Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1048, bet on everything

Chapter 1048, bet on everything

Hearing Hexi's words, Binghua was sure that it was the work of the void creature, but he had only been away for such a short time, so the void creature was strong enough to cause damage to the Heavenly Court of Clouds.

To be honest, Binghua didn't know if Lie Yang was too careless, or if he underestimated the growth rate of the void creatures. He hoped that the void creatures would not use Lie Yang's hand to make a gesture in the end, otherwise it would be too bad.

Now it is impossible for Binghua to let Hua Ye not fight, and lead his army to the Styx galaxy to find out.

"It seems that something went wrong on Styx River, and it's also my fault that I left in a hurry and didn't have time to clean up."

Binghua sighed, feeling that the unsettled events are happening again and again, why are there so many broken things in the known universe.

"I don't care what the broken place in Styx becomes. Anyway, Lie Yang has already occupied it, and they will take care of any problems."

Hexi laughed a few times, she and Binghua have different personalities, in her way of thinking, she just needs to live her own life well, isn't it troublesome to take care of her so leniently?

Binghua thinks about it, even if the void creatures are powerful, they can be wiped out with Lieyang's ability, no matter how hard it is to suppress them, it can always be done.

"Okay, Binghua, let's not discuss the issue of Styx, Nishang has already assembled his troops, and is going to make a gap in Tiangong's weak line of defense.

Then let the army break in through this gap, divide the defense line established by Tiangong, and then encircle and wipe out with the affiliated civilization.

But Hua Ye and the main force under his command will definitely not watch us finish all this, so Karan will rely on you. "

The expression on Hexi's face became serious, the next battle was about whether Melo Heaven could stand up again, so it must not fail.

As the angel's regent, although Hexi feels that he is not capable enough, he still has the heart to hope that the angel's civilization will be strong, and he does not lack the courage to overcome obstacles.

"Don't worry, Sister Hexi, Hua Ye won't be able to escape this time."

Seeing that Hexi was so serious, Binghua no longer replied in a relaxed tone, but said categorically.

"I'm relieved when you say that, sister, I wish you all the best here."

After disconnecting the communication, Binghua looked down at Lord Karan, who had been silently listening to the conversation of the two angel queens, and asked directly.

"Is your army ready? There is a tough battle ahead.

After winning, the Tiangong Group will fall apart, and if you lose, you Karan people will have no chance to turn around.

Dare you bet? "

Lord Karan's expression changed for a while, and finally made up his mind, facing Binghua's looking down gaze, he said firmly.

"We Karan people have been ready for a long time. Goddess, we will do everything in the future, just to win this war and for the freedom of our Karan people."

After the First Angel Legion and God's Fleet led by Kaza were caught off guard by the Tiangong army that suddenly appeared to encircle them, the First Angel Legion quickly adjusted its tactics.

After colliding with each other for a period of time, the two sides had a tacit understanding and set the intersection of Tailan and Karan star fields as the decisive battlefield.

The Tiangong's siege troops were afraid that the First Angel Legion and the God's Fleet would continue to roam around in their sphere of influence, so they bit the bullet and pursued them.

The First Angel Legion and God's Fleet are looking for a star field that is beneficial to their side to drag Tiangong's encirclement and suppression troops here, and see if they can let the opponent use oil-licking tactics and send more troops over.

At the same time, the First Angel Legion has been catching the Tiangong army in a seemingly inseparable manner, giving them the illusion that a war may take place at any time.

In order for this tactic to go smoothly, Kaza's First Angel Legion also borrowed the computing power from the treasure house of Kaisha's sacred knowledge in the Heavenly Court of Melo to track and calculate the movement of the Tiangong army.

Otherwise, doing this kind of operation without any certainty is playing with fire.

Commander Tiangong, who was chasing the first angel army, was very annoyed by being teased. He wanted to block and surround the opponent, but suffered from not having enough troops.

However, the shortcomings of the servant army are obvious in this battle. It is okay to let them fight tough battles and die. Such a job of building a siege network is really not suitable for them.

Because the enemy can break through the blockade network they built at will, and in the end they can only surround themselves in loneliness.

Therefore, Commander-in-Chief Tiangong directly connected Hua Ye and applied for reinforcements from the Tiangong Army. Without reinforcements, it would be impossible to encircle and suppress this group of enemies running around in the rear in a short time.

In the end, Hua Ye could only squeeze out a little more troops from his immediate Imperial Guards and his subordinate Tiangong Legion.

Hua Ye also understands that if the First Angel Legion is allowed to continue to destroy, there will be great hidden dangers, so he plans to stabilize the rear first and continue to attack the core star field of Karan civilization.

But all of this was seen by Binghua through the intelligence network of Karan and Melo Tianting, and such an excellent opportunity to attack came.

"Kaza, you are doing well, keep going, remember not to fight head-on with the Tiangong army."

After connecting with Kaza, Binghua praised his behavior.

"Goddess, this is the idea of ​​the deputy army chief, I'm just the executor."

Kaza on the other side was very happy to be appreciated by Binghua, and did not choose to take the credit alone.

In fact, Kaza's plan at the beginning was to fight back directly, to create pressure on Tiangong's encirclement and suppression troops, and force them to increase their troops.

But Kaza's deputy persuaded him. If they revealed their full strength, they would probably recruit Hua Ye, and then all their efforts so far would be in vain.

The Goddess lost the chance to behead the Tiangong King. In the end, the Justice World and the Tiangong Group had no choice but to fight head-on. Regardless of the outcome, the Justice World's loss will never be small.


Near the core star field of Karan, there is a row of warships full of wild and wild aesthetics, including several Titan ships and Tiangong flagships.

And in the middle area surrounded by all the warships is the Xintiangong, which is extremely large and looks like a palace.

This celestial battleship named Xintiangong by Hua Ye has a super-large hidden energy axis cannon on the bow, and the launch port is hidden in the mouth of Hua Ye's face statue on the bow.

Although the hull shape of the upper part of the Xintiangong looks like a palace, and its material looks like stones that can be seen everywhere, it is actually a special high-density material, and ordinary energy weapons can only leave a black spot on it .

Combined with the powerful energy barrier of Xintiangong itself, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mobile interstellar fortress.

As the ruler of the Tiangong Group, Hua Ye has been restless for the past two days. He has a premonition that something big will happen next.

After screening all the existences that could pose a threat to him in his mind, a back and side face appeared in Hua Ye's mind, with long black hair and cold eyes.

Immediately, Hua Ye was shocked, and stood up from the throne in shock, and the female angel who was serving at the side hurriedly stepped aside cautiously.

"King, what's wrong with you?"

Facing the timid inquiry from the female angel, Hua Ye waved his hands to indicate that it was okay, and sat back on his throne.

'Only she can make this king so uneasy. Could it be that the recent changes here are all her handwriting. '

When Hua Ye was thinking about whether to send someone to the border of justice and order to test whether Binghua was still there, an angel guard entered the main hall to report.

"My lord, the Karans are attacking us."

"Do you still need to ask me about this kind of thing? Just call back."

Hua Ye waved impatiently, but what the guard said next made Hua Ye frowned.

"King, it's like this. The Karan people are not attacking tentatively this time. Based on the detected strength and fleet of the Karan people, it seems that the other party wants to fight us."

(End of this chapter)

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