Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1017 Void Creatures

Binghua did not continue to pay attention to Karl, and directly ordered:
"Ran, you go and deal with Snow, the opponent is good at space wormholes, don't let him run away."

"Queen, don't worry, he can't escape."

After the burning voice fell, he rushed straight to Snow who had just escaped from the breath of the unknown creature. Before he got close to the Thunder Sword in his hand, a dazzling thunder began to surge.

"Hezhui, Ailan, follow me into the Academy of Dead Songs, let's go and find Karl out."

Binghua ignored Karl's intentions at all, and gave orders directly in front of him.

"Your Excellency, Heavenly Sword King, you are too rude, can't we talk about it?"

Facing Carl's words, Binghua, who was flying towards the gate of Dead Song Academy, sneered.

"Carl, not everything can be discussed, I've given you a chance.

Now that you have made your choice, don't regret it now. "

After the words fell, Binghua stretched out his hand towards the gate of the Dead Song Academy and gave it a virtual grip, symbolizing the majesty of the huge door of the Dead Song Academy, as if being grasped by a big hand, crushed to pieces, revealing the passage leading to the inside.

Then Binghua and his group of three angels rushed directly into the Death Song Academy and landed in a slightly gloomy passage.

"Even the place where I live is so lifeless, no wonder it is called the god of death."

Crane Zhui looked at the decoration style around him, uttered something bad, and at the same time carried out his weapon.

"This is just the respectful title that the intelligent life of Styx gave to Karl who likes to study and observe death, but as time goes by, he himself began to call himself the god of death."

Alan is more vigilant, the dark energy in his body has been activated, and he is ready to launch a thunderous blow at any time.

"Who cares if he is a god of death or not, find his location, kill him if he can, and if he can't, I'll catch him and lock him up."

Binghua walked in the front. When approaching a closed gate, the gate was suddenly shattered from the inside, and a nearly three-meter-high beast covered with wavy glowing stripes rushed towards it.

But when it was less than one meter away from the glacier, the beast, together with the surrounding stones, hovered in mid-air, unable to move an inch.

"It's this kind of creature again. It seems that Karl is doing some dangerous research."

Although imprisoned by Binghua's force field, this creature is very tenacious. At the same time, the void energy radiating from his body is also very troublesome, slowly eroding the force field that imprisoned it.

At this moment, a figure wearing a wide-brimmed hat suddenly appeared from the shadows a dozen meters away, and waved a few throwing knives with purple trails.

With the energy in his body already active, Alan waved the sword of judgment in his hand, and a slashing wave burning with fiery energy flames swallowed the flying blade that was coming, and cut towards the man unabated.

"It's really a terrifying energy intensity. Are all angels as powerful as you?"

The slightly feminine voice came from the mouth of the man wearing a wide-brimmed hat, with a playful look.

"Who are you? How dare you hide in the dark and attack the goddess."

Alan stepped forward a few steps and asked with a icy face, and at the same time, a flame of dark energy began to burn on his body. …

Seeing such a picture, the relaxed body of the feminine man suddenly tensed up. Alan's appearance is really too scary.

Because an angel who can transform such a majestic dark energy must not be an unknown person, at least the second-generation god among angels.

"Ailan, don't compete with me, I think he is quite suitable for me."

Just when Alan was about to say hello with a few rounds of flame bombing, He Zhui reached out to stop her.

Ailan understood the meaning of He Zhui as soon as his thoughts moved. According to the large creatures that appeared before, it can be seen that Karl and some of his lackeys are not the only ones in the Dead Song Academy.

Crane Zhui is not good at large-scale destructive algorithms, but he is very good at dealing with enemies of the same shape. It is understandable to choose this feminine man.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I hope you won't cry and beg me to save you in the communication."

The flames of dark energy on Alan's body began to gradually weaken until they disappeared, but he did not forget to say something.

"That's impossible, let me take him down easily."

He Zhui raised the broad-bladed epee in his hand and pointed it at the feminine man, and said with a light smile.

"Next, sister will accompany you to have fun, I hope you don't die too soon."

Seeing this, Binghua shook her head slightly, she knew that He Zhui had been suffocated in the world of justice all these years, where she could hardly meet any opponents who could match her except her colleagues.

Although the feminine man in front of him seems to have no imposing manner, but according to the scan of the eye of insight, he possesses the three generations of Styx's divine body.

In order to prevent being disturbed by the other party when facing Karl later, He Zhui took the initiative to undertake the task of annihilating the God of the Styx.

This is the tacit understanding between Binghua and these older angels, there is no need to discuss any battle plan in advance.

In fact, in Binghua's view, there is no need to be so troublesome. She is confident that even if Karl's lackeys come together, they will not be able to pose any threat to her.

Seeing that He Zhui was going to stay, Binghua just nodded slightly to tell her to be careful, and then he and Alan crossed over the unknown beast imprisoned in mid-air, and then heard the dislocation and twisting of flesh and bones.

Passing through the long passage and the main hall that appeared at intervals, Binghua was not in a hurry at all, she could feel where Karl was.

And the last time I came to Death Song Academy, I didn't observe it carefully, just now I am not in a hurry to take a good look on the road, because maybe this place will become her territory in a while.

At the same time, in the field that only Binghua and Karl can feel, Sameiello is constantly colliding with the big clock to gain control of this area.

Tianjian is on the sidelines to assist. After all, he is just a computing cloud, and its computing power is not as strong as the big clock of the Celestial Computer.

Generally speaking, although Sameiello has obtained part of the control of this star field, it is an away game after all. After slightly suppressing part of the computing power of the big clock, there has been no progress for a while.

But as Binghua got closer to Karl's position in the eyes of insight, more unknown creatures encountered along the way.

Although these creatures are strange, the energy intensity contained in their bodies is not high, and even an ordinary angel warrior can easily kill them, but what is strange to Binghua is that these creatures have different forms, and almost none of them are of the same species.

"Goddess, where do you think these creatures come from? I don't think they are creatures from this universe."

This is the third time Ailan has asked questions, Binghua frowned.

"It seems that Karl's research on the void seems to have been accidental. These are the so-called void creatures, but they are too weak."

Binghua commented that facing the void creatures that she could easily crush to death, she really didn't feel any threat.

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