ye led dozens of elites from the Tiangong Group and sneaked all the way to the vicinity of the Melo planetary system, and confirmed the location of the Angel Prison according to the star map provided by Karl.

But in fact, as soon as Hua Ye and his group of angels entered the outer periphery of the Melo planetary system, they were discovered, and they carried the identification information of regular angels.

Moreover, it is also the identification information of the retired subordinates of the fourth sacred left-wing Ruoning, so the scanning system of Melo Tianting specially marked them separately, which is extremely conspicuous.

(End of this chapter)

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