Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1008, He Xi fights Hua Ye

Chapter 1008, He Xi fights Hua Ye
In an instant, the aftermath of circles of dark energy collisions spread out in the originally solemn palace, shaking the supporting pillars of the palace and the walls trembling uncontrollably.

Even though the materials used to build this palace are considered very tough, they probably won't last long in the face of so many angels fighting.

Besides, neither Hua Ye nor He Xi, who were in charge of the combat power of both sides, had moved.

With the sound of clattering, the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the palace were smashed by an upside-down Heavenly Palace guard, and the rest of the angels followed suit, rushing out of the palace to fight in a wider space outside.

"It seems that this king's side still has the upper hand."

A smile appeared on Hua Ye's face, because there were still twelve Heavenly Palace guards around him, and there was not a single angel around He Xi.

"Really, I hope you can continue to laugh after a while."

He Xi raised his hand slightly, and the space beside him became blurred, and then figures stepped out of it.

Hua Ye's smile immediately froze on his face, because on the high platform in front of him, there were eight Hexi who were exactly the same in appearance and regardless of their temperament.

And they don't even have any difference in equipment, the uniform Su Yin armor plus the angel king sword, and Hua Ye scanned through the void engine, these Hexis are all entities.

"When I was exchanging technology with Binghua, I was very interested in Sun Wukong's avatar technique, so I followed suit and made some avatars.

Normally, they would eat ashes in the warehouse, but this time, I took them all out to entertain you.

Don't underestimate them just because they are avatars, at some point, they can also act as real deities. "

A slight smile appeared on Hexi's face in the middle, and then he raised his sword and pointed at Huaye.

"Come on together and kill him."

The next moment, seven Hexi rushed out at the same time, and the target was Hua Ye who was protected by the guards.

"Tch, it's not like I haven't seen it before, and Binghua's clone was killed by me anyway."

Hua Ye raised his sword to meet the rushing Hexis. The weapons in the hands of both sides collided in the air, and a circle of dark energy shock waves spread out.

The flat hall of the palace immediately seemed to have been crushed by something, and it became fragmented, with tiny cracks all over it.

Hua Ye met one He Xi, and the remaining He Xi was stopped by the guards around Hua Ye.

Although they are only guards, they are equivalent to Hua Ye's personal guards. They have received the best resource supply, and almost all of them have upgraded their angelic bodies.

Of course, it is only the most common divine body. High-level divine bodies consume too much resources. With the current background of Tiangong, it is still impossible to upgrade the divine bodies for too many angels.

Hua Ye stopped the two Hexi's onslaught by himself, and the remaining five were surrounded by the twelve Tiangong guards, but judging by the battle situation, they fought with a little reluctance.

Two-on-one, and even three-on-one were beaten by Hexi's clone. If this continues, the goal of entering the Angel Prison may not be accomplished today.

When Hua Ye was thinking about this, He Xi, who was standing on the high platform of the throne, moved, and swooped down from the air with a vertical leap, slashing heavily with the king sword in his hand.

Hua Ye hurriedly rolled his donkey to avoid this sharp blow, raised his hand and swung a sword energy to force back the other two Hexi who were sticking up.

Seeing this, a Hexi who was slightly behind raised his sword and swung a flaming cross slash towards Hua Ye, who was swept away by his sword wrapped in surging dark energy.

One of the three Hexi who besieged Hua Ye frowned slightly. He didn't expect Hua Ye to be so strong. Although the avatar was not as good as the real three-generation god body, it was still at this level in terms of output.

It's nothing more than the avatar's combat method is a little more rigid than her main body's control. After all, it's a combat database compiled, so it can't be called very flexible.

Hua Ye naturally also discovered this, but still found it very tricky, because watching the three Hexi rushing towards him, it felt so disturbing.

And after a short trial just now, these clones of Hexi's swordsmanship were outrageously strong, if he didn't have a good foundation in swordsmanship, he would have been cut into pieces just now.

At this moment, a cry of pain sounded, and a Tiangong imperial guard was pierced through the abdomen by Hexi's avatar.

As the first Tiangong guard was injured, the remaining Tiangong guards suddenly became a little more cautious in the battle with Hexi's avatar, but this had the opposite effect.

Because the space-based supercomputer responsible for operating these clones is analyzing the combat habits of these Tiangong guards.

The effect manifested in the battle was that He Xi's clone began to predict the moves of the guards in the Heavenly Palace who were besieging him in advance, and then pumped coldly to penetrate a guard in the Heavenly Palace together with the armor on his body.

On the other hand, there is a gap in weapons. You must know that Hexi's avatar is also equipped with the Ansu Silver King Sword. Although it lacks a special weapon engine, its strength is not comparable to the standard void weapon in the male angel's hand.

Therefore, after a few collisions, the weapons in the male angel's hands began to be damaged in different sizes, and some even the most basic dark energy cutting could not be driven smoothly.

Seeing that his personal guards began to break down, Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore, and raised his hand to unfold the disc-shaped black hole engine operation interface.

As Hua Ye clenched his fists fiercely, a circle of turbulent void energy shock waves spread regardless of enemy or friend.

The Tiangong guards who were fighting Hexi's avatar all knelt down in pain, clutching their helmets.

However, Hexi's clone was rushed by this energy, and the dark energy system in the body was disturbed, and there was a moment of disorder.

The space-based supercomputer immediately restarted the system of Hexi's avatar, and at the same time captured Huaye's dark energy shock wave data to build a protection algorithm.

However, Hua Ye, who was not affected, took advantage of this moment and rushed to the clone controlled by Hexi himself, pierced his abdomen with a sword, and then the void energy exploded.

"This king has seen you a long time ago, this should be your real body!"

Hua Ye said excitedly, Hexi stared at the faint blue cracks in his abdomen that were constantly spreading, and then his body softened and fell backwards.

"What's going on? Why didn't you stop?"

Hua Ye was only happy for a moment, before he had to retreat quickly to avoid the attacks of other Hexis, and at the same time questioned him in confusion.

"It's a pity, that's not my real body.

But you destroyed a precious clone of mine, how are you going to compensate me?

Why don't we play a little game, as long as you can survive, I won't pursue this matter. "

Hexi's voice sounded from all over the palace, so ethereal that Hua Ye couldn't find where it came from.

But at the next moment, all the clones of Hexi forced back the enemies in front of them at the same time, and abruptly retreated into the worm door opened behind them.

The same is true for the outside world. The high-level angels who were entangled with the generals and guards of the Tiangong also retreated into the wormhole when Hua Ye's side could not react in time.

(End of this chapter)

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