Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1018, God and God

Chapter 1018, God and God
Just as Binghua and Ailan were communicating on the issue of void creatures, there was a sudden movement in the passage ahead, and then densely packed creatures the size of human heads, shimmering with ominous purple light all over their bodies and shaped like swimming fish rushed quickly.

"It's the first time I've seen a fish that can swim in the air!"

Alan exclaimed, Binghua raised his hand and clenched his fingers at the void swimming fish rushing in front of him. At the same time, the passage in front suddenly began to shrink towards the middle.

Seeing this, the void swimming fish screamed piercingly, but in the end they were squeezed and wrapped by the narrowed passage, and none of them could rush out.

Although the passage in front was lost by Binghua, Binghua and Ailan were not fragile mortals. They flew directly through the cosmic vacuum at the fracture and fell into the hall tens of meters away.

This place is different from before. There are more mechanical warriors with white paint and no racial characteristics on the ground. The cause of their death is the hole in their body. Judging from the size, it seems to be caused by those void fish just now.

Even the mechanical void fighters made by Karl can kill, it seems that the void creatures are not as harmless as they look.

"Be careful in a while, try not to be hit by the attack of the void creature."

After glancing at it, Binghua reminded Alan that after all, she had never studied this creature, but judging from the strength of the void energy contained in its body and the corpse of the mechanical warrior on the ground, its lethality was not weak.

Afterwards, Binghua and Ailan no longer encountered void creatures, only the corroded ground and the mutilated body of Styx mechanical warriors.

When Binghua passed through an open door and entered a main hall that was larger than the previous halls, she saw Karl.

"It makes me feel a little strange that you didn't escape."

Karl sat quietly behind the desk in the hall, like a courtier welcoming the queen.

"This is my residence, everything I have is here, where can I escape."

Karl got up from his seat and walked around the desk to stand opposite Binghua, his tone still neither humble nor overbearing.

"That's really good. I will destroy you and your research materials together, and then I will send troops to garrison the Styx galaxy. This time, I will see how you can rebuild the Death Song Academy."

Binghua said with a smile, but the meaning contained in the words made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly freeze.

"Your Excellency, Heavenly Sword King, to be honest, I really don't want to be your enemy, but you have repeatedly jumped out to hinder my research."

Karl reached out a book with a metal cover and fell into his hand, his tone became serious.

"The tone has become a lot louder. Could it be that those so-called void creatures gave you confidence."

Behind Binghua, the angel's wings spread out, and then silver metal clinged to it, and the original white angel's wings instantly turned into silver wings reflecting the cold light.

"No, the appearance of void creatures is just an accident. What I have prepared for you is a special void engine specially developed for angels."

The book with the metal cover in Carl's hand opened automatically when Carl's voice fell, and a disk-shaped projection appeared in the void, with tiny Kamigawa characters dancing on it.

'The angel super gene is detected, the target is a sacred body, and absolute suppression cannot be performed'

Not beyond Karl's expectations, Binghua also has the same sacred body as Kaisha, so he immediately adjusted the engine formula, changing absolute suppression to partial suppression.

In an instant, a translucent energy shock spread out, enveloping the whole universe within it.

Alan snorted and took a step back. She felt that the output of her genetic engine had dropped by about 30.00%.

Binghua on the side just frowned slightly, raised his hands and clenched his fists in one go.

The entire hall trembled instantly, and then the walls shattered, rushing towards Karl's position and squeezing each other crazily.

The next moment, the purple energy exploded in an instant, turning the wreckage of the building wrapped in Karl into fly ash and dissipating in an instant, revealing Karl who was unharmed inside.

Binghua was not surprised to see this, the phantom body of the other party was extremely tricky, there was almost no way to kill it, but you have to try, right?

The sub-biological engine was launched in an instant, and the sub-biological energy immediately dispersed the void energy that penetrated into Binghua's body, and built a firewall.

Binghua saw that Alan looked a little strange on the side, and opened his five fingers to rush into his body one after another with biological energy, and also removed the suppression of the void engine for him.

Not far away, Karl's heart sank when he saw this. Ever since he saw Kaisha's secondary biological engine in the battle of God's Fall, Karl knew that the absolute leading position of void energy had been broken.

The rewriting of the concept that Binghua easily erased the void engine is proof, and the other party also has the support of the astrocomputer.

Forcibly driving the Void Engine won't have much effect, but Karl won't let it go.

Anyway, his phantom can't be destroyed, if that's the case, then give up defense and attack with all your strength.

"How about it, did you feel particularly surprised, your so-called void is not as powerful as you said.

Didn't the angel find a way to target it? "

Binghua laughed, and at the same time, his hands were not idle. The sub-biological engine launched a full analysis of Carl, and soon found a targeted attack method.

"Void is not as shallow as you know, and you will soon realize its power."

Karl didn't give up either, and increased the output of the void engine, but the firewall built by the sub-biological engine that had already learned the strike mode of the void engine was not so easy to break through.

Seeing this, Binghua directly ignored the attack of the void engine, raised his hand and a mimetic star condensed and shot towards Karl, but before the sphere containing terrifying energy touched his target, he rewritten the concept of the void engine Down, the rapid incapacity turned into nothingness.

Binghua was not too surprised about this, because this is not the first time that the mimic star technology has been used in front of Karl, and it is normal to be solved.

But Binghua is actually very relaxed now. Even if Karl has an extremely powerful void engine, his combat effectiveness is actually the same.

Before the subbiological engine, it might be troublesome to face the Void Engine Ice Blossom, but with the rewriting and repairing ability of the subbiological heart concept, the aggressiveness of the Void Engine can be said to be abolished by half.

In addition, Karl is just a scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, and it is impossible to rush up and fight with him personally, so Binghua has been thinking about how to kill or capture the opponent.

At this moment, Alan on the side moved. Alan hated Karl, the god of death who planned to kill Queen Keisha. Seeing that the other party was competing with Binghua in computing power, she directly did it, hoping to distract part of Karl's attention. .

(End of this chapter)

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