Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1047, 32 events of Styx

Chapter 1047, Three things about Styx
The first legion of angels didn't show mercy just because the opponent was the same male angel as themselves.

After executing the last male angel who resisted on the battlefield, Kaza put away the precious silver sword in his hand.

It was fitting to drink the blood of these goddess-defying angels with the weapons the goddess had given him.

"Legion Commander, we have already destroyed dozens of these small transit bases and killed nearly [-] battle angels from Tiangong. Why hasn't Huaye made any moves yet?"

A battle group leader leaned close to Kaza and said a little uncomfortablely, it is very boring to fight such a small base every day.

Because there are no more than [-] male angels stationed in this kind of base, the number of battle groups organized by the first angel legion is simply not enough.

There are still warbands who have not even touched a hand after coming to the known universe. This makes some warbands very dissatisfied, because only war can get credit.

Not to mention that the male angels in Tiangong are not low in combat achievements. As long as there are enough opportunities, becoming three generations of angels after this war is over is a certainty.

Kaza was also a little annoyed by this, the task given to him by the goddess was to attack from the rear to attract Tiangong's attention.

Of course, if you attack with all your strength, you can easily achieve the goal, but Kaza is not a fool. According to his personal testing during this period, the male angel fighters in Tiangong are average in strength.

However, according to the information of the friendly army Melo Tianting, Tiangong has more than one million legions and countless servants. If they accidentally fall into the siege, even if they successfully break through, the first angel legion will not look good. .

"Don't worry, I don't believe that Tiangong can tolerate us constantly eating their base and battle angels.

If this is the case, we should be happy, isn't it good to bully more and less? "

Facing the rhetorical question of his own legion leader, the chapter leader had nothing to say. War is not a beautiful thing. During this period of time, the First Angel Legion was not without casualties, but it seemed insignificant in front of the results achieved.

In fact, it's not that Tiangong didn't respond. In fact, several generals under Hua Ye's command have already mobilized tens of thousands of Tiangong troops and some Titans from the front line, as well as a large number of servants who are used as cannon fodder to prepare for this group of people to emerge from behind. His fleet was wiped out.

However, because the opponent hadn't figured out the traces of Kaza's First Angel Legion and God's Fleet, they didn't act with much fanfare.

After Tiangong shifted part of his attention to the rear and dispatched troops to leave, Tiangong's troops on the front line were only half of their original strength, and the original violent attack naturally slowed down.

The Karan people, who were keenly aware of this, immediately dispatched their own super soldier legion to launch a tentative counterattack. Not surprisingly, they were severely beaten back and suffered a lot of losses, but the Tiangong side also abnormally did not pursue the victory.

Some sharp-thinking army commanders under Hua Ye's command have already noticed the abnormality of the situation.

Whether it is the unknown fleet and male angels emerging from the rear, or the Kalan people who are bold enough to launch a counterattack, they all revealed a message, that is, "There is someone behind me".

In fact, this is a conspiracy. The troops under Binghua's command are superior to the Tiangong army directly under Hua Ye. The reason why she wants to divide Tiangong's troops is to win with one blow.

If the war turns into a confrontational war of attrition like Angel Nebula's, even if the world of justice wins in the end, it will have to pay a considerable price in the end.

This is what Binghua doesn't want to see. She plans to use her superior force to defeat Hua Ye, the spiritual leader of Tiangong, and the remaining remnants will be nothing to fear.

After shutting down the information sent by Lord Kalan, Binghua turned to ask about the results of their lobbying Lieyang.

"Originally, Lieyang has accepted our conditions, and Lord Lieyang is willing to lead troops to assist us in our counterattack against Tiangong Group.

But recently there has been a small problem within Lieyang, and they are busy dealing with it, so Pan Zhen, the regent of Lieyang, just expressed his apology to us not long ago, and sent a batch of resource assistance. "

The Lord God of Karan said in a regretful tone, if Lie Yang also joins in, the war will end faster, even if the Karan people will have to pay a huge price afterwards.

"This is really a strange thing. According to my understanding of that old fellow Pan Zhen, he will not let go of this good opportunity to improve Lie Yang's reputation."

Binghua's casual words made Lord Karan feel ashamed. Pan Zhen is an ancient god who has lived for tens of thousands of years and is extremely powerful.

But thinking of Binghua, the Heavenly Sword King's resume, it seems that Pan Zhen is just an ordinary civilized battle god in front of her.

After thinking about it, Lord Karan revealed some secret information collected by the diplomatic mission he sent to Lieyang.

"Goddess, the diplomat I sent to Lieyang not long ago sent back a piece of information that I can't confirm whether it's true or false. I find it very unbelievable. I wonder if you would like to listen to it, Goddess."

"Oh, there's another matter, let's talk about it."

Binghua became a little interested, sometimes the more it is impossible to prove the true and false information, the more likely it is the hidden truth.

"Lieyang's garrison in the Styx galaxy was attacked by unknown existence and suffered a lot of losses.

Moreover, according to some gossip rumors, the Yunxiao Heavenly Court stationed there was also paralyzed, unable to return to Lieyang.

Now Lieyang is recruiting Lieyang master craftsmen on Lieyang Star to repair it.

When I was on the phone with Pan Zhen, I tested the information verbally, but Pan Zhen did not show any abnormalities. "

Lord Karan kept silent after speaking, and he didn't even mention his subjective guess.

Binghua heard the words and fell into thinking. She was the one who brought down the Styx River, and she knew what was there.

This Lieyang wouldn't have found Karl's secret laboratory, and started to study the void and screwed it up.

Thinking of this, Binghua didn't take into account that Lord Karan was here, and directly connected Hexi.

"Sister Hexi, what's unusual in the Styx galaxy recently, can you use the investigation network of Melo Heaven to check?"

"Why do you suddenly care about the Styx galaxy? Since that place was controlled by Lieyang, I haven't paid much attention to it.

But not all the scouting angels there have been removed, let me check for you, wait a minute. "

Hexi couldn't figure out why Binghua cared about Styx, but she knew her sister quite well, and she knew that Binghua would not do meaningless things.

"Okay, I found it, according to the information uploaded by the detective angel, Lie Yang has been active there recently, and seems to be searching for something.

Oh, this really surprised me, Lieyang's Cloud Heaven was attacked, and it seemed that the engine was severely damaged.

Lieyang Lord God Emperor Reina also destroyed several Death Stars, it seems that something has offended this fiery girl. "

Hexi also became interested in the information of the Styx galaxy, and continued to read and read while telling Binghua the valuable part of it.

(End of this chapter)

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