Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1054, Throne Selection

Chapter 1054, Throne Selection
Hexi's plan to welcome back Queen Keisha failed in the end, but Hexi was not discouraged.

At the level of Hexi, Binghua, and Kaisha, the throne is more like a responsibility than a right to them. As long as they become kings, they have to think in every possible way how to lead the development of civilization.

But Hexi is not keen on this. Instead of becoming the main god of civilization to lead civilization forward, she wants to find something that interests her and slowly delve into it.

This is also the reason why she is eager to let Kesha go back to take charge of the overall situation, because as the regent, Hexi needs to waste most of his time every day on things that seem meaningless to her, and there is really not much time left for her to think .

During the period when Hexi became the regent, almost all the research topics in her hands were suspended, and only some regular research topics continued under the auspices of her students.

"Sister Hexi, you can find a new King of Angels in Merlot Heavenly Court. You just need to train her, and you can retire."

Binghua gave an idea, but he got a supercilious look from Hexi.

"It's so easy to say, why don't you train one and send it over to be the king of angels."

Hearing this, Binghua immediately fell silent. In her heart, her former left-wing guard, Ran, is capable enough to be the king of angels.

Of course, with Ran's ability, at most, the current situation can only be maintained unchanged, and it is very difficult to lead the angelic civilization to a further step.

Ran's personality predestined her to be less aggressive and more conservative. This is also the reason why Ran was able to maintain justice, order and stability after Binghua left office.

The other is Ailan. Although she has always been like Kesha's follower and did not perform too well, after becoming the Holy Left, she has balanced the Heavenly Blade faction and Heavenly Sword faction very well.

Externally, Elan can also handle the relationship between the subordinate civilization and the civilized world of justice and order, and can make reasonable rulings.

The only pity is that Alan once fell as the holy left wing. In the historical records of the angelic civilization, she was already a deceased person. It is a bit unreasonable to suddenly appear to inherit the king of angels.

Just when the figures of angels drifted past Binghua's thoughts, Hexi on the other end of the communication seemed to think of something, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Binghua, sister, I suddenly thought of a good idea, which can not only solve my current troubles, but also make the development of angel civilization a step further."

Hearing this, Binghua immediately cast curious eyes, waiting for Hexi's next words.

He Xi snapped his fingers and said, "The solution is to make you the new King of Angels, so that I can do research with peace of mind."

Binghua heard the words and immediately said: "This is impossible, I am the leader of the world of justice, and it is not appropriate to be the king of angels."

"What's inappropriate, sister, I have seen your justice world's formation model and order system.

Those kings under your command are everywhere, and you are the goddess who leads them, the king of gods.

In this case, what is the identity of one more king of angels, and don't you think that the world of justice and the civilization of angels can complement each other?

Anyway, you have an angel's settled planet under your command, so you shouldn't mind having another Melo heaven. "

Hexi didn't have any scruples when talking about this topic, and Kaisha shook her head slightly while listening, feeling that she was really trusting others.

I have never seen the main god of civilization rushing to throw his own civilization to another main god of civilization.

But Keisha thought about it carefully, and this method looked pretty good.

"Sister Hexi, there is a premise for what you said, that is, the angels of Merlot's heaven accept me as the new king of angels. Otherwise, no matter how good you say, it will be meaningless."

Binghua unhurriedly revealed a fatal loophole in Hexi's thinking. She has been away from Melo Heaven for more than 1 years, and there are no more than [-] angels who know her in Melo Heaven.

Hexi's words of persuading Binghua to submit suddenly faltered, and he secretly cursed himself for not preparing in advance. If he had known earlier, he would have held an internal vote in Merlot Heavenly Court, and settled this matter to see what Binghua had to say.

As for whether Binghua can gain the support of the angels, Hexi said that at worst, she would sacrifice her old face and invite those retired old angels of the Heavenly Sword Legion.

In fact, Binghua's popularity among the new generation of angels is not low, because she has a student who is one of the two leading figures of the new generation.

Under Leng's publicity, Binghua has become the legend of the angel civilization, and it is the goal that many battle angels are determined to pursue.

In addition, Binghua once captured the demon king Morgana who had been hostile to the angelic civilization for tens of thousands of years, her reputation in Merlot Heaven was much higher than she imagined.

It can be said that under Queen Kesha, the angels are the most revered existence, and Binghua seldom shows up in the known universe, which also adds a layer of mystery to Binghua.

While the angel queens were busy shirking the throne, the task of suppressing the remnants of Tiangong did not fall behind.

Although it is known that the universe is not the territory of the world of justice, the first and second-generation Angel Legion commanders Kaza and Ailan both have one idea for the remnants of Tiangong, which is to eliminate them, so as to prevent them from resurfacing in the future and continue to cause trouble.

Compared with the behavior of the Angel Legion fighting and capturing prisoners on the first day, the methods of the Angel Legion on the second day were much more brutal. They did not deliberately capture prisoners, and the male angels who surrendered were often thrown to Kaza by Alan.

In Merlot Heaven, under the force of the Angel Legion under the Justice World, it swept the entire world of justice and order, and the Tiangong Group, which once made all civilizations think that Merlot Heaven might be destroyed, gradually disappeared.

However, after this incident, the justice and order that once made them feel breathless also disappeared along with the collapse of Tiangong Group.

This large-scale war that spread to half of the known universe came to an end. What made the civilizations feel at ease was that the angelic civilization was hit hard, and it was time for them to bury their heads in development and catch up in the next few hundred years.

But soon some civilizations discovered that the pressure of justice and order was gone, but a new threat emerged as the times require, that is, triangular creatures from outside the known universe who claim to be higher life forms.

During the scuffle between Merlot Heavenly Court and Tiangong, Triangle not only engulfed a large number of Tiangong Royal Court and the planetary system where the animal body civilization is located in the marginal star field, but also a large group of Triangles belonging to the Mottled Blue Empire also entered the known universe. .

This declares that the Mottled Blue Empire has formally taken an interest in the vast blue ocean of the known universe, and instead of encroaching secretly on the small fights in the past, it intends to take advantage of the fact that the large-scale war in the known universe has just been settled and there is no time to cultivate. Swallow part of the star field first to gain a firm foothold.

(End of this chapter)

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