Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1037, Heavenly Palace Royal Court

Chapter 1037, Heavenly Palace Royal Court

Under the suppression of the gravitational wave of the neutron warblade in Binghua's hands, the operators of the Tiangong flagship, which fell towards the atmosphere of Karal, tried to use the lift of the driving engine of the Tiangong flagship to counteract the impact of the gravitational wave.

But the so-called arm can't twist the thigh, the gravitational wave strength of the neutron warblade is the thigh in front of the Tiangong flagship, pressing it all the way to the surface.

The Tiangong flagship could only try its best to slow down the falling speed, so as to prevent it from falling to pieces when it was in close contact with the earth.

In this way, the surviving Karal people on the planet Karal saw a strange scene, a magnificent creation burning with fire above the sky was falling towards the earth, just like the palace of the gods that collapsed from the divine world to the mortal world in myths and legends .

Because the Tiangong flagship was struggling to lift as a buffer, the damage caused by the fall of the huge Tiangong flagship was not too serious, but it still caused a strong shock in the area tens of kilometers in radius.

The nearby Karal people ran away from the direction where the Tiangong flagship fell with winking eyes, without any intention of finding out.

Because they have long understood the horror of the war between gods, which is not something that mortals can look up to. The aftermath of their confrontation alone can destroy mountains and mountains.

In fact, it was almost the same as what they had imagined. Binghua came to the highest point and raised his leg and stepped on the armor plate that was tilted up due to the huge impact, looking down at the Tiangong guards who were gradually crawling out of the ruins below.

"Death or surrender, I will now give you the freedom to choose."

Binghua's cold voice came from the top of the head, and the hearts of the guards below were shocked. Binghua's actions before were still vivid in his memory.

But at this moment, the voice of the commander of Tiangong came from the ears of Tiangong's imperial guards.

"Soldiers of Tiangong, don't believe the enemy's nonsense, we and the female angel are enemies to the death, and the other party will not let us go easily!

No matter how powerful she is, there will always be times when she lacks energy, whoever can kill her, the King of Heaven will give you the qualification to become gods! "

Hearing this, the eyes of the Tiangong Guards present immediately lit up. Becoming a god and not becoming a god are two concepts. God has eternal life and extremely powerful divine power, and is the existence at the top of the universe.

Seeing this, Binghua also knew that these Tiangong imperial guards in front of him did not intend to surrender. In fact, if the force fields of the two sides were exchanged, Binghua would not surrender so easily unless their spiritual leader was killed on the spot.

If so, Binghua believes that as long as he opens his mouth and is willing to spare their lives, the angels in Tiangong will definitely kneel faster than anyone else.

But he has already fought in his royal court, why hasn't Hua Ye come out to fight, won't he run away alone like before.

Thinking of this, Binghua's heart became a little anxious. If Hua Ye ran away, the results of this intrusion operation would be reduced by more than half.

Binghua's methods, which were eager to find Hua Ye in his heart, were unavoidably rough. Under the pressure of the force field, whether it was the raised metal wreckage around him or the imperial guards of the Heavenly Palace, they were crushed to the ground hard.

In an instant, all other noises around were cleared away, except for the painful screams of the Tiangong Guards, but as Binghua increased the force field, the Tiangong Guards, together with the metal wreckage beneath them, were crushed into a flat surface.

The things in a radius of a thousand meters are only clear, only the glacier and the male angels who are half buried in the metal wreckage squeezed into a plane are left under their feet.

Even if Binghua didn't stay here for a long time, he spread his wings and rushed into the sky. The eyes of insight opened and began to scan Karal, searching for the location of the Heavenly Palace and Royal Court.

After a while, Binghua rushed in one direction, and the target was the Tiangong Royal Court at the far end of the horizon.

When Binghua rushed straight to the royal court of the Heavenly Palace, the war between male and female angels in the outer orbital space also reached a very intense level.

Under the attack of Justice World and Merlot Heavenly Court with superior forces, and a Tiangong flagship was sunk by Binghua, the Tiangong Imperial Guard was quickly suppressed.

Soon the battle line was pushed to the vicinity of the Tiangong flagship. Under the bombardment of several Sky Blades and Annihilation-class ships and the concentrated fire of the Angel Warriors, the Tiangong flagships fell one after another, without even a chance to escape.

Because all this happened too fast, before the Tiangong Legion and the Titan Protoss fleet stationed on other planets in the Karal planet could react, the Celestial Royal Court guards on the Karal planet were dispersed.

The Heavenly Palace Royal Court is at stake, and the Tiangong support troops from all over the place rushed to the Karal planet anxiously. When the first batch of support troops arrived, the coalition forces of the Melo Heavenly Court and the Justice World had already invaded the Karal Star and began to encircle and wipe out the fleeing Tiangong ban hiding on the surface. defended.

Binghua arrived at the Tiangong Royal Court built on Karal, a magnificent palace built in the center of the ruins of Karal, but she was blocked by the high-strength shield in front of her.

Binghua looked around and was about to use the neutron warblade to forcibly break the shield and razed the area to the ground when he suddenly noticed a lot of biological reaction signals nearby.

So Binghua paused, turned around and pointed at the wreckage of a collapsed building with the weapon in his hand and asked sharply.

"Who is it? Come out!"

Hearing that the building wreckage dropped a few wisps of dust, a young figure with a disheveled face and covered in flying ash from the building wreckage timidly crawled out of it.


Binghua frowned slightly, then opened the Eye of Insight to scan the surrounding area, and soon discovered that there were more than [-] biological reaction signals densely packed under the building wreckage in this area.

After a while of comparison, these life response signals turned out to be from the Karal people, which made Binghua a little bit troubled.

She didn't expect that the Heavenly Palace Royal Court was built on top of an underground city with countless Karal people living underneath, and Hua Ye was really wicked.

Because Binghua can see a lot of things through the dress and attitude of the child just now, it is obvious that the Karal people are not living well under the rule of Tiangong.

"Excuse me, sister Angel, is it here to save us?"

A timid voice pulled Binghua back from her thoughts. Hearing the sound, she looked at the young figure who had been hiding in the wreckage of the building before. The color of strong expectation.

"Yes, I am a female angel from Merlot's Heavenly Court, and I am here to destroy Hua Ye, the king of the Heavenly Palace."

Binghua's originally indifferent tone could not help but bring a bit of softness.


Mom didn't lie to me, she didn't lie to me, she said that you will definitely come, and you will come to save us Caral! "

The young voice sobbed as he spoke, tears uncontrollably slid down his dirty cheeks, dripping and splashing on the broken stones under his feet.

Binghua didn't step forward to comfort her, but quietly watched the young figure vent her emotions.

After tens of seconds, the young figure was no longer so excited, she was able to control her emotions a little bit, as if she had thought of something.

"Sister, I want to tell everyone the good news of your arrival. Everyone has been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

After speaking, the young figure quickly ran towards the place where she came out just now, Binghua stretched out his hand to stop him, but just as he raised it, he put it down again.

Shaking her head slightly, Binghua refocused her eyes on the Tiangong Royal Court, which was close at hand, and she could already see some male angels pouring out of the Tiangong Royal Court, as if they were going to stick to it.

At the same time, a burst of blue light flashed above the sky of Karal, and a Titan ship that covered the sky and the sun jumped out, and then several light beams of space warping lit up one after another, and several Shima Empire ships Battleships appear.

Obviously, part of the Tiangong reinforcements stationed in the Karal planetary system have already arrived.

But before the Titans and the warships of the Shima Empire launched their forces, several fiery energy rays fell from the sky, and several warships of the Shima Empire were pierced through without any resistance, breaking into two pieces and falling to the ground .

Only the shield of the titan ship blocked the attack, and began to raise the large and small secondary guns on the bow and hull, as if preparing to fight back.

At the same time, dozens of Titan warriors wearing thick full-coverage armor jumped out of the ship, and their tall figures landed on the ground with a bang, splashing a burst of dust.

Immediately, these indomitable giant gods looked up at the sky, and with the help of the armor, the surging energy in their bodies gathered into a spear in their hands, and threw it towards the angel who swooped down from the sky.

Most of these energy spears were avoided by the angels, but some were lucky enough to hit them. The terrifying energy exploded immediately, and the angel warriors covered in them were scorched black and lost consciousness and fell to the surface among the diving angel warriors.

"God has come to save us! Save us Karal!"

There was an excited choking sound behind Binghua, and she turned around to see a group of people pouring out from the exit of the wreckage of the building, looking excitedly at what happened on Binghua and the sky.

Binghua had no spare time to entangle with these Karal people at the moment, and interrupted their excited voice.

"I believe you have also seen that this place has become a battlefield. If you don't want to be involved in it and die in vain, you should leave this area as soon as possible."

Hearing the sound, the Karal people present also reacted, and they hurriedly chose to return to the dungeon under the wreckage of the city to inform others, regardless of expressing their gratitude.

"Angel! I want you to be buried with my fallen kin!"

A deafening sound came, and a Titan warrior discovered Binghua, and stabbed with the energy spear gathered by the huge energy in his hand.

Behind Binghua, the angel wings subconsciously spread out and prepared to leave here to avoid, but then he thought of something that abruptly stopped his movements, and the invisible force field that raised his hand turned nothingness into reality.

The ear-piercing explosions kept coming back, the energy spear pierced by the Titan was blocked by a transparent barrier like a wall, unable to advance any further.

Binghua's complexion was reflected by the flickering energy radiance, which was abnormally cold and hard, and he flapped his wings and flew up to force the field-shaped barrier to push back the attack of the Titan.

Immediately, the calculation and energy accumulation of the flame bombing formula was completed in an instant, and it was cut out by the king sword just drawn out by Binghua's right hand, turning into a sky-high energy wave that blasted the Titan out, and stretched all the way forward on the ground. A thousand-meter ravine was left on the ground.

It was so lively overhead that the people of Karal who were evacuating under the ruins of the city were in a state of anxiety. Because of the violent vibration, many areas of the dungeon collapsed and many people were buried.

But at this moment, no one is still in the mood to rescue. The war between gods and gods above has begun. If you don't leave here quickly, you may be affected and lose your life.

Binghua from the outside world is also aware of the current encounters of the Karal people in the dungeon. She has ordered in the communication not to use large energy weapons for the time being, and has tried to keep her movements as far as possible.

Otherwise, the Annihilation class and Tianren, which are parked in the outer orbit, would have carried out orbital bombing long ago, consuming the defense system of the Tiangong Royal Court, instead of shooting at enemy ships like they are now.

Other than that, Binghua had no other choice. She couldn't order a retreat or suspend the attack because the situation on the battlefield didn't allow it.

Although Binghua can rely on his own prestige, let the angel coalition army wait for the Karal people to withdraw from the battlefield before attacking, but now the coalition army is located in the Karal planetary system, the base camp of Tiangong, and every minute of delay, the Tiangong army who came to support will be more and more many.

At that time, it will not only be the lives of the Karal people, but also the lives of angels and righteous world fighters.

Binghua can give some help to the Karal people because of the kindness in his heart, but it is impossible for the fighters of the world of justice and Melo Heaven to sacrifice their lives in vain.

Because she is not the savior of the Karal people, but the goddess of justice in the world, the Karal people can only rely on themselves if they want to survive this war.

(End of this chapter)

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