The convening of the theocratic meeting was much smoother than expected. After all, although the Merlot Heavenly Court has weakened, no civilization can ignore it according to the record of the Death Palace Group.

Although the Merlot Heavenly Court stated that it can guarantee the safety of the main gods participating in the theocracy meeting, there are still some main gods of civilization who will participate in the form of projections.

Only Lieyang, Sarkaz, Kaibri, Karan, Tailan, Hayden, Thain, Lanxing... and other civilizations that are closer to the Angel Nebula are the ones who have actually rushed to the Heavenly Court of Melo after receiving the news.

In a very spacious hall, there is a huge white round table in the middle area, surrounded by thrones with noble shapes.

There are rows of seats that are much more ordinary than the thrones next to the round table, which are prepared for representatives of aerospace-grade civilizations who are willing to listen.

Hexi sits on the seat representing the angelic civilization, and the one closest to her is naturally the one on the left representing the world of justice, on which sits Binghua.

Then followed by Lieyang's main god Emperor Reina, Gulanth's main god Sky Bow, Thunder Blade's main god Leo's power, Deno's descendants represented Ducao, Shenzhou represented the Galaxy's power, and other main gods who could represent their respective civilizations.

There are many familiar faces among them, but strictly speaking, except for some neutral god-making civilizations present, they seem to be divided into three camps.

If Karl in the Styx Galaxy is still there, there should be four camps now, but unfortunately Karl is missing, and Styx has also fallen into the hands of Lie Yang, so the theocratic conference naturally has no place for Styx.

Compared with other gods of civilization with a calm demeanor, Ge Xiaolun, who participated in this kind of level meeting for the first time, was a little uneasy.

After all, in his nearly 30 years of life, he has never seen a scene like this one, so he couldn't help being nervous.

Ge Xiaolun was able to get a seat in the theocracy conference entirely because he was the representative of the anti-void god-making project, the most proud work of the Kamigawa technology system.

In addition, although Shenzhou is small, it is still famous in the universe. After all, it was the first to force back Lieyang, and now it is the stronghold of the Heavenly Sword King.

Di Leina was also a relatively young existence among the main gods present. She kept looking at the other main gods around her curiously, focusing on Binghua, the Heavenly Sword King that Pan Zhen mentioned the most.

Following the projections of civilization representatives emerging from the seats representing space-level civilizations behind the main gods, the theocratic meeting officially began after almost all the people arrived.

"I believe that everyone already knows why the theocratic meeting was held, so I won't talk nonsense.

While we were still vigilant and killing each other, a heterogeneous biological civilization named Mottled Blue from outside the known universe where our Kamigawa system civilization was located had already launched an attack on us. "

As the host, He Xi, who is the angel regent, naturally opened his mouth first. Seeing that all the main gods were listening calmly, He Xi continued.

"According to the results calculated by the supercomputer of our Mellow Heavenly Court, the marginal star field will fall in the near future, and Mottled Blue's next target is likely to be the Parker Nebula and the Nudar Galaxy."

Hearing that the main gods of the Hayden civilization and the Thain civilization of the Parker Nebula frowned, this is not good news, even if it is clear that what Hexi said soon may be a few years later. …

Although they don't know much about Mottled Blue, the opponents that Angels can hold a theocracy to deal with are definitely not something they can contend with.

Compared with the superficially calm attitude of the two major god-making civilizations in the Parker Nebula, the civilizations of the Nudar galaxy, which is located in the seat of the space-level civilization, are a little panicked.

In the past, they felt that they were far away from the core star field of the known universe and could get rid of the control of powerful civilizations there, but now they wish to have a super civilization by their side so that they can have thighs to hug.

In fact, Hexi didn't say anything, there is a civilization belonging to the justice order near the Nudar galaxy, which is the reason why the border guards are stationed there to guard against the triangular creatures.

Now that there is no barrier of the angels guarding the border, the original justice, order, and civilization there are likely to suffer. Hexi has sent an angel to notify them, allowing them to move if they are able.

But it’s impossible to think about it. Not all civilizations have a population of tens of millions like Angels. If you want to transfer, you only need to build a space city.

Some space-level civilizations with populations of tens of billions can be transferred in a short period of time. Fortunately, Mottled Blue is still transforming the marginal star field and gathering more large groups, so the Shenhe civilizations still have some time .

"I don't know what the Holy Lord Hexi's plan is."

The main god of the Thunder Blade civilization asked aloud, it’s okay not to ask, now that they are the subordinate civilization of Lieyang, they will naturally act as pawns of Lieyang to explore the way.

"It's very simple, let's put aside our prejudices for the time being and drive the Mottled Blue Empire out of the known universe."

Hexi's words did not meet the expectations of everyone present. If the mottled blue could be destroyed easily, the angel civilization would have sent troops long ago.

"As the initiator of the theocracy conference, our Heavenly Court of Melo can deploy twelve Heavenly Blades to fight against the Mottled Blue Empire, two angels at the level of holy wings, and fifteen angels at the level of gods."

The generosity of Melo Heavenly Court shocked all the civilizations present, because the high-level angels were not even mentioned in Hexi's words, which shows that the high-level angels can only be regarded as ordinary combat units.

Seeing that the Heavenly Court of Melo took the lead, the other civilizations were embarrassed to say nothing, but compared to the greatness of the Heavenly Court of Melo, most of what they provided was just regular troops, and there were very few super soldiers.

Only the Hayden civilization and the Thain civilization expressed their willingness to fully cooperate with the mobilization of the Melo Heavenly Court. If they do not cooperate, it will be impossible. According to the information given by the Melo Heavenly Court, the mottled blue group is not far from the Parker Nebula.

Finally, the pressure came to Lieyang. As the founder of Lieyang's heavenly order, Lieyang's strength expanded rapidly just like the original angelic civilization, and it is expected to become the second order of justice.

"Our Lieyang is willing to cooperate with this alliance initiated by Melo Heaven in principle, but we have encountered a little difficulty now."

Di Leina raised her palm slightly and a projection was released. In the picture were battleships of Lieyang Civilization with an ancient style.

And their opponents are giant creatures that emerge from a terrifying purple crack. They wear carapaces that glow with strange purple light, and they can breathe out a surge of purple energy.

However, the shields of the Lieyang warships affected will soon be broken, and the warships will be quickly disintegrated into countless particles, leaving nothing behind. …

Di Leina said with a solemn expression: "These are monsters coming out of the core star field of the Styx galaxy, and we, Lieyang, are fighting them with all our strength.

But recently these monsters are becoming stronger and stronger, and we have gradually been unable to seal off that star field. "

Di Leina's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the gods of civilization.

Don't give people a way to live like this, okay? Just sent away the Tiangong Group that disrupted the known universe, and ushered in the full-scale invasion of the Mottled Blue Empire.

Now another unknown existence pops up from the corner of Styx, even Lie Yang can't bear it, is it possible that the known universe is about to be destroyed!

"Void creatures... what did you add to Karl's research to create such a huge void."

Binghua's voice sounded at this time, his gaze was fixed on Di Leina, Di Leina looked away involuntarily, and said with some embarrassment.

"It turns out that Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King also knows about this thing. We didn't do anything. It was a complete accident that things turned out like this."

Di Lena was embarrassed to tell the truth. In order to catch up with Angel's technological advantages, Lieyang took over Karl's research on the void.

On the drive of fusion stars, Lieyang has reached a bottleneck, and it is difficult to make further progress in a short time.

Moreover, the technology with fusion energy as the core usually has a huge range of damage, but the damage to a single body is extremely limited, and it is difficult to cause damage to three or more generations of gods.

Therefore, the void energy, which is more malleable and erosive than the dark energy, entered Lieyang's field of vision. They first captured the void creatures wandering in the Styx, and then conducted research, hoping to find a way for them to manipulate the void energy.

In order to obtain more samples and data, Lieyang began to feed high-energy substances to the void creatures, intending to see the limit of their evolution.

It turned out to be out of play. Every transformation of the void creature is like a different species, and the destructive power will undergo a qualitative change. At the same time, it is full of energy and can connect to the void universe, creating a space gate across the universe to call for more void creatures. .

Lieyang's reaction quickly evacuated the researchers, and began to station the Lieyang Army to suppress it, but who knew that the void creatures began to devour each other under tremendous pressure, transforming into stronger individuals.

The final result was obvious, the suppressed Lieyang Army withdrew with heavy losses, and the void creatures devoured the energy core of the research base and escaped.

Then this void creature somehow evolved the ability to travel through space, passed through the defense system of the Sky Heavenly Court anchored in the Styx galaxy, and devoured the core star reactor of the Sky Heavenly Court.

This time Lieyang civilization was completely blown up, and Di Leina personally led the two guardians to chase and kill this void creature that caused Lieyang to suffer great humiliation.

In the end, Di Lena directly detonated a star to destroy it, but the consequences were also very serious, because the energy of the exploded star lingered for a long time, making the void energy extremely active.

The remains of the void creature that was blown into pieces continued to convert the surrounding energy into void energy. When Lie Yang found out that something was wrong, the void universe connected to the main biological universe based on the exploded star.

At this point, a super-giant void rift that cannot be closed naturally appeared, and the dense energy around it constantly attracted the void creatures on the other side to shuttle over.

Lieyang civilization also knew that it had caused a catastrophe, and began to block it regardless of the cost, but Lieyang's fusion technology showed a disadvantage in the process of fighting against void creatures.

Because Lie Yang can kill void creatures with the powerful weapon heat rays, but if Lie Yang's warships are destroyed by void creatures, it will make them stronger.

Because the fusion core and stellar furnace inside the battleship contain huge energy, and energy is the food of void creatures.

This is like a vicious cycle, and Lie Yang is looking for a way to break this cycle. At this time, the Heavenly Court of Melo held a theocracy meeting.

Di Leina planned to follow Pan Zhen's instructions to bring up the issue of void creatures at the theocracy meeting, but the angel also threw a bomb and caught them off guard.

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