Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1028 Chapter 69, Strategizing

Seeing that her attack failed to wipe out all the kings of the Styx in the bridge, she was a little surprised, and her eyes fell on the only remaining gluttonous king and giant wolf king.

"Looking at you, you don't seem to be living organisms, are you mechanically transforming people?
If so, let's fight again. "

Before Chi's voice fell, the whole person floated into the air driven by the angel's wings, and the star piercing gun in his hand spun half a circle in his hand, and then stabbed forward fiercely!
In an instant, a forearm-thick blast of hot energy gushed out from the blade of the gun, rubbed against the front of the King Taotie, and pierced a bottomless hole in the battleship deck under his feet.

Seeing that the giant wolf king's desire to fight back disappeared in an instant, he turned around and ran away.

King Taotie scolded the giant wolf king in his heart, but before he could make any movement, Chi's next shot came, and the hot spear blade directly cut off his body from the waist.

"Let me go! I am willing to lead the gluttonous civilization to serve you!"

As soon as King Taotie begged for mercy, the star piercing spear pierced his head.

"You guys are not qualified to join the world of justice."

Even if Chi Sui chased the giant wolf king who fled first, she was like a silver streamer, dragging a faint energy trail behind her, and it only took a few seconds to catch up with the giant wolf king who fled first.

Before the Giant Wolf King could turn around, a fiery orange beam shot out from the front of the spear in Chi's hand pierced through his chest, melting away the mechanical transformation in his chest cavity.

As the kings of Styx died one after another, and the center was destroyed by a group of angels led by Binghua, the morale of the Styx army collapsed.

A large number of giant wolf civilization's troops lost their will to resist, and began to systematically surrender to the Airos Defense Army, Eternal Guard, and War Machine troops who attacked them.

At first, the Airos didn't care about it, but after killing them for a while and seeing that the giant wolf civilization really didn't resist, they gave up boringly and began to accept their surrender.

With the first one to surrender, the armies of other civilizations in the Styx army also followed suit.

In the end, only the strongest gluttonous civilization among them was still stubbornly resisting, but in the face of several fleets in the world of justice and the attack of the special legion, it was easily annihilated without causing any waves.

After this annihilation battle, according to statistics, countless Styx warships were seized, as well as a small number of Styx II Void Warriors that were too late to activate.

Airos left several second-generation Void Warriors for research, and the rest were sent back to the world of Markla in the world of justice through the leap gate for reverse research.

Because on the battlefield, these second-generation void warriors have suffered a lot from the Eternal Guard. After activating the internal void engine, the anti-biological energy field unfolded will make all living organisms who step in become extremely weak. .

For this reason, the Eternal Guard also sacrificed the lives of some companions, only then did they find the weakness of the second-generation void fighters, and took targeted strikes, only then did they destroy Taotie's last reliance.

The army of Styx collapsed in the Chiwu star system, and the impact was various. First of all, the order of Styx collapsed due to the disappearance of the Lord God of Styx.

Many civilizations in the universe that grew up with the help of Styx suddenly began to decline in strength because of the sudden loss of Styx's assistance.

The first to be affected was the Thain civilization. Relying on the standard void weapon provided by Styx, the Thain civilization dominated the Berke Nebula, and beat Hayden and Lan Xing on the ground violently.

Even with the assistance of Melo Heaven, the Hayden civilization still failed to defeat the Thain civilization, and now it suddenly lost the stable supply of void weapons, and the strategy of the Thain civilization was greatly affected.

Not long ago, shortly after Binghua and his group of angels left the Styx galaxy, and the news that Death Karl was captured by Binghua spread, the Styx galaxy had many more visitors.

Everyone knows their purpose, and that is the legacy of Death Song Academy. As long as they get the technology left by Karl, the god of death, it will be a huge improvement for their civilization.

But before these civilizations got any benefits in the Styx galaxy, Tiangong's soldiers rushed straight in. Hua Ye's servant army, the New Shima Beast Body Civilization Empire, began to quickly receive gluttonous, giant wolves and other beasts. Everything about body civilization.

Even the dilapidated Death Song Academy did not forget to pack it away. This is an extremely important research data. If some technical data of the void engine can be found from it, Tiangong Group will definitely be able to suppress the angel civilization again.

Binghua still got the news from the intelligence channel of Melo Heavenly Court, and Binghua didn't care about it. Most of Karl's research was carried out by relying on the big clock.

Even if he put the information in front of Hua Ye, he didn't know what to do. Rather than worrying about Hua Ye's mastery of void technology, it is better to complete the army as soon as possible to cut off the retreat of the Tiangong Group.

In fact, Binghua did the same. After cleaning up the remnants of Styx in the Chiwu star system, the world of justice continued to expand the scale of the leap gate.

Binghua formulates a strategy, while Kaisha supplements the strategy with details based on her own understanding of the known universe, and soon a very feasible strategic plan is freshly released.

At present, Hua Ye's troops are blocked near the Angel Nebula, and it doesn't matter where they are located, the Tiangong Royal Court, because the Angel Warriors are very convenient to supply and can fight for a long time.

But the important components of the Tiangong army, the Titan Protoss, the Tianding Stars, and the Xinshima Empire are different. They are animal body civilizations, and their daily consumption is huge.

According to the information from the Heavenly Court of Melo, the Tiangong Group's logistics supply mainly comes from two sources. The main supply route starts from the marginal star field, crosses the border of the Justice Order, and then crosses half the scope of the Justice Order for long-distance transportation and supply.

The second aspect is to search on the spot from the ordinary civilization that surrendered to Hua Ye, but because the customs of the Shenhe civilization and the beast civilization are huge, the materials that can be searched for local supplies are extremely limited.

At the same time, Hua Ye specifically explained that as long as he is willing to submit to his civilization, he will guarantee their most basic survival and safety, so the beast civilization does not dare to go too far when searching.

Otherwise, King Huaye's special envoy would cut off their heads directly to prove to everyone that King Huaye's majesty is inviolable. Although the civilization under Tiangong's life is very difficult, they can barely survive.

However, the chaotic order is very easy to breed some people who like to harm their compatriots, and Hua Ye's attitude is to ignore this. As long as they are willing to obey his orders, he will magnanimously allow them to have their own little things. Hobby.

This makes people at the grassroots level of civilization who have lost the protection of angels extremely look forward to angels defeating these evil existences and reshaping the order of justice.

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