Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1024, the world is an enemy

Chapter 1024, the world is an enemy

As the void behemoth was evaporated by the mimic star, the energy intensity of the surrounding void particles, which had been rising gradually, began to decline rapidly like water without a source.

Ailan entered the Dead Song Academy and began to collect some technical information left by Karl. He Zhui was arranged by Binghua to patrol around and guard against people from other civilizations sneaking in.

Binghua himself was discussing with Keisha about the Void Behemoth just now, but the discussion did not come to any useful conclusions.

Because both the angel and the former super seminary knew too little about void creatures, no matter how much Binghua and Kesha speculated, it was just speculation.

If you want to truly understand the nature of void creatures, you must go to the void universe, or capture a large number of void creatures for research.

In peacetime, Binghua would definitely start research on the void universe immediately, so as to ensure that he would not be unprepared when facing problems related to void creatures.

But now it is known that there are frequent chaos in the universe, the war in the Angel Nebula is not over yet, and the guy Hua Ye is still jumping up and down.

And apart from Hua Ye, the guy who took the lead in attacking Angel Nebula, many civilizations in the original world of justice and order were annexed by other god-making civilizations who took advantage of the fire.

Binghua is going to rush back to the Chiwu star system quickly, and after taking care of the Styx army there, he will lead the Purification Legion, the Airos Expeditionary Fleet and the recently arrived God's Fleet to stab the Tiangong Group's ass.

Before the news spread that Karl, the Lord God of Styx, was captured by the glacier, several major events also happened in the Shenhe Tiandao Galaxy, which is millions of light-years away from the center of the cosmic conflict, the Angel Nebula.

The Lieyang civilization reshaped the order of the Lieyang heaven. The sun goddess Emperor Lena cut the bow of the sky, the main god of the Gulans. People finally gave up resistance and surrendered to Lieyang civilization.

Shortly after the Gulans surrendered, the Thunderblade Starmen also surrendered to the Lieyang civilization, frightened by Lieyang civilization's thunderous means of detonating the sun.

The Lieyang civilization, which has endured for more than 1 years, finally revealed the strength of its old god-making civilization. After having a main god, it easily killed the two old god-making civilizations that had harassed them for thousands of years.

For a while, other civilizations in the Shenhe Tiandao galaxy finally recalled the strength of the Lieyang civilization more than 1 years ago. Now that Lieyang has returned to its peak, many civilizations immediately regrouped and planned to join the Lieyang Tiandao order system .

Just after the Lieyang civilization reorganized the Shenhe Tiandao galaxy, the Shenhe alliance established by several old god-making civilizations that have been acting low-key since the strong rise of the angels also began to show their prominence, taking away part of the stars from the Tiangong Group. domain control.

Among them, the Tailans and Karans who participated in the Sooran War, which led to the disintegration of the Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance, have now abandoned hatred and shook hands to make peace, and are extremely active.

As a god-making civilization that is almost as old as Lieyang, although it was severely damaged by the Oran War, it was the younger brother of the Gulans for a while, but after more than 1 years of dull development, it can no longer be underestimated. .

The erosion energy technology mastered by the two of them has developed extremely maturely, and the erosion ray gun made by relying on this energy system can already pose a threat to three generations of super soldiers.

The Tiangong Group was caught off guard by the Karan and Tailan coalition forces equipped with erosion ray guns, and lost several newly established male angel legions and a large number of servant troops, and lost more than a dozen planets control of the system.

This made Hua Ye furious, but it didn't help at all. Tiangong's current stalls are too big. I thought that after killing the holy Kaisa, it would be easy to capture the Heavenly Court of Melo.

Unexpectedly, they were dragged by the Angel Legion and affiliated civilizations of Melo Heaven to fight a protracted war at the border of the Angel Nebula. Now that the palace is deeply mired in war, all the elites are concentrated here and cannot be dispatched.

If the Angel's commander Nishang knows that the Tiangong elite of the Melo guards on the side of the angels sneak away, it is foreseeable that the Melo guards who have been wandering on the battlefield will stab the heart of the Tiangong group like a sharp knife.

This is exactly the dilemma that Tiangong Group is facing today. Although it seems that its momentum is the same for a while, in fact Tiangong Group has already secretly become the enemy of the whole world.

This situation started after the Heavenly Court of Melo gradually recalled the Angel squads stationed in various places of Justice and Order, and devoted their main energy to the defense of the Angel Nebula.

It has to be said that Feng Shui has taken turns, and now Hua Ye and his Tiangong Group are being roasted by everyone.

Whether it is the new so-called Shenhe Alliance, Lieyang Tiandao, or many ordinary god-making civilizations, they all want to take a share of the justice and order world star field occupied by Tiangong.

Not to mention Huaye, who was in a state of desperation, and the Tiangong Group, which was already the enemy of the whole world, Binghua led the device that sealed Karl, as well as a part of the data of the Death Song Academy, back to the Chiwu star system.

Before Binghua arrived in the Chiwu star system, the news that Karl, the god of death, had fallen into her hands had already spread among the Styx army.

The coalition forces of various civilizations in the Styx, which had been unable to break through the Uranus defense line for a long time, quickly lost their motivation to attack. After all, according to the information sent back, the gods they believed in were gone.

At the same time, there is another news that is even more damaging to the morale of the Styx army, that is, many strange creatures have appeared in their hometown recently, and many civilized life planets have been attacked by such creatures.

Seeing that the morale of the Styx army was shaken, the Airos people of the Chiwu star system did not miss this good opportunity. They joined forces with the Purifier Legion and the Shenzhou Aerospace Army to launch the first counterattack.

One side was eager to fight, and the other side had no intention of fighting, so the well-equipped Styx army was driven out of the Uranus defense line by the Chiwu star system coalition forces that were several times smaller than them, and retreated to the vicinity of Pluto.

In this counterattack, apart from the main Eternal Guard who was responsible for the breakthrough, the Xiongbing Company performed the most outstandingly. The bravery of Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang won the recognition of many Airosi fighters.

Binghua felt that if he came back a few months later, the legions of the Chiwu star system would be able to drive the Styx army out of his sphere of influence.

But now it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. Death God Karl has been captured, so there is no need for the Styx army to continue to exist. After all, the purpose of Binghua’s establishment of a palace in the Chiwu star system is to guide Karl to invest heavily here to cause Styx’s defense. the emptiness.

So far, this plan is very successful. When she sneaked into the Styx galaxy, she really did not encounter any obstacles. Even the guards in the Death Song Academy were only a small part.

Therefore, the first thing Binghua came back was to mobilize all the troops in the Chiwu star system that belonged to the battle order of the justice world in his own name, to prepare for a decisive battle with the Styx army, and to quickly understand the battle in the Chiwu star system.

(End of this chapter)

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