Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1036 Chapter 77, Caral Assault Battle

When Binghua was chasing the Tiangong Imperial Guard to kill, the Annihilation-class mothership where Ailan and Hezhui were on the other side also destroyed their target.

The commander of the Tiangong Guards who blocked them was killed on the spot by the crane chasing formation. Taking advantage of the Tiangong Guards being dragged by high-ranking angels, Ailan used the Heavenly Blade Trial to break the shield of the time-space shielding facility, and bombarded him with a blast of flames. Deep fried.

However, Ailan and Hezhui did not make the same choice as Binghua, but returned to the Annihilation level to forcibly leap away from the battlefield, and went to the next space-time shielding facility.

Binghua chased the fleeing Tiangong Guard all the way to the central space of the Karal planetary system, and only then encountered the Angel Legion and several Titan ships who came to support them.

"Titan Protoss, it seems that you have forgotten the lessons you have learned.

Now that you are mixed with Hua Ye, aren't you afraid of being wiped out? "

Binghua's shout echoed in the void, but the approaching Titan battleship did not stop, but responded to Binghua with a fiery beam of tens of meters in diameter.

Binghua's figure was directly covered, but after the light beam dissipated, Binghua exposed to the eyes of the Titans was unscathed. If it wasn't for the slightly distorted space baked by high temperature, they thought their attack had missed.

Finding that the light beam's irradiation attack was not very effective, the secondary guns of the Titan battleship began to pour dense energy bombs compressed into the shape of water droplets towards the glacier.

Seeing this figure dodge the energy shells, Binghua stretched out his hand and turned the force field into an invisible giant palm, and pushed it towards the Titan ship together with the energy shells.

Dozens of flames erupted immediately on the surface of the huge titan ship, and then it was hit hard by the force field, and the magnificent ship hull, which was more than ten kilometers long, immediately tilted slightly to one side.

In the end, relying on the huge mass of the hull, the Titan ship was not overturned by the impact of Binghua's force field after all, but it was wise to choose to distance itself from Binghua.

But this is tantamount to nonsense, Binghua's speed is so fast, the wings spread behind him are like a shooting star, quickly approaching the receding Titan ship at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the next second, a dazzling flash exploded on the shield of the Titan ship, and a circle of terrifying energy waves spread out, and the hull of the Titan ship hit by the huge impact force fell backwards.

But before the Titanship completely capsized, more than a dozen silver chains shot out from the diffused energy at high speed and sank into the Titanship's hull.

"Bring me back!"

Binghua's voice fell to the Titan ship, and she relied on the God-beaming chain as a carrier, surrounded by a force field as a palm, and pulled it back abruptly.

Seeing the Titan battleship covering the sky and covering the sun pressing towards him, Binghua flicked his left hand, covered it with the Titan's Grip, and then clenched his fingers tightly.

The invisible force field energy immediately began to compress and solidify, and with Binghua's vigorous punch forward, the space that seemed to be stagnant for hundreds of meters also slammed forward.

If it is not in a vacuum, there will definitely be a loud noise that resounds through the world at this moment.

The thick outer armor of the Titan battleship was directly dented by this force field fist.

Binghua stopped the largest Titan battleship, and the other high-ranking angels who followed her also met the other support Titan battleships.

On Karal Star, Zhonghua Ye of the Heavenly Palace and Royal Court listened to his subordinates' reports on the whereabouts of the Justice World that invaded the Karal Star System with a solemn expression.

"Why did that guy Binghua suddenly appear here, and tell King Titan that he must block her for me."

After giving the order, Hua Ye's face was cloudy and uncertain. He was thinking whether he should fight or not. If he didn't fight, he had to leave here quickly, otherwise he would be unable to run even if he was blocked by Binghua.

"Report to King Huaye, four space-time shielding facilities have been destroyed, and the commander-in-chief asked me to report a message to Wang.

The goal of the Heavenly Sword King is the space-time shielding facility. She is likely to be just a vanguard, and there should be reinforcements from angels arriving later.

The commander suspected that the sudden attack of the Heavenly Sword King was likely to be a beheading operation planned by the Heavenly Court of Merlot, so he begged the king to move to the backup court. "

Hua Ye clenched his hands on the armrest of the throne, because this was exactly what he was worried about. In his mind, Binghua never did meaningless things, and he had never lost a war.

With the Annihilation-class warships of the Justice World attacking around the Karal planetary system, and Binghua chasing the angel guards around, it attracted most of the attention of the Tiangong defenders, which made the operation of destroying the space-time shielding facility extremely smooth.

As the space-time shield covering the entire Karal planetary system gradually dissipated, Binghua also chased the fleeing Tiangong Guards and Titan Protoss to the universe near the Karal star.

"The goddess space-time shielding facilities have been completely destroyed, and Melo Heavenly Court has applied to intervene in the battlefield."

Binghua heard the words and threw a Titan warrior captured by the force field aside, and at the same time responded to the request of his subordinates in the communication.

"Send them the space-time coordinates, and Hua Ye should be on Karal."

After hanging up the communication, Binghua stared at the several Tiangong flagships assembled on the orbit ahead, and flexed his wrist, intending to get them down, so as not to be an eyesore there.

But I haven't waited for Binghua to make a move.In the space domain near her, a vertical crack suddenly opened in the space, and then three Skyblade warships appeared one after another from it.

Obviously, before obtaining the space-time coordinates of the world of justice, the three heavenly blades that Merlot Heavenly Court cooperated with this time were ready for space jumping, which is why they can reach the battlefield so quickly.

And shortly after the three Heavenly Blades arrived on the battlefield, the two Annihilation-class warships belonging to the Justice World also made a short jump to the vicinity of Karal.

So far, the legions that have penetrated into the hinterland of the Tiangong army have completed their rendezvous, and the Annihilation class can finally launch their own aerospace fighters and annihilation class warships with confidence.

Because the universe near this planet will become the main battlefield, Tianren will also release tens of thousands of angel fighters, and they will patrol around Tianren densely.

Karal is where the current Heavenly Palace Royal Court is located. The originally retreated Heavenly Palace Imperial Guards have retreated here and have no way to retreat. They can only be forced by their superiors to prepare for a showdown with Merlot Heavenly Court and the World of Justice.

The two sides had nothing to talk about. As soon as they met, they started to fight. The Tianren and Tiangong flagships began to clash, and the energy impact of the explosion stirred up constant turmoil in the surrounding universe.

The guards of the Heavenly Palace spread out like space fighters, and the angel fighters of Melo Heaven, the space fighters of the Justice World, and the Doom-class warships also confronted each other without showing any weakness.

In a short while, the two sides got mixed together, but the Heavenly Court of Melo and the World of Justice, which had the superior force, were quickly eating up the Imperial Guards of the Tiangong side.

Binghua also took the lead and rushed to the vicinity of the huge Tiangong flagship, carried out his neutron warblade, relying on the gravitational wave that can distort space, easily shattered a shield of the Tiangong flagship and landed on the platform above its hull superior.

"Kill her!"

Seeing a female angel intruding in, the male angel commander on the Tiangong flagship immediately shouted!
Hearing the sound, several heavily armed Tiangong guards rushed over with standard Void Weapons with an ominous purple energy glow.

But before they got close to Binghua, a circle of super-strong gravitational waves spread, and the metal deck around Binghua's center began to distort and deform, and the range continued to spread.

Even the Tiangong Imperial Guard flying in the air was no exception, and was directly pressed on the deformed deck by the invisible gravitational wave.

As the intensity of the gravitational waves continued to increase, the armor on their bodies began to deform, and finally they were directly pressed into the twisted and collapsed deck along with their bodies.

Such a horrifying scene let the nearby Tiangong guards know that Binghua is not easy to mess with, but they are the elite under Hua Ye's command after all, and they will not run away when they encounter a strong enemy.

Therefore, Tiangong Guard changed his style of play and began to use long-range attacks, trying to avoid the influence of Binghua's gravitational wave.

Binghua doesn't care about this. Her original goal is not these Tiangong guards, but the Tiangong flagship under her feet. With such a celestial-class warship on the battlefield, its firepower will greatly affect the world of justice and the heaven of Melo attack.

In order to destroy the celestial warship under his feet, Binghua held the neutron warblade upside down and stabbed at the Tiangong flagship deck under his feet, sinking half of the blade.

With Binghua controlling the force field on the neutron warblade and controlling the direction of the gravitational wave, the flagship of Zheng Tiangong actually fell towards the nearby Karal star.

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