Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1055, Mottled Blue Empire

Chapter 1055, Mottled Blue Empire
In the star field at the edge of the known universe, a large group of triangles that can block the glow of the stars poured into the planetary system where the civilization located in this starry sky.

The scorching energy weapon and the huge steel giant ship were directly submerged in front of the mottled blue empire's group, turning into brilliant cosmic fireworks.

The triangular group is also the regular army of the Mottled Blue Empire, and each large group is a well-organized army.

The cornerstone of the large group is composed of the most numerous ordinary triangular creatures at the lowest level. They have a relatively large size. In addition to being able to soar in the starry sky, they have the most basic ability to manipulate magnetic fields.

Then there are low-level triangular body fighters, middle-level triangular body fighters, and finally high-level triangular body fighters and the master of the crowd.

The higher the level, the higher the level of evolution of the triangular warrior's brain and self, the more powerful the ability to manipulate the magnetic field, and even use their extremely active brain waves to form a mental shock to attack the enemy.

In the past, the Mottled Blue Empire had always had a scruple under the threat of the Angel Legion guarding the border in the Heavenly Court of Merlot, that is, it would fall into anxiety with the Angels on the edge of the known universe, and the scene of the physical war more than 2 years ago would repeat itself, and the entire known universe would unite to deal with it. them.

But the emergence of Huaye and Tiangong Group made Mottled Blue Empire discover that the known universe is not as united as they imagined.

While Heavenly Court of Melo was busy cleaning up the Tiangong Group, the Mottled Blue Empire sent a large number of triangular biological squads to investigate and collect information, and established a planetary stronghold suitable for its own survival and rest in the known universe.

Now that the known universe has finally quelled the flames of war, the Mottled Blue Empire is going to take advantage of your illness to kill you, rekindle the flames of war that have just been extinguished, and will never give the known universe a chance to recuperate.

Without the barrier of the border guard angels, the peaceful life of civilizations close to the star fields on the edge of the known universe for more than 1 years was suddenly broken.

If the conflict of civilizations within the Kamigawa system would give the opponent a sigh of relief for annexation, then facing the invasion of the mottled blue empire triangle, the only choice for the civilization of the Kamigawa system is to fight to the death.

The conflict between the two parties is no longer an ordinary social system, civilized customs, or even a conflict of interests, but a fundamental conflict of living space.

If the Mottled Blue Empire wants to expand, it must occupy the planet of life, and carry out marine transformation, submerging more than 90.00% of the land on the planet, and naturally kill all the creatures of the Shenhe body living on it.

Only in this way can Mottled Blue Empire feel at ease, otherwise, when it expands, the surviving Kamigawa creatures will open their eyes to them in the rear, it would not be very good.

The upheaval of the marginal galaxy was soon known by Melo Heaven, but faced with such a situation, Hexi was powerless to stop it.

The Heavenly Court of Melo suffered a lot in the battle with the Tiangong Group, and a large number of battle angels were injured and are currently recuperating in the Heavenly Court of Melo.

Although they still maintain their fighting ability, if they don't carry out careful physical examination and repair, it is very likely that they will be left with irreparable damage.

The legion in better condition is led by Yan Heleng, who is chasing the fleeing male angel Wang Yuntian and the remnants of the Tiangong Royal Court under his command.

The state of the subordinate civilization is also not very good. When confronting Tiangong, the troops of the subordinate civilization suffered heavy losses. Now they are finally out of the state of war. If they are recruited again, there will probably be troubles.

It can be said that the timing of the triangular creature's choice is so good that the angels are not even able to stop their invasion.

"Binghua, what do we angels do now?"

Hexi, who didn't know how to break the situation, naturally found Binghua, but Binghua was also a little difficult to deal with, because Angel might have to fight the thunder alone if he didn't handle it well.

It was precisely this thought that Hexi contacted Binghua in a hurry to discuss countermeasures.

Keisha didn't interrupt, because she didn't want her words to affect the judgment of Binghua and Hexi.

If it was Kesha in the past, I am afraid that he has already started to reorganize the frontier angel army to drive the Triangle out of the known universe and enhance the prestige of justice and order.

But now Kesha doesn't think that way anymore, justice and order have been shattered, and it doesn't make much sense to let the border guards go to the edge of the star field to deal with the Triangle, on the contrary, it will lose more troops than gain.

As the former king of angels, although the concept of justice is Kaisha's proposition, it will not affect her prioritization of the interests of angel civilization.

Binghua and Hexi were silent for a long time but did not come up with a suitable solution, mainly because they disdain to do things that harm others and benefit themselves, Kaisha finally couldn't help but speak out.

"If there is really no good solution, then open a theocracy meeting and invite all the gods of civilization to discuss countermeasures together."

Binghua, who was thinking about whether to use her influence to find Lieyang and other civilizations to form a coalition army, her eyes lit up, she almost forgot that Kaisha had held a theocracy meeting.

Although this meeting has not been held once, because the known universe has never had a catastrophe enough to destroy the known universe before.

But according to the influence of angelic civilization, if a theocracy meeting is held, I believe that none of the main gods of civilization will miss it, because if you are not present at this kind of meeting, if some civilizations reach a consensus and violate your interests, you will have the opportunity to speak out nothing.

"Sister Hexi, Kaisha is right, you immediately invite all god-making civilizations in the name of the angel regent.

In the following theocracy meeting, our angels must not stand out again, because the Heavenly Court of Melo cannot bear the loss of a physical war. "

Binghua intentionally put herself on the force field of Melo Heaven, which made Hexi very happy to hear it, which showed that Binghua still cared about Melo Heaven in his heart.

"Don't worry, I'll do it right away."

After Hexi finished speaking, he hung up the communication and went to get ready. With Kaisha's treasure house of sacred knowledge, it is not difficult to contact various civilizations in the known universe.

Binghua leaned back on his seat, stared at the starry sky outside the porthole, and sighed.

"What are you lamenting? The universe has always been like this, but in the past, we angels resisted everything. This is what I am most proud of and what I am proud of."

The golden particles formed Kesha's figure behind Binghua. At this moment, she did not have the majesty of being the king of angels.

She, whose face became soft at some point, was wearing a long white dress embellished with golden patterns, her seemingly slender arms rested on Binghua's shoulders, and she leaned into Binghua's ear and said.

"Then why don't you return to Melo Heaven to continue the career you are proud of?"

Binghua didn't care about Kesha's slightly intimate gesture, but asked directly about Kesha's words.

The close relationship during this period has brought the relationship between the two closer, and Kesha, who does not need to maintain the majesty of the king of angels, has become more like an ordinary female angel.

"Aren't you asking knowingly? Facts have proved that my path is wrong. Do I have to make another mistake?"

Keisha's face left Binghua's ears and turned into golden particles that regrouped on the seat opposite Binghua.

"I suddenly felt that Hexi's previous proposal was quite good. You will become the new king of angels and lead Melo Heaven to another path, the path of gathering strength."

Hearing this, Binghua frowned slightly and said puzzledly: "Why are you like this?

Is there no proper king of angels besides me? "

Hearing this, Keisha also began to sigh.

"I used to think that Yan was quite suitable, but now I find that Yan is a good choice, but I hope that she can become better than turning angel civilization from prosperity to decline."

Binghua also thought of the young blond angel who had followed her for a period of time to learn Thunder's tactics.

After thinking about it, Binghua also found some problems. Yan's calmness is indeed one of the qualities that a king needs, but Yan is too kind and has a sense of justice.

This is not a good thing for today's Melo Heaven, because the current angelic civilization does not have the capital to support the continued existence and expansion of the concept of justice.

"I believe you have also thought of it, if justice and order are still there, as long as Yan can gain enough reputation, he can become a king of angels loved by many civilizations.

But now I am not optimistic that she can control the current Melo Heaven. "

Keisha said this because Yan had just washed away some of her own failures as the holy left.

Another reason is that there is no Keisha paving the way for her in the current Melo Heaven, which can be seen from Yan's failure to lead the Melo Guard.

You must know that the Melo Guards are equivalent to Hua Ye's imperial guards, but Nishang handed them over to Leng, a pure battle god, to lead them, clearly cutting off part of the authority of the holy left wing.

As for Hexi, the Prince Regent, she is not interested in the military at all, it doesn't matter who leads the Melo Guards, but she just doesn't think highly of him.

Because in this battle against Tiangong, although Yan performed very well, it was only good, and there was nothing special about it.

This is also the reason why Nishang didn't support Yan to go further, because as an old angel who has watched Melo Tianting grow to what it is today, she is a little worried about giving the angel's future to the other party like this.

This is also the opinion of most of the old angels who are still serving, otherwise, as a student of Yan Kaisha, they would have become the leader of the Tianren faction long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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