Chapter 1007, The Trap

"King, do you find it a little strange that even if the troops in Melo's Heavenly Court are insufficient, a place as important as the Angel Prison will not be without any angel troops stationed there."

Faced with the question raised by his Tiangong generals, Hua Ye also found something unusual, and they sneaked in too smoothly.

Although they have the identification information of angels, it is impossible not to encounter any checkpoints along the way, as if they are not saboteurs sneaking in, but guests invited to come as guests.

"Hearing what you said, this king also smells a hint of conspiracy.

But now the elites of the Heavenly Court of Melo are fighting against our Tiangong army on the front line, and the only ones left by the Heavenly Court of Melo are some young angel recruits.

Even if there is a conspiracy, the king's black hole engine is not a vegetarian, and there is no place in this universe that can trap the king. "

Hua Ye is very confident about this point. Although the battle plan formulated by that guy Karl is somewhat unreliable, Hua Ye believes in the authority of the other party in terms of technical ability.

Although the mimic black hole created by the black hole engine is not as fast as a real black hole to devour galaxies and annihilate stars, it can also cause local space-time distortion.

It can be said that he is the natural enemy of any space technology. As long as he has this trump card, Hua Ye is confident to break any space-time cage, and the only way to trap his existence today is to use the independent space formed by space technology.

And it's too late to go back now, if they are really discovered, maybe the road will be full of angel warriors besieging them.

It would be better to go all the way to the dark, break into the angel prison, liberate the criminals imprisoned by the angel, and strengthen your own strength.

Moreover, attacking Angel Prison by himself was also a temporary idea, and he did not disclose any news before arriving in the Melo planetary system.

Hua Ye didn't believe that Melo Heaven could set up such a decent trap in such a short period of time.

"Go ahead, since the other party is not guarding against us, then go in directly, find Liangbing, release the other prisoners in the prison, and we will withdraw."

After Hua Ye finished speaking, he led dozens of angels under his command to the Angel Prison built on a giant asteroid, and to the main building with its top exposed.

Looking at the Angel Prison where there are no angels guarding the gate, Hua Ye is finally sure that there may be a trap ahead.

But judging from the fact that he and the others were not surrounded by the Angel Legion, the strength of Melo's Heavenly Court at the moment is estimated to be enough, otherwise there would be no such trouble at all.

Two Heavenly Palace guards took the initiative to push open the holy white gate carved with layers of carvings, and Hua Ye walked in.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, Hua Ye only felt that the surrounding space began to change rapidly, and the large elevator passage leading to the bottom of the prison that he had seen before gradually dissipated.

Instead, the surrounding walls gradually solidified, and the originally narrow passage of the Angel Prison suddenly transformed into a vast interior of the palace.

This can be called a strange change, causing many Tiangong guards present to nervously raise their weapons and guard their surroundings.

On the high platform of the throne at the end of the palace, He Xizheng sat with his legs crossed, and on both sides were a group of high-ranking angel warriors wearing visors.

"This is your handwriting, Hexi. You have been proficient in this way since tens of thousands of years ago. Now your technique is even more advanced. Even this king can't feel any abnormality."

Hua Ye sighed in admiration, but secretly raised his vigilance to the highest level,
If Binghua is an expert in fighting head-on, Kaisha is that kind of unmatched strength, while Hexi is the one with the most weird methods, who can often turn opponents around.

"Hua Ye, I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, but you have changed a lot. At least you are good at speaking, and your words are much better than before."

He Xi looked down at Hua Ye and his group of angels at the gate of the palace, and said with a light smile, as if the two were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"But you ran to Melo Heaven with the identification information of the retired angel, it seems that it is not just to catch up with me."

Hearing He Xi's words, Hua Ye couldn't help scolding Karl in his heart. He thought he was a little unreliable at first, but he didn't expect to be so unreliable.

Telling him the identification information of the retired angels, isn't that telling Melo Heavenly Court that there is something wrong with their sneaking angels?

"Hexi, we are old acquaintances after all, I don't think there is really any need for Melo Tianting and Tiangong to fight to the death like they are now.

After all, we all belong to the angelic civilization, and in the end we lost both sides, wouldn't it be a waste of money for outsiders.

Why don't we join forces and get rid of Karl who was watching the show outside the arena first, and then we will slowly study who leads the Angel Nebula, what do you think. "

Hua Ye chose to skip the topic of identification information, he walked out of the protection of the guard angels, and proposed to Hexi with open arms.

"You really know how to joke, as an angel branch, you are guilty of murdering the king of angels, Holy Kaisa.

With such a conspiracy, do you think there is a possibility of peaceful coexistence between us? "

He Xi said coldly, almost amused by Hua Ye's whimsy.

"Ah, ah, wait!
When did our male angels become a branch of your female angels.

We male angels are the orthodox angels, and you female angels should be the branch. "

Hua Ye was unhappy, and immediately retorted.

"If Keisha hadn't given up on destroying you all back then, you thought you would still be standing here and talking to me today.

But it seems that Queen Keisha made a wrong decision at that time, otherwise you wouldn't run to me today and continue to jump. "

Hexi's words pierced Hua Ye's heart like a sharp knife. The reason why the remnants of Tiangong were able to survive at that time had a lot to do with Kaisha stopping the pursuit.

Of course there are factors that Hua Ye is more able to run, but there is no reason why Keisha deliberately kept male angels to prevent the angel civilization from going to absolute extremes.

"Forget it, I won't be able to talk with you, anyway, we have to use the swords in our hands to speak in the end."

Hua Ye carried out his pitch-black king sword, and all the angel guards and generals behind him raised their cross swords one after another.

"Since you want to use the sword to speak, then let you do so."

Hexi got up from the throne and stretched out his hand. A sword body was engraved with sacred language runes one after another. An epee, which was slightly thicker than the flame sword, appeared from it and was held by him and aimed at Hua Ye.

This was like a signal to start a war. Behind Hua Ye, all the guards of the Heavenly Palace rushed out, and so did the high-ranking angels below Hexi.

Fortunately, the space of this palace is very huge, so that the angels will not be crowded together, but it can't be called vast, after all, there are dozens of angels fighting here.

(End of this chapter)

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