Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1023, Void Behemoth

Chapter 1023, Void Behemoth

He Zhui and Ailan stood directly in front of Binghua, guarding against the crack left by the blasted void energy ball.

"Binghua (Goddess), are you okay!"

Binghua waved his hand to let Ai Lan and He Zhui get out of the way first, and said at the same time.

"I'm fine. You don't need to stand in front of me when you encounter such things in the future. What I can't carry, you can't carry either."

Binghua stepped forward to observe the purple crack that looked like a glass crack and frowned in thought, not knowing what was going on.

But Binghua can be sure that this has something to do with the void creature. After all, such a big void creature disappeared without a trace before, and any fool knows that it must be related.

At this moment, the purple crack suddenly began to expand, like broken glass, expanding to hundreds of meters in size in the blink of an eye.

As the space shattered like a mirror, a huge triangular head emerged from it carrying a storm of void energy, stirring the surrounding space to tremble violently.

Binghua immediately manipulated the force field from virtual to real, like a wall blocking all the incoming void energy storms.

Because of this, Binghua, Ailan, and He Zhui also saw clearly the culprit that caused all this.

The huge triangular head wrapped in purple glow armor, combined with a pair of ominous purple vertical pupils, gave people a deadly and dangerous feeling.

The elongated body covered by thick armor and the abdomen covered with dense scales make it look like there is no weakness.

What really surprised Binghua was that the sides of the neck of this giant snake-like giant spread out like wings covering the sky and the sun, giving it a special sense of majesty amidst its hideousness.

But it's obvious that this giant snake-like monster has a bad temper. Facing Binghua's position, it breathes out a void energy.

Naturally, Binghua would not be so stupid as to resist the breath of this hundreds of meters long monster, and the force field engulfed Ailan and He Zhui and quickly retreated thousands of meters away.

Seeing this scene, the Void Behemoth lowered its raised head to protect its abdomen, and stared at Binghua with a pair of vertical pupils. It could feel the huge power contained in these little bugs. As long as it devoured them, it would be able to become stronger.

"Goddess, how did it come out?"

Alan frowned and said, she has dabbled in time and space technology, and was extremely surprised by the behavior of the void behemoth forcibly breaking through the space rift.

He Zhui didn't think too much about it, she looked at the sword in her hand and gestured at the sky-blocking figure of the Void Behemoth, feeling that it was time for her to change her weapon.

"It should be the special induction of void energy, coupled with the special nature of void energy that changes the space itself, which allowed this giant beast to pass through the gap between the void universe and the main biological universe."

Binghua gave her own opinion, and at the same time she was constantly scanning the Void Beast with her eyes of insight, which made the Void Behemoth let out an uneasy cry.

As if stimulated by Binghua's peeping, the giant beast once again opened its giant kiss full of sharp teeth, and a jet of purple void energy spewed out.

The angels of Binghua immediately dispersed, and this jet of void energy passed over the angels, melting the surface of the planet behind them into a canyon several kilometers long.

"The destructive power is so strong!"

Alan was surprised, and didn't understand how the giant beast stored such a huge amount of energy in its body.

Binghua gave the answer at this time. With the help of Sameailuo's supercomputer and the scanning characteristics of the eye of insight, plus the fact that the Void Behemoth will not shield its own body, Binghua got the general structure of the behemoth picture.

The body of the void behemoth is covered with veins that resemble blood vessels, and there is a special organ in its abdomen that is constantly extracting the scattered void energy particles and transforming them into special substances that can flow in its body.

When the giant beast exhaled just now, these special substances were turned into void energy jets that can dissipate most substances through the energy converter organ in its throat.

After the data collection is over, Binghua is not going to let the void behemoth continue to attack, because with the attack of the void behemoth, the surrounding void gradually begins to be filled with weak void energy particles.

If, as she guessed, when the density of void energy reaches a certain level, it can be sensed by void creatures and break the barrier between the two universes, then it would be a bit bad.

Even though this giant void beast didn't perform very well in front of Binghua and the others, whether it's its huge size, the void jet's breath, or the majestic void energy response that filled its body, it all shows that it is a beast that is enough to be defeated. A terrifying monster called the embodiment of disaster.

"You guys are watching. After I finish cooking it and collect the data in the Dead Song Academy, we will return to the Chiwu star system."

Alan didn't care about Binghua's words. Although she was suspected of making soy sauce after following her this time, Alan was already very satisfied to see Carl captured.

He Zhui felt a little depressed. She was a fighter, and she was more of a war-loving type. However, because her fighting style was not suitable for dealing with large targets, He Zhui had to watch from the sidelines many times.

Binghua spread out her angel wings and flew to a distance of less than a kilometer from the giant beast in the blink of an eye, which was close enough for both parties.

Facing the existence of Binghua, which gave it a dangerous feeling, the giant beast cautiously coiled its body, like a poisonous snake about to bite out.

Binghua was not polite to it, and opened the five fingers of his left hand equipped with Titan's Grip, and grabbed it in the direction of the Void Behemoth.

The invisible energy force field immediately enveloped the giant void beast and lifted it up, but Binghua was not without any loss.

The majestic void energy field around the void behemoth is constantly obliterating the energy field, but the Titan's Grip, which has tiny stars as the energy core, is constantly replenishing, so no matter how hard the void behemoth struggles, it cannot escape the force field's package.

Just when Binghua was about to crush the giant void beast with a force field, the giant beast opened its giant kiss and spewed out a void jet again. The force field surrounding it was pierced in the blink of an eye, and the void jet shot towards the ice like a sharp sword. Hua sweeps over.

But I saw a blur in the space in front of Binghua, and a giant shield appeared, forming a force field barrier.

But facing the continuous impact of the void jet, the force field barrier gradually disintegrated, and even the surface of the shield was gradually melted by the void jet.

Seeing this Ice Blossom increased the output of the force field, turned the head of the Void Behemoth to one side, and then connected to his arsenal again.

What appeared this time were large silver metal flying blades, which quickly combined with each other in mid-air, turning into a thousand-meter-long star-shattering blade.

Driven by the glacier, criss-cross energy conduction lines appeared on the surface of the Destroyer Star Blade, and the next moment, a fiery glow of dark energy appeared on the Destroyer Star Blade.

Under the control of Binghua, the Destroying Star Blade, which activated the dark energy cutting, flew high, and slashed at the giant void beast.

Even with the powerful void energy field protecting it, the void behemoth was still cut in two, because this was an absolute crushing of energy intensity.

But even though it was broken into two pieces, the giant void beast still didn't die, and was still struggling to get out of the energy field. Seeing this, Binghua frowned slightly, and opened her five fingers. Under the transformation, it turned into a fiery and eye-catching orange sphere.

Binghua threw the mimic star in his hand towards the direction of the void giant. When the mimic star flew near the void giant, it suddenly began to rapidly expand to thousands of times its original size, releasing its own light and heat in all directions.

After several minutes passed, the mimic star finally exhausted all its energy and gradually began to cool down and disappear, while the void behemoth covered and burned by it had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

This also made Binghua more certain that the void behemoth is not a pure creature, it should be a half-energy creature as the surrendered Nusa said.

But now the mess of the known universe has not been cleaned up, and it is not time to explore the void universe.
(End of this chapter)

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