Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1029, the scenery from a high place

In the border star field, because King Hua Ye's expedition almost exhausted the young and middle-aged people from various beast civilizations in the border star field, the only ones left were some older, middle-aged orcs.

Although they got rid of the fate of being brought to the battlefield as cannon fodder, they need to contribute all their value to the consumption of the frontline army.

But this has also made the defense force of this star field extremely weak, even the basic defense force is lacking, only the basic defense force to maintain order and operation.

When the triangular creatures who wandered in the known universe for a long time found this star field, after a simple test and found that no powerful civilization jumped out to attack them, the triangular body immediately began to invade the marginal star field.

Crowds of triangular creatures flew across the sky, and the few pitiful warships were easily destroyed under the powerful magnetic field attack of the triangular bodies, leaving only the defense forces on the ground struggling to resist.

However, the strength of the triangular creatures could not be resisted by the old, weak, sick and disabled of the remaining beast civilization. It would be almost the same if Hua Ye's angel army was there.

In just a few dozen days, several life planets lost contact in the fringe star field of the Xinshima Empire, and turned into a vast ocean in a very short period of time.

The regent who stayed behind was devastated by this, and had to maintain the supply of supplies to the Tiangong Group's expeditionary force, while gathering the troops at hand, and began to encircle and suppress the triangular creatures that were flying around the galaxy.

Facing the request for help from the affiliated civilization of Tiangong, Hua Ye could not mobilize troops at this moment, because the current Tiangong army seemed to be the recognized enemy of various civilizations or alliances.

In the propaganda of those civilizations, Zhonghua Ye has become a sinner of the known universe and a leader of the beast civilization. If his Heavenly Palace is left alone, maybe this war will eventually turn into a new round of war that will affect the entire known universe. Body Wars.

Melo Tianting felt very disdainful about this. These guys were still watching the show there before, but now Hua Ye started to step forward and kick him when he showed a little weakness.

But this doesn't matter to Hexi, who doesn't care much about fame, as long as she can wipe out Hua Ye, an eyesore bastard, and his group of evil-doing Heavenly Palace troops, then she can turn a blind eye to some of the transgressions of those civilizations Close one eye.

On the Xintiangong, Hua Ye read the information recently submitted by various affiliated civilizations under his command, with a gloomy and scary face.

The female angels who were wearing tulle dresses and serving on both sides of Hua Ye were scared and hid aside. No one wanted to go up to bear the wrath of Tiangong King at this time.

"It's really bullying this king too much, when will this king become a weak person who can step up and step on anyone.

Can't beat those girls in Melo Heavenly Court, can't this king still be able to destroy you! "

Hua Ye waved the projected information in front of him to one side and stood up from the throne. His eyes fell on the generals of Tiangong and the representatives of affiliated civilizations who belonged to two rows below.

"Everyone, you have also seen that if our Heavenly Palace continues to remain silent, those civilizations that do not know how to emerge from that corner will ride on our heads!"

Facing Hua Ye's annoyed words, a head of the Tiangong Legion walked out of the queue, first knelt down on one knee and saluted Hua Ye, who was at the top, and then said in a deep voice.

"King Huaye, I would like to lead the No.12 Legion, and smash through the home planet of those who dare to offend the majesty of the king."

Facing the challenge from the general under his command, Hua Ye was very happy to let him stand up and speak immediately, and then glanced at the representatives of the affiliated civilizations who were staring at the ground.

"The Shima Empire draws out five group legions and three fleets, and the Tianding Stars draw out three legions, and by the way, bring those gluttonous giant wolves recruited from Styx, and destroy the labor-capital New Kamigawa Alliance for me. .”

Hua Ye randomly selected one of the civilizations that invaded the Tiangong and controlled the star field. Unfortunately, the New Kamigawa Alliance led by the Tailan and Karan people was used as an example to scare others.

As Tiangong shifted its offensive target, Nishang, the commander of the Angel Nebula's defense line, immediately discovered that Tiangong's offensive strength began to decline through the intelligence collected every day.

Although he didn't know what Hua Ye wanted to do, Nishang was not prepared to watch, and began to order his subordinates, Yan, Leng, and several legion commanders who led the Angel Legion to make a tentative push forward.

For the attack launched by the female angel, the Tiangong Group rarely took the initiative to meet it, but chose to rely on the Tiangong flagship and some newly established defense platforms to defend.

Seeing that the Tiangong army planned to hide behind the line of defense and not come out, Nishang did not order the female angel army under his command to attack, which hit Tiangong's arms.

Because the Tiangong Group has been using the battle damage to consume the battle angels of the Melo Heavenly Court. If this battle lasts for hundreds of years, even if the Melo Heavenly Court wins, its own strength will not be as good as before.

But fortunately, the Heavenly Sword King has already solved the problem of Styx, and now he is preparing to cut off the retreat of the Huaye Tiangong army and attack from both sides. Therefore, the current Merlot Heavenly Court is not suitable for taking risks, and only needs to maintain the status quo That's it.

After a period of time, after finding out about Hua Ye's actions against the New Kamigawa Alliance through the investigation of the angels, Hexi, as the regent, chose to watch the show, because the so-called New Kamigawa Alliance is not a good bird. Take advantage of the fire.

This time, the turmoil caused by the fall of the angels due to the fall of the holy Kaisa, the biggest gain of the angel civilization is to see clearly which allies are worth relying on, and those are useless wall grass.

When angels no longer take maintaining the order of the universe as their own responsibility, and start to seriously think about how to preserve their own interests, the burden of angel civilization begins to decrease rapidly, but there is no strong person in the universe who speaks out for the weak who are being bullied.

Shenzhou, Tianhe City, as Blue Star quickly entered the era of interstellar development through the shareholder wind of the Justice World, the changes in Blue Star are also extremely huge.

Tianhe City, which was destroyed in the first war against gluttony, has now been rebuilt, and its scale is even larger than before.

The high-rise buildings straight into the sky are like giant pillars, and beside them are buildings with lower heights. The ground is covered with roads extending in all directions and carefully planned green vegetation, which makes this urban jungle composed of buildings A little more greenery,
On the edge of the roof of one of the Angel Group buildings founded by the Blue Stars who believed in angels, Binghua's forearm was propped on the railing, her dark hair fluttering behind her in the high wind.

At this moment, Binghua is wearing a black close-fitting lining, a creamy white slim-fit coat on her upper body, and tight jeans on her lower body that set off her straight and slender legs, making her look slim and graceful.

Compared with these external images, at this moment Binghua's pair of black eyes reflected the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going on the street below.

"I didn't expect you to come here. Is watching these the way you relieve your boredom?"

Keisha flew out from the collar of Binghua's coat and hovered beside Binghua's ear, carefully avoiding Binghua's black hair blown by the wind, it would be a disaster if she got entangled.

"It's not really boring, but rather than sitting on a high throne, I'd rather find a higher place and enjoy the scenery."

Binghua said softly, at this moment, she has disconnected from Tianjian and Sameailuo, and even turned off her dark plane computer. ability.

Today's Binghua is just like an ordinary person with a quick head, except for his god body that can fly freely in the universe.

After standing on the rooftop for a while to enjoy the bustling scenery of Tianhe City, Binghua left the Angel Group building and came to a bustling snack street nearby.

Binghua's beautiful face, which is different from ordinary people, attracted the prying eyes of many people, but no one dared to strike up a conversation, because the mysterious and mysterious temperament of Binghua would quickly extinguish anyone who had this idea the idea.

Although it was in a crowded snack street, there was a small area around Binghua, so Binghua didn't feel crowded.

On the contrary, it was the noisy hawking, the intimate conversation between couples, and the chatter and laughter among friends, which made Binghua feel a special lively atmosphere.

After walking for a while, Binghua also followed the example of the people around him, and began to choose some food that he could catch his eyes from the small vendors around him to taste.

The taste of sweet, sour, bitter and hot filled the mouth, which greatly stimulated Binghua's taste, who hadn't eaten for a long time, and had to chew and swallow in small mouthfuls.

"Is this mortal food really that delicious?"

Keisha's voice sounded beside her ears, and Binghua replied without any surprise while tasting the food in her hand.

"I can't say how delicious it is, but it has a special taste. Do you need me to restore your shape? How about you come out and walk around here with me?"

Facing Binghua's proposal, Kaisha refused without hesitation. Kaisha felt that she could not integrate into this place like Binghua.

She guessed that as soon as she appeared, the power she had cultivated as the King of Angels for a long time would make the people here subconsciously stay away and retreat.

That being the case, it would be better to just stay by Binghua's side and feel the special atmosphere in her mouth.

"Hey, you're just too condescending, it'll be a lot less fun."

Facing Binghua's regretful tone, Keisha didn't deny it.

"I used to be the king of angels, and I don't have as much time as you."

Binghua didn't care about Keisha's defense, she continued to play.

On this day, Binghua's figure moved back and forth in several places such as the snack street, playground, and pedestrian street.

It is said that it is fun, whether it is real or not, most of the time Binghua is like a bystander, silently watching those men and women who are immersed in shopping and having fun.

Occasionally, Binghua will sit down and listen to the content of the old men and women chatting for a while, and even interject a few sentences when encountering interesting topics.

But this kind of relaxed and happy time is destined to not last long, because the expeditionary force of the justice world has completed preparations and is about to go to the border of justice and order to cut off the connection between the Tiangong army and its own rear.

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